Genesis 24

  • Genesis 24: Here Comes the Bride

This story of a bride for Isaac is rich in type and symbolism. It has three dimensions which we will explore. It is the longest chapter in Genesis- containing 67 verses. Part of the length is due to the repetition of the story by the servant to Rebekah and her family.

The three dimensions are as follows:

  • A historic account of Abraham sending his servant to find a bride for Isaac among his own people.
  • A picture of the God the Father sending the Holy Spirit into the world to acquire a bride, the Church, for God the Son. ( Abraham, the servant and Isaac = God the Father, Holy Spirit and God the Son.)
  • The third dimension is actually two-fold as we can view ourselves as the bride( the individual members of the Church) but also as the servants of God allowing the Holy Spirit to work thru us to tell others about the Son who awaits them.

At the close of chapter 22, Abraham received news from home regarding his kin and their offspring. In Genesis 22:23 we read-“ Bethuel became the father of Rebekah.” Jesus would later tell us – Your Father knows what you have need of even before you ask Him. For surely He has provided us all things we need.

The Story of Abraham, Isaac, the servant and Rebekah.

**What is interesting is who the central character of this story is: for it is not Abraham, Isaac or even Rebekah- it is the unnamed servant.

Genesis 24:1-21.

The instructions of Abraham to the unnamed but chief servant:

Abraham insists he take an oath to NOT take a wife for his son from among the Canaanite women. (Note who the oath is taken to: Lord of Heaven and Earth)

Go to Mesopotamia- Abraham’s homeland and get a wife from among Abraham’s relatives.

The servant asked questions to clarify his mission:

*What if the woman is unwilling to come back with me to this land?

*Shall I take you son back to the country you came from?

Abraham’s reply:

*Make sure you do NOT take my son back there. Abraham explains why- this land was given to my offspring by the Lord of Heaven.

* This same Lord of Heaven will send an angel before you so you can get a wife.

*If the woman is unwilling to come back- you will be released from your oath- but Abraham repeats for emphasis- do not take my son back there.

We can see from Abraham’s remarks concerning an angel sent before his servant there is a confident expectation of the outcome.

Following expectation is : Preparation for the journey:

*Loads ten camels with all kinds of good things from his master.

*Accompanied by an entourage of men – necessary for this small caravan and also for protection. The journey will require several days of travel.

Following his master’s directions- the servant arrives at the location of Nahor to a well outside the town. Arriving in the evening at a time the women of the town come out to draw water.

The servant is looking for some type of confirmation. First the servant goes forth with expectation- second preparation then third- a confirmation. Confirmation is for the purpose to verify and provide confidence that he has made the right choice.

The servant makes this his prayer request- ‘may it be when I say to the girl give me a drink, she will also volunteer to draw water for my camels.’ The servant wants to do the will of his master.  We are told ‘ this is the confidence we have in Him that if we ask anything according to His will – He hears us and grants our request.’

God has promised Abraham that through his offspring, Isaac, he would bless the nations and his descendants would be more numerous than the stars.

The servant’s prayer is an example of specific, believing prayer that has as its object to do the will of the master. Such prayer will be answered.

No sooner had the servant finished his prayer that Rebekah shows up at the well with a jar on her shoulder to draw water. She is described as very beautiful and a virgin.

The servant ask her for a drink. Rebekah gives him a drink then volunteers to draw water for his ten camels…no small task. Revealing Rebekah to be not only a beautiful virgin, but also a hard working, courteous young woman.

After the camels were through drinking, the servant gives Rebekah a gold nose ring and two costly gold bracelets. He then asked two questions: whose daughter are you? Please  tell me  is there room in your father’s house to spend the night?   Rebekah answers she is Bethuels daughter ( Isaac’s second cousin) and there is plenty of room  in their home plus hay for his camels.

The servant immediately bows down and thanks the Lord God of his master Abraham who has led me on this journey to my master’s relatives. At the mention of Abraham’s name, Rebekah  runs to tell her mother’s household about these things. They knew of their relative Abraham and probably of his wealth and success.

Another character is introduced that we will get to know better in the story of Jacob- he is Laban, brother of Rebekah.   But in our first meeting we see what is of great interest to Laban. “ As soon as he had seen the nose ring and the bracelets on his sister’s arms, and heard her tell what the man had said he hurried out to meet him.”  The riches attracted Laban.

The story continues as the servant is taken into the home, camels unloaded and provisions made and food set before the servant and his men. But the servant wants to tell them why he has come even before they eat.

Expectation led to preparation followed by confirmation which then  leads to  the all important  presentation.

In verses 34-49, the servant presents the story in full before Rebekah and her family concluding with praise to God for directing him to the granddaughter of Abraham’s brother as a potential bride for his son.  And now his one question is:  will you let me know your answer so I may know which way to go.

In verse 50- Laban and Bethuel answer ‘ this is from the Lord- here is Rebekah take her and go and let her become the wife of your master’s son as the Lord has directed.

Then Abraham’s servant brings out costly gifts for Rebekah and her family.

The next morning the servant and his entourage are ready to start back. Rebekah’s family do not want her to leave so soon and want them to stay another 10 days.

The servant insists they leave immediately.

The final decision is up to Rebekah.

Here comes the invitation – which is the conclusion to the preceding steps of : expectation, preparation, confirmation, and presentation.

The invitation : Will you go with this man?  The answer:  I will go.

Then the journey back to the bridegroom begins. The servant is there to guard, guide and answer what we imagine had to be a lot of questions about  Isaac by Rebekah.

Finally they arrive. Then it is the traditional – boy meets girl story. And it appears to be love at first sight. Isaac brings her into the tent of  his mother Sarah and they get married and we are told Isaac loved her and was comforted after his mother’s death.

A beautiful, historic account of the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah.

So now let us look at the other all-important dimensions of this story:

  • A picture of God the Father sending the Holy Spirit into the world to acquire a bride, the Church, for God the Son.


Abraham is a picture of God the Father, Isaac a picture and type of Christ , the unnamed servant- a type of the Holy Spirit and of course, Rebekah- a picture of the Church made up of individual believers who have said I will go with this man.

It is interesting to note we have not heard from or seen in the story of Genesis, the son, Isaac since Mount Moriah. In other words, we have not seen Isaac since the place of sacrifice. Just as we have not seen the Lord Jesus since Calvary. He is heaven, eagerly awaiting His bride to come to Him.

Also we note the initiative to acquire a bride for the son begins with the father, Abraham. It is God the Father who sends the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to begin the task of acquiring a bride.

The servant is unnamed. Frequently in the Bible an unnamed man is used as a type of the Holy Spirit, whose delight is to draw attention to the Son rather than to Himself.  In God’s purposes the execution of the divine will in the world is entrusted to the Spirit. It was He who came at Pentecost to begin the work of seeking out for Christ- His blood-bought bride, the church.

In this story in Genesis 24, the servant always acted in accordance with the will of Abraham and with Isaac’s best interest in mind.

The Holy Spirit’s role is to make much of the Son and to tell of the Father and His wondrous ways- just as the servant told of his master, Abraham’s greatness and his son who was heir to it all. We also note the courtesy of the servant and that he does not violate the will of  Rebekah just as the Holy Spirit never forces or violates the human will.

In those days it was the custom for the bridegroom to pay a price for the bride. The ten camels the servant brought represented part of the bride price. In the case of the Lord Jesus and the church- he paid the ultimate price  and gave Himself for us with His shed blood described as more precious than silver or gold.

Once the decision is made to go with this man- there must be no delay. Jesus told the parables of the excuses made by those invited to the wedding feast- one had bought oxen and had to go try them out, another said he had just bought a field and another said he just got married. The flesh will always try to impede one from following the Lord- that is why obedience must be immediate.

Now as the journey back to Isaac, the anxiously awaiting bridegroom, begins, we are reminded of who the Holy Spirit is.  Like the servant, the Holy Spirit is the One who comes along side ( paraclete) who teaches us, guides us, and guards us. He also tells us everything about our bridegroom who awaits us. Can you imagine all the questions Rebekah had as they traveled back to the home of Isaac?  How old is he? What does he look like? Is he handsome? What colors are his eyes? What does he like to do? Does he work with his Father? Question after question- which the servant was only to glad to tell her about His Master’s son.

Then finally they were there- and she saw him for the first time – and she put on a veil. Probably a gift given to her by  her husband to be.  Similarly we are clothed in His righteousness.  I believe it was not only  love at first sight for Isaac and Rebekah- I believe Rebekah  was falling love with Isaac before she laid eyes on him because of what all the servant had told her about Isaac on the journey to his home. At last they meet and oh what a moment!  Can you imagine what it will be like when we meet Him in the air?!

And finally, let’s look at the other spiritual dimension of this story which is two-fold. For clearly we are the bride of Christ, as believers we were wooed and told about the Son of the Master by the Holy Spirit.. God the Father initiated it and  He did so with expectations, for He is not willing that any should perish but all come to repentance.

The Holy Spirit came to do the will of the Father to invite us to become the bride of the Master’s Son who is heir to all things. Notice He invites- He does not force or violate our free will. Will you go with this man, He asks? He came bearing gifts and to all those who accepted –who believed and received He gave the right to become the children of God and as such joint heirs with Jesus His Son. ( In essence we not only married into the family, God went the extra step to legally make us His children by adoption- thus becoming legal heirs.)


Thus after acceptance and professing we will go with this man- we are officially engaged or betrothed. We then begin the journey through the wilderness to the place where our bride groom awaits having prepared a place for us.

The journey back is difficult at times and that is the reason the Holy Spirit is called the paraclete – which means to come along side to make sure our safe arrival. Listen to the words of our anxiously Awaiting Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus: “ And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever, the Spirit of  Truth. He will teach you all things. He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what He hears and He will tell you what is yet to come.” ( John 14 & 16)

But there is even yet more to be gleaned from this story. For we are not only to see ourselves as the bride of Christ- but as the servant of the Father.

God has given us the responsibility and privilege of being His servants to call His Bride out of the world.  In other words personal evangelism.

Remember- the Lord Jesus left the earth to go back home to heaven after a 3 ½ year ministry leaving the 11 men He had called, taught and trained to carry on the work. Of course He did not leave them powerless He gave them the Holy Spirit to indwell and empower each one to do the work of the ministry. His last words- ‘but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth”

You see this remarkable story illustrates these truths. Abraham told the servant you cannot take my son back there. The Lord Jesus is in His Glory in heaven- He is not coming back physically and visibly to win the church. When He comes again He will come first to meet us ( His Bride in the air- the rapture) a picture of Isaac awaiting outside his home in the field.  When He comes to earth again it will be at the end of the tribulation to set up His earthly kingdom. But God will not send His Son back again physically to earth – instead it is His plan to send the Spirit to reside in our hearts and give us the desire to seek and save the lost and tell them of the wondrous ways of the Master.

In this story we see and observe how we are to do it:

First we must go forward with confident expectations. Abraham sent forth his servant but because of  his faith in God’s promises, he sent forth his servant expecting him to succeed. He told the servant the Lord will send an angel before you.  In other words, the servant was not alone in his efforts- God Almighty was going to help. Our expectation should be if God is for us- who or what can be against us? (Phil>1:6) (Phil.2;13)  ( I Thess. 5:24)

Second the servant prepared. He made sure he was equipped. We are to study to show ourselves approved rightly dividing the word of God. All Scripture is God-given and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness that the man of God maybe thoroughly equipped for every good work. Be Prepared- to make your presentation.

Confirmation. We noted the servant prayed a specific prayer for confirmation- a validation giving us confidence we are making the right choice.  Two passages come to mind- first of all the attitude of the servant is all about doing the will of his master. “This is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears our requests and grants our petition.” ( I John 5:14,15)  Also – “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding and He will direct your path.” ( Proverbs 3) If you pray for the Lord to bring into your path those to whom He would have you witness- you can be confident He will do so- be sure you are prepared and ready to obey.

Presentation- now having gone forth with a spirit of expectation based on the Father’s will; prepared and equipped to make our presentation; receiving confirmation that our steps are directed by the Lord; we make our case. Just as the servant did before Rebekah.

Then comes the invitation- Will you go with this man?

Can you now see the servant with the task accomplished reporting back to Abraham?  What do you think Abraham might have said and done?

Well done thy good and faithful servant. I will put you in charge of many things. Come in and share your master’s happiness.

What a remarkable story- only God’s word can provide such rich context that we can not only enjoy and learn from the actual historic account- but is written in such a way we can see ourselves as the bride and the servant also.

No wonder the Apostle Paul when he took up his pen to write those wonderful letters said this of the Old Testament:  “ For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.: ( Romans 15: 4)

Genesis 23


Genesis 23-. The Death of Sarah 

Genesis 23:1-4- Sarah lived to be a hundred and twenty-seven years old. She died at Hebron in the land of Canaan, and Abraham went to mourn for Sarah and to weep over her. Then Abraham rose from beside his dead wife and spoke to the Hittites. He said ‘ I am a alien and stranger among you. Sell me some property for a burial site here so I can bury my dead.”  

Notice where they are living – in Hebron- the place of fellowship. It has been 37 years since Isaac was born and probably 34 years since the departure of Ishmael and Hagar. We can believe these have been good years.  

I suspect Sarah’s death was sudden and perhaps unexpected because the reading of these verses indicates Abraham was away from her when she died and went to mourn and weep for his beloved bride.  There is nothing wrong with grieving over the loss of a loved one. We are told not to grieve like those  who have no hope in 1 Thess. 4. In fact, Paul refers to the death of believers as falling asleep.  However,  it is a time of sorrow for those of us left behind.  

In verse 3, we see Abraham rose from beside his dead wife. Sarah was probably lying in the tent they shared. Abraham lay beside her and held her one last time. 

What Abraham said when he rose up reveals Abraham has reminded himself of who he is: a foreigner to this world- just traveling through looking for a city whose architect and builder is God. A place where his bride has now departed for. Abraham’s longing for this place will be greater than ever before- for now not only is this where the Lord is but also where his beloved bride is.  

When Ruth Graham was near death, her family gathered about her to be with her in her last days. They played her favorite hymns and prayed for her and with her as her life on earth was ending. On the last day in the last moments they gathered with her pastor and read Psalms 23.  

“Then with my father holding her hand, she slipped quietly into heaven. With tears filling our eyes, we stood around her and sang the doxology. It was a sweet family time. The familiar words and the act of worship brought comfort. The presence of death does not mean the absence of God.” ( Fear Not Tomorrow by Ruth Graham). This is the daughter Ruth not the mother. There is peace in the valley of the shadow of death. 

We must be cautious in concluding something is not good solely because it does not feel good. 

It is interesting that the Graham family read Psalms 23 as Ruth was nearing death. It seems this Psalms written by David is most often read or shared with those near death; whereas, John 14 is used frequently at funerals for the family of the deceased.  

Even though Psalms 23 was not written yet, it would be a message that Abraham who was a herdsman and a shepherd would have clearly understood.  

So before we move into what is the longest chapter in Genesis – the 24th chapter that brings us the details of the story of Abraham sending his servant to find a bride for his son- let’s take a look at Psalms 23.  

Psalms 23 was written by David during a time when he was fleeing from King Saul. He had been wandering from place to place. He was an exile from his own people and constantly living among strangers, even enemies. His life was continually being threatened. Psalms 23 is an outpouring of David’s confidence in the Lord and the trust in His care for every moment in his life even to the point of death.  

The first line of this Psalm reminds us as it reminded David of a  most powerful truth. When the Lord is our shepherd- we shall not want. 

Let’s look at that Psalms together.  


“ The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He leadeth me  beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”  

Abraham could have easily identified with these truths, couldn’t he? I believe this is the saddest day of Abraham’s life- nowhere before are we told Abraham wept and mourned until now. The Lord had certainly blessed Abraham and led him and supplied his needs. And now as Abraham had to walk through this difficult time – through the valley of the shadow of death- the Lord would comfort him. The Lord had also prepared a table before his enemies who respected- if not feared- Abraham.  

Like David and Abraham we are His sheep aren’t we? He is our Great Shepherd. We know and recognize His voice. “ Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His, we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.” ( Psalms 100:3)  

Did you know sheep are very nearsighted? They also have very poor depth perception. Yet their peripheral vision is so great a sheep can actually see behind its self without turning their heads.  If not watched carefully, a sheep will wander carelessly right off the edge of a cliff. Have you ever found yourself in a mess because you were careless? Sheep are also dumb, as in not being very intelligent and they are  one of the most defenseless animals in all of creation.  

Sheep are not raised for meat- they are raised for their wool. Their wool belongs to the shepherd. Guess when wool grows the thickest and fastest?  When the sheep is resting, well-fed, calm and free from pests. Sheep are cud-chewing animals. They graze in the morning and later are made to lie down to ruminate or digest the intake of grass. A sheep has four compartments in their stomachs the largest compartment is capable of holding 5-10 gallons.  

A sheep will drink only clean water- no scum or algae. They flock together- become stressed with separated and have a strong lead-follow tendency. Sheep are capable of recognizing voices and individual humans and have long memories.  

Notice there is a personal relationship- the Lord is MY shepherd. Because of this relationship- the Bible tells us we shall not want. My God shall supply all my needs in Christ Jesus, the Apostle Paul tells us.  Have you ever noticed how the Lord our Good Shepherd provides? The cup isn’t half full is it?  It runs over. The calf is always fattened, the robe is the very best; the joy is unspeakable, the gifts- indescribable- His grace all sufficient, abounding in every good work and His compassion is new and fresh ever morning. You see the Good Shepherd came that we would not only have life- but have it more abundantly.  When He bids us to come to the dinner table – to the feast- it is not a hodgepodge ‘bring-a-dish’ – No everything is finished, everything is provided.  

The Shepherd makes me to lie down in green pastures  and leads me besides still waters. Did you know sheep are afraid of running water? Their fear is instinctive because of their wool; if they get caught in deep moving water, their wool will soon become so water soaked they will sink and surely drown. Notice the shepherd makes us to lie down in green pastures, he leads us besides still waters. The shepherd’s role is to guide, guard and give. He leads, we follow. We are easily distracted -our attention span seems to cause us to wander. Lord will get us to lie down one way or the other. If the green grass and the water are the sheep’s nourishment- then remember lying down, ruminating and resting are when the growth comes. This is a picture of our feeding upon the word. There is the intake of the word but then comes the act of meditation on the word whereby the word is engrafted into our soul. Meditating on the word is like ruminating or cud-chewing. We take in the word – I believe it is best early in the morning. Then we can ‘chew on it’ during the day.   That is when the growth occurs.  

To engraft the word in our souls is a process: We must: hear the word , read the word, study the word, memorize the word, then meditate upon it. When we do- the word is engrafted into our soul. Our souls are restored.(restore-‘put back into use’) The Lord even gave us our own personal guide to the green pastures of His Word- the Holy Spirit.  

Now with His word engrafted in my soul- the Lord can use our restored souls to guide us in the paths of righteousness- His word a light upon my path, a lamp unto my feet.  

Now watch what a change has come into the life of the ever-fearful sheep. “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil- thy rod and thy staff comfort me.”  

With His word restoring my soul, and His rod which represents His authority and His staff which represents His support- I am no longer fearful even in the valley of the shadow of death. The key word here is ‘shadow’. Do you know how a shadow is formed? By light. Without light there is no shadow- there is only darkness.  The Lord Jesus is the light of the world – in Him was life and life was the light of the world. So even here in the darkest of times- there is light in the life of the believer and because there is light – death is only a shadow we pass through. Now if you turn your back to the light in bitterness or unbelief- you have created your own shadow and you will not pass through it because you continue to turn away from the light rather than toward it.  

But if you walk in the light as He is in the light you will experience the sweet fellowship of  His love which casts out fear gives you a courageous heart. You will fear no evil- you will pass through the shadow.  

“ You prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over.” Did you notice how God had caused the natural enemies of Abraham to respect him? For the sheep one  of the most worrisome distractions are a pests known as ‘ nose flies’.  To give the sheep protection from these worrisome pests- the shepherd would anoint their heads with an oil that protected them from these pests.  

“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Do you see how we gain the experience of hindsight that our past gives us hope for our future? “yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope; because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3) 

These are covenant promises which I trust the Lord to keep.  

Often in the Bible- we are exhorted by our Lord to “ fear not- I am with you.”.  Do you see what God’s antidote for our fear is- His Presence- Himself.  He has promised us He will never leave us or desert us.  

Do you remember the parable in Luke 15? It is most commonly called the parable of the Prodigal Son. It is a story  I closely identify with.  I know exactly how the prodigal son felt when he found himself in the pig sty. That parable had three parts- the first being the lost sheep;then the lost coin and finally the lost son.  

Do you remember what it was like to be lost?  Since I got saved as a adult- (almost 32 years old) I have a vivid memory of what it was like to be lost- to be without God and thus to be without hope. Hopelessness is the most devastating place to be. All is dark- there is no light.- no hope- no future- no end it seems to the situation you are in .  

All is lost. Your dreams have long since turned into nightmares.  

You wander aimlessly. Fear is your constant companion… you are scared, there is no peace. Like  the sheep separated from his the prodigal son away from the authority of his father. 

But God the Father who is known as the Great Shepherd, sent His Son who is the Good Shepherd after the lost sheep.  

He came to find me. He came to seek and save the lost.

He did not give up on me.

He rescued me as I was about to go over the edge of the cliff.  

And now today I have a conscious awareness of the Good Shepherd all the time. He is my Ever Present Help.

It was that awareness that kept Abraham going even in such a time as this- for Abraham was not without hope.  

Remember the sheep is by nature –nearsighted. The shepherd sees things that sheep never dream of. We see only the grass before us.  Abraham saw things that were not, as though they were. But it was not Abraham’s vision, his physical sight, that gave him eternal vision- it was his faith 

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. ( Hebrews 11:1) 

Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 22


Genesis 22: Mount Moriah- An Unusual Christmas Story. 

The word ‘moriah’ means  “ forseen of Jehovah” We are told in Revelation before the foundation of the earth, the Lamb was slain. This means man’s sin was foreseen by God. Therefore God built into the plan of creation- the plan of salvation. Consider the watchmaker who realizes a watch will stop telling time and therefore builds into the watch the mechanism where it can be reset. This allows the watch to be restored to perform the purpose for which it was designed rather than be discarded as useless. In much the same way, God who has all knowledge, including foreknowledge foresaw the fall of man. For this reason the Lamb was slain before the foundation. In other words,  The Fall was foreseen and provided for in councils of Triune God in eternity past. God Provided a way. He made a way – where there was no way. In fact- the Lord Jesus would become ‘ the Way.’ 

  Mount Moriah is the very place where in later years King David bought the threshing floor of Ornan as a place for the site of the temple.( I Chronicles 21:18)  And it was on that very place where Abraham offered Isaac, the temple of Solomon was built, ( 2 Chronicles 3:1).  

Today the Moslem mosque, the Dome of the Rock is built over the great rock that formed the altar upon which Abraham offered Isaac. It is from this rock that Muslims believe Ishmael was offered and from this rock they believe Mohammed and his horse ascended into heaven.   So this is a place this is very historic to three religions.  

This account of Abraham offering Isaac is a remarkable foreshadowing in the OT of the work of Christ in the NT- with Gethsemane, Calvary and the Resurrection  all clearly in view.  

But also this account gives us not only an account of Abraham’s greatest test- it gives us an insight and picture of the deep love that God the Father has for His Son.  In this story of  Abraham and Isaac we sense the great love and joy that Abraham has for his only son, Isaac.  We can empathize and comprehend this love Abraham had for his son and in doing so- we get a glimpse of the great love that God the Father had for His Son. We shudder when we think of how great this sacrifice was for not just the Lord Jesus- but for our Heavenly Father. Jesus told us- if you earthly fathers being evil give good gifts to your children- how much more will your Heavenly Father give good gifts to them who ask Him.  The Lord Jesus was providing a hint to the greatest gift ever given- the most expensive gift ever given- His precious blood and if that was not enough He also gave us the Holy Spirit.  

As we have studied the book of Genesis  I have referred to what theologians refer to as ‘ the principle of first mention.’  This principle points out when a word is used for the first time in the Bible, the context in which it occurs sets the pattern for its primary usage and development through the rest of Scripture. 

Did you know in this verse, Genesis 22:2- the word  ‘love’ appears for the first time?  Isn’t it interesting the first time it is used is not in connection with a man’s love for his wife or a mother for her children or brotherly love, or love of country or even love for God. Instead it is used of the love of a father for his son.  

That Isaac is a type of Christ is confirmed by  Galatians 3:16. The experience of Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah is a type of offering of Christ at Calvary is confirmed by Hebrews 11:17-19. So in this account of Abraham and Isaac we see and can more fully comprehend and appreciate the sacrifice that God the Father endured in heaven when His Son climbed that other mount and was laid upon the wooden cross. For God the Father did not spare His own Son- but delivered Him up for us all.   

You see- this love of God the Father for God the Son existed in eternity past- long before the world was created. Therefore we can conclude this love is the foundation for all other types of love. And what a love it is— sacrificial, unconditional- withholding nothing- a love that risks all and is for all who would receive it.  

God proclaims this deep love for His Son in the NT . Let’s look at the first occurrence of the word- ‘love’ in the NT.

Matthew 3:17- (at His baptism) “ And a voice from heaven said, “ this is my Son , whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.”  

Mark 1:11  and Luke 3:22 record similar statements; at Jesus’ baptism.

Then in John 3:16: we see the first mention of the word love in that Gospel. But here God’s son tells us God the Father loves US so much He was willing to sacrifice His only beloved Son that we might be saved.  

I John 4:9-11 :  “This is how God showed His love among  us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live  through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 

So with this information as a backdrop- let’s look at this account – this test of Abraham’s faith with all of this perspective. In doing so- we will find a most unusual Christmas story. 

Genesis 22:1-2:  Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, ‘Abraham – and he said ‘ here am I.’. Then God said take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love ( First mention of the word “love” in Bible) and go to the region of Moriah; and offer(KJV) him there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.”  

I purposely used the word ‘offer’ from the KJV because of the meaning of the word offer. Offer means ‘ to present for acceptance.’.  God did not actually ask Abraham to kill his son- nothing is said about slaying Isaac, although this is the natural conclusion that Abraham jumps to as most of us reading this also concur.   Offer= present for acceptance. Same word used when Paul writes in Romans 12—‘present your bodies a living sacrifice.’ That Abraham would be willing to ‘offer’ his son was the test- God, of course would not accept the sacrifice- He wanted to test the heart and love of Abraham. Remember the first and greatest commandment is ‘ to love the Lord thy God with ALL your heart, mind, soul and body’.   

Notice the scene is set chronologically  by telling us this is ‘ some time later’. From this we infer Isaac is a young man, capable of carrying a load of wood. Probably in his early 20’s.   The KJV uses the word ‘ tempts’- the NIV interprets the Hebrew word used here  ‘nacha’ as ‘tests’. This interpretation better describes the meaning which is defined in Hebrew and Chaldee  dictionary as ‘ assay, prove or try.’   God does not tempt – He test the heart – He tries it.

Satan tempts with the purpose of seeing us  fail. God tests us in order to confirm our faith. 

We do not want to lose sight of the fact that Abraham’s story is a story of faith. In fact Abraham’s story is recorded in such a way that he becomes our sample man of faith. What we have observed so far is a man on a 50 year journey of faith.  

God has tested his faith and in doing so- Abraham has learned to recognize God’s voice.

He has learned that sometimes he is asked to go out to a place that he does not know where he is going – but trusts the God who is directing him to that place.

In learning to follow God and walk the walk of faith- Abraham  learns following God means sometimes leaving behind things our old nature loved.  

Think about what Abraham has left :

Mesopotamia and his comfort zone.

Tehran, his father in Haran.

First choice of land- yielded first choice to Lot.

The rewards of the king of Sodom- which were great.

Ishmael, his first son. The representative of the old nature- the flesh. 

But in each incident, as Abraham looked back over his life of faith, he realized how God had been faithful

I believe in these tests and with his sending away of Ishmael and Hagar we realize a very important spiritual truth and principle*.

*God will not take away your Ishmael until you have received your Isaac*.  

We are not told what Abraham thought- but we can certainly imagine the night before he left and the 3 days journey- there was nothing else on his mind but what lay ahead. The sense of dread and fear and reluctance must have been on his mind and heart constantly.  

But verse 3 tells us ‘ early the next morning he took off with Isaac and two servants. He had a load of wood, and other needs for making a sacrifice.  We read they ‘ set out for the place God has told them about..’  A place that surely was dreaded- not unlike our Lord Jesus and His Father dreaded another place called Calvary. 

In verse 4- we read on the third day they  ‘saw the place’  In Luke 22: 33, we are told, “ And when they had come to the PLACE which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him.”   One place surely foreshadowed the other place. For three days- Abraham must have thought of nothing but the death of his only beloved son. But something happened in that three day journey.  

What Abraham does next reveals something happened to Abraham’s faith in those three days. A faith that had been 50 years in developing.

Verse 5:  “ He(Abraham) said to his servants, “ Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship the Lord and then WE will come back.”  You see the statement of faith- WE will come back.  Do you find it strange that Abraham referred to what he was about to do as ‘ worship’?  The literal and original meaning of the word- worship has lost its true meaning. We think of worship as a worship service- preaching, singing hymns, fellowship…but the original  Hebrew word – a verb- ‘Shachah- means to bow down- to prostrate ones self as an act of respect before a superior being. It was a way to show submission. To worship  God, as Abraham spoke of here was to bow down to His will. Recognizing He is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. And because we believe that we submit to His revealed will, even if we do not understand it.  

What happened to Abraham in those three days of travel?  Hebrews 11: 17-19 tells us the rest of the story:  

“ By faith Abraham when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned. Abraham reasoned ( reckoned- accounted) that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death.” (Romans 6- Paul tells of powerful truths we should know and ‘reckon’ to be true.) 

Do you understand what Abraham did – he reckoned, reasoned and calculated that God had said it was through Isaac all the nations of the earth will be blessed. Isaac is necessary to the fulfillment. Furthermore, Isaac was not married yet and had no offspring. So if Abraham had to go through with this dreadful act- there could only be one explanation- God would raise Isaac from the dead, even from the ashes. That is why Abraham said without hesitation to the two servants- WE will return. Abraham had come to believe that God was who He said He was and could do what He said He would do. 

Abraham said to the two servants – I and the boy go over there and worship. The place they had come to- was a place where only the Father and the Son could go—they went up together.  Twice it is mentioned- the father and the son went up together. 

For the Lord Jesus there came a point where He went forward alone( a stone’s throw) in the Garden to be with His Father. He was going to a place only He and His Father could go- as they prepared to go up to Calvary together- a place the disciples could not go.  

Now let us carefully consider these next verses:  

Verse 6-8  

“Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac( a picture of the cross laid upon our Lord’s shoulders) and he himself  carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went up together, Isaac spoke up and said to Abraham, – Father.  Yes my son, Abraham replied. The fire and wood are here, said Isaac, but where is the lamb?”  

“Abraham answered, God Himself will provide the lamb FOR the burnt offering my son. And the two of them went on together.” 

Do you see the foreshadowing of Gethsemane here?  We see the Lord Jesus in the garden, sweating great drops of blood, and  asking His Father- Abba- Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will but what you will. The Lord Jesus was in anguish we are told.  But now consider what  must have been the heart of God the Father as we consider what this agonizing question from Isaac – (where is the lamb, Father?)must  have done to Abraham’s heart.   

We can visualize the scene- an old man with a son in his 20’s climbing a mountain with a container of fire- a knife and a load of wood laid upon the young man’s back. The young  man’s question – where is the lamb?- would not be answered for centuries. Then a  prophet came out of the desert named John the Baptist. His mission was to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord – the Messiah.  In John 1:29, John the Baptist proclaimed as he saw Jesus the day after baptizing Him- “ Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” The Lamb of God had arrived! 

In verse 9, we see Abraham and Isaac, father and son, reach the place. Abraham built the altar and lay the wood upon it. He bound his son Isaac  and laid him upon the altar. We realize at this time, that Isaac knows what is happening and has submitted to the will of his father. He could have easily overcome his father physically- but he submitted like a lamb led to the slaughter. Again we see the cross of Mount Calvary  in plain view. God the Father did not force His Son to die on the cross. Listen to what Jesus said in John 10_ 17-18:  “ the reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life – only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.”  

It was the Father’s will- but the Son willingly obeyed. Praise God our Father who with His Son went together to that place, Calvary, and because they did, because God spared not His Only Son- lost sinners can be forgiven and receive eternal life. He gave us the greatest gift ever- He gave us His Son to take our place on the cross. 

Abraham did not have to take the life of his son, Isaac. God never intended for him to do so- God wanted Abraham’s heart.  

So in a dramatic ending- the knife is stopped and a ram whose horns are caught in the thorns is provided by God as a sacrifice instead of Isaac.  

Here is your Christmas message : You see you cannot truly celebrate Christmas- without celebrating Calvary.  

Look not just to the ‘Babe in Bethlehem” – but look at the Son of God on the cross and see the crown of thorns. For this reason the Lord came to earth- for this purpose was the Babe in Bethlehem born.  It is the Lamb, God has provided- his horns caught in the thorns. That crown of thorns that encircled our Lord’s brow is our Christmas wreath. The cross on which He was laid is our Christmas  Tree. 

God provided a sacrifice in the place of Isaac that day and Abraham named the location- Jehovah-jireh meaning God will Provide.  

You see Christmas is for giving- for God gave us His Only Begotten Son. The Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world. For Christmas reminds us why Christ came into the world: “ Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burn offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. Then said I: here I am it is written about me in the scroll – I have come to do your will, O God. ( Hebrews 10:5-7)  

You cannot celebrate Christmas without celebrating Calvary. Christmas is for giving and Christmas is about forgiving. For God so loved the world He gave His Only Begotten son that whosoever should believe in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.. 

On the day He was born in Bethlehem, Our Lord Jesus and His Father began a journey to that place- Mount Calvary. It was a journey planned long ago in eternity past. You cannot celebrate Christmas without celebrating Calvary – because the purpose of Christmas was to go to Calvary. 

So open your gifts from your Heavenly Father:  

If you knew the gift of God…

Wait for the gift my Father has promised..

And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

But the gift of God is eternal life..

Each man has his own gift from God..

This (salvation) is the gift of God – not of works.. 


Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 20


Genesis 20:  The Old Nature 

The incident recorded in this chapter regarding Abraham’s action is somewhat of a shock. Here is Abraham doing the same thing he did 30 years ago. We would have thought Abraham had reached a point of spiritual maturity that he would not commit such a sin as he had done before. In other words we thought he had learned his lesson. 

But the truth of the matter is when it comes to our ‘old natures’- old natures never die. Have you not noticed in your own life there is a familiar pattern to temptation and sin? I have no doubt that Abraham loves the Lord and wants more than anything to do what is right.   Just like the Apostle Paul who loved the Lord and yet confessed- ‘ I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do- I do not do; but what I hate – I do.’(Romans 7) The Apostle Paul goes on to explain something we need to remember- I know nothing good lives in me, that is in my sinful nature- his old nature. Paul describes how he feels when he gives into his old nature’s demands – wretched.  

It is a constant battle in the Christian life- this internal battle between our new nature and the old nature. Let’s notice and learn from this relapse in Abraham’s life how to better guard against such occurrences.  

Notice first when this ‘relapse’ occurs. Abraham, after 30 years of walking with the Lord, finds himself in a place of favor with God. He is a friend of God. That have enjoyed great fellowship- his prayer life has become effective and fervent, God is now at the point of fulfilling His promise to Abraham and Sarah to have the promised son of their own. God has chosen to share His secrets with Abraham.  You might be thinking- if I were experiencing this kind of closeness with God- there is no way I would commit such a sin, especially since I had done this before and reaped the disappointment and sorrow that came as a result of such behavior.   

That type of thinking is the first warning sign—for if you think you are standing firm- be careful that you do not fall. Pride goes before a fall. 

Genesis 20:1 – We see Abraham traveling toward Egypt- stopping in an area known as Gerar. This is sea coast country on the southwest side of Palestine above the Gulf of Suez. The people who lived there were later known as Philistines- the same people from which Goliath came. The king of this group of people is King Abimelech.  Why is Abraham on the move?  We are not told and can only speculate- but perhaps the destruction of the Sodom and Gomorrah had created some type of financial and economic crisis- those cities were definitely cities with consumer demands which Abraham had probably been providing some of.  

Vs. 2:  Regardless of the reason for his travels, we see Abraham resort to a pattern of lying as he did 30 years before- when he feared for his life. This was a deception that Abraham and Sarah had deployed in Egypt ( see Gen. 12) with disastrous results and now he has resorted to using this lie once again. We often find ourselves drifting into the old patterns of sin- that had made deep ruts of habit in our old lives. Once we enter into the rut- we usually fall into the old behavior patterns. It seems we have vulnerable areas in our spiritual armor. This deception will put Sarah in harm’s way. 

Abraham has drifted into enemy territory. We must remember that good and evil travel on a parallel path. Whenever we want to do good-evil is always present. We can easily get off the way God intended for us to take, quite often by taking what seems to be a better direction- a short cut. By doing so we may drift into enemy territory. It can be any number of shortcuts that seem perfectly reasonable- for there is a way that seems right to man- but it ends in destruction. Caution – you are entering dangerous territory. 

  Abraham had placed himself in a position to be tempted. Listen to what James says: “When tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone; but each one  is tempted when by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed..Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full grown give birth to death.”  (James 1: 14-15)   Remember this:  God tests- Satan tempts.  

Our old nature or flesh has a heart that is always bent on doing what it wants to do- it is deceitful above all things. That is why we must guard our hearts with all diligence for out it come the issues of life. We must be diligent and on guard- for our adversary goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy. Watch and pray, said the Lord, lest you fall into temptation.  Your old nature will steer you wrong. Your mind is a steering wheel,and where you aim your thoughts is where you usually end up.  That is why we are instructed to not let our thinking be conformed by the world- but transformed by the Word of God.  

Remember the rules of war – whoever controls the high ground- controls the battle. Our high ground is our mind.  

If we are not careful, we find ourselves in the same situation Abraham found himself. Having reached a point in our spiritual journey- we think we are way past giving into such obvious temptation and sin. The lesson today- is simple- if it can happen to Abraham a friend of God, a man whose faith is spoken of in the Faith Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11, a man that God chose , befriended and shared His secrets with- it can happen to you and me. Then all of a sudden- we find ourselves doing what we thought we would never do again and shocked with our lapse and behavior we say to ourselves, ‘ what was I thinking?’  The problem is we were not thinking- we were not on guard. Thinking we were standing firm- we were headed for a fall. And quite often it can come after a spiritual high point.  

In fact, the last time we saw Abraham with the Lord they were together on a high point overlooking the valley of the Dead Sea and the cities, Sodom and Gomorrah on the plain.  

This is not all that is going on in this  passage. Things are not what they seem. We are in a spiritual battle and we must remember that. The enemy is at work here trying to prevent the birth of the promised seed to Sarah and Abraham. But God acted in the way He did, as we will see as the story unfolds, in order to protect Sarah.  

When Abraham lied and told the king Sarah was his sister, the king took Sarah into his harem.  

In verse 3- God appears to Abimelech in a dream- and tells him he is a dead man because the woman he has taken (Sarah) is a married woman.  

In verses 4-5 : Abimelech who has not gone near Sarah yet, protests to the Lord that he is innocent and would the Lord destroy an innocent nation?  Abimelech tells the Lord, Abraham told me she was his sister.  I have a clear conscience and clean hands.  

In verse 6– God says I know you have a clear conscience – for I have kept you from sinning against me.  NOTE: God restrains evil. He, through His Holy Spirit, restrains evil and is at work in the world restraining human evil. But there is a day coming when the One who restrains evil will be taken out of the way. ( II Thess. 2:7)   That is why, God explains, I have kept you from sinning against me and did not let you touch her. But, God says, if you do not return the man’s wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her- you may be sure that you and all of yours will die.  God does not make idle threats. We will never know this side of heaven how many times God has intervened on our behalf to restrain evil.  

Verses 8-10:  Abimelech calls in Abraham the next morning and asked him; What have you done to us? How have I wronged you that you would have brought such great guilt upon me and my kingdom? You have done things to me that should not be done. What were you thinking? ( what were your reasons?)  

Verses 11-13:  we get an insight into Abraham’s thinking:  I said to myself (not  to the Lord) there is no fear of  God in this place-they will kill me because of my wife…Here what we see is this man of faith has an area where he leans to his own understanding and does not trust the Lord with all his heart. It is an area of weakness- an area of vulnerability . We all have one of those areas, you know.  An area we cannot seem to trust the Lord in. For Abraham this has been a habit and an action that he has taken in certain situations. Notice :  first of all the half-truth that she is his half-sister. Abraham had convinced himself this deception was not really a complete lie- but what Abraham must realize is- he has not trusted the Lord to keep His promises in the area of protecting Sarah and him. . Verse 13 reveals this has long been the deception that Abraham and Sarah had used when in areas of danger.  

This chapter ends with King Abimlech looking the more noble and honest of the two.

Notice the sarcasm in verse 16  where he says to Sarah – I am giving your BROTHER a thousand shekels.  

Abraham, the prophet, prays for God to heal Abimlech and his household and so ends a chapter in the life of the man of faith- Abraham.  

The story of Abraham is a story of faith. Of a man like us- with fears and doubts who is learning to walk by faith and trust the Lord. Like us- sometimes he gets it right and sometimes he gets it wrong.  

Was God pleased with Abraham’s actions? No. Without faith it is impossible to please God.  

Let’s close today’s lesson by considering what we have learned about faith and what we know about faith.  

Faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 “ Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  

Faith is being sure of something and certain of something- but what is the ‘something’? What is the object of their faith?

When we read Hebrews 11- we see the faith of men and women spoken of in this chapter is in the ‘ promises of God.” Remember the story in Luke 8- storm on the sea and Jesus asleep in the stern of the boat?  He had one question to the disciples after He stilled the storm- where is your faith? Jesus was asking what is your confidence in? 

Faith is confidence in the promises of God; confidence that God will do what He has promised. ( I John 5:14- “ This is the confidence we have IN HIM..”) 

To live by faith is to live as if we believe,(trust in- have confidence) that God will keep His Promises. Do you not believe the Lord is a Promise Keeper? 

The starting point is found in Hebrews 11: 6: “ Without faith it is impossible to please God and those who come to Him must believe that He is and a rewarder of those  who diligently seek Him.”   

Do you see the starting point of faith?  It is believing that God is who He says He is and the ending point is believing He can do what He says He will do. In between those two points- starting and ending points we are instructed to diligently seek Him.  

So you know what we should be doing? Diligently Seeking Him!!  Becoming so familiar with God’s promises to us, as believers, that we can review those promises on a daily basis and renew our faith. 

“ For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”

Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 19


Genesis 19- The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

This is a sad story in this chapter- made even sadder when you realize how much like Sodom and Gomorrah we have become in the United States and indeed in the world.  

Twice in Genesis, God has revealed to us there is a ‘ tipping point’ with Him. A critical point in an evolving situation that leads to inevitable judgment by God. We saw it in the flood, when only 8 souls were left who acknowledged God and now in this account of Sodom and Gomorrah.  

God does not change- given the same set of circumstances, God acts in the same way He did before. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and escape of Lot in the nick of time illustrate the doom of the world and the escape of the church. God sets a limit to wickedness then there is the tipping point. It is unsuspected by the majority of the world. But as Christians we should recognize the signs.  

Let’s look at some other verses that are relevant to this account:  

Luke 17: 32,33:  the Lord Jesus speaking  “ remember Lot’s wife. Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it and whoever loses his life will preserve it.”  

II Peter 2:6  “ ..He condemned  Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly.”  

II Peter 2: 7&8:  “ And if He rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed (vexed) by the filthy lives of lawless men ( for that  righteous man) living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard..”  

I Cor. 3: 13-15:  It (our works) will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he had built survives, he will be receive his reward. If it is burned up, he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through fire.”  

Romans 1: 16-32:   

Notice the truth is suppressed by wickedness – unrighteousness.

God has revealed Himself through the witness of creation. His invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature being CLEARLY SEEN, being UNDERSTOOD from what has been made, so that men are WITHOUT EXCUSE. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God or gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.   

The witness of creation described here and in Psalms 19 and  the witness of conscience discussed in Romans 2 tell us everyone knows there is a God. They have a two fold witness- creation which declares His Glory (an external witness) and the conscience which bears witness to right and wrong.(an internal witness)- for the law has been written in their hearts. 

Here is what we see over and over: degenerate, sinful and lawless behavior begins with  a rejection of God as Creator and Sovereign.  You may think evolution and science are intelligent approaches- but if they deny God as Creator and Sovereign it will lead to a depraved society.  

Jesus said this is the verdict- light has come into the world but men preferred darkness. In other words they suppress the truth in wickedness- in sin.  

Paul goes on to tell us in Romans 1- that for these reasons- God gives them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They have exchanged the truth for a lie and worshipped and served created things (creation) rather than the Creator who is forever praised. Amen. A tipping point has been reached… when you look at America as a Christian with the truth of the Scripture what do you think God is thinking?  Should we not take to the streets as Jonah did and say judgment is coming?  Should we not imitate John the Baptist and tell people to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand?  What was the text of Jesus’ first sermon? “From that time on, Jesus began to preach :Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand?  

As we study this story- look at in the context of today and  based on the fact of an unchanging God who responds the same way when a tipping point is reached tell me where you think we are headed. 

In regard to God’s world and environment, we should take care of God’s creation- being good stewards. However- when a society has been given over in their sinful desires- they get out of balance- more concerned about the environment’s purity while sin is rotting our society- more concerned for the life of animals and their young, to the point of making it against the law to destroy the egg of a bald eagle, while destroying the unborn baby ( a human life) in the womb is a constitutional right rather than a crime.  

Paul goes on to describe the result of their shameful lusts: men and women abandoning the natural relations to commit indecent acts with one another. These acts of homosexuality  are called by God- sinful, perversion, wickedness, evil, and depraved. These words are considered ‘ hate crimes’ and are punishable under the laws of many nations. Can you imagine- the world is accusing God who is Love of committing crimes of hate by telling us the truth.  

But listen to the outcome of this unchecked and accepted behavior:  : “Although they knew God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do those very things but also approve of those who practice them” Romans 1:32.  A description of  an out-of-control society. It was true in Paul’s day in the Roman Empire, it was true in Noah’s day and it was true in Lot’s day.  And sadly it is true in our country today where homosexuals take to the streets in parades in celebration of Gay Pride week.  They have no shame- they are proud of their sin. Now you may be thinking – but those people were born that way. We all were born with sinful natures- with proclivities for certain sins- strong urges- but that does not make them right.  

Here we read of the extreme of sin- when a society applauds sin rather than regrets sin or judges sin.  They call darkness – light and light – darkness. A society that tolerates and recognizes this type of behavior as acceptable and admirable is a society – according to God’s Word, that  is a totally abandoned society. If it will not take action- God will.  

The men of Sodom and Gomorrah marched in the streets and demanded the right to practice their sin and for their lifestyle to be recognized as an accepted and appreciated life style. Certainly not to be criticized or told their acts were criminal.  No- we demand the right to live and behave the way we want to- the original Sodomites claimed.  Gay pride marches are as old as Sodom and Gomorrah.  

What we have seen in the last few decades is a successful campaign for homosexuality to be not only accepted in our society but applauded.   Jesus said ‘ as it was in the days of Sodom-so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.  

Let’s review what we know about nephew Lot.  He was taken into the home of Abraham and Sarah after his father died and treated like a son.  He left Haran with Abraham to go to Canaan. He went with Abraham down into Egypt, where both became even wealthier. 

Then problems arose with arguments between Lot’s herdsmen and Abraham’s herdsmen. Abraham, as you recall , let Lot choose where he would go with his flocks. We read that Lot looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and noticed these things about the area- it was well watered like the garden of the Lord; and it was like the land of Egypt. In other words Lot saw an opportunity to increase his wealth because of the business opportunities. We are told –“ Lot chose for himself.”   

There is an important principle for believers:  it is stated clearly in Matthew 6:33: “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you also.”  Did Lot seek first the kingdom of God?  No- he sought first what would make him the most money. There was no mention of prayer, an altar or seeking the advice of his more spiritually mature Uncle Abraham.   

The  Bible tells us though that Lot was a righteous man. The verses II Peter describes Lot as righteous. But we will see as the story unfolds- he was also carnal. And because he was carnal, the verses in II Peter tells us his life was one of distress, he was vexed and tormented. So it is always with the carnal Christian. And Lot is , if nothing else, the Poster Boy for carnality.  

We are told Lot first pitched his tent toward Sodom and Gomorrah. Next we read when Lot was captured in battle of the kings he had already moved into Sodom and Gomorrah. And in chapter 19, we read Lot has a house and is a member of the city council in Sodom and Gomorrah. Sounds like a success story, right? Wrong- he lived a life of distress and torment. The only kind of life a carnal believer can live- as they try to serve two masters. Compromising principles and rationalizing their life until their words pertaining to God’s judgment and righteousness are a joke.  

19:1 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city.  ( This denotes in that time and culture, Lot holds a position of authority in the city- like an alderman or city council member. This position tells us Lot  has learned to go along in order to get along. He obviously knows the lifestyle is wrong- but has rationalized  he is not going  against the status quo in order to be accepted and thus successful. He has not committed these sins, but has by his actions and silence condoned them.)  When Lot saw the two men, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.  

Vs.2 :  “My lords, he said , please turn aside to your servant’s house.You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning. No they answered, we will spend the night in the square.” ( Interesting-these two angels who readily accepted the similar invitation of Abraham- at first reject Lot’s invitation.) 

Vs. 3:  Lot may have had enough spiritual insight to recognize these were not ordinary men. He insists strongly , urges them to go with him and they enter into his house. Lot knew what took place at night in the Sodom in the streets and that it was not safe.  

Vs. 4 &5:  before they go to bed, all the men from every part of Sodom- both young and old- surrounded the house . They called to Lot’ “ Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” ( KJV uses the phrase know them- the same words used when Adam knew his wife, referring to having sexual intercourse with  her.)  See the demands of the people in a society out of control – they want their own way. Lot was a representative of the local government- so in some ways they were demanding their representative of their government give into their demands.  You might think of them as lobbyists – lobbying their representative to give them what they wanted.  

Vs. 6-8:  Lot confronts the mob and addresses them:  No my friend don’t do this wicked thing. In KJV, Lot addresses them as ‘ brothers.’. But he only inflames them more when he calls their proposed actions- wicked.  I confess I do not understand why Lot would offer his two daughters to this crowd except that in his panic to do the right thing- he, as a carnal, double-minded man is not thinking clearly. Needless to say it did not satisfy the appetites of these Sodomites. 

Vs.9:  Lot learns a truth- although he has lived there for years and achieved a position of leadership- he is still considered an outsider. So it will always be with the carnal Christian- out of fellowship with the Lord but never really accepted by the world. Truly wandering in the wilderness-  

Vs 10-11 :  These two angels recue Lot  and struck the mob with blindness. Take note of how judgment always works:  first they are warned, often repeatedly ; they harden their hearts and suppress the truth in unrighteousness; then a tipping point is reached and they are blinded and come to believe a lie. Can you see how so many of our population in this country have come to believe the lies of the enemy ? Abortion is a constitutional right, homosexuality is an accepted alternative lifestyle to be not only tolerated, but appreciated and taught to our children and grandchildren as normal. To call it sinful, indecent, wicked, perverted and depraved behavior will not be tolerated.  We have become a nation that more closely resembles Sodom and Gomorrah and Christians who seem to have taken Lot as a role model rather than the One who died for our sins.  

As a result of the life Lot has lived- of the danger of compromise- Lot’s  witness is a joke. Told of the impending destruction by the angels, Lot rushes into the streets to tell his two son-in-laws- who laugh at him and mock him. As it was in the days of Sodom so will it be at the coming of the Son of God.  

Finally the two angels urged Lot , his wife and two daughter to flee or be swept up in the destruction to come.  

They are so hesitant, the angels actually grab hold of them and lead them safely out of the city. ( vs. 16)  

Next the angels warn Lot and family:  flee to the mountains- don’t look back or you will be consumed.  Do you see that Lot was saved as one through flames. He lost everything, although he, himself was saved as one scorched by fire.   

The danger of becoming a carnal Christian is revealed here in Lot’s attitude and thinking: 

He was reluctant to leave Sodom and now is ready to stop and once again choose for himself. He did not want to go to the mountains- he wanted to go to a city. God intervenes to save Lot from the total destruction- but once Lot is out of harm’s way, he wants to return to living life the way he wants to live it.  

The angels agree to allow Lot and his family to travel to Zoar, a small town in the area. As the sun comes up, the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah from the Lord out of the heavens.  Note: where God’s wrath against unrighteousness is revealed- from the heavens against all godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.   

Remember Lot’s wife, the Lord said… and we see why He told us to remember her:  She looked back perhaps for one more glance at the house that she had lovingly decorated with great care- but she had been warned and she was turned into a pillar of salt.  

In his book of Antiquities, Josephus wrote some 2000 years ago, that this pillar of salt remained in his day and he had seen it.  

There is a brief interlude in this story as verse 27 tells us early the next morning Abraham go up and returned to the place where he had stood with Lord  to look toward Sodom and Gomorrah and see the smoke rising from the cities like a furnace.  

But God remembered Abraham and saved Lot and his family.    Lot had lost everything- Abraham had not even lost a night’s sleep. What a contrast between two believers.  

The last verses of this story- do not get any better for Lot and his two daughters. It is hard to understand how they could have fallen into such a condition- but clearly Lot was a man no longer of making good decisions. His daughters’ behavior – the incest that followed – I cannot fully comprehend or explain.  

Evidently his daughters had observed and absorbed how their father compromised and chose for himself the way to live his life. Children do not just listen to what parents say- they watch how they behave, how they live and how they make decisions.  Lot chose for himself- we never do read of Lot building an altar and calling on the Lord. In fact when instructed by angels where to go and what to do and not do- Lot chose for himself…and sadly so did his daughters.  

Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 17

Genesis 17: What’s in a Name?

“ Name it and claim it” – usually refers to a type of preaching or teaching that is associated with prosperity teaching and can be misleading if not an outright perversion of God’s word. However- there is only one name by which mean are saved- Jesus. As we study God’s word we learn that God reveals Himself with different names that describe a facet of God. We may know these names and what they mean- but until you have experienced that particular facet of God personally you more than likely cannot claim it. Here is a principle in the walk of faith- we need to discover as much about God as He wants to reveal to us. When we discover a new truth about God- that truth can set us free from what has been hindering our walk of faith with God.

In biblical times, a name represented a person’s character. God’s names represent His character, His nature and His attributes. Within the names of God you can find strength, comfort, and provision. Your walk,as Abraham’s walk, can be transformed when you discover the limitless power of His name. I promise you based on the Word of God, the more you know Him, the more you will love Him and the more you love Him, the more you will keep His commandments.

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10.

“ Some boast in chariots, and some horses; but we will boast in the name of the Lord, Our God.” Psalm 20:7.

Do you know what ‘to boast in’ means? It means to have confidence in. We have confidence in God’s name.

In the first three verses we see a new name for God added to two names already revealed. The new name is God Almighty, El Shaddai in Hebrew. Lord or Jehovah in verse 1 and  God- Elohim in verse 3.  This new name and use of the two other names is significant.

Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New Testament; El Shaddai is the Satisfier, the many-breasted All Sufficent One who pours Himself into the believer’s life to produce fruit- the Holy Spirit; and God is Elohim or God in the ultimate sense. So we see the Holy Trinity involved in this covenant- God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

In verse 1 we are told Abram is now 99 years old. This means it has been 13 years since God has appeared to Abram or anything of note has occurred spiritually in the life of Abram. Abram and Sarah had decided that God needed their help and their input in accomplishing His will. God will allow us to assert our will over His- but it will come at a cost. Abram had been learning the insufficiency of his own efforts for 13 years with this incident with Hagar and Ishmael.

God will allow us to execute our own will over His will- but will send leanness into our souls. We cannot serve two masters- for we will forever be wavering between them. The two masters we almost always waver between as Christians are self and God.

Abram is learning it is not in running but resting. It is not in trying but in trusting. So when we can’t understand, when we can’t see His plan, when we can’t trace His hand, Trust His Name- for His Names represent who He is – His very Heart.

Now it is a physical impossibility that Abraham and Sarah can produce a child of their own. Their reproductive organs are well past the age of reproduction. In Romans 4 Paul writes of the deadness of Sarah’s womb and Abram’s body now dead.  Only Almighty God can bring life into that which is dead.

Abram and Sarah had grown impatient- doubting the word of God and resorting to using the world’s method to accomplish God’s will. After all, they thought, we have been waiting 10 years and we are running out of time. Patience is a necessary ingredient to mature our faith- to make it whole, to purify it  and enlarge it. By doubting God’s word, or methods- Sarah and Abram began to waver and as a result became double-minded and unstable in all their ways.
This may well explain why God reveals His name of Almighty God – to underscore His Omnipotence- the One and Only who can meet all our needs. It is always a mistake to try and hasten the work of God. God has His own reasons for His seeming delays. Abram and Sarah could not wait. As a result of their impatience there followed a silence of 13 long years, in which Abram received no word from God. It was like  returning to kindergarten of faith and starting over and now 13 years later- Abram is ready to graduate to the next level of faith.

God reveals Himself as El Shaddai. The Omnipotent One who pours Himself into us- His creation. When Abram understood what this name meant- there was only one response- he fell on his face.This is a picture of submission, which is where our walk with God begins. The Christian life is based upon the principle of complete dependence on the Lord. Apart from  Him we can do nothing- but we can do all things through Christ. Faithful is He who calls you – who will also do it. Our walk must be preceded by submission to Him- resting in Him. Drawing our strength from Him. “ Blessed are those whose strength is in You.” ( Psalms 84:5)

If anyone needed to know God as El Shaddai- it was Abram. He was 99 years old, Sarah was 89 years old and still they were childless. Yet God promised them they would have a child of  their own.  I wonder do you know God as your El Shaddai? He is the Almighty God who nourishes us, satisfies us, supplies us and pours out His blessing on us. Nothing is impossible for El Shaddai.

Have you experienced Him as your El Shaddai?  The word has the connotation of the “ Pourer-Forth”. God poured Himself out for us at Calvary- at salvation He pours Himself in us. He tells us to open our mouths wide and He will fill them. He is the God who is enough- He is the all sufficient One. His Grace is always sufficient and His power is perfected in weakness. God calls those things which are not as though they were. ( Romans 4:17).

God gives Himself to Abram and Abram in turn gives himself to God. Almighty God is the source from which Abram and you and I will receive everything. This is the principle of mutual submission.

When two people pledge to put the other first, that is the relationship that is best. So if you are hesitant about surrendering all to God- think about this:  Before you and I were born, God Almighty submitted Himself to us. On a cross 2000 years ago, God sacrificed His best on your behalf. God Almighty put you ahead of Himself. “ You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good  man someone might possibly die. But God demonstrates His love for us in this: while were yet still sinners, Christ died for us.” ( Romans 5:6-8)

Understand this- God Almighty demonstrated His love for us- a love that withheld nothing back. We are called into a relationship just as Abram was called into a relationship- a relationship of mutual submission. And guess what- God Almighty took the risk and went first.

Will you fall on your face as Abram did and decide to believe His Word and obey Him?

God tells Abram to walk before Him and be blameless. God wants to fellowship with us- His children. He has poured His life out for us and into us- now He wants to enjoy the relationship that He has invested so much in. Walk with me and be perfect- or blameless a word that actually means whole. Remember what James says to those who doubt and waver- they become double-minded. God wanted Abram to be whole- not divided. His plans are to give us a future and a hope not calamity- but we must search with whole hearts. Half-hearted efforts are the deeds of double-minded doubters- unstable in all their ways. When Abram comprehended who God was- he no longer wavered.

This covenant is an unconditional covenant. The command to walk before me and be perfect or whole is not a condition- it is a commandment not a condition for fulfillment of the covenant.
In verse 2- God tells Abram He is here to implement the covenant- notice it God calls it ‘my covenant.’ Look at the wording of this covenant: ‘ I will confirm; I will establish; I will increase; I will make; I will give… this is a covenant that God has pledged Himself- El Shaddai to fulfill- every jot and tittle.

Abram has seen God in a new way and receives a new name to remind Abram of this new way God has revealed Himself to Abram. Remember when we are born we have the nature of our earthly father in us and that is why we bear his name. Now God Almighty adds something to Abram’s name. God adds the Hebrew letter ‘He’ which is the chief letter of His own name Jehovah. His name shall now be Abraham.(the father of many) God Almighty has poured part of His nature into Abram by giving Abram something of His own nature- for His name denotes His nature. Although our human names might denote our family name- God’s name denote His very nature and stand for the many qualities of His character. We often say of someone- ‘he has a good name’. Meaning- he has a good reputation. As Christians we bear His name- the question is do we honor His name with our lives and reputation?

The time has now come for Isaac to be born. But before that can happen, faith had to be exercised. God makes a new revelation of Himself to Abram to give faith its opportunity to believe.

God proceeds to lay out the covenant- we call the Abrahamic Covenant. This covenant is one of the most important in history, it rules the future with an iron hand. It is the basis of blessings of God for not only the nation of Israel but for Christians throughout the ages. We are witnessing the outworking of clauses of this covenant today as we watch events unfold on a daily basis around the world and in the Mid East.

For years many believers and students of the Bible wondered and speculated about the promises made the Jewish people concerning the land and country of Israel. They were a people who had been dispersed into all the nations for centuries.  It was believed these promises must have been spiritual rather than actual. Until May 14,1948, when Israel became a nation in one day as prophesized.

The last time Israel existed in that area as independent state was in 70AD. It was in that year the Romans destroyed the temple and dispersed the Jewish people throughout their empire and renamed the land- Palestine after the Jew’s enemy the Philistines.

Never before in history had a nation of people been so defeated and dispersed into the societies and cultures of the world for centuries and ever come back to regain their land and status as a people. It would be equivalent of the Indian tribes of the United States coming back to take over the USA as their own country again. But all through the centuries the Jewish people kept their culture, their language, their religion.

The rebirth of the nation of Israel in modern times, after centuries of nonexistence, is a significant sign that God Almighty is about to take up and fulfill His promises to Abraham and his seed.

In these verses 4-9, God pledges Himself to what He refers to as ‘my covenant with thee, Abraham.’ It involves a specific people- Abraham and his seed, his generations. In other words – the beneficiaries are Abraham and the Jewish people.

It involves a specific period- the generations that follow until the Lord returns and the covenant is eternal- everlasting.

The covenant agreement is focused on peculiar people, the Jewish people who are God’s people and it involves a specific place- Israel, all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession. God had declared earlier the boundaries of that land would be the Nile  on the west and Euphrates on the east. The Jews, since 1948, have not occupied a tenth of that land of their inheritance but the day of the Lord is coming when they will occupy it all.

In the meanwhile, God has not cast away His people, as Paul informs us in Romans 11. God will complete His covenant with the nation of Israel – but it will not happen “ until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in.” A future time known only to God- but it appears that with Israel becoming a nation once again in 1948- God’s prophetic time clock is approaching the hour of His return. Paul tells us ‘even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace just as God reserved 7,000 men who did not bow to the image of Baal during the time of Elijah.

In fact, when Paul considers El Shaddai- he makes this statement regarding God: “ O the depth of riches both of his wisdom and knowledge of God, how unsearchable are his judgments and His ways past finding out.”

In Genesis 17:9-14 we see the seal of the promise- circumcision. The knife had to be taken to cut away the flesh, the foreskin.

Circumcision was both a sign and a seal. True circumcision is circumcision of the heart, the mind, the will and emotion. Circumcision was a picture of cutting away the flesh- the old nature. For no good thing dwells in the flesh and we cannot fulfill the will of God or receive the promises of God in the flesh. Also man was entering the covenant with God by offering part of his body as a seal of the covenant. This was a picture of the Lord Jesus at Calvary where He offered His body- broken for us – His blood shed for us to seal the New Covenant, the new way in which would enter into an everlasting covenant with God. And as God would be the God of Abraham and his descendants- God will our God. Or as Jesus said – I am going to my Father and your Father. The circumcision was a symbol of the cross of Christ cutting across all that was ours by natural birth.

For Abraham it would be a constant reminder that he was unable to produce by carnal means the kind of life God expects. It is only through Christ that we can bear fruit for God.

When a man and a woman get married it is customary to seal the marriage with a visible sign- the ring. This ring symbolizes and reminds each with a visible sign they have pledged to love and be faithful to one another. In  fact God the Father refers to Israel not only as His people- but as His wife.

God then clears up any confusion about how this child will be born to them in the next part of his monologue with Abraham. “ I will bless Sarah and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations, kings of people will come from her.” ( Genesis 17: 16)

Abraham’s reaction is to laugh with joy. He said to himself- will a son be born to a man 100 years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of 90?  Can you imagine the old apostle  Paul reading these very words from the scrolls and then taking pen and writing under the inspiration of God these words in his letter to the church at Rome. Romans 4: 19-21: “ Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead- since he was about a hundred years old and Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.

No longer doubting, no longer wavering between two opinions, no longer double-minded- Abraham has a singleness of mind- a mind that is on God.

The life of faith is a life that in essence is a life of obedience to the known will of God.

It is interesting to note the wording of the declaration of Israel’s becoming a nation once again in 1948. In what is called Israel’s declaration of independence there is an interesting word used in the last phrase before the signatures. It states: “ Placing our trust in the Almighty, we affix our signatures…”  The Almighty God, El Shaddai is recognized even by a people who have been waiting centuries and centuries for the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham and his descendants.

Genesis 16

Genesis 16:  The Hagar Incident

Verses 1-2:  Sarah grows impatient waiting on the Lord. We can imagine Sarah questioning Abram about what the Lord said to him. Did the Lord say the child was to be born to me or did the Lord just say from your body?  No mention of me.  Do you see the work of the enemy here?  Questioning the word of God  is always a tactic of the enemy. Notice also Sarah blames the Lord as the One who has kept her from having a child.

What comes next is a by-product of impatience. According to James 1:1-5- Patience is a necessary ingredient to the maturing of our faith. James also tells us  anyone who doubts the Lord, wavers and that leads to double-mindedness.

Sarah offers an “Egyptian Solution” to their problem. Egypt is a picture of the world- which means Sarah is offering a worldly solution. Having begun in the spirit they are now going to attempt to finish- to do the will of the Lord in the flesh.

Sarah was using the world’s reasoning. In the culture of their day it was acceptable if there was no male heir, the husband could take a maid servant in his household as a second wife, thereby acquiring a male heir. Polygamy is not part of God’s plan and design for marriage. His plan is one man for one woman for life. Polygamy in the Old Testament when it occurred among God’s people never worked. We see it in the life of Abram, Jacob and later on David.

Verse 3-4: Abram agrees with Sarah. What we notice is what is not evident- we do not see time spent at the altar and calling on the name of the Lord. Abram takes Hagar as a second wife and begins a relationship with her which results in Hagar conceiving- and then the trouble begins.

Think of the influence Abram had on his employess( which may have been up to 1,000). Abram had been respected by his employees as a fair employer but they were also impressed by his faith as they witnessed his tent dwelling, altar building, God-fearing ways. Wonder how many men argued with their wives- that if Abram had a second wife why shouldn’t they?

Hagar becomes pregnant. She begins to despise her mistress, Sarah. Hagar knew how important this child was and probably she knew of the promise of God concerning this child. She had now been able to provide Abram what Sarah could not and she had grown proud and haughty.

Verse 5;  Sarah is angry, upset. She lashes out at Abram and Hagar. The harmony that once existed in their home is gone. In her anger, Sarah blames Abram for all the problems. Her frustration, doubts and impatience have led her to resort to the world’s method to solve her problems- only to find she has created a bigger mess.

Haven’t  we all made the same mistake?  Growing impatient with the Lord’s timing we have set out on our own- in our own wisdom using the world’s methods which have conformed our thinking to deal with our circumstances.

Is something in your life on hold? Are you waiting on God to do something and growing impatient with Him and His timing?

Are you having trouble believing God’s promises to you?  As a result have you decided to work it our yourself using  the world’s methods?

Do you understand the delays in your life are a part of God’s plan?  He delights to order your steps – but also your stops. Wait on the Lord I say, wait on the Lord.

Double-minded means you have your mind on the things of the flesh- the world and not on the spirit and things above. You believe God can do all that He says He can do- but doubt He can do it through you.

In verse 6:  Abram, just wanting the problem to go away, agrees with Sarah. He wants her not to be angry with him-he wants harmony back in his home. So Abram tells Sarah- she is your servant do with her as you wish. And Sarah abuses her- mistreats Hagar- the most innocent person in this tangled triangle.

In verse 7:  Hagar runs away- more than likely headed back to Egypt- back to the world. As she runs away she encounters the angel of the Lord. Some believe this is an actual visit from the pre-incarnate Lord. Notice He addresses her as the maid of Sarah, not the wife of Abram.  He asks two questions?  Where have you come from?  Where are you going?

We know the Lord does not ask question because He lacks the information- He has all knowledge. He asks questions to get us to look at the situation we are currently in.

Let’s review three questions the Lord has asked  in Genesis.  He asked Adam- where are you? Now these two questions: where have you come from? Where are you going?

These are three questions the Lord asks unbelievers as well as believers. Imagine the conversation the Prodigal Son was having with himself  in the pig pen:

Look where I am now—look where my decisions have landed me.

Look where I came from- my father’s house- where the servants have it better than I.

Where am I headed? If I do not do something- I will die in this place. I will go back to my Father’s house and ask his forgiveness.

The angel of the Lord tells  Hagar to go back to Sarah. To submit to her. This is repentance that comes from true humility. Blessed are the humble-and it is to the humble that God gives His grace. Hagar is also given a promise- a blessing- for blessings always follow obedience.

The Lord lays two ways before Hagar- just as He lays two ways before all of us. The two ways are the narrow way and the broad way. These two ways represent two funnels.  The way that leads to the abundant life is a narrow way that opens to the abundant life.   The other way is entered on the broad way- but leads to a narrow life one that ends in death.

Sometimes in our life- we become confused when waiting on the Lord. We can make wrong decisions even when our intentions are good.

When a person enters in the hospitial or outpatient setting and are confused or dazed either by injury, drugs or mental or emotional problems. They are asked four questions to see how well oriented they are.

They are asked :

Do you know who you are?

Do you know where you are?

Do you know what day it is ?

Do you know what happened  to you?

It appears we often forget who we are- where we are- what time it is and what is happening to us when we fall into temptation, testing and adversity.

James came to realize these tests, temptations and adversities served to mature his faith. They worked to develop patience- they enlarged his faith, strengthened his faith and revealed his weaknesses.

We have all been conformed by the world. We have all let the world’s customs, culture and accepted practices conform us.

Like Sarah we have attempted to solve problems not God’s way- not with God’s resources- His word, His Spirit, prayer- but by adapting the world’s methods.

Sarah and Abram made a wrong decision that had long lasting negative results. We have all done the same thing.

How can we make right decisions?

In Matthew 4:1-11:  We see how the Lord Jesus made the right decisions.

Jesus has just been baptized and the gospel of Matthew tells us- He is led by the Spirit into the desert to fast for 40 days and be tempted by the devil. This was at the outset of the Lord’s ministry.

Remember the Lord is our high priest- but He understands and empathizes with our situation because we are told in Hebrew 4:15- He was tempted in every way you and I are tempted yet without sin.

The Lord Jesus is described and defined for us in the gospel of John. We read in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

The Lord Jesus was the second person of the Godhead- God the Son. He was the God Man. Fully God, and fully man. Never less than God , never more than man.

Jesus was tempted a man. Why? To experience humanity fully. Also God cannot be tempted. Jesus is the second and last Adam.  All of mankind is depending on Him to not fail- to not sin when tempted. He will be tempted as a man, He will also resist as man with the only weapon available to the first Adam and available to us- the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit. He will show us and model for us how to make right decisions.

Satan tempts through the world ( the godless culture and society/philosophy); the flesh our old nature; and the devil. He comes via lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life.

We are to overcome the world with faith.

We are to overcome the lust of the flesh by fleeing. Flee youthful lust- turn and run the other way- don’t stick around. Take those wrong thoughts captive- do not look upon that which you should not.

We are to overcome the devil- by resisting him- fight him. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you- resist the devil and he will flee.

Satan will tempt Jesus to do things his way not God’s way. Take the short cut by using his God power. If you are the son of God turn these stones into bread.  Jesus was there – led by the Spirit to fast- to prepare for His earthly ministry.

Jesus is tempted as we are tempted- he has physical needs- he is hungry. But Jesus resists the devil as a man with the same weapon the first Adam had and that we all have- the Word of God. For the Word of God is powerful and alive. It is a weapon that is mighty, not carnal to the pulling down of strongholds.

Jesus draws the Sword of the Spirit and uses it for its intended purpose:  It is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Principle #1 to effective decision making:  Live by the Word of God. Make decisions based on the Word of God- if it contradicts the Word of God it is wrong.

The next temptation from the devil is a very subtle temptation:  the devil quotes scripture and promotes the use of God’s power and miracles to ‘jump-start’ the Lord’s ministry with crowd-pleasing miracles.  There is one problem- it does not include the shedding of blood- it omits Calvary. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.  It also would be a sin- because Jesus would not have done the will of God. Having sinned- Jesus would not qualify to be the Messiah, the Lamb of God without sin or blemish. We- all of mankind- would have no savior and no forgiveness if Jesus sins.

Jesus draws His only weapon again: It is written do not put the Lord God to a test.

Principle #2 for effective decision making is: do not put yourself in a situation where God has to perform a miracle to get you out of it. God does not have to prove Himself that He is for us- for He has given us His only son to die for our sins.

In his last temptation of the Lord, the tempter takes up and shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and says he will give Jesus these earthly kingdoms if he, Jesus will bow down and worship him, the devil.  This, by the way, is what the devil desires more than anything to be god- to be worshipped.

Jesus draws the Sword of the Spirit a third and final time in victory as he says:  It is written ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.’

Principle #3 in effective decision making is to not abandon the authority of God- do not look to the worlds’ way to solve your problems for in doing so- you are placing your own wisdom, your own desires and the world’s way above the Lord your God.

You cannot serve two masters.

Genesis 15

Genesis 15.

15:1- “ After this( the events of Chapter 14) the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision : ‘ Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield and your very great reward.’

The word shield refers to Sovereign- implying that God Almighty has just told Abram I am your King and therefore your protector. God’s first words to Abram are ‘ Fear Not.’  Why?  Because God knew what was in Abram’s heart- fear, uncertainty, worry and anxiety about the future as we will see as this all important chapter unfolds.

Abram has just engaged in a battle where he humiliated the forces of the four kings under King Kedorlaomer plus he had offended the King of Sodom.  Surely Abram considers this as potentially dangerous as King Kedorlaomer could retaliate. In addition, having offended the king of Sodom – what will he do.  Abram must be second guessing his actions now and he is doubting all his actions were wise. Abram is re-playing the events and doing some Monday-morning quarterbacking.  We also see in the next verses- that having started his worrying- he returns to what has been a constant worry and doubt for years- even decades- he and Sarah have no children- no male heir. How? Why? When? What?  Can you relate to Abram’s concerns?  Of course we can- Abram is just like us. I believe Abraham was a worrier- I believe he awoke in the middle of the night – worried about his circumstances- his future and how was the Lord going to accomplish all that He had promised.

Sometimes new circumstances cause us to worry-but they usually dredge up those fears about the future – that are so familiar to us they come up like an old re-run of a television show we have seen 100’s of times. They always  begin with the theme of –‘what if’ or ‘we’ll never’…

Remember this- doubt and fear are twins- one usually reflects the other. Remember ‘without faith it is impossible to please God’- that is why satan continues to try and block our faith with troubling circumstances to create worry, doubt and fear the enemies of faith.

So now we better understand the words of the Lord as God reassures Abram . He tells Abram He can protect him. No need to fear those earthly kings- when you have the King of Kings, Almighty God as your shield- your protector. Re-thinking your decision to turn down the riches offered by the king of Sodom?  I am your exceeding great reward. This is the amazing ability the Word of God has- to take away our fears and worries. What a balm- what a source better than any tranquilizer of drug.

The Lord Jesus told Pilate ‘you would have no power  over me unless it had been given to you from above.’  This is what God is revealing to Abram and to us- He is our shield and nothing will touch us without His permission. And we can trust Him that it will be for our good and His glory.

At the mention of reward, Abram blurts out his concern that never seems to go away- the fact that he and Sarah are childless and time is running out- or so it seems.  Even though God had told Abram his descendants would be like the dust of the earth- Abram was worried because of his and Sarah’s physical age.  So as God mentions reward- Abram pours out his heart and says- “O Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus. You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.” As far as Abram is concerned – the reward he desires most is to have a son, a heir.   Ever doubt a promise of God?  Get to worrying and wondering was that promise really for me?  Did I not hear God correctly?  Why wonder and worry- ask your Heavenly Father.  He is not only Almighty God – He is your Almighty Friend. We are instructed by the word of God as Abram was instructed. We are told to worry about nothing but pray about everything.

There is another truth in this statement by Abram- ‘ behold to me thou hast given no seed.’ Listen as Paul explains who the ‘seed’ is .  Galatians 3:16 states: “ Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, and to seeds, as of many but as of one, and to thy SEED, which is Christ.  Abraham has stated a great spiritual truth- without Christ all we have is nothing. All our riches are nothing- for what does it profit a man to gain the world if he loses his soul.

As we observe how Abram prays we can learn a lot about effective prayer. Got problems?  Don’t we all… then take it to the Lord in prayer. “ What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. O what peace we often forfeit, o what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.  In fact the last verse of that great old hymn says ‘ in His arms He’ll take and shield  thee, thou will find  a solace there.’

Abram is frustrated, worried, anxious, fearful— you name it and Abram is to the point of being obsessed with the fact that he has no child. I go childless- he cries out to God. He did not blame Sarah for being barren- he has placed himself as the problem.  Have you ever come to the Lord feeling sorry for yourself? After all, Abram had just rescued Lot and his family as well as others- he saw all those people who did not seem to care about the Lord with children and yet here he was trying to please the Lord and do what was right and yet no children .

But just as the old hymn states- o what peace we often forfeit- o what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

Abram was doing what we must do when we face trouble- when fear arises- when doubt surges in- we must turn our eyes on Him- not  on the problem but on the One Who Promises. We can not place our faith in our feelings… we must place our faith in the One Who is faithful. “ Without faith it is impossible to please God and those who come to Him must believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

“Then the word of the Lord came to him..”  Second time we have read that phrase in this passage. Maybe you are thinking- well I would be comforted if the Lord spoke to me.  Do you not realize He has spoken to you in His Word?  If you have hidden His word in your heart- the Holy Spirit can bring it to you and the word of the Lord can come to you also.

Watch what happens next-God tells Abram this man(the servant) will not be your heir but a son coming from your own body will be your heir. Then God takes Abram outside and tells him to look up at the heavens and count the stars if he can. Then God tells him his offspring will be that many.

Interesting to note- God has given Abram two promises concerning his descendants. One was they would  be as numerous as the dust of the earth. Now as many as the stars in the heavens. Abram would have two lines of descendants- earthly descendants- the nation of Israel and Ishmael’s descendants- the Arab nations. But there would also be a heavenly or spiritual seed. That ‘Seed” we are told in Galatians was Christ and all those who put their faith in Christ would be called the sons of  God.   “So shall your offspring be.”  God has promised Abram and He has been specific in His promise that the heir- the son would come from Abram’s own loins.

The next  verse is an important verse.  “ Abram believed and the Lord credited(imputed) it to him as righteousness.” Paul refers to this in Romans 4 and uses this as argument against the Jews who insisted circumcision or works were necessary for righteousness. This event in Abram’s life occurred before Abram and his household were circumcised and 400 years before the law. Neither circumcision nor the law had a part in Abraham’s righteousness. His trusting faith was accounted as righteousness. Paul goes on to say that ‘ the words “ it was credited to him(Abram) were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness- for us who believe  in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. We are saved by grace through faith and that not of ourselves it is a gift of God not of works, lest any man should boast.

Can you still remember how you first learned to print your letters in the first grade?  They gave us a tablet with the letters written out and we copied and learned to form the letters. The Old Testament is like that copy book which is a pattern for the New Testament. With nothing but the Old Testament in their hands, the early Christians could test what came from the mouths and writings of the apostles and leaders to see that is was from God by comparing it to the Old Testament.

It is the Old Testament from which Jesus taught in His ministry. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared on the road to Emmaus to Cleopas and his fellow traveler, probably his wife. And we are told in Luke 24-‘beginning with Moses and all the prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself.  And also in the same chapter Jesus opened the mind of His disciples so they could understand the Scriptures- meaning the Old Testament.

Well, you might say to yourself, who wouldn’t be encouraged with the Lord Jesus Himself sitting down with you and explaining the scripture. But do you not know- the Holy Spirit resides in you if you are a believer?  The One who is called Counselor who Jesus said will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. This same Holy Spirit who is called the Spirit of Truth who goes out from the Father, He will testify about me, Jesus promised. Remember what Cleopas and his fellow traveler said to the Lord… ‘ stay with us!  And yet we have the sure promise – He will never leave us nor depart from us- that He will be with us even to the end of the age.

How can we sit and listen and watch television for hours and not spend time with Lord in His Word?  Nothing can satisfy the needs of the creation but the Creator who created the need. Personal devotion time with the Lord should be the most important time of your day. I believe it should not only be the first thing in your day- but a continuing connection all through the day. We  see it modeled in the life of Abraham, of David, of Isaiah and the Lord Jesus. Personal devotion time is one of the most, if not most important, sources of personal spiritual growth. That is why the Lord Jesus rebuked Martha by saying to her as she complained about Mary who was sitting at his feet and not helping her in the kitchen.  “ Martha, Martha, you are worried about so many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken from her.”  What did it say earlier in the verse that Mary chose to do.. in verse 39 of Luke 10, we are told “ Mary sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said.” She sat and listened- she concentrated on what  He said. What Martha was doing was good- she was preparing food for her guests- but she could not listen because she was distracted and as result she missed what was better.

When we are distracted with worries we cannot give our total attention to the Lord.  That is why Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount tells us not to worry about food, clothing or shelter- if God takes care of the birds will He not take care of you- His own children?  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the things you need will be added.  (Matthew 6). Worry distracts us from seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness.

The doctrine of the New Testament set forth in Romans 4-8 by the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is based on these events in Abraham’s life.

Abram’s faith was in the word of God – in His promise. He was fully persuaded that God had the power to do what He had promised.  Abram did not look at the  circumstances- he looked to God.

Abram was feeling sorry for himself, wasn’t he? He was discouraged by current events which overwhelmed him in the darkness of a sleepless night.  How did he become encouraged?  By the word of the Lord.

May we learn as Abraham was learning- in every moment of fear and doubt and worry to allow those conditions to lead us to depend on God Almighty- Our Almighty Father and Friend. It is His promises that are our shield and He Himself is our reward!

Now God Almighty, like a teacher, reviews what Abram should have already learned by experience. God reminds Abram:  “ I am the Lord who brought you from the Ur of Chaldeans, to give you this land to possess. But Abram said, “ O Lord God, how am I to know that I shall possess it?” (Genesis 15: 7&8)

Now let’s not give Abram a hard time for his question- after all he had come to Canaan almost 10 years ago and as of yet did not own any part of it. Abram wants to own – to possess what God has promised him, just as we should desire with all our heart to possess what God has promised us. The land was Abram’s by God’s promise but Abram wanted a title deed- he wanted to make it his by ownership.

That Abram asked ‘how’ is as natural a question as Mary asked the Holy Spirit when told she was to have a child…she queried ‘ how can this be when I have not known a man?’  Or Nicodemus asked the Lord on that fateful night when told he had to be born again- he asked ‘ how can a man be born again?’ How means we want the teacher to show us the process by which we are to make God’s promises real to us.

Remember the land of Canaan is literal and spiritual in its significance. It was a land promised to Abram and his descendants. Spiritually it represents the abundant life- the spirit filled life. One can be delivered from bondage as the Israelites were from Egypt but fail to enter the promised land- the spirit filled life- and wander in the wilderness never possessing what God intended for us to possess.

For every believer in Jesus Christ we have possessions given to us because we belong to Jesus Christ- we are joint heirs, just as Abram’s physical descendants were heirs.

But our question is: do we own it? Do we possess it?  Our question is just like Abram’s question isn’t it?  HOW do we obtain that which is rightfully ours. How does this process work?

When we got saved, Our Heavenly Father opened a spiritual bank account for us in heaven.  In it He deposited every spiritual blessing- truths, facts, promises and principles that we can draw upon. Jesus said, ‘ If you continue (abide) in my word you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. In addition we have the Holy Spirit who reveals these truths to us. The password to draw upon this account is FAITH.

Paul explains these truths we should know and reckon, an accounting term, that are deposited into our accounts and we can draw freely upon them. He explains these truths in Romans 6.  Remember the truth of salvation is I am in Christ and Christ is in me.  I was placed in Christ at the Cross, at His crucifixion, so I am crucified with Christ. But the resurrected Christ is in me. Because Paul says we were united with Him in death, we will certainly be united with Him in His resurrection. For we know our old nature was crucified so that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slave to sin. And we have been raised to walk in newness of life.

This is what God is revealing to Abram as the process to lay claim to what we already possess. In this sacrifice of a heifer, a ram, a she goat a dove and pigeon God is saying  the process of laying hold of what you have been given begins with the Cross. For this sacrifice was a foreshadow of the Cross. The possessing of what God has given us begins with understanding what happened at Calvary.

How do we inherit something?  Someone dies and leaves it to us in a legal binding contract called a Last Will and Testament. Who is an heir? Someone who is a legally a member of that family either by adoption and/or birth. Do you realize that not only had God adopted us into His family as joint heirs, He has also through a mysterious work of the Holy Spirit had us born again- regenerated- which means ‘ re-gened. We are a new creation.

The word ‘  united’ with Him is a key. United means we were joined with Him- to use a gardening term- we were grafted together. Jesus told us He was the vine- we are branches and His Father was the gardener.

Listen to this account from Watchman Nee ( The Normal Christian Life pg 95-97):

Watchman visited a gardener who had  around 300 fruit trees. He asked him if these trees were original stock or grafted. The gardener told him they were all grafted stock. He said it would be waste of land to grow original stock that produced fruit of no value.

How does the process of grafting work? “ When a tree has grown to a certain height, I lop off the top and graft into it. Pointing to a special tree he said- do you see that tree? That is the ‘father tree’, because all grafts for the other trees are taken from that one. If the other trees were left to follow their course- they would produce fruit that is not edible. This tree which the grafts are taken from bears a luscious fruit that is thin-skinned with a tiny seed- very delicious.

How does the actual graft take place?  I simply take a little of the nature of the one tree (the father tree) and transfer it to another. I make a cleavage in the poor tree and insert a slip from the good tree, the father tree. Then I bind it up and leave it to grow. How does that happen, Watchman Nee asked.  I don’t know said the gardener- it just does.

How can one tree bear the fruit of another? How can a poor tree bear good fruit? Only by grafting. Only by implanting into it the life of a good tree. Now- if man can graft a branch of one tree into another- cannot God Almighty , creator of everything, take the life of His Son and graft it into us.  He lopped us off at the cross –God cut off our old nature which left to its own course could produce nothing. He cut off our old nature in order to implant, engraft the nature of His Resurrected Son into our lives. The Holy Spirit binds us together.

This is how we lay hold of the promises. I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Gal 2:20)

He is the branch and I am the vine- without Him I can do nothing.

Paul says there are certain truths we are to know and count as true:

  1. Know that you were baptized into Jesus Christ when you were baptized into His death. The word baptized means immersed or united. I in Christ.
  2. Know your old nature is crucified with Him- so we should not serve sin.
  3. Know if we were united with Him in death- we are also united with Him in resurrection. Christ in me.
  4. Know- reckon ( count it as true) you are dead to sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ.
  5. Yield – present yourself unto God. Surrender.
  6. Understand the Law of the Spirit of Life vs. the Law of Sin and Death.


The Bible tells me I can call God Almighty- ABBA, or Daddy. How do we know this? The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. And if children, then heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. (Romans 8)  The possession of what God has given us begins with an understanding of what Christ has done that made possession possible.

When you and I believed and received what Christ did for us at the cross- the Bible tells us we have been given the authority to be called the children of God.

If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children- how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask?  ( Matt 7:11)

Did you have a good, loving father?  One who would sacrifice for you- that if he told you he would do something for you- you would not doubt for a minute he would do it?  Jesus said how much more your Heavenly Father will do for you— even to giving up His Only Son to die in your place so you could receive all that He had for you. How can we doubt so great a love?!

Genesis 6

 Genesis 6:  Noah and the Flood 

When we come to the story of Noah, we once again find a character from the early chapters of Genesis who made it to the Hebrews Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11.

In verse 5 we read that God saw how great the wickedness was on earth. We are told in 2 Chronicles 16:9 –“ the eye of God run to and for upon the earth to show Himself  strong on behalf of those whose  heart is right toward Him.” There had been a population explosion but the two classes of people that the Lord described would be on the earth – the seed of the devil and the seed of the woman were disproportionate.  Those who were the seed of the devil (unbelievers) were many and the seed of the woman ( believers)- were few. The believers were in number- 8 souls. Noah and his family.

Let’s look at what is said about Noah:

“But Noah found favor (grace KJV) in the eyes of the Lord.” Grace is defined as unmerited favor from God.  It is by God’s grace we are saved thru faith. Who does God give grace to?  The humble- the one who sees himself as a sinner in need of the grace and forgiveness of God. The one who sees himself or herself completely dependent on God.

Now watch the three things produced in the life of Noah as a result of being the recipient of the Grace of God.

“This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous (KJV just) man, blameless (KJV perfect) among the people  of his time, and he walked with God.” Genesis 6:9. Noah was declared righteous or just; Noah is described as perfect(blameless or whole); and Noah walked with God- meaning Noah communed with God.

Hebrews 11: 7- “ By faith Noah, when warned about things not seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the  world and became heir of the righteousness that  comes by faith.”

God made Noah righteous because Noah believed God. Note the definition of faith we are given in Hebrews 11:1- “ Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  Noah was warned of ‘ things not seen’ (the flood) but in response he built an ark as God commanded him to do. His faith moved him to build a boat where there was no water.

So was Noah righteous because of any works he did?  No. He became  the heir of righteousness by faith. That is always the case. For by grace are you saved thru faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast.

Genesis 6:11-12: Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.   Note this is in God’s eyes- this is what He saw when He looked at what civilization had become- corrupt and filled with violence.  This is always the direction a civilization will take when you remove conscience and a fear of the Lord.  In addition , man is by nature and creation a fully dependent being. Man must depend upon God for his life, his breath, his activity, his intelligence, his power of choice and everything. That is why Jesus said apart from me you can do nothing. But man deceives himself into thinking he has the ability to control his life and as a result soon gets into a state beyond control- completely out of control. “As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of man.”

When God looked down upon earth in the days of Noah- He saw open, flagrant sin and violence. Sin was not only flaunted but applauded. What we are seeing in the book of Genesis is how God deals with a society that has reached this stage of wickedness. We will see it here in the flood and we will see it in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah where homosexuals  demanded their rights. Know this about God and His unchanging principles:  Given the same set of circumstances, God acts in the same way He did before.

As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of God. As it was in the days of Lot, thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. The mayors and leaders of some of our great cities in this country have proclaimed a “ Gay Pride” week to honor homosexuals and lesbians.  Here is what Paul says of those: ‘ Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not to be done. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only  continue to do these very  things but also approve of those who practice them’ (Romans 2:32)

We see in Scripture- God sets a limit to human wickedness beyond which judgment is inevitable. When we warn society of this impending judgment- they are described by Peter as ‘scoffers’ – they ridicule us for our old fashioned morality. I do not know where the world is according to the limit God has set- but I  believe it is fast approaching  its limit as God looks down upon the earth and is grieved.

But then as always comes the good news, the gospel- the way of escape. It is found in the description of the ark. As we will see it all points to the Carpenter of Nazareth who provided a judgment-proof righteousness and perfect salvation for mankind. Atonement was assured. All who enter in by the one who is called The Way, who said of Himself- I am the Door, will be sheltered from the storm of God’s wrath.

God always makes a way of escape for His people- that is why Jesus said : I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except by me.

This is not a mythical account. The instruction given are precise, matter of fact and explicit. In fact the story of the Flood is supported by flood  legends of primitive people all over the earth.

After I was saved on September 16, 1977- the Lord led me to His word. I can still remember reading the Bible sitting in a certain chair in my blue bathrobe in our little house on Beaver Cove. I was battling alcoholism and the desire and temptation to drink scared me to death. I was in my first 30 days of sobriety and was attending AA meetings often. Then reading in I Corinthians 10- I came upon a promise that had my name written on it.

This story of Noah and how God made a way for him to escape reminds me of this precious promise.

“ No temptation has taken you or seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted He will also provide a way out ( also make a way to escape KJV) so you can stand up under it.” (God can make a way where there is no way.)

AA was showing me others had suffered the same temptations that were common to me and they had learned how to resist them. It told me a God who was faithful would not allow me to be tempted above that which I was able to bear- and would provide me with a way to escape if I trusted Him and depended on Him.

Within days of showing me that verse- that promise of empowering to overcome- I was tested.  I prayed this promise back to God- I called upon Him to make a way for me to escape in a moment of strong temptation. I had not been trained in prayer- but I learned a great lesson in prayer thru that situation and temptation. It was the turning point in my life. I discovered the weapons that we have that are mighty not carnal.(principle of leverage)  I discovered the power of powerlessness.  The great principle that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness.

Here is the story within the story of the ark. The ark is a symbol and a type pointing to something else. It is a shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the cross. See how the details of the ark points  in that  direction.

First- God said to Noah I am going to put an end to man on earth. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.  Then in verse 14-16; God the architect gives Noah, the carpenter, the blueprint for the ark. It is detailed and specific- but also points to another carpenter who would build a judgment proof ark to protect believers from the wrath of God to come.

It was made of gopher wood- probably similar to cypress. Gopher wood  was the most incorruptible wood he could use. History tells us the gates of St.Peter’s at Rome was made of gopher wood . They lasted over 1000 years from the time of Constantine to the time of Eugene IV without any signs of decay or rotting. The ark contained rooms in it…the Hebrew word used for rooms is the common word used for ‘nests’- implying the ark was built  not only for protection but for rest and comfort.  It was to be coated with pitch inside and out. Pitch was a tar-like substance used to coat the wall inside and out to seal them and make them water proof. The word ‘ pitch’comes from the same root word used for atonement.

Noah is given the specific dimensions : 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. A roof was constructed with an 18 inch window in the roof. No windows on the sides – only the one  window in the roof- so Noah could look in only one direction- UP.

One door on the side.

Three decks.

These dimensions tell us of a vessel that had 3 million cubic feet. Making it comparable to modern ocean-going vessels. In 1609,the Dutch Mennonite, Peter Jansen, built a ship in Holland to the same proportions, only 1/3rd the size. It moved slowly- but it carried 1/3rd more cargo than an ordinary ship of that day with the same cubic space.

Noah was quite a carpenter. It is interesting how God provides our needs and often uses those who hate Him as well as those who love Him to accomplish His sovereign will.  Tubal-Cain, the son of Lamech, who followed the way of Cain and was indifferent to God is the one who developed the tools Noah needed to construct the ark.  Just as the Jews who hated Jesus and the Roman empire were used by God to put His Son on a Roman cross.

Or did you ever think of the gift of the Magi- the gold – etc.- probably financed Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus’ escape to Egypt.  My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

It all begins with God’s grace.

“Noah found grace in God’s eyes.”  Remember grace is the unmerited favor of God- Noah did nothing to deserve it. Noah found grace- he found grace because he saw himself a sinner in need of the grace of God.

Others living in that time we are told the Spirit strived with them- contending with them to convict them of their sin- but in their pride they resisted the Spirit of God, grieving and quenching the Spirit who contended with them for 120 years.

God looks down on us with an eye of favor for those who sincerely look up with an eye of faith.  That is why in the ark the only window was in the roof  looking up to heaven- expressing our complete dependence on God and His Marvelous Grace.

The verses in Ephesians 2 described the process of salvation – the prepositions there describe the proposition of salvation.  Watch the process: it is BY grace THROUGH

Faith- UNTO good works.  The good works come after salvation. We are saved by grace not works. Be we are saved unto good works.

There is only one door. In the ark- all entered by the same door- be they elephants or mice. Jesus said I am the door, by me if any man enter in he shall be saved. ( John 10:9)  He is the only way to the Father.

He is our atonement-His blood seals us and judgment proofs us from the wrath of God. He is the mediator of a new covenant.

He is our refuge- our strong tower- our shelter in the storm. The blueprint for this plan of salvation- the ark for lost mankind was created before the foundation of the earth. It was God’s love that drew up the plan- it was his grace that brought it down to man.

God tells Noah ´I will establish my covenant with you- and you will enter the ark- you and your sons and your wife and  your sons’ wives. Your are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female. You are take every kind food for you and for them.   And Noah did everything just as God commanded him to do.”

A covenant is an agreement between two parties- made by one party to another. One can accept the agreement or refuse the agreement- but you cannot alter the agreement. This covenant with God must be done exactly as God commands it to be done.

It was not merely the ark that saved Noah and his family. The ark was the means by which his salvation was accomplished. It was the promise of God, the word of God that saved Noah.  How are we born again?  Peter tells us how we are: ‘for you have been born again not of corruptible seed but incorruptible , by the Word of God, which lives and abides forever.” ( I Peter 1:23)  All of these OT saints whose names are recorded in Hebrews 11 we are told again and again they were counted righteous – not for their works but for their faith…their faith in God’s word- in His promises. God grants His Grace only thru the window of faith.

We not only are saved by grace thru faith—that is how we are also to live our lives- by grace thru faith.

Do you realize how dangerously close our pride brings us each day  we depend upon our selves to control our life. We depend upon our intelligence, our strength, our talents until the Lord sends a storm- that causes us to cry out like the disciples who said Lord – don’t you even care we are perishing?  The Lord rose and stilled the storms and the waters then asked them as He asks us—where is your faith?

Paul wrote in Romans 1:  I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believes. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed; a righteousness that is by faith, for from the first to the last, just as it is written : the righteous will live  by faith.

The Gospel is a simple specific message given by God. The Gospel is the instrument to save lives. It brings salvation to all who believe.

Paul writes again in I Cor 15.  “ Now brothers I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved..

The Gospel, the Good News- is that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and was buried and that He was raised on the third day according to the scriptures.

So it all comes down to do you believe the Word of God?  It is about a simple message and do you really believe…it’s still the Cross and the blood of Calvary.

It is about this amazing grace that Noah found…

Oh were it not for grace… I can tell you where I’d be- wandering down some pointless road to nowhere with my salvation up to me; I know how that would go- the battles I would  face; forever running but losing this race.

Were it not for grace.

So here is all my praise expressed with all my heart offered to the Friend who took my place and ran a course I could not start. And when He saw in full just how much it would cost – He still went the final mile between me and heaven so I would not be lost.

One of the greatest statements ever made about the Lord Jesus was made by those who despised Him..  In Luke 15- as the Pharisees and teachers of the law observed Jesus with the tax collectors and sinners they muttered:  “ This man welcomes sinners.”

Aren’’t we glad He does?  Oh were it not for grace!

Genesis 7

Peter told us over 2000 years ago after the Lord Jesus had ascended to heaven-but  promised He would return what we could expect from an unbelieving world. Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3:  “ First of all you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, walking after their own lusts, and saying: ‘ where is the promise of His coming? For since  our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning  of creation.”  But Peter notes-‘ they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and the destruction of ungodly men.”

Surely in the days of Noah- during the 120 years of construction of the ark- Noah and his sons heard similar taunts- when is this flood coming- you’ve been talking about it since we were young and before we were born- our fathers have died and never saw this happen.

The unbeliever does not want to hear of pending judgment. They keep themselves busy with the pursuits of their own lusts, desires.  As the Lord Jesus told us: “ for in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered into the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” ( Matt. 24:37-39)

Before we turn back to the time of the flood notice that Peter actually gives us some insight into the study of the flood.

  1. He tells us this was not an ordinary flood. The account in Genesis tells of the springs of the great deep burst forth. The windows of heaven opened and the rain poured as from a spout.
  2. The effects of the flood were worldwide.
  3. This flood and its utter destruction points to a future destruction of earth by God by fire.

Genesis 7: 1 ( KJV) and the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all they house into the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.  In Revelation 4- John tells us a door that was opened in heaven and the first voice which I heard was as it were a trumpet talking with me which said , “ Come up hither.”  Thus the account of the flood begins with an invitation. Come into the ark. The invitation the Lord would issue to his disciples- come follow me.  To the thirsty- come and drink- the tired- come you who are weary .. it is His invitation to mankind- come unto me, His invitation to the saints at the rapture—come up hither.

When we sing- take it to the Lord in prayer- it is our response to his invitation to come unto me you who are weary and heavy laden.

It is the call of a loving parent to their child to come in – it’s getting dark. Come in there is a storm coming.  Come in to my presence to safety. The wording of this invitation- implies that God Himself is in the ark and Noah and his family are invited to join Him there. Surely- they came as the hymn encourages us to ‘ come- just as I am.’

But don’t miss the basis for the call to come into the ark- the Lord tells us Noah and his family were not just counted as righteous- but also ‘ seen as righteous’. There was a demonstration of his faith by his actions- building the ark. Noah not only believed – his subsequent actions demonstrated his belief. Obedience that results in activity is the demonstration of faith. It can be observed by God – but also it can be observed by the world as our witness. We are saved by grace thru faith- not of works. But we are saved to do good works.  James said show me you faith by your works.    If Noah had believed God was going to destroy the world by a flood- but took no action to build the ark- would you not question the validity of his faith? In fact Noah and his family without the work necessary to construct the ark- would have died.  For faith without works is dead.

Just as it was in the days of Noah- it is also the same way for us today. Obeying God was not easy for Noah and his family. The world wanted to conform him just as it wants to conform us.

Noah was given detailed destructions to the number of clean animals to be taken aboard for sacrifices on the other side of the flood. I am not sure I completely understand about clean and unclean in the OT…we know that the NT makes clear there are no clean and unclean animals  for all creatures of God are clean. But since it has to do with sacrifice- I think it might have to do with approaching a Holy God and is teaching a spiritual truth about things of the flesh and things of the spirit- but regardless of the meaning- Noah understood what he was supposed to take in the ark for the purpose of sacrifice.
Then God announces in seven days He will send the rain upon the earth. No doubt the ungodly had a good laugh over Noah and his family and all the animals aboard the ark.  The late nite comedians would have had a field day with the antics of this ‘ crazy Noah’ character.  Those who thought themselves intellectually superior- soon would discover they did not have enough sense to get in out of the rain.  For seven more days the grace of God is available.

Then after seven days, the dawn of judgment came. The precise day upon which the rains came is carefully noted- perhaps in the ships log that Noah kept. But most certainly it was a day God dreaded with a holy dread. It was a precisely appointed day in the calendar of God. And just as sure- there is another one of His calendar when He once again will judge the whole earth with fire.

It was the six hundredth year of Noah’s life on the seventeenth day of the second month.  I want to advise you this was not the Hebrew Religious Calendar which God would give to Moses and the nation of Israel after the Passover and Exodus from Egypt. This calendar would have been the ancient Near East calendar. This civil calendar began its new year in the fall with autumn and traditional tilling and plowing of soil.  Its first month would be our September/October; 2-Oct/Nov;3rd-Nov-Dec; 4th – Dec/Jan; 5th –Jan/Feb; 6th- Feb/mar; 7th- March/April;** 8th- April/May; 9th- May/june; 10th – June/July; 11th – July/Aug; 12th – Aug/Sept.

Verse 16 tells us the Lord Himself shut Noah and his family in the ark. The last book of the Bible, Revelation 3 tells us He opens doors no one can shut and what He shuts no one can open.  The door is still open- the grace of God is still available. But who knows when it will be shut?  Jesus told his disciples His Father knew- but that we would know the time was near by the signs we would observe.

This is also a beautiful picture of what Paul calls the sealing of the Spirit. Those who enter our ark, the Lord Jesus Christ, are sealed by God and kept by the power of God safe and secure in Christ.

So in the story of the flood- we see so much:

We see the consequences of sin- of unbelief of the sureness of God’s judgment.

We see the story of grace that makes a way to escape.

This grace is available only to the righteous. And righteousness comes by faith in God’s word.

Faith – that is saving faith is demonstrated in obedience- in actions.

What we see is an Unchanging God with Unchanging principles when given the same set of circumstances will act in exactly the same way.

But let’s look for the next few moments at obedience.

We are to obey God and  leave all the consequences to Him.  “ now therefore, if you will obey My voice and keep my covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to me above all people for all the earth is mine.” ( Exodus 19:5)

Obedience is the bottom line in the Christian life. Obey means to follow the commands; to behave in accordance with. It is one who is a not just a hearer of the word but a doer of the word. Obedience is submission to God’s will.

  1. We must know what God’s will is- be familiar with His word, commandments and principles. (Study to show thyself approved..)
  2. We must tap into the source of power of the Holy Spirit to assist us in taking the right actions and the right course.
  3. Be ready for an attack when you set out to obey God. Be ready for temptation.
  4. When tempted to disobey- remember your faithfulness and devotion to Christ are at stake. ( AA Sponsor told me) {if you love me- keep ..}

Obedience always brings blessings.

Luke 11:28- He said more than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.

Background- when this occurred, etc.

Last week I mentioned an event that took place in the early days of the Lord’s ministry.  He had attracted a large crowd down by the Sea of Galilee and asked Peter if he would  allow him to teach from his boat from the edge of the water – kind of like a floating pulpit or platform where he could be seen and heard by the crowd. Peter and his crew had just finished the night fishing and were cleaning and putting up their nets and ready to go home to breakfast and get some much needed rest.

Just as the Lord finished teaching and Peter and his crew were finishing up their tasks – as the crowds dispersed- the Lord asked Peter to launch out his boats and let down your nets for a catch.

Peter was tired …he told the Lord, we have been fishing- toiling all night and caught nothing.  He must have thought- about saying no…after all what did this young carpenter/rabbi/teacher know about fishing—but something made him change his mind.  A careful reading of the KJV tells us Peter’s reply  – “ nevertheless at thy WORD I will let down my net.” ( want some real sound advice- that if you follow you will never go wrong?  It comes from Mary, the mother of Jesus, who told the servant at the wedding- ‘do whatever He tells you.’)

We know the rest of the story- a miraculous catch-so great – Peter called his partners to come help. A night that was a total loss ended up with two overflowing boatloads of fish.  Talk about a fisherman’s tale…this is the one about the ones that didn’t get away.

Saying yes to the Lord’s request  and obeying HIS WORD always brings blessing.

This event transformed the lives of Peter, Andrew, James and John and untold millions of  people thru the ages. For it was after this event- that very morning issued an invitation to these fishermen—come- follow me and I will make you fishers of men.  A call to obedience with a promise of blessing.

So as we see in the life of Noah how his obedience blessed his sons, and the whole world. We see :

  1. Obeying God in small matters is an essential step to God’s greater blessings.
  2. Obedience always benefits others.
  3. When we obey God we will never be disappointed in the long run.

The flood is a story of judgment- for forty days and forty nights the flood kept coming on the earth.

As the waters rose- you can imagine the people trying to find higher ground- only to see it covered with water. As even the mountains were covered and everything – everything that had breath died- except Noah and his family.

In Chapter 8- the story of the flood turns from a story of judgment to a story of redemption.

“But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the live stock that were with him in the ark, and He sent a wind over the earth.”  This language does not imply God had absently-minded forgotten about Noah and the ark…it was on His mind constantly. The word is used to express concern for a loved one- as in remember me in your prayers.

The wind is a picture in scripture of the Holy Spirit. This is a new beginning as it was in the creation when the Spirit of God hovered above the waters. Noah and his family are the church. When they came into the ark- it was a picture of salvation- saved by grace thru faith.

So here we see in this factual historical account of Noah the similarities of God’s concern for His church in the world today.  Keep in mind- what must have been the conditions on the ark- physically. The smells- the noise- the ‘cabin fever’ and uncertainty Noah and his family were experiencing. Yet Noah was a patient man and the Bible tells us the testing of our faith develops patience and patience matures our faith.  Haste makes waste and waste makes want.  If Noah had exited too soon- if he had gotten impatient and ahead of God- he would have been stuck in the mud. Ever get ahead of God- get impatient and get stuck in the mud? People do a lot of foolish things acting out of impatience. Beverly Sills said there are not shortcuts to anyplace worth going to.

Now as I explained earlier God has a calendar in heaven that is the only calendar that matters. God has made careful note of the exact dates in this account of Noah and now you will see why. The ark came to rest on Mount Ararat ( Turkey) and is over 16,000 feet above sea level on a date we must take note of:  the 17th day of the 7th month. Turn to Exodus 12 where God inaugurates a new calendar for the people of Israel.  This month is to be for you the first month- the first month of your year.

The month God was speaking of to Moses was the 7th month of the civil calendar- whose first month was in the fall. God was making the month of Passover the first month in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar. So watch these instructions:  the Passover Lamb was to be taken in by the family on the 10th day of the 7th month(under the old calendar)- it was slain on the 14th day. The day our Lord was crucified. Crucified on the 14th day of the 7th month- raised on the 17th day of the 7th month- the very day the ark rested on the Mountain. God had made a way to escape. What did God do in Egypt on that fateful night? He passed over those who had applied the blood of the Passover Lamb to the door posts of their home. Noah and his family represent the church- they were the church and the church rested on the very day of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead…for if Christ be not risen- our faith is in vain.

Blessed are those who wait on the Lord. Noah as eager as he was to get out of the ark waited on the Lord to show him when he was to move out.

The raven Noah sent out is an unclean bird and represents our old nature, the flesh which delights in the things of the world- things that are questionable- things that are foul and dirty.

The dove represents the Holy Spirit or the spirit. It can find no rest in the filthiness of the world. Noah lets the Spirit direct his coming in and going out.

Finally the day comes- God says to Noah: “ Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife and thy sons and thy son’s wives with thee.”

Have you noticed something?  It was God who told Noah to build an ark. It was God who told Noah and his family to come into the ark and everything to bring with him. It was God who shut them in the ark. It was God who told Noah to go forth from the ark.

God’s word led Noah to do the right thing at the right time. For Noah there is nothing but simple acts of obedience.

God’s word led him. And God’s word will lead us-we must trust and obey for there is no other way.

Peter said- nevertheless at THY WORD I will do it.

Mary said- do whatever He TELLS you.

James said – don’t be a hearer of the Word only- be a Doer.(hearer only is deceived)

We are born again not of the corruptible seed but of the incorruptible- the Word of God which abides forever..

The Word of God is alive and powerful..

The Word of God is life-giving, life sustaining and life changing.

Man does not live on bread alone but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God..

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…
What happens to those who do not believe the Word of God?

Luke 16 – the rich man and Lazarus.  It is a place I come to often in my teaching- because this is the place life brings every one of us to- death and what lies beyond and whether or not we have believed  and in believing have obeyed.

2 funerals- 2 futures.  And what happens to those who do not believe the Word of God.

Those who did not get on the ark are left on the other side of the gulf with no way to escape.  They missed the boat.

Genesis 8-9 : After The Flood. Law and Order.

After receiving the command to ‘ go forth’ from the ark, Noah and his family and all the creatures come out to begin the work of replenishing the earth.

Genesis 8: 20-21.We are told the first thing Noah did was to build  an altar  to the Lord and take some of the clean animals and clean birds and sacrifice them on the altar. The smoke coming up from the burnt offering is a sweet smelling aroma to God.

As we come  to the close of chapter 8 and the story of the flood and the ark, God shares His thoughts with us thru the written word:

Genesis 8:21b-22 …“never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of  his heart is evil from childhood. I will never destroy all living creatures as I have done. As long as earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

Ever since that time- nature has been dependable based on the promise of God. Seedtime and harvest, seasons, cold and heat have been reliable and man has been able to depend on nature to feed himself and others. If Noah and his sons are to replenish the earth – they must have an environment that will allow them to do so.

God has promised He would provide it- and so He has day after day for all these centuries.

Noah is a farmer. Think about it- a farmer plows his field, sows the seed, and fertilizes and cultivates- knowing all the while that in the final analysis he is utterly dependent on forces outside himself. He knows he cannot cause the seed to germinate, or can he produce the rain and sunshine for growing and harvesting the crops. He is dependent on God. And here in Genesis 8- God promises to provide what is needed.

Going back to Genesis 6:18, God established a covenant with Noah and his family that he would preserve them through the flood. What we are seeing is that, just as with the farmer, God is working in a partnership with man. Farming is a picture of the joint venture between God and the farmer. The farmer cannot do what only God can do and God will not do what the farmer should do. So it is in the Christian’s walk.

You see- this is the way it is with God. God does His part and we do ours. We have a responsibility. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings – God has supplied all our needs.  Christ has defeated sin on the cross and given us His Holy Spirit to empower us to victory over sin. But like the farmer, like Noah, we must face up to our responsibilities. We are to obey God.

As we begin Chapter 9- we begin a new chapter the history of mankind.  God has made a covenant with Noah.  We must note this covenant is not only for Noah and his sons- but his descendants after him- which would include us. God establishes law and order.

  1. God in providing a way for Noah and his family to escape fulfills the first part of the covenant- to preserve mankind through Noah.
  2. God establishes the reliability of nature. Even though man is evil from childhood. Man is sinful by nature. But God says He will allow the rain and sunshine to fall on the just and the unjust.
  3. In Genesis 9-verse 2- God causes fear of man to enter into the animal kingdom. What before the fall, man ruled by love, after fall man rules by fear. This would protect both man from wild animals and wild animals from evil man.
  4. In verse 3-God changes the diet of mankind adding meat to vegetation. The subtle message in this change of diet: we are alive because other creatures or creation die on our behalf to sustain our life. If not animals, as least plants. We are dependent creatures. We have no life force of our own, it is all borrowed. That is why Jesus is the fulfillment of this truth at all points. He is the way, the truth and the life. In Him was life we read in the John 1. Now perhaps you better understand what Jesus meant when He said: “ Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. But whosoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.” ( John 6:53-54). Of course Jesus did not mean this literally but spiritually. We are to feed on Him and draw from Him his very life. Until we do – we are spiritually dead- feeding our outward man with the things of the world- but leaving a dead spirit within.  So many Christians are suffering from malnutrition because they do not feed on Him thru the intake of His word. Man cannot live by bread alone- but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. ( two natures – ex: white dog and black dog)
  5. In verses 4-6, God establishes law and order as the fifth provision of the covenant teaches the sacredness of life. We are prohibited from eating flesh with blood in it. Why? Because says God, life is in the blood.(Remember God heard Abel’s blood calling to Him.) And life is the exclusive property of God. It is God who imparts life not man. And only God can take life way. And God tells us ‘whoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.’ This is the instruction for capital punishment under God’s guidance to government.
  6. The sixth provision of the covenant in verse 7, like the original commandments to Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply is given to Noah and his descendants- which I remind you includes us. You might think- I have no children- how does this apply to me?  We are to witness to others- to spread the gospel to bring others to multiply the family of God who is not willing that any should perish.
  7. In verses 8-11, God guarantees there will never again be a universal flood.
  8. In verse 12-16- God seals His covenant with man and gives mankind a sign of assurance- the rainbow.

Behind every activity of God on our behalf is love. God is love. And all that He does is motivated by love- a love that will seek to break that stubborn pride and bring us to an end of ourselves and to trust in the One who is our Ark. Who will show us how we ought to live.


Genesis 9: 18-19 :  “The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Ham was the father of Canaan.) These were the three sons of Noah and from them came the people who were scattered over the earth.”

The Word of God by giving us this additional information regarding Ham is turning the spotlight on an episode in the life of Ham.

Genesis 9:20-21. Noah, the farmer, has planted a vineyard which in the course of time produced fermented wine. This event would have required at least 2-3 years to plant a vineyard, grow to a fruit bearing size, harvest it , and extract the juice from the grapes. Then time also for it to ferment to become alcoholic. This is the first mention of wine in the Scriptures. The first reference to wine ( fermented) and it is connected with drunkenness.

Noah is drunk, has passed out and is exposed- naked. Ham- who again we are reminded in verse 22 is the father of Canaan saw his father’s nakedness and told his two brothers. Ham’s actions revealed something about his character. He did not honor his father, as Shem and Japheth were careful to do in the manner in which they covered their father’s sin. ( Love covers a multitude of sin)

Genesis 9:24-27.When Noah awoke from his wine, we are told he found out what Ham had done and prophetically pronounced a curse on Canaan- the nation, not the grandson. This curse was on a nation , not a race. We know that some of the nations of peoples that descended from Ham were the Black peoples of Africa, but the nation of Canaanites were not black skinned people- they were Caucasians. The curse was on a nation that God knew would become wicked. Noah pronounced curses and blessing based on knowledge revealed to him by God. For all prophecy comes from the Spirit of God.   Noah also blessed the Lord, the God of Shem. Shem would be the one thru whom the line of the Messiah would come.

Noah also prophetically proclaims that the territory of Japheth will be enlarged or extended and may Japheth live in the tents of Shem.

As we end the chapter we are told Noah, who was the grandson of Methuselah lives to be 950 years old.
In chapter 10 we will see the nations that grew out of Noah’s three sons. We are looking at our family tree.

Let me share with you who those descendants of the Noah’s three sons are:

Shem:  Hebrews, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Persians & Syrians. Shem’s descendants were called- Shemites- later shortened to Semites. Included were : Abraham, David and the Lord Jesus.

Ham:  Canaanites, Egyptians, Philistines, Hittites and Amorites. They settled in Canaan, Egypt, and the rest of Africa.

Japheth:  Greeks, Thracians & Sycthians the peoples of India and Europe.

Shem’s descendants were responsible for three great religions- Judaism, Muslim, and Christianity.

Japheth was promised enlargement- this is what most of us are- Europeans.

It is interesting in the New Testament we see these three groups specifically coming to Jesus:  the shepherds- Hebrew; the wise men- from the East were from Arabia were of Ham’s descendants; the Greeks, descendants of Japheth, approached  Phillip in John 12 and said we would like to see Jesus; and Paul tells us the Greeks  looked for wisdom- so we see in the NT.. that all three people groups seek after Jesus.

At Pentecost, Peter preached to the Jews- “ Ye men of Israel..”

Phillip left a revival in Samaria to go down and preach to a single individual, in the desert, an Ethiopian man- a descendant of Ham and Peter was told to go preach the gospel to Cornelius, a Roman centurion- a descendant of Japheth.

At Calvary- all three groups were represented:  the Jews ( Shem) said let his blood be on our heads and our children’s; the bearing of the cross was forced upon one Simon of Cyrene(Ham); and of course the crucifixion was carried out by the Roman govt. ( Japheth).

Genesis 10:8. Once again God shines His spotlight on another character that He would have us take notice of…Nimrod, a descendant of Ham.

Mankind has now fanned out over the Middle  East like the spokes of a wheel. The Middle East is called the ‘cradle of civilization’ for this is where it all began. The three major divisions or families of man come from Noah’s three sons. The descendants of Shem given to religious endeavors.  The descendants of Ham with a talent for technical and the ability to adapt to the world they live in- very clever in building things. The descendants of Japheth were given intellectual enlargement plus the widest distribution throughout Europe and India.
Nimrod is called a mighty hunter. But remains somewhat of a mysterious figure in history. He is founder of Babylon and Nineveh, two great cities of old. His center of operations was on the plains of Shinar that we will read more about in chapter 11.

Now before we meet Abraham- there is an event that takes place on the plains of Shinar recorded for us in the first verses of  chapter 11. What we will see what happens when a society decides to leave God out of society.

 Genesis 11- The Tower of Babel.

“ Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other-‘ Come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.’ They used bricks instead of stone, and tar(slime) for mortar. Then they said , ‘Come let us build ourselves a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the earth.’

But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said, ‘if as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse the language so they will not understand each other. So the Lord scattered them from there all over the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it is called Babel- because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world and scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

We see here in the foundations of the first Babylon what will be the same philosophies and godlessness in the last Babylon of Revelation.  There will be a one world government, one world currency, one world language and one world religion. All man made.

It will be a society from which God is included only on their own terms.This is not the real God, Almighty God- but a god of their own making- which behind the curtain is really man himself. These Hamitic people were talented people who when they combined their talents were able to make significant accomplishments.

Notice they build  with bricks instead of stones. God uses stone doesn’t He? They had brick for stone and slime for mortar. Brick is hardened clay- a fitting picture of a godless civilization whose heart is hardened to the Word of God. Slime is associated with filth and it is reminder of the Beast who will come at the end who is called a ‘man of sin.’

Notice this society was of one  language – which means not only did they have one language they all understood- it also means they thought alike.. their minds conformed by the society in which they lived and worked.  After all- you have to go along to get along.

Man was created with a desire to worship. Atheism is not a satisfying religion- nothing to worship-  too barren..too pessimistic that is why Communism fell. Nothing to worship.

To satisfy their longings they would build a city and a tower. The city appealed to their souls- mind, will and emotions. The city was the center of business and culture. But there was still that longing for something spiritual so they built a tower, a ziggeraut that even modern archaeology was impressed by their talents and intelligence. At the center of all this was the motivation to make a name for themselves.  In other words bring glory to themselves.

Glory to mankind is the motto of humanism. It is behind the fall of satan and the temptation of Adam and Eve- the desire to be like God. A desire that in and of itself is  not wrong- the desire to be Christ-like should be the desire of every born again believer. However, the desire to be like God by being completely independent by being a person of reputation- making a name for ourselves based on a fallen world view of what is important and worthy of admiration- wealth, talent, power, possessions, appearance,etc., is what is wrong. Man searching for significance and meaning by his own accomplishments is nothing new- it is as old as the tower of babel.

Now with the building of this tower- an architectural wonder that reached high into the sky with astrological signs on the top- they had their spiritual desires met by a religious icon that kept them in contact with God- or so they wanted to believe. A God they could control- a God in a box- or more accurately a god in a tower. Who was in reality not a god at all.

God looked down and saw how man was abusing the talents and creativity He had given them to worship self instead of Him. This is why He confused their language. Any society that leaves God out will be a confused society.

Almighty God will not allow man to build a lasting society from which He is excluded.

In His famous Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus’ teaching includes, in fact starts out with the Beatitudes.

Listen to the first beatitude:  “ Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

When we realize how poor- void  and empty we are – that there is nothing within us we can completely depend on- that we are powerless. Then, the Lord tells us He can give us the kingdom of heaven.

These spiritually proud, self-sufficient people wanted a kingdom they had earned. A man-made kingdom symbolized by a tower.  But for those of us who have realized how spiritually poor and void we are and asked the Lord to fill that void—guess what – He has become our strong tower.

Look around the world today and what you see is mankind trying to create solutions to the problems of life and the world without even consulting Almighty God.

Not to be political- but the campaign theme that resonated with the majority of the population in the United States was   “ YES –WE CAN!”   I can imagine the people of long ago on the plains of Shinar being encouraged by Nimrod telling them there was nothing they could not accomplish once they set their minds to it and worked together.  Can you hear them shouting in unison…YES WE CAN!?

This philosophy actually sounds good to us, doesn’t it?

The truth is :  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  But apart from Him – I can do nothing.  ( That is of lasting value- eternal value.)

All of the things we accumulate and possess that the world says makes us significant and gives our lives meaning- are temporary. When the game of life ends- they go back in the box.

The only thing that lasts are the Word  of God, the eternal kingdom of God and the souls of men. Do not lay up your treasures on earth- where rust and moth and thieves destroy- but lay up your treasure in heaven. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also. (Matthew. 6)

Genesis 48-50

Genesis 48-50. How Do You View God?


“After they embalmed him (Joseph), he was placed in a coffin in Egypt.” Gen. 50:26.
So ends the story of Genesis, with a coffin.  But the Apostle John wrote: “ He who does the will of God abides forever.” ( I John 2: 17)   John Wesley said, “ God buries His workman, but His work goes on.”
Jacob/Israel would spend his last 17 years in Egypt with all of his family around him. He would die at the age of 147 years. In the end, Jacob acted as both parent and prophet.
Hebrews 9:27 tells us: “ And as it is appointed unto men, once to die but after this the judgment.”  Death is an appointment.  Isn’t it amazing how people will plan for a vacation or a business trip and neglect to prepare for the last and most important journey of all?
In chapters 48 & 49 Jacob deals with the inheritance he will leave to his children. First he deals with Joseph and Joseph’s two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. In Genesis 48:5, Jacob adopts these  two grandsons as his own sons.  We will see his actions are both those of a parent and a prophet.  Joseph is thereby receiving the double portion of the first born, replacing Reuben. And Joseph’s two sons would replace Simeon and Levi..
Jacob then calls all of his sons to his death bed to as he says: “ Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.” Three of his sons will learn their past conduct had cost them their future inheritance. Reuben for his lust and adultery with his father’s handmaid lost his position as firstborn and the double portion which went to Joseph’s two sons.
Simeon and Levi lost their  inheritance because of their anger and violence in Shechem. Simeon would be absorbed into the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Levi- the priests, would be given 48 cities in which to live that were scattered through out Israel.
Judah, in spite of his sins with Tamar, had risen higher in Jacob’s opinion. Jacob learned it was Judah who saved Joseph from death by selling him as a slave and thus used by God for the purpose of bringing Joseph into Egypt. Further, Judah had risen to the occasion during the famine by offering himself as surety for Benjamin. Judah would found the royal family that gave Israel its kings, including David, that ultimately brought Jesus Christ into the world. Judah would become a conquering tribe and a ruling tribe and it stayed faithful to the Davidic line when the nation divided.
Other descendants of note from the 12 tribes included one of the most famous judges who came from the tribe of Dan- Samson. And from the tribe of Benjamin we have the Apostle Paul.
Jacob’s life was coming to an end. But he was prepared. He was ready for his last journey, given his last blessings, and shared his last request. His last request was to be buried in Canaan .
In Chapter 50, we see Joseph’s response to his father’s  death, he threw himself upon his father and wept over him and kissed him.
Grief is a normal part of life. But as believers we do not grieve as others who have no hope. ( I Thess. 4:13) When somebody we love dies, we shed tears. It was God who gave us the ability to shed tears and tears are a part of the healing process.
Jacob’s planning and preparation of both himself and his family helped the process and is a good example for us as believers to follow. He had given detailed instructions. No disagreements for everything had been settled in advance.
Now let us pick up the story as it nears its end with Joseph and the family returning to Egypt after the funeral of Jacob.
“ After burying his father, Joseph returned to Egypt with his brothers and all that had gone with him to bury his father.”
Joseph’s brothers begin to worry if now that their father was gone, if Joseph would at last get his revenge for what they had done to him. So they sent word to Joseph saying, “ Your father left these instructions ( probably a lie) before he died: ‘This is what you are to say to Joseph: I ask you to forgive your brothers their sins and the wrongs they committed in treating you so badly. Now please forgive the sins of the servants of the God of your father.’
What was Joseph’s reaction? He wept. He was hurt, he was deeply hurt that his brothers did not believe his words- his promises to them. He was crushed they did not believe his deeds of kindness to them was an expression of his love and forgiveness .

Do you see what the problem of the brothers was?  They did not believe their brother, Joseph’s words and promises. He had told them he would provide for them. Just as Jesus told the disciples when they got into the boat- they were going to the other side. A sleeping Savior, a scary storm produced disciples who feared for their lives. Remember Jesus’ reaction: He rebuked the disciples – why are you so afraid oh ye of little faith. Little faith- great fear.  Similar situation here with Joseph’s brothers.
Let me ask you this:  have you ever been worried and anxious regarding God’s judgment?  Have you ever doubted God’s promises to you? Do you doubt God’s word? Do you question His love? Do you ever feel God has abandoned you? Does not care for you?
Can you imagine Joseph thinking- what more can I do than I have already done? His word and his actions toward them had been consistent, yet they still doubted him.
Joseph wept- he was saddened at the thought that after 17 years of kindness and outpouring of love- they doubted his trustworthiness.
If you have ever felt that way about God- imagine how that makes Him feel. You know the Lord can be grieved.  What would you have God do to assure you?  A miracle? You know the devil can perform miracles.
How about God speak to you personally?  Would that assure you?

Then open His word and see what He has said to you. He put it in writing in language we could understand. When you open the Bible,God’s Word; God opens His mouth and speaks to you.
However, when you doubt God’s word, as these brothers doubted Joseph’s words, you soon begin to question God’s love for you, as these men doubted Joseph’s love for them.

When that happens- you lose hope in your future.  Do you see that faith, hope and love go together? It begins with faith: “ For faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. ( Romans 10:17) Doubt is the enemy of faith.

Have you ever wondered as you looked back on your life, that you once more easily believed the false promises of sin than you believe the promises of God?
How do we know that God loves us and forgives us?  His unchanging word tells us so. “ these things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.” ( I John 5:13)
How we feel and what God says – are two different things and we must never judge God’s Eternal Word based on our ever-changing emotions. Our faith is based on the facts of the Bible, the. inerrant, infallible, unchanging Word of God- not our feelings.
Only in His Word and His promises will I find blessed assurance that Jesus is mine- oh what a foretaste of glory divine!
Joseph’s brothers then came and threw themselves before him.. “ We are your slaves,” they said. Reminds me of the prodigal son who thinking his father would not forgive him but offered to be one of his servants and work his way back into his father’s good graces. The brothers wanted to be counted as slaves so they could ‘ work their way’ – earn Joseph’s forgiveness.  This is common human trait- to do something to earn our salvation. In John 6- the crowd asks Jesus what must we do to work the works of God? Jesus answered, “ The work of God is this: to believe the One He has sent.”
“But it is by faith we are saved through grace and that not of ourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works, lest any many should boast.”  ( Ephesians 2:8.9)
Do you know the only people God can forgive are those who confess they are sinners and can  do nothing to merit or earn God’s forgiveness? The Great Physician cannot heal those who do not come to Him for healing-who think they are healthy, wealthy and wise but are sick, blind and poor.
Listen carefully to Joseph’s response. “Fear not; for am I not in the place of God? But as for you, you intended evil against me; but God intended it for good, to accomplish what is now being accomplished- the saving of many lives. So do not be afraid, I will provide for you and your children.: And Joseph reassured them and spoke kindly to them. Do you know the Lord’s most often repeated commandment in the Bible is “ Fear Not” ?!
It’s all in how you perceive the situation. It is all in how you view God. Angry judge or loving father?  How you view God directly affects how you live your life more than anything else.
You see, it was improbable; almost impossible in the minds of these brothers that Joseph could forgive them and love them and not extract some revenge for their deeds. Even though Joseph assures them they are forgiven, loved, accepted and will be provided for.

The brothers are a picture of the natural man who cannot discern (see, perceive) spiritual truth. (I Cor. 2)  Their minds are blinded by a veil unlifted so they cannot read Joseph. (2 Cor 3) The veil has to be lifted by Jesus and in this story it had to be lifted by Joseph, a type of Christ.

If you have doubts about God- your loving Heavenly Father- it’s all in how you see Him.

Your perception is your reality.

You may perceive that God really does love you- but would you be surprised if I told you – God really likes you. He loves to spend time with you. He loves you beyond anything you and I can imagine.
You see- while you and  I were yet sinners- did not believe in or were indifferent to God, God sent His Son, His Only Son to die for our sins. He has made that clear from the 3rd chapter of the Genesis. He showed us how difficult this sacrifice would be when He instructed Abraham to offer his only son, Isaac on an altar for  a sacrifice. We get a inkling of the love for us that would sacrifice for us. And remember, since God the Father and God the Son are one- it means God gave Himself- He gave all.
But God not only sent His so to die for us; He sent His Son so we could see what He really is like. For Jesus told us- if you have seen me- you have seen the Father. Here God allows us to better understand these events through the story of Joseph and his brothers.In doing so- we can see a type of Jesus.
Have you seen the real Jesus? Seen Him the way He desires for you to see Him? He is called the “light of the world”.  Do you know that physical vision depends upon light?  Light is the basis and stimulation for vision. Your eyes do the following things with light:  they change the speed, the direction and the amount of light entering the eye. This small ping-pong size organ of sight has over 2 million working parts and the interior lining called the retina contains over 127 million nerve sensitive photosensors. These photosensitive cells ( rods and cones) convert the light into electrical-chemical impulses that are sent via the optic nerve to the brain that interprets what we see. They handle more  information and faster than any known computer. It is through this process called vision that we gain our perception of the world around us.
Imagine what that perception is when your eyes do not correctly control the light creating what is called a refractive error. Our vision of the world is not correct- it is distorted.

Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If the eyes are good, our whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness..” ( Matthew 6:22)
Our spiritual vision depends on spiritual light.
“ In Him( Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men.( John 1)

“Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what He has done has been done by God.” ( John3)

“ But to those who receive Him, to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God.” ( John 1)
Paul prays this prayer “ The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know the hope to which you are called and  the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.” ( Ephesians 1)
From birth to age 12, science tells us we get up to 80% of our knowledge through our vision system. But we were born spiritually blind, unable to see spiritual truth. When we are born again- we are babes in Christ. But we can learn through the eyes of faith- the eyes of the heart for now we have light and a teacher to guide us in truth, the Holy Spirit.
How do we see God?  We see Him in creation, but we also see or understand Him through His Word which is a light upon our path and a lamp unto our feet.
He also has given us His Son who is an exact replica in everyway. He made himself visible on earth and we have the description of Jesus by those who walked with Him and talked with Him.  And we can “see” Him through their telling us about Him. So that through the word of God, John tells us – we have seen him with our very eyes, we have heard Him speak and we have placed our hands upon his flesh.
We believe- we receive- we become. That is the process. We had a change of mind- we changed our mind about Jesus, about God, about sin and with that change of mind came a change of behavior that caused a change of direction of our lives. . This is called repentance. The prodigal son came to his senses- he had a change of mind that led him back home to his father.
Here is what God wants you to see, and it is made clear in the life of Joseph and His brothers. The Lord Jesus told us His Father is always at work. Always!
God in His Wisdom and He has all wisdom will bring about the best results by the best means for the most people for the longest possible time. Sometimes while this is occurring- we are like Joseph’s brothers- we cannot see it – cannot understand what is happening. It can cause doubt- which brings fear just like these brothers.
What did Joseph say- you meant it for evil, but God intended it for good for the saving of many lives what is now being accomplished.
If there was a better way – God would have chosen it. This was the best method.

If there was a faster way that got the same results- rest assured, God would have done it.
Let’s count the years from when Joseph was sold into slavery at 17 to this time when his father dies 17 years after coming to Egypt. 13 years as Potiphars’s servant and in prison until age 30; 7 years of plenty,; 7 years of famine, with Joseph’s family arriving in year 2 of the famine. Now 17 years later his father, Jacob dies. Joseph is probably 56 years of age- a pilgrimage of almost 40 years to see God’s plan unfold.

It may take years to see the results of what God is doing in and through your life. It may be you will not see the results here on earth but in eternity.
In the meantime, and sometimes there can be mean times, we can expect to experience some ‘ Joseph years.” But do not lose hope- for if you see God as He wants you to see Him, it will change your life and your outlook on life more than anything else!!
So as we finish the story of Genesis- the beginning book of the Bible.

What do you think of God?  What thoughts come to your mind when you think of God?
Our first problem is we are finite beings trying to picture an infinite being.

God Himself has told us: “ To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal? Look to heavens – who created all the stars and planets? God brings out the starry host one by one and calls them each by name.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the Everlasting God, the creator of the ends of earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.” ( Isaiah 40)

So here is our first observation: God is not like us.

God is the source of everything.

He causes everything to exist and holds it together.

And it is all for His Glory.
So do not reduce God to something you can fully comprehend; do not shrink God- He is all-powerful, all-knowing, sovereign  Holy God.  I cannot find the words to describe Him, neither could the Apostle Paul who wrote:  Oh the depth of riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or has been His counselor? Who has ever given to God that God should repay him? For from Him and thru Him and to Him are all  things. To Him be glory forever. Amen! ( Romans 11)
Can you imagine the audacity of mankind who has seen the works of creation  and knowing it came from God, then refusing to glorify Him or give Him thanks. They have seen the light of His creation but gave Him no thanks and their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

The spirit of man is the candle or lamp of the Lord searching all the inward part. ( Prov. 20:27)  We were once in darkness- but light has come into our lives.
So if you want to see God as He really is and wants to be seen here are the ways He has revealed Himself

  1. Through Nature. ( Romans 1; Psalms 19)
  2. Through our consciences. Romans 2.
  3. Through His Word. Our souls were created by God to have His Word engrafted into them. We are born again, Peter tells us not of the corruptible but the incorruptible seed, the Word of God. Our souls are like those photosensitive nerve cells in the back of the eye. Sight takes place in front of the eye- vision, understanding what we have seen takes place behind the retina.Our spiritual vision works like our physical vision. Consider the soul to be like the back of the eye- our spiritual eyes.  Our soul absorbs the word which is light and the images it brings in and translates them into what we see. So it happens when we absorb the word of God which is Spiritual light and with the Holy Spirit we are able to ‘see’ – that is understand what we have taken in. A person who is not a believer – can see the words on the page, but cannot understand them. They are foolishness to him/her because they are spiritually blind.
  4. Through His Son. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1.)


Have you gotten a glimpse of His glory in Genesis?
These brothers to use a term we use when we cannot understand someone’s motives- we say, “ I can’t read this person..”. This is exactly what Paul is referring to in I Cor. 2- when he said the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
In 2 Cor. 3: Paul says about unbelievers: “ But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament ( Moses) because the veil is taken away in Christ.”
Or as believers our carnality, our sin will make us neglect the Word of God  make thus creating doubt and  the condition double- mindedness- so we are tossed about like a wave of the sea.
But when we turn to Him and to His word and we get into the Word and the Word gets into us- we are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Cor. 3: 18)

Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 45-47

Genesis 45-46:  A Father’s Day.


As we read about the reunion following Joseph’s revelation of his identity to his brothers, we saw a reconciliation  that was a picture of God’s grace and glory.  The brothers have been cleared or cleansed from their guilt. They have gained access to the throne and resources of  the Pharaoh himself.
They are now set to return home to Canaan to tell the good news to their father Jacob. The provisions they have received for the trip and the means by which to return are made even more impressive in their abundance by the desolation that surrounds the land due to the famine.
Joseph issues a command to his brothers: “ See that you fall not out by the way.” KJV.  “Don’t quarrel on the way.” (NIV)
Joseph had forgiven his brothers, now he admonishes them not to quarrel and begin accusing one another.  Jesus said we are to forgive one another and love one another. Are these men not brothers of the same father?  Are we not brothers and sisters of the same Heavenly Father? What Joseph is saying and what Jesus told us is in essence we shame our relationship to Him , Who is our Peace when we quarrel among ourselves. “ By this will all men know that your are my disciples, if you love one another.” ( John 13:35)
And why should we argue with one another? Here we are on our way to Heaven and He has loaded us with so many benefits:


  • He forgives us all our sins.
  • He heals all our diseases.
  • He redeems our lives from the pit
  • He crowns us with love and compassion
  • He satisfies your desires with good things
  • He does not treat us as our sins deserve
  • His Love is from everlasting to everlasting to those who fear Him.(Psalm 103)


As we picture this caravan of brothers loaded with the finest of gifts and resources it is a portrait of our Loving Father. A Father who is more merciful than we deserve. Who always disciplines us with a purpose. A Father who knows we need Him and remembers our frame is dust and our days are like grass.

Joseph could identify with his brothers because he was one of them. The Lord Jesus became one of us and suffered as we did. As a result  He could fully comprehend and empathize with our feelings. The Lord Jesus knows we are frail, imperfect mortals. For this reason, He is the perfect mediator between us and God. The Lord Jesus is the perfect one, in fact the One and Only, who is best qualified to introduce us to His Father.
The brothers arrive home and tell Jacob the ‘good news.’ Your son Joseph is alive! He is ruler of all Egypt!  Then they tell him the whole story, as I can imagine Jacob clutching his chest as his heart races and having to sit down and be told everything.
As chapter 46 begins, so begins the journey to Egypt and the Jacob-Joseph reunion.Once again we see God exchange the names of Jacob – going from Israel to Jacob and I wonder why He does this?
Since Jacob was the name identified with his old nature- could it be God used it when Jacob/Israel was anxious, worried, fretful and apprehensive about his circumstances? (Not sure- just a speculation on my part)
Why had he stopped to make a sacrifice to the God of Isaac?  After all, Jacob is convinced his son Joseph is alive and in a place of authority. He has the physical evidence in front of him with the wagon loads of supplies and provisions. However, Jacob knows the covenant promise regarding this land he is about to leave. Jacob knows of the history of Abraham and his ill-advised journey to Egypt and of God forbidding his father,Isaac to go to Egypt. On the other hand, they need food and provisions to live.
Everything looks good as far as circumstances.

Jacob’s  desire is to see his son, Joseph again.

All of his family think this is the right thing to do.

But Jacob wants to be sure this is what God wants him to do. Jacob wants to know what God has to say.

So he has wisely stopped and inquired. .
George Mueller was a saint used by God in the 19th century in a mighty way. He was a man of faith, an evangelists, a provider of homes for orphans and most notably a man of prayer. His life story of answered prayers is astounding. But why are we so surprised that the God who created the universe and has given us the right to enter boldly into the throne room of heaven through our relationship with his Son, our mediator, wants to show us great and mighty things?  Here is what George Mueller wrote in response to the questions of so many who witnessed the power of prayer in his life. Listen to his method for determining the will of God;

  1. I seek to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of  its own in a given matter. When you are ready to do the Lord’s will, whatever it may be, 9/10ths of the difficulties are overcome. ( Lord’s prayer in the garden: Not my will – but Thine.  His instruction in Lord’s prayer, ‘ Thy kingdom come, thy will be done..”
  2. Having done this, I don’t leave the result to feeling or simply impression. If  I do so , I leave myself liable to great delusion.
  3. I seek the will of the Spirit of God through or in connection with God’s word. The Spirit and the Word must be combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word, I lay myself open to delusions. If the Spirit guides us, He will do so according to the Scriptures ( God’s Word), not contrary to them.
  4. Next, I take into account providential circumstances. These often plainly indicate God’s will in connection with His Word and the Spirit.
  5. I ask God in prayer to reveal His will to me. ( I John 5: 14, 15)
  6. Thus, through prayer, the study of the Word, and reflections, I come to a deliberate judgment according to the best of my ability and knowledge. If my mind is thus at peace and continues after two or three more petitions, I proceed accordingly. I have found this method always effective in trivial and important issues.


Now even though we do not have Jacob’s recorded prayer to God, we have God’s recorded answer to Jacob. Thus we can conclude, this answer  is in response to Jacob’s sacrifices because sacrifices were part of communicating with God.
So Jacob knowing of the covenant promise of God to Abraham, Isaac and himself is fearful about leaving the land of promise. In other words, Jacob fears leaving Canaan will not be in accordance with God’s  Word.  So God answers Jacob’s fears and assures Jacob he is to go down to Egypt where God assures Jacob he will become the great nation God planned them to be. He also lets  Jacob know “ I will surely bring you back again and Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes.”
Jacob’s heart desire was to see his son Joseph again. He was also concerned about feeding and keeping his family alive during a famine. In spite of these desires and concerns- this altar time and answered prayer of God  tells me Jacob was seeking God’s will – not his. Jacob did not trust his feelings- he trusted the Word of God.
In other words God told him to GO!

Did you ever want to do something- you really wanted to do, really desired to do- but you thought God probably won’t let me do that just because I want to do it?  What does the Bible tell us about God’s will?  The Word of God tells us: “ His will is good, perfect and acceptable”( Romans 12) And guess what? God’s will often coincides with our natural preferences and legitimate desires.  Our Heavenly Father loves to give good gifts.
Jacob can now go having made sure he was not doing something just because he desired it and it was a provision but assured it was God who was making it possible.
We are then given a head count of all who went with Jacob down to Egypt.  They totaled 66 plus Joseph and this two sons and Jacob made 70 souls who would end up in Egypt.
Now as they got closer to Egypt and closer to the long awaited reunion of Jacob and his beloved son, Joseph, Jacob sends Judah ahead to Joseph to get directions. Joseph had his chariot made ready and went to Goshen to meet his father.
What a Father’s Day it was!
“ As soon as Joseph  appeared before him, he threw his arms around his father and wept for a long  time.”  Do you see the scene in your mind’s eye?  What a Father’s Day Reunion!
Gina’s father Houston Sipes flew his last mission as a top turret gunner in a B24 Liberator on May 22, 1945.  Here is what Houston said and remembers after 65 years- “ it felt good to still be around.”
He had been credited with 50 missions. He and his crew only flew 33 actual missions ,but 17 were so dangerous that counted as double missions. Listen to his younger brother Gordon describe the reunion.
Houston was arriving in Jackson by passenger train. Gordon says, “ we only lived 2 or 3 blocks from the depot. We all knew about his 50 missions and everyone in town knew Houston was on the train. When the train stopped, the conductor would not let anyone else off, until Houston got off by himself. There was cheering and crying and everything. You’ve never seen a football game that ended like this!”
Don’t you love stories that end like that?  Let me share one more of a  young sailor coming home after WWII.  He lived way out in the country where they raised cattle and sheep. He had big black Scottish shepherd dog named Teddy. Teddy was his constant companion when he was growing up until he went off to war. He was with him every moment of the day when he worked the flocks and slept by his bed. They were best friend because living so far out- he was his only companion.

The last part of his trip was by bus which stopped 14 miles from his home. He walked the last 14 miles and arrived  at the home place at 2:00 am in the morning. Teddy who doubled as a guard dog sensed his arrival and began to bark. The young man whistled just once. The barking stopped and with a yelp of recognition the young sailor saw the big black form of Teddy hurtling toward him in the night. His dog leaped into his waiting arms and excitedly licked his face.  To this day- when this man thinks of coming home- this memory comes to mind.
Don’t you see?  One day the trump shall sound like that train whistled its arrival that day or the whistle that Teddy heard and knew it was his master. A conductor had brought Gina’s Daddy home— a midnight whistle was all it took for  Teddy to know his master called.
“ When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more,

And the morning breaks eternal, bright and fair-

When the saved on earth shall gather over on the other shore-

And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there!”
What a reunion.  A reunion with our Heavenly Father. Now that will be a Father’s Day to remember forever!
I like to think Joseph came galloping up in a chariot pulled by a white horse- just as our Lord is pictured in Revelation 19 upon a white horse crowned with many crowns. Can you hear the cheers, the hallelujahs  like a roar of water and like loud peals of thunder when we arrive in heaven- home at last from the war?

To quote my Uncle Gordon-you’never seen a football game that ended like this!!
There are personal reunions and there are national reunions aren’t there?  These real life examples show us those type. The folks of Jackson who came out to celebrate the return of one of their own who had been to war was happening all over the country in 1945.  You have probably seen the pictures of the ticker tape parades of people kissing, embracing, crying, laughing, dancing in the streets- a celebration of a nation reunited.

We have send and heard of prisoners of war who were set free after captivity and how we celebrated their freedom and return.  Remember, Jermiah Denton, the Navy Admiral who was held captive in Vietnam for 8 years. Who suffered torture at the hands of the enemy. Upon being set free and returning he said the following: “We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances. We are  profoundly grateful to our Commander –in-Chief and to our nation for this day. God Bless America.”
Do you realize who we, Christians, are?  We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood a holy nation serving our Commander in Chief. And like those brave soldiers- we have the honor to serve Him, Our Commander in Chief in these difficult times and circumstances.
When the nation of Israel had been held in captivity for 70 years and were allowed to return to their land, Jerusalem had been destroyed. The people begin to rebuild the wall as well as the place of worship and they gathered in the square to hear the Word of God read for the first time in decades. Their reaction?  They lifted up their hands in praise and wept aloud.  Can you imagine the Christians in the city of Jackson gathering in the court square by the thousands to hear and read the Word of God and praise Him and weep aloud as we rebuild our city? Now imagine that as a national scene across this country and you have picture of a national reunion of a nation with its Heavenly Father.
Words cannot describe the scene – that is why God lets us use our imagination to see Joseph and his father in this Father’s Day scene.  Joseph threw his arms around his father and wept for a long  time.
Joseph’s appearance would have been in stark contrast to his father and brothers. He was dressed in splendor, clean shaven and wearing impeccable garments and with symbols of his authority. Jacob and his sons look like  Jed Clampett and his crew- the Beverly Hillbillies arriving in Beverly Hills. Joseph showed no shame in recognizing them as family and he will show no shame in bringing them before the Pharaoh.
Such will be the case when the Lord presents each of us— some of  us looking hillbillies in awe of the splendor of heaven. But He will not be ashamed of us- for remember He loved us and died for us while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
Oh What a Moment- when we see Jesus!

What a reunion!

What a day – the war is ended!

It will truly be a Father’s Day!

I only have one question- when the roll is called up yonder will you be there?


Genesis : Chapter 47: Help! I Need Somebody! Help! Not Just Anybody!
As we closed chapter 46, the reunion of Joseph and Jacob, listen to Joseph’s instructions to his father and brothers.
“ When the Pharaoh calls you in and asks, ‘what is your occupation? ‘ You should answer –‘your servants have tended livestock from our boyhood on, just as our fathers did. Then you will be able to settle in the region of Goshen, for all shepherds are detestable to the Egyptians.”
Joseph was a careful planner, a stickler for details who trusted the Lord but was always careful to do his part. Joseph is arranging for his family to settle in Egypt. It would be in keeping with God’s plan for the future nation of Israel, that they be in Egypt but not of Egypt. Intermarrying with Egyptians would not be part of God’s  plan- not due to any racial bias or prejudice but in keeping with God’s plan they not be unequally yoked with pagan unbelievers.
Joseph is a successful mediator who will appear before the Pharaoh. Notice how he has already planned what he will say and rehearses his brothers on what they are to say. He was not ashamed to call them his brothers and he was the perfect mediator before the king because he was one of them and understood them. Just as the Lord Jesus appeared before our Heavenly Father to be our mediator.  Hebrews 6 tells us: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus who went before us, has entered on our behalf.” And in other verses in Hebrews we are told Jesus is the mediator of a new covenant.
It was a famine that God used to bring the budding nation of Israel, only 70 souls into Egypt for safekeeping and it was here God would begin to make them a great nation of over 2 million people when Moses would lead them out of Egypt back to Canaan. They would return to Canaan due to the hardship of slavery they were subjected to in Egypt. And interestingly enough- hundreds and hundreds of years later, God would once again allow the horror of the Holocaust in the 1930’s and 40’s to lead them once again back to the promised land as Israel became a nation once again in 1949.
So as we turn the bend in the closing chapters of Egypt and the story of the nation of Israel let us turn our attention to chapter 47 and Joseph’s actions during the remaining years of the famine.
Verses 1-11 tells us Joseph’s introduction of his father and five of his brothers to the Pharaoh.  You can see them dressed in their best clothes. Can you imagine how they looked?  Just like farmers on Sunday in their suits. The tan lines on their forehead show where their caps and hats have protected them from the sun. You can see rough hands scrubbed clean with Lava soap sticking out of white cuffs and necks that are reddened from the sun uncomfortably enclosed in tight white collars and ties. You would not have to be told what this men did- you could see it in their faces, their hands , their appearance has ‘ I am a farmer’ written all over it. That is how I picture Jacob and his sons.

But Joseph was no more ashamed or embarrassed by their appearance than the Lord Jesus is by ours. And like Joseph he will proudly present us before the King of Heaven, God Almighty. And just as the King accepted Jacob and his sons because of Joseph- We are accepted in the Beloved.
The Pharaoh receives the family of Joseph and tells  them they can have the best of the land in Goshen and places his livestock in their care also.
Then Joseph  brings his father, Jacob, before the Pharaoh. As he presents his father to the Pharaoh, we are told Jacob blessed the Pharaoh. He will in fact do this twice. The blessing of one to another is always done by the greater to the lesser. In other words the blessing should come from the person in the greater position to the person in the lesser position. In doing this Jacob/Israel was in effect saying- you, Pharaoh might be a prince among men and have power on earth, but  I am a prince with God and have power in heaven.
Remember his grandfather Abraham had been a curse to the Pharaoh when he went down and lied about his relationship with Sarah causing God to bring diseases down on the household of the Pharaoh.
Are you a blessing to  others?  Do we come into their presence of others to bring blessings from God or curses? When we leave- do we leave blessings behind us?
Now remember what Joseph said to his brothers after their reunion? He told them there would be five years of famine ahead of them. If you have seen pictures and heard stories of the Great Depression and the drought that turned the Midwest into a ‘dust bowl’ these are the conditions that are about to fall upon the land.
Let us look at the manner in which Joseph dealt with a severe famine that is only going to get worse in these remaining 5 years. Joseph is a man of integrity. He is also a careful planner who does not overlook the smallest of details. He will show his care not only for his own family but for every one in the whole region as they suffer from this severe famine and  desperate time.
I would remind you of what the Lord Jesus told us about the loving care and concern of our Heavenly Father. “ Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten by God? ( Luke 12: 6). On another occasion Jesus said: ‘ Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing and not one of them shall fall to the ground without your Father?” ( Matthew 10:29)  Did you notice something?  The price of two sparrows is one farthing… yet 5 sparrows are sold for two farthing. Meaning the seller will throw in a free sparrow when you buy four. Merchants of old understood added value, didn’t they? The fifth sparrow has no monetary value- is worth nothing- yet even this sparrow does not fall to the ground without the Father’s knowledge. There is no such thing as being valueless to our Heavenly Father. He cares for us, like no one ever has or will- from the perceived great leaders to the unknown pauper headed for a pauper’s grave. That is how detailed God’s care is and we see this in Joseph’s caring attitude for the least of  the people brought before him.
Is this not what Jesus said we are to do?  To care for widows and orphans. To feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to care for the sick and visit those in prison?  Jesus gave us this commandment – to love one another, as I have loved you.
As the famine continued, watch the affect it had upon the people.

The people who had hoarded their money discovered you cannot eat silver and gold. They gladly exchanged their silver and gold for something to eat.

You see the famine and great want brought them to the place where they were willing to submit themselves to Joseph’s care at any and all costs on any terms.
Do you realize what had occurred in their lives?  They had come to an end of themselves- the realization they could not save themselves. They were powerless. You cannot eat silver and gold. The people were crying for Help.  We need somebody- not just anybody.
In the beginning man did not have money or possessions.He had no need of them. He had life and work he enjoyed and food and everything he needed for life, including a suitable helpmate,  was provided for him by his Loving God in the garden of  Eden. Adam and Eve did not realize how good they had it ( remember God Himself said it was ‘very good’) until they lost it.  Ever had that happen to you?  Didn’t realize how good you had it – until circumstances changed and what you had taken for granted and not really appreciated until you had it taken away or lost it and then you realize how good it really was.
Is that not the story of George Bailey in  the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life!” ? Once George had a chance to look back and see just what life was really about – he realized he had a wonderful life. Have you discovered what life is really about?
“But godliness with contentment is great gain. We brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out of this world. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” ( 1 Timothy 6)
The land of Egypt that Joseph arrived in at age 17 was a land of wealth and power. It was the most advanced and sophisticated civilization on the earth at that time. The economy, commerce, science, architecture, building and progress were unparalleled in the world. Yet here they are brought to nothing by something they cannot control- the weather, the lack of rain, drought.
Prior to the Great Depression of the 1930’s the United States experienced decades of growth and movement from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. The discoveries, inventions and man’s creativity and intelligence seemed to be functioning at an extremely high level. Man had invented the mass communication with the telephone, had conquered the air with the first airplanes , entertainment with the radio, movies, and transportation with affordable automobiles and the stock market was everyone’s opportunity to have a piece of the pie. And America had developed a sweet tooth. After World War I and recognition as a world leader, the country went on a binge in the 1920’s to wake up to a terrible hangover in the crash of 1929. What followed then was a great drought and famine in the mid- west the heartland of our farms that fed us. Money, stocks and bonds, and possessions were not worth anything unless you could use them to feed your family.  Men moved to wherever there was work to send money back to their families. People were looking for a strong leader to whom they would willingly submit everything in order to survive.
Periods such as this have existed in the past and will exist again in the future. They have a way of reminding us- God’s people, we are really not in charge. You see, sometimes we are just like the people we read of in the Bible. Good times, good jobs, nice homes, clothes, cars can somehow give us a false sense of well-being that is a result of our own abilities and of our society’s creative resourcefulness . If we are not careful and vigilant we somehow see ourselves as being the cause of our good life and our hope is in our abilities, the economy, the goodness of our fellow man, the company we work for- the government or science.  And all of sudden our hope is not in the One who is our hope and our anchor in the storm. Apart from Him, the Lord Jesus, there is no hope.
All of a sudden there comes a problem or series of problems that the brightest minds and the most powerful and rich corporations cannot resolve. They are helpless and the people grow hopeless- because there hope is in their collective strength.,
This is what God is showing us in this story of this world-wide famine that has brought the world to its knees. And that is where we need to be when we sense this is the situation- on our knees  before God confessing we have no hope but Him.
Do you see and understand how this severe famine has brought all the people before Joseph. The first year of the famine they had spent all their money.
When their money was all gone they began to bring their livestock in exchange for food and grain.
When their livestock was gone- they brought their land to barter for food on the table. And finally when that was gone- they brought themselves. Buy us they said.. take us as your slaves and servants in exchange for food and clothing.
The earth was exhausted. Men had come to an absolute end of self. Joseph was their only hope.
Joseph’s solution to the world’s problem and great need was a simple one. He, Joseph, brought all things under the authority of the throne. It was the only way the world could be saved. In fact in vs 21, the KJV tells us: “ and he(Joseph) removed them to cities from one  end of the borders of Egypt to the other end thereof.” Relocation was necessary, just as many men had to move their families during the Great Depression to find work. In making such moves, Joseph was bringing everything and everybody under the rule and authority of the throne of Pharaoh. It was their only hope!
“ And He made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ, to be put in effect when the times have reached their fulfillment- to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.” (Ephesians 1:9-10)
Do you see the illustration here in the story of  Joseph?  The only way Joseph could save the world from its self was to have it brought under the absolute control and authority of the throne.

This is God’s plan and it will be accomplished and put into effect when the times have reached their fulfillment. When will that time be?  At the end of the Great Tribulation. A seven year period in the future. A time I believe we are moving toward at an ever increasing speed.
When you read and study the Great Tribulation in the book of Revelation, you will read of a future catastrophe that will make this period of famine in Egypt in the days of Joseph look like a picnic. The earth, the oceans, the population and environment will be brought to complete ruin, all resources exhausted and no law on the planet. Finally the remnant that is left of the nation of Israel will have turned to the One who is their Only Hope the Seed of Abraham, the Messiah who they did not recognize the first visit but Who revealed Himself at His Second Coming and will come to make things right.
What was the response of the people in Egypt to Joseph’s rule? “ you have saved our lives, may we find favor (grace)  in the eyes of the lord we are in bondage to Pharaoh.’ And Joseph made it law.’
When the Lord Jesus comes at the end of the age, the Great Tribulation, He will set up His Millennial Kingdom. He will rule and reign with a rod of iron. Complete authority- all things in heaven and on earth together under one head- even King Christ. And every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.
We will own nothing- but have everything we need. We will have meaningful work. A grateful people who have survived the Tribulation saved by the Lord Himself will be glad to be the Lord’s servants. The Raptured Church which was spared the wrath of God will have returned with Him to set up His Millennial Kingdom. Having tasted the glory of heaven, His will is our command and our greatest desire.  Our future is assured, our happiness guaranteed not by a politician’s promises- but by the Word of God.
There will truly be peace on earth and good will toward man.
Is it possible that we are coming to an end of a period of prosperity to be followed by lean years? How can we not look at the current circumstances and not see the writing on the wall?
Remember what it was like for weeks following 911?  Remember how the churches were filled and you could not turn on the television without seeing and hearing about prayer and God’s will. There was also the utter surprise that a handful of terrorists armed with box cutters and religious hatred had done this to us- the great nation of the America? Would we be able to protect ourselves against such as enemy as this? Fear ..real fear came to America.
Time after time in the Bible we see the nation of Israel in trouble and danger. Time after time they had to learn the lesson- we are powerless . We do not know what to do – but our eyes are upon YOU, LORD.  Until they would learn, as we must learn- the battle is the Lord’s .
It must be fought with His weapons which are mighty.

But do you know what is God’s greatest weapon?   A SURRENDERED LIFE!
Have you surrendered?
On September 16, 1977, I said to the Lord in affect:  You have saved my life- may I find grace in your eyes and I will be your servant for all eternity. I surrender.

I give up.

I cried out to Him that fateful day… in desperation I cried for  Help. Help! I need somebody! Help! Not just anybody- I need you Lord Jesus- no one else will do.

Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 43-45

Genesis 43:  The Reunion that Grace Provides

When we left Jacob and his sons at the end of chapter 42, Jacob insisted his son, Benjamin would not go down to Egypt for fear he would lose him also.

But now as some time has passed and the famine continues, they must face the inevitable- they are out of food. Jacob says to them- ‘go down to Egypt and buy us a little more food.’  As if the problem was that easy to resolve. Jacob is saying buy us a little more time.
Jacob had delayed and denied the reality of the situation – but now he has no choice. You can deny you have a problem and delay the final day of reckoning. We must learn when we attempt to solve  problems that God has brought into our lives with our own man-made devices- the fix is temporary isn’t it?  Sooner or later you must face reality and realize you have delayed facing up to the truth- but now you must face what you can no longer  deny.  Like Scarlet O’Hara who said she could not think about that today- she would think about it tomorrow, tomorrow has come.
Judah speaks to his father and says if we do not take Benjamin with us- we are not going to get any grain, for the man (Joseph) said you will not see my face again if you do not bring your brother. So we are not going down there if you do not send Benjamin.
Faced with this ultimatum, and no longer able to deny and delay, Jacob( now referred to as Israel) turns to blame and deceit.  Why did you bring all this trouble on me  by telling the man you had another brother?  In other words, Jacob says why didn’t you lie to this man?

Jacob is referred to by his new name (Israel)-  but acts  out of his old nature by suggesting lying would have saved them this trouble.
Once again, Jacob is a mirror which reflects our old nature which rears its ugly head in the midst of storms, trials and tribulation. Fear seems to bring out the worst in us doesn’t it?  Or pressure seems to squeeze what is still inside.
Does not our old nature want to put off confronting difficult decisions? Do we not want to delay and deny problems we fear addressing.  Like a child who covers her eyes and believes no one can see her- we cover our eyes to the reality and deny and delay the inevitable truth we must face.  Remember what David said in his Psalm of confession: “Surely You(God) desire truth in inner parts,you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.” ( Psalm 51: 6)
Jacob is in pain, real emotional trauma. But pain is necessary to show us where the hurt is; so we can begin the process of healing and addressing the pain.
Jacob’s old nature continues to control the situation and after he can no longer delay and deny the situation has become worse because of his delay and denial- he then turns to blame and deceit.  Here we see use of two of the devil’s favorite tools(blame and deceit) to keep one in darkness rather than turn to the light of truth.  Jacob blames his sons for all his troubles and says why did you tell the truth- why didn’t you lie and deceive?
Judah replies with the truth- the man ask us a question and we answered honestly. How were we to know he would say bring you brother down here to prove you are not lying. I would remind you – it is almost impossible to tell just one lie. In fact unless you immediately confess you have lied- you must then tell supporting lies and pretty soon you are caught up in a web of lies. Oh what a web we weave, when first we set out – others to deceive.  You sooner or later get caught in your own web of lies. That is why honesty is always the best policy.
Judah stands up to his father and confronts the reality of the situation. Sooner or later when you have refused to face the reality of a situation- a mess which you have had a part in creating- someone is going to be used by God to say you cannot deny this problem any longer- your refusal to do so is putting those who are with you in dire straits.
In fact, Judah says, if you had not delayed, we could have been down there and back twice already. If you want to blame someone – blame me. I will bear the blame. Judah has changed hasn’t he? Judah’s sins were some of the most notorious in the book of Genesis. But we are observing redemption at work. Judah who was humiliated because of his sins with Tamar and his hypocrisy over her sins was humbled to the point of recognizing that Tamar was more righteous than he. Judah has a chance to do the right thing and he does. For in his hypocrisy, Judah exhibits his pride. For hypocrisy is the most common sin of pride and exposure had deflated his pride and made it possible for God to release His enabling grace to make Judah the leader he must become.  For God gives grace to the humble- but He resists the proud.
Jacob concedes to Judah’s argument. Reluctantly he agrees to send Benjamin. Now Israel ( alias Jacob) says here  is what we are going  to do:

Take some gifts

Take double the amount of money.

Tell them the money in your sacks of grain was an honest mistake.

Take Benjamin and go at once.
Then Jacob remembers who had made a covenant with him and his offspring:  El Shaddai, God Almighty.  Years ago when Jacob set out for Laban’s home to escape Esau’s wrath and find a suitable bride, his father Isaac blessed Jacob in the name of El Shaddai. “May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples.” ( Genesis 28:3)  Then Jacob had a dream on his way to Paddan Aram in which he saw angels ascending and descending on a ladder and God spoke to Jacob and confirmed the blessing of Abraham and Isaac to Jacob and told Jacob that He, God would be with him and watch over him wherever he would go.
But notice that Jacob does not ask God Almighty for blessings- Jacob called on God Almighty for mercy.
I believe Jacob now faces the truth, including his role in all of this trouble. Jacob remembers the One whom he has forgotten—Almighty God. How  could he ever expect to solve a problem with God not part of the solution?
Understanding the situation better, Jacob does not ask for blessing, that seemed inappropriate- he asked instead for mercy. For mercy is what we ask for when we realize our guilt and how undeserving we are of blessings.  We ask for the only thing  we dare ask for— MERCY. Lord have mercy on me, a sinner.
In verse 15, we see the sons  of Jacob, including Benjamin start out  on their journey with all their provisions and gifts. Their mission is fourfold:

  1. To show their good faith and honesty.
  2. To prove they are not spies.
  3. To get Simeon back.
  4. To buy more food.


Joseph is told of their arrival arranges for a feast at his home. A picture of God’s Grace- but observe the response of the brothers. The brothers are frightened and fear for their lives. They speculate and immediately in their anxiety  and guilt go to the worst case scenario—we have been brought here because of the silver. This man wants to attack us, take our donkeys and make us his slaves.
They were partially right- they were brought here because of the silver- not the silver in their sacks- but because of the 20 pieces of silver they sold Joseph into slavery for.
Unresolved guilt makes one  more anxious doesn’t it?  Unconfessed sin always makes one more suspicious of other’s motives. But watch what else guilt does- it makes one suspicious of God’s grace.  Ever know a lost person- who is wary of salvation and surrender to the God Almighty?
Sizing up the situation in this negative frame of a guilty mind- the brothers immediately begin to explain to the steward this whole misunderstanding regarding  the silver in their sacks and tell him they have brought back the money plus more and gifts.  All of  a sudden it is the brothers who desire understanding  and forgiveness for their mistakes.
The steward then makes an amazing statement, surely based on Joseph’s command:  It’s all right- don’t be afraid. Your God, the God of your father has given you the treasure in your sack. I received your silver and at that he brings out Simeon.
In their mind- the money was never viewed as a gift from God. In fact it was more the opposite that led them to remark ‘ what has God done to us?’ Their unconfessed sin- their guilt had blocked them from seeing the grace of God in their live. (When you depend of the strength of flesh you will not see prosperity when it comes -Jeremiah 17) Grace is unmerited favor and God has allowed us to see in this story- just how unmerited this grace to these brothers was.
Now Joseph arrives. The brothers ( all 11 now) bowed down to him. The dream is now fulfilled after over 20 + years. A dream given to Joseph as a 16-17 year old boy. We know God has plans for us- He has a blue print for our lives. The dream or calling comes to us and draws us- but a decision must be made. How do we respond? One person said to Jesus let me go home and bury my father. Meaning I will follow you when it is more convenient for me to do so. In a parable of the invitation to the feast- excuses are given including:  just bought a new field; just bought  some new oxen; just got married. What  did the disciples do- they left everything and followed  Him.
Sometimes  there is a delay in the fulfillment of the dream. The delay is from our viewpoint- we like everything immediately in our fast-food, microwave instant gratification world. But God fashions delays to build our faith. Joseph’s faith was built  over a 17 year period of one difficult situation after another. In fact – looking back at the story of faith in Genesis we see time  after time – God used seeming delays to build the faith of  Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph.  We can see, ( as my friend and brother Louis Hamada says) God uses circumstances and critics to try us because adversity and opposition are the billows and the flame to burn off the dross so when we are tried we will come forth as gold.
The first question Joseph asks is how is your father? Is he still living? They reply he is alive and well. Then Joseph looks upon the face of his brother Benjamin and asks is this your youngest brother you told me about?  God be gracious to you, Joseph tells Benjamin and then overcome with emotion for the second time- Joseph went into a private room to weep. Joseph wept for the second time.
On two occasions in the New Testament, we are told Jesus wept. In John 11, Jesus wept as He was going to the tomb of Lazarus. He would soon be going to a tomb. So was every one else. All were on their way to a tomb. You and I are headed to a tomb. You know why? Because of our sins. Guess what?  Jesus was headed to a tomb for ours sins also.  Jesus wept because He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He wept for Martha and Mary and for Lazarus’ friend. He wept because his heart was broken at the sadness of death.  Jesus also wept for Jerusalem who in her blindness could not see the truth. Jesus said if only you had known on this day what would bring you peace- but now it is hidden from your eyes.(Luke 19:41) Joseph’s identity has been hidden from his brothers.
I believe these are some of  the emotions Joseph  is experiencing now.
Joseph washed his face and returns with orders to serve the food. The brothers eat a separate table for eating with these Hebrew shepherds was detestable to the Egyptians in their society.
The brothers are still in shock at their favorable treatment. The brothers are seated in order of their age from the oldest to the youngest. How could this man know such things about us? And then when they were served- Benjamin received five times as much. Why? I am not sure- perhaps for Joseph to see if they would be jealous of favored treatment. They were not— they were so happy with the results of their visit- they could not believe their treatment.  It was truly a banquet of grace.
No longer is their fear, dread and anxiety- they drank freely and feasted.
How like our Heavenly Father, the giver of all good gifts.

He daily loads us with benefits.

We are the recipients of favor we do not deserve aren’t we?

His provisions for us are of such abundance we cannot ever repay.
Joseph’s life is a magnificent portrayal of the grace of God. Grace that is marvelous, amazing and all sufficient.
When we were lost in our sins- He, God came in the person of His Son, Jesus to rescue us, the perishing.
Joseph could have blamed his brothers  for all his woes- but he chooses to forgive them.

God does not blame  us for our sins- He forgives us.
Many like the brothers of Joseph before they knew him- feared him and  feared the worst from him.   Such are many today- fearful of a God who will punish them only to come to experience His Grace and Forgiveness and incredible generosity and love that sent His  Son, His Only Son to die in our place.
As sure as Abraham told Isaac, God will provide Himself a lamb. The Lamb of God came to take away our sin.
Like Joseph’s brothers- like Adam and Eve-  we sin and we are afraid.

But like Joseph’s brothers instead of being blamed- we are forgiven.

Instead of feeling guilt- we are set free.

How like the prodigal son & Joseph’s brothers we are—the prodigal had rehearsed his confession to his father for  all his sins against him and had devised a plan to pay him back but- all the father of the prodigal wanted was the return of his son. Joseph’s brothers had brought back the money and more plus gifts as if they could purchase what they needed with the work of their hands.  Did you notice Joseph paid no attention or even mentioned the gifts and money of his brothers? The prodigal’s father heard his confession- but cut him off  before the son could tell how he wanted to be counted as a servant and not a son. The father had a feast and celebration to plan for his son who was dead was alive—who was lost was now found.
Do you realize that  Christ at the cross  was bearing our sins and forgiving us? He asked his father to forgive us. Here on a cross was the One who was rejected giving up His life to reunite us with God. It would be a reunion provided by Grace.
Joseph was rejected by his brothers- but thru his rejection the lives of his brothers and many others would  be saved and at long last a joyful reunion would take place.
Today, I believe Jesus still weeps over sinners on a way to the tomb.

Today  I know He still longs to be gracious to sinners.

The Lord is offering you all the things you long for. Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? Are you tired and weary, heavy laden and need rest—then come to Him. Come to the banquet table. The provision is abundant. Not just for the hereafter- but for the present also. Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
The amazing thing about grace is something you can never get but only be given.

We are saved by grace thru faith and that not of our own. It is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8&9)
Remember this:  No one wants you to come home more than Our Heavenly Father. No one  wants you to sit down at the feast more than the Lord Jesus.
Every hear someone use this expression:  ‘ I  am dying to see you again!”
The Lord Jesus said- I died to see you.!
Were it not for grace- I can tell you where I would be. Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere with my salvation up to me. Were it not for grace.
But instead:

My chains are gone- I have been set free.

My God  and Savior has ransomed me!
Charles Swindoll says:  The table is loaded, and their stands our Gracious Host, smiling, waiting for you to sit down and enjoy the feast He prepared with just you in mind.
Have a seat- grace is being served.

Were it not for Grace! 

Were it not for Grace, I can tell you where I’d be-
Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere with my salvation up to me.
I know how that would go and the battles I would face;
forever running  but losing the race- were it not for Grace!

So here is all my praise expressed with all my heart.
Offered to a friend who took my place and ran a course I could not start.
And when He saw in full just how much it would cost;
He still went the final mile between heaven and me so I would not be lost.


Genesis 44- 45
In Matthew 7 as Jesus finishes his teaching referred to as the Sermon on the Mount He gives us a parable to help us remember what is important regarding His teaching.
It is what I call a “foundational truth.”

The parable is about two men who build houses on different foundations. The wise builder built on solid rock and was able to weather the storms; the foolish builder built on sand and the storms washed his house away. Here is the key: Jesus said anyone who hears my words and acts upon them will be like the wise builder; anyone who hears my words and does NOT act upon them will be foolish.
If we would build a solid foundation on which to live our lives is it built by ‘acting upon the Word of God.”   All other ground is sinking sand.
There are certain discoveries  I want  us to make today in this continuing story of Joseph and his brothers:

  • The story within the story-what the Bible says to us
  • What it means to us.
  • How it works today- in today’s’ society.
  • In other words- how we act upon what He tells us and shows us in these stories.

In today’s society it is becoming more evident every day there are no absolute moral truths. The Bible is simply another religious book and many treat it like a buffet. They pick what they like and leave what they do not like. Don’t like what the Word of God says about homosexuality as a perversion – then leave that out.
For sure they want to define their truths and morals based on their opinions not those of some ancient book called the “ Word of God.” Believing there are no absolute truths or morals, they believe they can do whatever they want to do without consequences. “Be sure your sin will find you out.” (Nu.32:23) Does not seem to apply to them. No truth- no consequences. But they are wrong. Dead wrong- deceived. There are consequences.
For 22 years, Joseph’s brothers operated under this false assumption. They believed their sin regarding the Joseph affair was carefully covered. Assuming he was long since dead, they knew the only witness to their crime and lies to their father was not able to expose their sin.  But Joseph had one more piece to apply to the puzzle and a 22 year old crime/ sin would be exposed. A ‘cold case’ would be reopened and the guilty exposed.
Joseph’s conspiracy is part of his plan to bring his brothers to repentance. We can imagine their joy at having successfully completed their mission: Simeon is free, they have Benjamin safe and sound, and they have food- plus they had been royally entertained.  But the joy and peace would soon be discovered to only be a mirage. Things were not what they seemed and they never are when based on lies, and unconfessed sins. Real joy and real peace must be based on truth. Our lives must be built on the solid rock foundation of God’s truth – all other ground is sinking sand.
Joseph conspires to put his special silver cup in Benjamin’s sack of grain. Imagine their surprise when not far from the city on their return trip home- they are pulled over to the side by a convoy from Joseph.
Joseph has accused them of stealing this precious item. Joseph’s steward accuses the brothers of repaying good with evil. The brothers are so confident they are not guilty- they proclaim their own punishment. The brothers tell the steward if  you find the cup- let the one who has it die and the rest of us be your slaves.  Reminds me of the Jewish leaders who said to Pilate – let his blood be on our hands.
The steward amends their offer of justice and says let it be the one who has taken the cup will become my slave- but the others will go free.
Imagine their confidence as the steward inspected each sack of grain beginning with the oldest to the youngest.  Ten sacks opened- no stolen cup. Then the 11th sack is opened, Benjamin’s sack and there it is.  The brothers tore their clothes  and returned with the steward. We see on their faces a mixture of horror, fear and great sorrow. Be sure your sin will find you out- there are consequences. Judah must be thinking of  what he told his father regarding the safety and return of  Benjamin. As we will see, Judah becomes the spokesperson for his brothers.
Judah had taken part in the vicious assault of Joseph over 20 years ago. He was the one who suggested they sell him into slavery and make a profit rather than have his blood on their hands.
Notice when the brothers now return before Joseph, they do not just bow- they fall prostrate on the ground. These 11 men are frightened and Joseph appears to them as even more powerful for now he holds their very lives and future in his  hands.
Judah and his brothers make it clear they will not defend themselves. We know that in the presence of God, guilty men’s mouths will be shut.(Romans 3:19) There is no defense- there are without excuse. In fact it is only when we quit defending ourselves and confess to the Lord we are guilty and throw ourselves on the mercy of the court, that God can show us mercy.
Watch what Judah says: “ What can we say? How can we prove our innocence? ( how can we justify ourselves?) GOD HAS UNCOVERED YOUR SERVANTS’ GUILT.
I believe this statement refers to their hidden sins- what they had done to Joseph and their father. Remember on their first visit they had talked among themselves, overheard by Joseph, how God was punishing them for what they did to Joseph.
Judah then makes a long  and moving speech to Joseph in which he refers to Joseph as Lord several times. If we look at this appeal to Joseph as a type of intercessory prayer we discover some guidelines for making an appeal to the Lord.

  1. First recognize His Lordship – He has authority and power over us.
  2. Confessing your sin as Judah did- ‘God has uncovered our sin.’
  3. Establish the  basis for your appeal  on the Word of the Lord. Judah recalls what Joseph had told them to do. Had they not obeyed Joseph’s command to bring the boy back with them?
  4. Judah then appealed on the basis of concern for his father. The Word of  God tells us: ‘ Do you not know what concerns you, concerns the Lord?
  5. Judah is in effect saying to enslave Benjamin would kill their father. It was more than he could bear. Remember the Lord has promised He will not allow you to be tempted or tested above that which you can bear- but will make a way to escape so you may stand up under it.

Finally Judah ends his appeal with an offer to take the place of  Benjamin- to be surety for him. When you make your appeal to the Lord are you willing to do whatever it takes on your part? Or whatever it takes for the Lord to answer your prayer?
Judah has carefully gone over the events: from the reaction of their father to taking Benjamin down to Egypt.  Seeing they had no choice- Jacob finally agreed to let him go after Judah said he would take  full responsibility for Benjamin’s safe return.  Sometimes when we carefully go over an event in telling the Lord about our circumstances- we will see or realize a truth we had not seen before.
Judah then makes an offer to Joseph asking to let him stay in place of his brother Benjamin. To be a substitute for his brother-  Becoming as it were- surety for Benjamin. He reminds Joseph that to not return with Benjamin would kill his father, Jacob.
Now perhaps you can see why God chose Judah as the one through whom the Messiah would come. For like Judah, the Lord Jesus offered Himself as surety for us who have trusted Him. Judah was willing to take the place of his brother Benjamin, who he believed was guilty and  separate himself from his father, Jacob. And it was the Lord Jesus who separated Himself from His Father to be a substitute for us at the cross.
Joseph was now convinced his brothers had truly repented and he could reveal himself to them.

No matter how many times you hear this familiar story- the moment about to occur is one of the greatest reunions  in history.  Joseph no longer able to control his emotions has all of his attendants and Egyptian officials leave the room.
Then Joseph with a great sob, with tears running down his faces said to his brothers, “ I am Joseph! Is my father still living?”
What a simple statement of truth:  I am Joseph. Remember what happened to Paul on the road to Damascus?  A blinding light  and a voice from heaven knocked him to the ground and dumbfounded he asked ‘who are you,lord?  The reply was as simple as Joseph’s_ I am Jesus whom you persecuted.
Joseph’s revelation of himself to his brothers was sudden and they were stunned. Their sense of sin- their conviction had been growing. They had rejected Joseph, they had beaten him torn his clothes from him and then ate lunch while Joseph, a frightened 17 year old boy called out their names to get him out of that pit.
The first work of the Holy Spirit in a human soul is the work of conviction. He convicts us of our sin. Salvation is not a matter of raising your hand in a meeting or walking down an aisle and filling out a card. Salvation begins with facing up to personal guilt and rejection of Christ.
Once again there is silence- the brothers are dumbfounded..The shock is unbelievable and as  the truth sinks in- the fear of what will happen next is greater than ever before. For they know whatever he does to them – they deserve it.
Joseph, who was a wise and discerning man of God- who looked at the faces of the baker and cupbearer and knew they were distressed could easily see the fear in his brother’s eyes.
Wanting to gather them to himself as a mother hen would her chicks , as Jesus once said about the Jews in Jerusalem who rejected Him- Joseph opens his arms and with tears coming down his face- Joseph says-‘ come close to me.’
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Watch what Joseph does with their guilt and fear:

“Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here because it was to save lives that GOD SENT ME AHEAD OF YOU. God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.”
Joseph wants the brothers not to live with their guilt any longer. He wants them to be reassured their sins against him are not only forgiven they are forgotten, in that Joseph sees from God’s perspective it was for the greater good. I believe in the years to come, until the time of his death, Joseph never looked  back at their mistreatment of him nor reminded them of the harm they had done. He understood grace.
Oh how I love the fact that once God has heard our recognition and confession of  our sins with Godly repentance- our sins are forgiven and forgotten.  No bringing up again of how you hurt Him – just like the father of the prodigal..why bring up the past- when what really mattered was his son who was lost was found- who was dead was now alive.
Our sins are forgiven and forgotten as far as the east is from the west.
Joseph had been sent ahead to prepare a place for his family. It was a place of abundance. The Pharaoh assured them the best of all Egypt will be yours.
Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He has now gone before us to prepare a place for us. In a similar way God had sent Joseph to prepare a place for Jacob and the 70 souls that would come down to Egypt with him. A place of abundance.
God’s plan of salvation is illustrated in the story of Joseph. You see God’s sovereign plan was at work in the life of Joseph to save the lives of his brothers and father.  His plan included the rejection of Joseph by his brothers, just as His plan of salvation called for His Own Son, Jesus ,  to be rejected and slain.
Joseph was rejected by his brothers and later exalted to the Lord of Egypt. In the same way, God raised up Jesus, the God –Man exalted Him to the highest place and made His name above all names.
Look what this reconciliation meant to the brothers. They would be reconciled to their father, Jacob. They would be reconciled  to their father because, Joseph has forgiven them. This is exactly what grace does—it sanctifies us, set us apart for God, and sends us to the Father to tell Him of His Son.
Do you remember when you go to your Heavenly Father to tell Him of His Wonderful Son, who loved you and gave His life for you?
Joseph’s brothers now have access to all the resources of the throne of Egypt- just as we do because we are reconciled to God the Father thru His Son, the Lord Jesus.
Now read these verses: 45:15,16 and allow your imagination to witness this tender scene.

“ Then he( Joseph) threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and wept, and Benjamin embraced him, weeping. And he kissed all his brothers and wept over them. Afterward his brothers talked with him.”
Remember before Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, the Lord walked with them and talked with them in the garden in the cool of the day. It was a place of fellowship and joy with God and His creation. Then sin came and the garden became a place of fear and hiding.
Do you know what Joseph wanted more than anything when he was seventeen years old? I believed he wanted fellowship with his brothers. But he could not have fellowship with evil doers.  I see Joseph asking them a thousand questions—laughing, crying, hugging them. For Jesus said there is great rejoicing in heaven in the presence of angels of God over one sinner who repents.
“After that his brethren talked with him.”  No one enjoyed the moment any more than Joseph did.
Talking with the Lord is one of the greatest privileges we have as believers. We are His family- He wants to hear from us- spend time with us. He enjoys the fellowship and He is interested in the details of our lives.
The Pharaoh provided them with abundance- in effect the Pharaoh said ‘don’t worry about your things.’
Pretty good advice..don’t worry about your things. Our things can get in the way of doing God’s will can’t they?
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.  That is what Jesus told us to do.

So what have we discovered about this story that God wants us to see? For surely God has given the story of Joseph and his brothers and family much attention.

  1. The Sovereignty of God at work behind the scenes. Joseph recognized God sent him there for such a time as this. God’s sovereign plan is at work in the life and affairs of these men. We learn we can trust God’s promises no matter how bad things become. “There are many plans in the heart of man, nevertheless, God’s counsel will stand. Proverbs 19:21. God is a planner of infinite detail. He is all knowing, all wise, all powerful and able to work all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to the purpose. God sent Joseph to Egypt so that Jacob’s family could be preserved and the nation of Israel born and ultimately give the Word of God and the Savior to the world. And now we see that even Joseph’s brothers were a part of God’s plan. Want to know how detailed God’s plans are?  Listen to Paul in Acts 17 in Athens: “ From one man, He made every nation on earth that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the EXACT places they should live. God did this so that men would reach out for Him and seek Him, although He is not far from each of us.” This same Sovereign God has plans for your life.
  2. Reconciliation is a theme we cannot help but observe and also how it comes about. You and I cannot kiss the Son until we have dealt with sin- honestly confessing it . For it is in honest confession and Godly repentance that forgiveness and mercy can be extended. Then mercy, truth and righteousness come together and we can enjoy the sweet fellowship we see here with Joseph and his brothers and be reconciled to our father as they were and kiss the son.
  3. Attitude. Let this mind be in you that is in Christ Jesus. Joseph teaches us the right attitude that a believer is to exhibit. Joseph’s ability to triumph in adversity and opposition was based on the belief that ‘ God sent me.’ Seeing life from a divine perspective is how Joseph operated. The right attitude toward life and its ups and downs comes from a heart that is right with God. When we have a lousy attitude- we are looking at life from a human, fleshly perspective. When we have the right attitude, we are looking at life from a divine perspective. That is in a nutshell the truth that Joseph’s life represents. When Joseph was able to see God’s hand in his location and circumstances he had the right attitude. He learned to bloom where he was planted.
  4. The nation of Israel and the Lord Jesus. This story of Joseph and his brothers is a picture of Christ’s relationship with his own people the nation of Israel. Remember Stephen’s testimony before the Sanhedrin in Acts 7. Listen to what he says:  “ When Jacob learned that there was grain in Egypt, he sent our fathers on their first visit. On their second visit, Joseph told his brothers who he was..”The nation of Israel rejected Jesus the first time he came, didn’t they?  Crucify him they shouted. He came unto His own, but his own received Him not. The brothers rejected Joseph the first time he came to them just as the majority of Israel did not accept Jesus when He came and proclaimed in word and deed He was their Messiah. But driven by the desperation and tribulation of a famine- Joseph reveals himself  to his brothers, the fathers of the nation of  Israel on the second visit.  A great tribulation will send them to Jesus who at His second coming- they will recognize Him, the one whom they have pierced and persecuted. There will be confession of sin, Godly repentance, and weeping and embracing as the Lord Jesus will talk with his people and proclaim- God sent me


.How is your foundation holding up?  Is it solid? Or does it need shoring up. Remember the wise builder builds on solid rock- upon The Rock- all other ground is sinking sand.

Genesis 38-41

Genesis 38: The Story of Judah and Tamar 

(Additional scripture: I John 1: 5-2:1)

Verse1 tells us “ at that time, Judah left his brothers and went down to stay with a man of Adullam named Hirah.   ‘At that time’ refers to the time after they had sold Joseph into slavery ( Judah’s idea) and deceived their father into believing Joseph had been killed by a wild animal.
Why do you think Judah moved away from his father and brothers?

Jacob in his grief was inconsolable and I believe living in the presence of his father’s grief for which Judah was responsible so nagged his conscience  he could not stand to stay there any longer. But moving away and doing some of the things Judah did as we will see in this story did nothing to relieve him of his guilt. The world’s solution to sin is not recognizing it as sin and turning from it but rather covering it with a variety of deceitful lies.They attack the word of  God and God Himself and say these commandments and laws are not applicable in today’s society and culture. They  create their  own laws that excuse their sinful behavior  and label  the laws of God as antiquated and old fashioned. They seek to make their sinfulness acceptable and God’s truth irrelevant. But the Word of God says they are without excuse.
His sin was ever before him- his guilty conscience followed him wherever he went. There may have been periods where he was distracted for a time- but then events would bring back the problem.
There are some important themes running through this unsavory story. One is of course, God’s grace. Let’s face it, at this point in the story, we would not be willing to forgive Judah and his brothers for what they have done. But God is rich in His mercy, His compassions fail not –so He demonstrated His love for us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. That’s why the Bible is a story of hope for sinful mankind.
But also we see why it was important for God to move the budding nation of Israel to Egypt where they would be despised by the Egyptian people. This would protect them from intermarrying  and over the next 400 years God would grow them into a nation of over 2 million people. This is why God has allowed the favored son of Israel, Joseph to become a slave who will one day rule Egypt  and save them all from a great famine.
Left in Canaan at this time- intermarrying would continue until the patriarchal line would become polluted as we see Judah, the very one from which the Messiah would come marry a Canaanite woman.
Judah in his guilt attempts to rid himself of the guilt not by confessing his sin- but by moving away. He moves away from the reminders of his guilt- his saddened father and his co-conspirators, his brothers. He moves down to Adullam and becomes friends with a man named Hirah. He not only moves into the world- he becomes friends with the world.
The world- the unbelieving world and society does not hate sin- they hate guilt that is associated with sin. They hate being told by a Holy God they do not meet His standards and their self righteousness is as filthy rags. Like Cain the unbeliever is angry that God will not accept them on their terms. And the creation wants to tell its Creator what they will do and not do.
Judah knows of the covenant of his father , and Isaac and Abraham. He knows of the importance of their offspring.
You see Judah wanted to make a new start- but until he takes care of old sin- and gets a new heart there will be no new start..
So Judah moves. He moves into the world and makes friends with the world. Hirah, an unbelieving heathen becomes not only his friend but advisor. Hirah evidently introduces him to a young woman, a Canaanite, the daughter  of a man named Shua.
Judah evidently marries quickly without much thought to the covenant promise and completely disregarding what he knows Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had clearly demonstrated – not to marry a Canaanite woman.
Seeking to salve his guilty conscience, Judah marries and starts a new life. He and his pagan wife soon have  three sons. Er, Onan, and Shelah.
In verse 6, Judah secures a wife for his oldest son, Er. Her name is Tamar.
In verse 7, we are told Er was wicked in the Lord’s sight and the Lord slew him- put him to death. God sometimes deals with wickedness with death. The flood in the day of Noah was God’s response to a wicked people whose hearts were evil all the time, and God also put to death the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah.  We are not told what wicked Er did that caused God to put him to death. But rest assured God has the right to do anything and He always does what is right. He has told us- the wages of sin is death.
Then Judah tells  Er’s brother Onan to lie with his brother’s wife, marry her and produce offspring for his brother.  This custom was called a ‘levirate marriage’. The survival of a line was very important to these ancient people. Therefore their laws called for the surviving brother to do this in order to perpetuate his brother’s name.
Onan proved to be selfish- not wanting to produce offspring that would inherit the inheritance of the older brother- he selfishly satisfied himself sexually with Tamar but practiced a crude form of contraception so she would not become pregnant.
Again in verse 10, we see God deal with Onan’s wickedness and put him to death.
Judah is now faced with only having one son left. He tells Tamar, twice widowed now, to go home to her father’s house. Judah tells her when Shelah, the youngest son was old enough he would marry Tamar and give her an heir.. Tamar goes and waits and waits…

While Tamar goes to live with her father as a widow and wait for Shelah, we are told what Judah is thinking. He is thinking Shelah may die too like his brothers. It appears that Judah believes Tamar is the one at fault and causing these deaths.
In verse 12, we are told after a long time, Judah’s wife dies. So evidently Shelah is now of marriageable age- but it is evident Judah is not going to give him to Tamar as a husband.
Enter Hirah, the unbelieving buddy of Judah. Finding Judah recovering from his grief, Hirah seems to be the catalyst  for the trip to Timnah.
We can imagine, Hirah showing up to console his friend Judah in his grief. Hirah says let’s go up to the sheep-shearing convention at Timnah. We will see all our old buddies, take in a few shows, have a few drinks and some fun. It is just what you need to get you out of  this pit it will do you a ‘world of good.’ The world always has diversions to offer : a drink, some entertainment, a pill, sex, something to take our mind off of one’s problems.
Judah has by this time become accustomed to choosing the world’s way to deal with his problems, his guilt and his grief.
In the meanwhile, verse 13-14 tells us Tamar having heard of the death of Judah’s wife, and his planned trip to Timnah comes up with a plan of her own. She has by now figured out- the promised marriage to Shelah is never going to occur.
Once again we see the principle of sowing and reaping: Tamar takes off her widow’s clothes and disguises herself with the veil and dress of a prostitute.
What follows is hardly the type of action one would expect of the man selected by God to be the line through which the Messiah would come. Surely we would not have selected Judah- we would have more than likely chosen Joseph. And certainly not Tamar- but there it is in black and white in God’s word – not only this story but also found in the genealogy  listed in Matthew 1.
Interestingly you will find in this human lineage of the Lord Jesus, four women: Tamar, a Canaanite, Rahab, a Canaanite and a harlot, Ruth, a Moabite, and Bathsheba, an adulteress. For truly God is able to work all things together for good and God’s intention always was to bless all nations through the descendants of Abraham.
As we look at God’s choices rather than clucking our tongues and shaking our heads at the sins of Judah and Tamar, the Lord Jesus tells us to be careful how we judge others- for in the same way we will be judged by God.
Tamar must have known something of her father-in-laws character or else she would not have come up with a plan to lure him into sexual sin.
Judah sees her and wants her. Believing her to be a prostitute he bargains with her for the price. He offers a young goat as a price- to be sent to her later.
Tamar responds like a hard-headed business woman accustomed to dealing with men in such situations. She must have a pledge.
“What would you have?”, responds Judah. Give me your seal and its cord( bracelet) and your staff which also carried his insignia.  These three items represent Judah’s person, possessions and position. He risks all for a moment of lust.  ( AA story).
Afterwards Judah sends a young goat as payment for her services. His accomplice? None other than good ole Hirah. Hirah takes the goat back to pay the prostitute but cannot find her.
Judah is upset- not because of his sin but because  he feared his reputation might be ruined and he would become a laughingstock—embarrassed about the whole sordid affair.
But be sure your sin will find you out… three months later, Judah receives word his daughter-in-law Tamar is guilty of prostitution and is now pregnant as a result.
Judah, the hypocrite is incensed and demands justice. He wants her brought out and burned to death.
As she is being brought out, she sends a message to Judah and says I am pregnant by the man who owns these- Judah’s seal, cord and staff.
Examine these to see if you recognize whose seal, cord and  staff these are.

These are almost the identical words Judah and his brothers said when they brought Joseph’s blood-stained, torn robe to their father and said: Examine this robe to see if you recognize whose robe this is.
I am reminded of the story of Nathan’s confrontation of one of Judah’s descendants, King David.

Nathan, aware of David’s sin with Bathsheba and his involvement in Uriah’s death- confronts him with a story of a rich man who had exceeding flocks but instead took the poor man’s pet lamb and killed it for a visitor to eat. David in his anger said he would find this man and take his life—put him to death.

Nathan then told King David—‘ you are that man.’
Two hypocrites  who showed no mercy – were revealed for who they were-self-righteous hypocrites.  David recognized his sin as did Judah.
Judah admits she, Tamar, is more righteous than he.
God had taken away two of Judah’s sons- but now He gives him back two sons, twin boys named Zerah and Perez. Perez will the one through whom the royal line will proceed.  (Matthew 1)
And now you know the rest of the story.   A story that reveals not only the sovereignty of God, the Holiness of God, the Grace of God and the mercy of God- but shows us something else about ourselves.

When we look at Judah and judge him guilty and deserving of death are we not like David in his response to the story Nathan told him.
And finally do we not realize- ‘thou are that man!”

Like Judah and David we would often judge others of their sins- only to realize later that only those who are without sin are qualified to judge and can first cast stones. None of us are without sin- for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

We demand justice be done –but justice is the shield of the innocent and the sword to the guilty. What we really want is mercy when our sins are found out.
What we can also observe in the book of Genesis is this is the story of man- frail, sinful man who try as he might can never live a life in his or her own strength that will be acceptable to a Holy God.   Our characters are flawed for we are born with sinful natures.

In these biographies of these ancient patriarchs we see that their character had to be changed.
The recognition of our own sin , instead of always looking at other’s sins, is the beginning of our transformation. In this first step we realize we are powerless over sin. God’s Word is unlike any other word. It is alive and powerful and like a sharp two-edged sword it divides soul and spirit joint and marrows. It cuts away the cancer of sin that  causes our sickness of character. Our diseased hearts become like stone- and we need a heart transplant.
The only way to receive a heart transplant is from someone who dies and is willing to have their heart taken to be given to another.  “ I will give you a new heart, and put a new spirit in you, I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of  new flesh.” (Ezekiel 36)

We did not have to worry about a perfect match…for we had the perfect donor- the Lord Jesus.
Judah has to face up to his sin.

Judah has to come to realize- he cannot make a new start without a new heart.

Why did I read those verses from I John 1 & 2?
It contains not only  some of the greatest truths regarding our power to resist sin but also the defense available to us when we sin.
I do not know what excuses or deceptions or rationalizations Judah used to not confess his sin. Perhaps Judah’s defense was- if it was not for me his brothers would have killed Joseph. My actions were taken to save Joseph’s life. We know he blamed Tamar for the death of his two sons. Nor can I imagine what David must have told himself to escape the guilt of his adulterous affair with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband, Uriah.
But the stories in Genesis from the very beginning show that man and woman will use a defense of blaming circumstances or others or even God for their actions.
The Word of God tells  us here(I John 1&2) – if we sin( and we will sin) there is a perfect defense and a perfect defender. He is our Advocate before the Father, the Judge. He is our attorney or lawyer.  His title, Our Advocate, Jesus Christ the Righteous.
Now you realize by now that a Sovereign God will allow you to do as you please- He will not violate your free will. If you want to defend yourself- you can. But everyone knows a lawyer who defends himself in court has a fool for a client.
And what will your defense be?  It was not my fault Lord, the woman You gave me did this unto me.(Adam’s defense) Eve said it was the serpent. Everyone blamed someone else. Or we might use the excuse- it was the pressure of the circumstances. But whatever defense you use- whatever loophole you are looking for to justify your sins- the Bible tells us you are without excuse. You deceive yourself. The truth is not in you.
Do you know what is the sad thing about this?  The Lord Jesus’s blood cannot cleanse us from our ‘excuses’. The Word of God could not be clearer- “ the blood of Christ cleanses us of all our sins.”  Confess your sins- agree with God it is sin. He can cleanse us.
Do you see in these verses that we have power over sin? Do you know the secret of this power?  It is fellowship with God the Father and His Son. If we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship with the Lord and one another. Walking in the light is the secret to fellowship and fellowship is the secret and source to power over sin.
What cuts off fellowship?  Sin.

What must we do to restore it- confess and appeal to our Advocate.

The unbeliever will not walk in the light- he/she prefers darkness. Calls darkness light and light darkness.

The carnal Christian has cut himself or herself off from the light by neglecting the Word of God and fellowship with believers.

We cut ourselves  off when we excuse our sin- blame it on our circumstances- call it by another name- human frailty, weakness, a bad habit, etc. Excuses and rationalizing. Saying we have no sin- thus making God a liar.
Have you seen like David and Judah – you art that man? Have you confessed your sin- for without a new heart, a cleansed heart- there is no new start.


Genesis 39: Joseph in Egypt
In the last chapter we saw what happened to Judah when he was not in fellowship with the Lord. Recognizing that fellowship with the True and Living God is the secret and source to power over sin and temptation we see that Judah was finally forced to see how far he had wandered from the True and Living God. Refusing to confess his sin , Judah had adopted the world’s way of dealing with sin- by rationalizing his actions, excuses and blaming others, until like David confronted by Nathan, realized he was at fault., he was that man. But one of the themes of  Genesis and the Bible is how to make new beginnings after you fail.
In contrast, we see the story of Joseph who evidently walked in the light as the Lord is in the light and experienced fellowship with the Lord. Over and over we will read the phrase –‘ and the Lord was with Joseph.’.  It was this fellowship with the True and Living God that was the secret and source of power over sin and temptation in the life of Joseph.
When Joseph arrived in Egypt at the age of 17 it must have been a source of amazement in spite of his fears and not knowing what would become of his life.
Egypt was mostly a country of small villages and peasants who worked the land and raised the grain and vegetables. The Egyptians were in many ways an advanced civilization using a system of irrigation from the Nile River and its annual flooding to provide an ample supply of water for both the crops and cattle. There were major cities, two of the most prominent were Hieropolis and Memphis. Hieropolis was where the sun god, Ra was worshiped and Memphis was devoted to Apis the sacred bull.
There was a caste system in which shepherds were at the bottom of this system and considered despicable by most Egyptians. A perfect place for the small family of Israel to be left alone and develop into a nation of two million in the land of Goshen. Religious superstition flourished with over 2000 gods and goddesses including the Pharaoh himself. There was great interest in the life after death where they believed the god Osiris would judge their deeds. The pyramids and embalming were all a part of Egypt’s fascination with life after death.
The Egyptians were great builders. They built many great buildings and the pyramids of which some are still here today. Some of the pyramids contained stones weighing as much as 15 tons. When Joseph’s great-grandfather, Abraham, went down to Egypt the Great Pyramid was already 1000 years old. The Egyptians had horses and chariots, understood and  practiced the art of war; developed medicines, embalming and developed a sophisticated calendar with 365 and 1/4th days.
As the story  of   Genesis continues our focus will now be on Joseph. A young man who had a dream that must now wonder if his dream was a nightmare.  Verse36 of Genesis 37 tells us Joseph was sold to Potiphar, one of the Pharoah’s officials, the captain of the guard.
Verse 1 of Chapter 39 tells us Potiphar has taken Joseph down to Egypt.

Verse 2 tells us the Lord was with Joseph and he prospered and lived in the house of his master.

In verse 3 we see the results of the fellowship of Joseph with the True and Living God.- his master saw that the Lord was with Joseph and Potiphar recognized it was Joseph’s God that gave him success in everything he did.  Matthew 6:33 comes to mind as Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount tells us the secret to successful living. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything you need will be added. There it is again- this principle of fellowship with the True and  Living God.
God tells us in the book of Jeremiah of His plans for us. Plans to prosper us and not harm us, plans to give you hope and a future. But this promise is conditional. First you must call on the Lord and come and pray to Him. You must seek Him with all your heart- no half-hearted efforts will work. These are all a description of fellowship with the True and Living God.
So there are actions to be taken on our part. We are to pursue holiness. We must choose to walk in the light as He is in the light. There are two ways- the narrow way, which few enter and the broad way which many enter. The narrow way leads to eternal life and the abundant life, the broad way leads to destruction.
One can figure out some things about Joseph- everywhere he went, he did his very best. Finding himself a slave in foreign land, Joseph decided he would be the best slave Potiphar ever had. Potiphar noticed because you do not get to be the captain of the palace guard without being a shrewd judge of men.
Consider the following that the traits of Joseph and you will see the traits of a good employee and even a good manager.

Joseph was loyal. Very important and very noticeable trait.

Joseph could be trusted.

Joseph worked well with other people.

Joseph was creative; always looking for a better way to do things (Potiphar, prison &pharoah).

He was always willing to do more than asked, willing to take on more responsibility.

Because of his loyalty, he was always looking for ways to advance his master’s cause.

He evidently educated himself and was always learning  and improving.
Consider how Joseph faced these adverse circumstances, how long they lasted and seemingly   how unfair the whole situation was and we marvel at his ability to have a positive attitude. How did he do this?  There is only one answer – the Lord was with him.
Potiphar recognizing what a resource he has in Joseph and quickly turns over everything he has to Joseph.

Verse 6 gives us a description of  this young Jewish man: he was well-built and handsome. I have always maintained, Joseph got his mother’s good looks and his daddy’s work habits and  head for business.
Mrs. Potiphar has noticed this young handsome man and once again we see the enemy uses the power and lure of sexual sin to tempt another man.  Mrs. Potiphar propositions Joseph and he refuses. He is a young virile man in a strange country, a slave who is in a position that depends on the favor of his master. She continues to pursue and Joseph continues to resist, refuses her advances and runs when all else fails.
Joseph refuses on two grounds.

One is his loyalty to his master, Captain Potiphar.

The other is his loyalty to his God. How can I do such and wicked thing against God.?
Our sin can be against others and affect others- but our sins are first and foremost against God.
Let’s consider Joseph’s precarious situation. Mrs. Potiphar was his mistress. A person of authority to whom Joseph was to obey. If he gave into her requests- his situation would more than likely improve. However to refuse her request would put him in a peril, as we will see.
Joseph seems to have made his mind up beforehand how he would handle this situation and what he would say based on who he was.  We must consider what situations we will face and  how we will  respond to them beforehand, rather than in the heat of the moment. Young people will all face the same temptations at some time in their life.They must either decide beforehand I will not do certain things before the situation arises or else face making a decision when the pressure is greatest.   These situations include; drinking alcohol, smoking, sex before marriage, drugs, cheating on a test, stealing and lying.   Convenience often replaces conviction in the moment of decision unless the decisions have been made beforehand.
If you walk in the light in the presence of His power- there is no gray area. Everything is black and white.   You see we have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. When you walk in the light in the fellowship of the God the Father- He is the Father of Light in whom there is no shadow or turning.
Listen to Paul’s instructions: ( Ephesians 5) “ For you were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light for the fruit of the light consists of all goodness, righteousness, and truth and find out what pleases the Lord.( Joseph knew what pleased the Lord and what did not please Him, didn’t he?) Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything is exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: Wake O Sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you.”

When God’s Spirit came and restored life in our spirit- He also reestablished the standards of absolute values and made moral judgments possible. This is exactly why Joseph was able to have power over sin and temptation. I was powerless over sin and could not stay sober when I walked in the darkness. But the Light of the World came into my life in September of 1977 and He began to direct my path. His word became a light upon my path and a lamp unto my feet.
The compromised, conformed- by –the- world, carnal Christian walks in the gray areas.

The Christian who walks in the light as He is in the light enjoys the fellowship and presence and power of Almighty God. There are no gray areas when you walk in fellowship with God.
God wants to teach each of us- just like He did Joseph how to respond to these situations. The Bible is our textbook, the Holy Spirit our teacher and life our classroom. We will have pop tests, and major exams. We will pass some, fail others and have to repeat the lessons until we learn.
When you and I became Christians we needed to know  what to do next.

What are the steps we take?

Where do we find the instruction?

What actions should we be taking?

We need this at every phase of our Christian Life.

This is why God has given us spiritual gifts and made us interdependent on one another and dependent on God.

This is why God has given us teachers and pastors that we might grow up and be mature Christians.  Every parent wants their child to grow up …and so does our Heavenly Father.
In Joseph’s situation, he kept refusing and Mrs. Potiphar kept on pursuing. This went on day after day we are told- is this not the way sin is? The enemy goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Our Lord Jesus told us we must watch and pray lest we fall into temptation.
On this fateful day, the mistress of the house caught Joseph by his garment and said come lie with me. Joseph took off once again- but this time Mrs. Potiphar held onto his garment. All of a sudden a plot, a diabolic plot was hatched. She screamed and the household servants came running to see what was the matter—holding his garment the woman lies to the servants that Joseph has attacked her.
I think probably the servants knew what was going on- but they would not dispute their mistress.
When Captain Potiphar comes home she tells her lie again and Joseph falsely accused is placed immediately in the prison where the king’s enemies were kept. This was probably the most secure prison-more than likely a dungeon filled with all types of vile men and ruthless jailers.
But once again, God in telling  this story of Joseph reassures us—He is with Joseph. Joseph and Almighty God are walking in fellowship. And God lets Joseph know He is with him as Joseph finds favor with the jailer. Soon Joseph is running the prison.
Joseph seemed to have developed the philosophy and attitude of learn to bloom where you are planted.
But what is different about Joseph is his relationship with God affects his relationship with others. We would call it visible Christianity in today’s terminology.
When we walk in the light- this is the picture of fellowship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus and with one another.
It is what Jesus described in John 15 as the abiding life.

We know that God is love.

We know that the two greatest commandments are to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as your self.
Do you see in the book of Genesis that Adam broke the first commandment when he took the forbidden fruit that Eve gave him?  He was placing his love and concern for Eve before his love for God. And then one chapter later Cain kills his brother Abel and breaks the second commandment.
You cannot hate your brother and walk in the light- that is enjoy fellowship with the Lord.
Joseph would not lie with Mrs. Potiphar for two reasons:
He loved his God with all his heart, mind soul and strength.

And Joseph loved his master, Captain Potiphar and would not do this thing against His God and his employer/owner.
Jesus came to show us how to love this way…and He told us to love one another as I have loved you. He was our example; He was and is our light who reveals, who measures and who energizes.
Joseph found favor with men because his love for God and others was visible in his actions, deeds, attitude and words.
Remember what John wrote in I John.. These things we write to you that your joy might be full.

Walking in the light is the picture of fellowship with God and others.

This fellowship is the source and secret to resisting sin and temptation.

Sin breaks this fellowship.
You see Joseph exhibited a visible kind of Christianity – that truly was from his fellowship with the True and Living God.
It was joy which is often described in this way. J O Y… Jesus first others second and yourself  last.
JOY that is full.


Genesis 40 -41: HE knows the way I take.  
Joseph had a can-do spirit- but he also had a ‘cannot spirit.’ . When it came to sin against his employer/owner, Potiphar and sin against God- Joseph said I cannot do such a wicked thing.
Do you have a can do spirit?  A spirit that says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Have you decided beforehand- there are things you cannot do? Do you prepare daily to resist temptation and sin? You and I know they will be lurking there sometimes catching us unaware- that is why we must walk in the light, abide in Him- and have a conscious awareness of God at all times.
When we last saw Joseph in chapter 39, Joseph had found favor with the jailer and was now in charge of the prison. Once again we hear the familiar and comforting phrase- the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.
I suspect you are thinking- it must be nice to have the Lord paving the way for your success-  but clearly this is what the Lord wants to do for each of us.
What we see in this story of Joseph is a man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.  In Jeremiah 17, the Lord tells us:  “Cursed is the one who trusts in man who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord. He will be like a bush in the wastelands; and he will not see prosperity when it comes.” This statement tells us much of a man who trusts in men and their own strength. Their hearts will be turned away from the Lord. They will not recognize true wealth when they see it and their lives will be barren.
The Lord goes on to explain the man who trusts in the Lord whose confidence is in Him will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots in the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has not worries in year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
Psalms 1 tells us similar truths:  ‘blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of the sinners or sit in the seat of the mockers. This man of God finds his delight in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night. The result is a fruitful life. And whatever he does – prospers.
Surely Joseph was tempted in this part of his life when it seemed the dream he held onto- and believed was from God was becoming harder to believe due to his circumstances.
How the devil must have come to Joseph often in the dark night of his imprisonment. How he must have gone over the events and wondered why was this happening- was this dream only his imagination- had he interpreted it wrongly? Satan loves to attack with the fiery darts of doubt—which must be quenched with the shield of faith.
Here in the prison this dungeon of doubt, an innocent man falsely charged- Joseph would learn of: faith, hope and  charity-love.
Perhaps staying busy was one of Joseph’s way of keeping his mind off his circumstances. But it must have been often at night- as we all have experienced- the doubts crept in. The enemy must have brought the questions  to Joseph’s mind as the years dragged by- how will this work out? Why was my hard work and honesty not rewarded instead of being falsely imprisoned? It has to be Joseph kept reminding himself of the dream and the God who gave him the dream. Surely Joseph must have said something like ‘I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I  have committed to Him.  Joseph believed this prison experience, his being sold as a slave, the false accusations were in some way a part of God’s plan to fulfill his dream. We must realize as Joseph came to realize that faith is strengthened by testing- by adversity. I wonder if Martin Luther King’s famous speech- I Have A Dream did not find its basis in this story of Joseph. Adversity is to our faith what exercise is to our muscles.  And God knew just how much Joseph needed and He knows how much you and I need and can stand.
Do you know the two ingredients the Bible tells us are necessary to inherit the promises?

Hebrews 6:12 says- “…it is through faith and patience we inherit the promises.”
Now how do we learn patience?  Romans 5 tells us through tribulations we learn patience. Uh-oh, you’re thinking- I don’t want bad stuff to happen to me and mine.
But it also through these experiences, these tribulations that Joseph came to experience the love of God. As the love of God showed Joseph kindness and continued to give Joseph favor with those he encountered on his journey to the throne.
I believe Joseph was so overcome by the Love of God that he was able to see that he could curse the darkness because of his circumstances or he could light a candle. The candle which would shine brightly in such a dark place was the love of God shed abroad in Josephs’ heart. This love worked its way out of Joseph’s heart into his actions, attitude and words as Joseph displayed this love for others given to him by God.As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.  Joseph served others- and he did it out of love.
In serving others and caring for others with genuine concern for their well being- God in his providence brought two men into Joseph’s care- the cup bearer and the baker.
Noticing their sadness and dejection and depression- Joseph inquired what was wrong. In prison environment- Joseph not only had the position of trustee which carried the responsibility of caring for prisoners—Joseph had come to have a ministry in the prison.It was a ministry of love and truth.
His genuine love and concern allowed him to gain the confidence of the prisoners. Since we know from the details of this story as it leads into chapter 41- we know after Joseph interprets the dreams he will spend two more years in prison. Since he was 30 years old when released- we know at this time Joseph is 28 years old.  He has spent the last 11 years as either a household slave or a prisoner. Most believe he was in Potiphar’s house fro 2- 3 years. Which means his time in prison was up to 10 years.
Now Joseph learns the lesson of hope and where true hope comes from. It is a difficult lesson but Joseph learns hope deferred makes one heartsick.
Joseph interprets the two dreams the cup bearer and baker had experienced that puzzled them both.
The reason I said Joseph had not only a responsible position of authority in the prison but also had a ministry is contained in Joseph’s reply to the two prisoners regarding their dreams.
Joseph says ‘do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams’

Joseph’s statement shows that in his caring for the prisoners- in his love for them and his God- Joseph never missed an opportunity to witness and tell others about the True and Living God.

You might imagine some of the prisoners would have been skeptical of Joseph’s God in a land where there were over 2000 gods. They must have said or thought- if Joseph’s God is so great why doesn’t He get Joseph out of here. Imagine what they thought when Joseph not only walked out a free man- but became the second most powerful man in the whole land- if not the world at that time.
Joseph’s interpretation of the two dreams turns out to be completely accurate. The cup bearer who will be set free and restored to his previous position is asked by Joseph to remember him to the Pharaoh.
We are told cupbearer did not remember Joseph- he forgot him. We will see God more  than likely caused him to forget Joseph to teach Joseph a lesson.  But it will also be God who reminds him of Joseph at the right  time. God is never late and has promised if we will not grow weary in well-doing in due time we will reap.
I know God is never late— but sometimes it seems like He has missed some good opportunities to be early!
Joseph learned to hope no longer in a man. Hope thou in God, for I shall praise Him for the help of His countenance. ( Psalm 42)
So we see that Joseph through the years of adversity has been taught the lesson of faith, hope and love. Which Paul tells us in I Cor. 13- the greatest of these is love.
Once again we see love triumph for love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy, it does not boast nor is it proud. It is not rude nor self –seeking, easily angered or bent on revenge. This love which God was developing in Joseph and wants to develop in us is a love that does not delight in evil but always rejoices in truth. It always protects, it always trusts, always hopes  and always perseveres.

Love never fails.

Do you not see this love is being developed and exhibited in Joseph’s life?
In fact to continue in Paul’s words in this great chapter- can you see that perhaps Joseph when he spoke of his dreams of ruling over his family to his brothers that he might have spoken as a child?   And now God has prepared Joseph to put away childish things.
God is love. God has communicated His love to us at Calvary. God has commanded us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and being and to love one another as ourselves.
I am now moving us into a continuation of the story of dreams that is completed in chapter 41.
This chapter tells us by the time the Pharaoh has his dreams two years have passed since the cupbearer was set free and forgot about Joseph.
But God has not forgotten about Joseph.

God has not forgotten about you and me either. Psalms 139 tells me God knows and is familiar with all my ways.

He created me and knit me together in my mother’s womb over 64 years ago.

All my days were written in His book before the first one ever came to be.

But let me tell you something that will take your breath away— this God, creator of the Universe- loves me unconditionally and His thoughts – His precious thoughts toward you and me outnumber the grains of sand! He cares for you and me like no one else ever has.

On the day that you and I got saved—there was rejoicing in heaven- there was rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
And you need to know that God’s plans for you and me are just as important to Him as the plans He had for Joseph.
Thus we see the Pharaoh has two dreams  one night. Dreams that were sent by God all in His perfect timing. The two dreams were similar:  7 sleek, fat cows grazing among the reeds devoured, eaten up by 7 gaunt, ugly cows.

The second dream was about seven healthy heads of grain or wheat growing on a single stalk. Then seven other heads of grain – thin and scorched by the east wind spring up. These seven thin heads of grain swallow up the seven full heads.

The Pharaoh awoke and was troubled by his dreams.
Calling for his magicians and wise men- the Pharaoh told them his dreams and demanded an interpretation but they could not .
Now the cupbearer who had forgotten Joseph is reminded of Joseph.
The Pharaoh sends for Joseph.

First he must be shaved, cleaned and given a new set of clothing suitable for an appearance before the Pharaoh.

Once again Joseph gets a change of clothing. What is God saying to us abut this clothing?

He once wore the multi-colored robe of favoritism  and perhaps pride that the very sight of this robe angered his brothers. Its torn blood spattered remains were a symbol of pain and suffering for his father, Jacob.

He was then given the simple clothes of a servant a house slave.

But in time probably was given a better garment as head of  Potiphar’s house that turned out to be the evidence used against him to convict him falsely of sexual assault.

He would then wear the clothes of a prisoner for the next 10 years.

What a humbling experience as we look at Joseph’s journey just by his wardrobe.

But God gives grace to the humble.

Joseph is ready. God’s perfect timing is all falling into place.

And now he is washed, shaved and given robes for a court appearance before the Pharaoh that would become the robes of a ruler.
One day you and I will appear before the King of Kings and we will be appropriately dressed in suitable clothing for we will be clothed in Christ’s Righteousness. Having had our prison clothes which were filthy, sin stained garments taken away and been supplied with the garments of righteousness for  suitable apparel. On September 16, 1977 I took off those old sin-stained garment and put on the new white robes of His Righteousness.
Now have you learned like Joseph did- the lessons of faith, hope and charity?
Here is the moment- after 13 long years.

Joseph stands before the Pharaoh.
The Pharaoh tells Joseph- I have had a dream no one can interpret. I have heard it said you can interpret it.
Joseph’s reply must have created a silence in the courtroom of the king –so you could hear a pin drop. The cupbearer must have shut his eyes and wondered why did I open my mouth. Perhaps Potiphar is standing there looking at his former servant and slave thinking this could be bad…

Joseph’s reply is : I cannot do it…( maybe there was a dramatic pause) but God will give the Pharaoh the answer he desires.
Do you see the lesson of humility that Joseph has learned. He will not take credit for anything – all honor and glory is due to the True and Living God. Joseph who has been faithful in little will now be given a lot. He is about to tell the Pharaoh what must be done for the next 14 years. He, Joseph, who just minutes before was a prisoner in the Pharaoh’s own prison system.
But do you see the Holy boldness, that Joseph has?  He has just put the True and Living God on the throne above the Pharaoh.
Joseph then interprets the dream that foretells us God’s plan to send 7 years of abundance followed by 7 years of famine.
Remember all of this is part of God’s plan to remove Jacob and his clan out of Canaan to Egypt to grow them into a nation unpolluted by intermarrying with the Canaanites.
Joseph, then as God’s consultant, advises the Pharaoh to find a wise and discerning man and put in charge of the land of Egypt. Appoint a board of commissioners over the land to take 20% of the harvest during the 7 years of plenty and store it for the 7 years of famine.
The plan seemed good to the Pharaoh and of course his ‘yes men’all agreed.
Listen to what the Pharaoh then says and does:
Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God?

Then the Pharaoh said to Joseph: “ Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You will be second in command, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only I the Pharaoh will be greater than you.
I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.
Can you imagine what Potiphar had to tell Ms. Potiphar at dinner that night?
Can you see Joseph returning to the prison to pick up some of his belongings and say good-bye to the warden and the prisoners?  Can you hearing them cheering Joseph?
The story of Joseph will continue— but on that day Joseph began to realize the dream a dream that he refused to give up on—because it was God’s plan for his life. And Joseph came to believe that everything that happened was for a reason and for the fulfillment of the dream that God had given him.
God has a task for you and me that to Him is just as important as His plan for Joseph.
You see at sometime during this odyssey Joseph came to realize that to try and manipulate the circumstances and make them work out for good is not our responsibility but God’s . Our responsibility is to trust and obey.
Job 23:  ‘Oh that I might find God, that I might come to His seat. I would present my case before Him, and fill my mouth with arguments. I would learn the words which He would answer and understand what He would say to me. Behold I go forward and He is not there. I go backward and perceive Him not. He acts upon the left and I behold Him not- He turns right and I see Him not.


Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 34-37

Genesis 34: Dinah Defiled 


In this chapter, you will not read or hear the name of God. His Name ended chapter 33- it starts chapter 35. But in this chapter there is no mention of His Name. We do not see Jacob or anyone calling upon the name of the Lord.
How can any of us expect to respond to a crisis correctly if we do not first turn to the Lord?
In verse 1, we see young Dinah, Jacob’s only daughter visiting the Shechemite women.  Obviously Dinah wanted and needed some female companionship her own age- she needed some girl friends. But she was soon to find herself running around with the wrong crowd.
There is a time in a young person’s life where their peers quickly become the most important opinion makers in their lives. That is what peer pressure is all about.
Dinah began to compromise her beliefs and what her parents had taught her in order to be accepted by her new  friends.  Sound familiar?
In verse 2- we read about Shechem. Shechem, the son of Hamor, heir apparent to the wealth and power of all that belonged to his father. He appears to be the typical spoiled rich son. More than likely, handsome & a charmer- he was used to having his way with young women in the godless, pagan society he lived in. In a few words, we are told the story- he saw- he wanted – he took. The NIV states ‘ he violated her.’ KJV says ‘ he defiled her.’ Was it a crime of rape- or seduction of an innocent young girl?  Probably a combination- but a violation and defiling of an innocent young woman that resulted in  the taking of her virginity.
Verse 3 tells us Shechem falls in love with her. In fact, from this point in the story until verse 26, Dinah is actually living in his home. Shechem speaks tenderly to her and  tells his father he wants to marry her. In fact, ever, the spoiled brat that he tells his father-“ get this girl as my wife.” (Verse 4)
Vs. 5; Jacob hears about Dinah’s defilement. He seems to be paralyzed by the news. He does not consult  the Lord. He does not tell his sons. He keeps quiet until his sons return from the fields. Jacob seems to always want to put off confrontation, doesn’t he?  This is a family crisis- but Jacob does not call on the Lord, he does not bring in his sons to tell them what has happened.
Vs. 6: Hamor went out to talk with Jacob.
Vs. 7:  Good news travels slow- bad news travels fast. Jacob’s sons had come in from the fields as soon as they heard what happened. They were filled with grief and fury because of this disgraceful thing.
Vs. 8-10: Notice  Hamor offers no apology for his son’s behavior. He looks at the whole affair as a perfect business opportunity. Intermarry with us and we will both prosper from this union. You do understand this proposal to intermarry is the work of the enemy, the devil, who wants to wipe out the budding Jewish nation via intermarriage with heathens- thus polluting the patriarchal line in a single generation.
This offer is made to Jacob.

However, before Jacob responds, young Shechem jumps in and says to Jacob and his brothers:  “ Let me find favor in your eyes and I will give you whatever you ask. Make a price for the bride and I will give you whatever you ask.” ( Vs. 12-13)
We are about to see the sons of Jacob have learned well from their father, Jacob and their grandfather Laban, the art of deceit.
Jacob’s son take over the negotiations at this point.

From this point on we will see:

  • What the results of running with the wrong crowd can do.
  • What happens when you are out of touch with God
  • How vengeance and judgment belong to the Lord.
  • How destructive an emotion hatred is

These brothers, perhaps with Simeon and Levi taking over the negotiations, then reply deceitfully to Shechem.

In verses 13-17: they lay out the “payment” they expect from Shechem and the men of the town. Using their faith, their religion to deceive , they tell Shechem, that he and all the men must be circumcised for religious purposes. All through history, we have seen mankind use religion as a basis for all types of cruelty, wars, and deceitfulness.  Christians are not immune to this behavior and many actions and words spoken and done in the name of Our Lord have nothing at all to do with what Jesus has taught us.
Shechem and his father, Hamor, go back and convince the men of Shechem- this a good thing for them. So they all submit to circumcision.
Verse25-29 describe the horrendous events that follow:  On the third day after being circumcised, the men of Shechem were in great pain and helpless to defend themselves. At this point, Simeon and Levi took their swords and killed every man in the village. They rescued their sister Dinah from Shechem’s house. Then they proceeded to loot the dead bodies and village, taking women and children captive and seizing their flocks.
Verse30:  Jacob looking at the actions of his sons, whom he seems to have no authority over- Jacob is scared to death over what he now fears will be sure retribution by the people living in the land. His sons, showing no sorrow- remark- should he have treated our sister like a prostitute.
What a dysfunctional, un-disciplined family. What a heart ache they are to Jacob and his  wives.
Some questions and comments I have in regard to this awful account:
Did Jacob leave the room when his sons began to negotiate with Hamor and Shechem?
Where were the older brothers- Reuben and Judah?
Dinah was living in Shechem’s house- did she want to or not?
Had these sons resorted to violence before to solve a problem?
One thing we can observe: Jacob did not take control of the situation.
Jacob is the one who decided without consulting God to live close to Shechem, ( the world) and do business with Hamor and his sons.
Jacob had allowed Dinah to make unsupervised visits to Shechem.

Jacob seemed to be lax in discipline.

His  sons seemed to be beyond his control.

Where is the man who had such perseverance he wrestled  with God all night and refused to give up?
Can you imagine how disappointed  Jacob was with his sons?

But can you also imagine as Jacob thought  it through and replayed in his mind how all of this came about- how disappointed with himself he was?
Ever been disappointed with your actions or in some cases- you lack of action?

Ever replay a certain scene from your past- where you wish you could go back and make the right decisions instead of  some of the ones you did?
Do I wish I had never taken the first drink of alcohol?  Yes and no. See some learn from examples of others- some are the examples. I just happened to be both.
Alcohol controlled my life for almost 14 years. However- I would not be what I am today and who I am if I had not chosen that path.
I would not know God as the God of Hope and the God of Comfort had I not become so hopeless and in need of comfort.
Here is what I have learned from my mistakes and from the Word of God and its stories of others who have made mistakes and suffered:
*We all have troubles. Life is hard and it is harder for some than others.
*God comforts us in times of trouble.  “ Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of All Comfort who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”  ( 2 Cor. 1:3-4)  Those words were written by the Apostle Paul. Can you imagine how the Apostle Paul must have looked back at some the decisions he made, and actions he took to persecute Christians? He was responsible for their imprisonment, their punishment and in some cases their death.
*God  does not shield us from trouble and suffering because it has a purpose- to conform us to the image of His Son and teach us some lessons we will never forget.
*This also prepares us to comfort others with the comfort we have received. You see the verse in I Cor. 10:13 states there is no temptation or test that has come to me that is not common to man. This tells me others have suffered the same as I have suffered and you have suffered. Even the Lord Jesus suffered and was tempted and tested as we are- but without sin. God does not intend for us to have suffered for nothing- there are lessons to be learned and comfort and hope to be shared.
*Troubles, disappointments, heartaches, broken hearts and hope deferred have made us weary – bone tired and life is a struggle some days just to get out of bed. Can you imagine how Jacob must have felt?  Listen to what the Lord  said to those of us who are weary and heavy laden:  “ Come unto me, ALL you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” ( Matt 11:28-30)

  • When you are traveling on a long trip by car- you often stop at a place called a Rest Stop. That is what the church should be- a Rest Stop. A place of restoration and refreshing. A comfort station.
  • Worship is an activity and a choice. The wrong  view is that we, the worshippers, are the audience, the ministers are the entertainment and the performers and God is their prompter. True worship is as follows: God is the audience, we are the  performers and the ministers are the prompters.


Guess where Jacob will head next?  To a place of worship and restoration- Bethel.

We will also discover that Jacob had knowingly tolerated idols in his household.

Give the enemy a foothold  and he will build a stronghold.

Had Jacob become over confident after having seen how God prepared the heart of Esau to favorably receive him?

Had Jacob become prideful in his spiritual maturity? Remember pride goeth before a fall.
God’s Grace, His Wonderful Amazing Grace is likened unto a perpetual source, a spring of water. Think of the Mississippi River- it just keeps on flowing.
For this grace to flow through us, we must first desire God’s grace, and we must present ourselves in order to receive. Paul writes: “Therefore I urge you brothers in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, as holy and pleasing to God, for this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not be conformed by the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” ( Romans 12:1-2)
We must decide to spend time with God in His Word and prayer.  Only then we will be alert to the deception of sin. Set our minds on things above not on the things of the world and the things of the world will grow strangely dim in the light of His wonder and grace.
Have you ever noticed any inconsistency in your behavior based on the people you are around?
That is being conformed to the pattern of the world.

This is exactly what happened to Dinah, to Jacob and his sons.

It happened so gradually- they did not realize the small decisions and compromises they made daily plus the absence of real worship and time with God brought them to this Godless chapter in their lives.
May we learn from this example.


Genesis 35:  Jacob Returns to Bethel


Verse 1 of this chapter starts out with God speaking to Jacob. It makes me wonder had Jacob been calling on the Lord since the slaughter of the men of Shechem by his sons. Surely given the circumstances of what had happened in Schechem, Jacob was desperate to hear from the Lord. He feared for his life and his family after what had occurred.
If you recall during the crisis of Dinah in Shechem, we did not see or hear of Jacob calling upon the Lord. His worship and time with the Lord seems to have been sporadic ever since his peaceful reunion with Esau following a night of wrestling with the Lord.
But as we are cautioned – our enemy goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Have you ever watched a cat sneak up on a bird? How quietly- sometimes stopping completely – they creep toward the object of their hunt. Jacob and his family were the enemy’s target. Just as we believers are the object of the enemy’s hunt.
When we neglect personal devotion time with the Lord in reading His word and prayer- we open the door for the enemy to slither in. Jacob had allowed some seemingly small things to happen that turned into a crisis. Unsupervised  visits by Dinah to the village of Shechem where she began a compromised relationship with the girls of the village. Lack of discipline among his sons and lack of devotional time with the Lord will add up to a crisis. A big fat mess!
We also see that during the crisis- we did not see Jacob calling upon the Lord, no altar time. Sometimes we allow things to creep into our lives and our homes thinking they are no big thing. We become lax in our worship of the Lord, devotional time, confession of sin and prayer. Then it should come as no surprise the Lord allows a crisis to wake us up.
If you have not learned this yet- take heed.  Personal devotion time is the source of personal spiritual growth. You cannot grow spiritually without  personal devotion time. As Jesus told Martha is Luke 10 regarding Mary’s choice to sit at his feet rather than help her in the kitchen.  Jesus told Martha- ‘ you are worried and upset about many things. But only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.
Both Martha and Mary loved Jesus and desired to serve Him. What Jesus said to Martha was she was so busy doing things for Jesus, she was actually neglecting Jesus.
There is another truth here we must not miss.. if you want to avoid worrying about so many things, the one thing that is needed is to spend time at the feet of Jesus hearing His Word. ( Turn your eyes upon Jesus…)
It appears that Jacob had since he was a youth been interested in spiritual things- in particular the blessing of Abraham. Jacob coveted  the spiritual blessings- the promises, the protection, the land were always important to him. Sometimes- the blessings of God become more important than God Himself.
Remember what Hebrews 11:6 tells us: “ For without faith it is impossible to please  God and those who come to Him must believe that He is and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”  Notice the last phrase- ‘those who diligently seek Him- God Himself not the rewards and blessings of God. The child who runs to meet her father returning from a trip- hugs him and immediately ask – what did you bring me? Is not the father’s return- present enough?   This is what started the conversation between God and Satan in the book of Job. Satan held that Job was blameless and upright and reverenced God and shunned evil because God was so good to Job. God had built a hedge around Job and blessed him bountifully with flocks and herds and family. In other words, Satan says Job’s devotion to You, God, is self serving. Job is serving you because You, God reward him so richly.  In fact, Satan says- you have put a hedge of protection around him and his household.
Is it wrong to desire the blessings of God? No. But we must be sure we do not want the blessings more than we want God Himself. How must the father fill- if when he brings no gift- the child is no longer eager to be with him? How must our Heavenly Father fill when we only spend time with Him, call on Him, pray to Him- when we need something from Him?
Thus Jacob finds himself once again in a dilemma and in need of God’s direction. God says to Jacob: Go up to Bethel, and settle there ( dwell there) and build an altar there to God who appeared to you when you were fleeing from your brother Esau.’
Let me remind you of the Bethel experience over two decades ago. Jacob has a dream at Bethel in which he saw a ladder resting on earth with its top reaching into heaven, and the angels of God ascending and descending on it. There above it stood  the Lord who told Jacob- I am the Lord, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. I am with you and will watch over you and wherever you go I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.
Jacob’s response to this dream is Jacob’s vow. Jacob vowed: “ If God will be with me, and will watch over me on this journey and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father’s house, then the Lord will be my God and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house and of that you give me I will give you a tenth.”
Surely Jacob is reminded of this dream and his vow as he prepares to go back to Bethel. Bethel means the ‘House of God.’.
Jacob takes control of his family- finally. He tells his household and all( servants) with them to prepare to go to the House of God.

  1. Get rid of the foreign gods and idols.
  2. Purify yourselves.
  3. Change your clothes- your garments.


When spiritual awakening comes, when revival occurs we are to put away our idols. Remember an idol is anything that comes between you and the Lord- He must be first. These are the things of the world that have crept into our lives, seemingly small things that did not seem to matter. But they have taken hold  in our lives and we have become compromised. Burying them speaks of a funeral and the death of the old nature.
Notice what Jacob says as his attention is now turned not to the blessings of God but to God Himself. “ I will build an altar to God who answered me in the day of my distress who has been with me wherever I have gone.” *Jacob realizes the presence of God in his life is more important than the presents or gifts of God in his life.*
Second purify yourselves. Cleansing that comes from confession that goes with putting away the idols- the sins that so easily beset us and keep us from running the race. The things that Paul said to the Galatians ‘ you were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?’ I John 1: 9 tells us if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all  unrighteousness.
Then Jacob instructs them to change their garments. Putting off the old and putting on the new. We are clothed in the righteousness of God. Not our self righteousness which is described as filthy rags.
But do not miss this- they are moving. Sometimes we just have to move away. When I got saved and began the process of getting and staying sober there came a time early in the process where I realized that staying in the optical business  which I loved, and traveling and being gone over night was not the best thing for me to do. I had to leave that job- I had to move on. I would not return to the optical industry until I had three years of sobriety and  more spiritual maturity.
I was learning in the walk with the Lord that He wanted to teach me the wise thing to do. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom is something He gives liberally to those who ask and do not doubt.
Here is what God has taught me and we see He is teaching Jacob about wise decisions. You see Jacob and us have something in common- we have done some really dumb things. Most of the dumb things  we have done could have been avoided if we had asked for and sought the wisdom of God that He promises to provide. Here is the best question you can ask?  What is the WISE THING TO DO-  for we are told by the Word of God – ‘ be careful how you walk(live) not as unwise men- but as wise. We are told if any man lacks wisdom he should ask God who gives liberally( generously) to all without fault and it will be given to him. But when you asks you must believe and not  doubt. Are you ready for this simple solution? The best and wisest question to ask:  What is the wise thing to do, Lord.? Then ask this question in the context of three situations:


  • What is the wise thing to do in light of my past experience?
  • What is the wise thing  to do in light of my present circumstances
  • What is the wise thing to do in light of my future goals?


Satan actually teaches us a great spiritual truth in the Book of Job. Satan and all his demons could see the spiritual hedge of God’s protection around Job. Job had a hedge of protection around him and  Satan could not take it down.  The enemy can tempt you to come outside the hedge of protection by sin but the enemy cannot take the hedge down. And did not God promise Jacob He would protect him?  And furthermore are not the spiritual promises of God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob applicable to us who are in Christ? You want to walk outside the hedge of protection by disobeying God? You can- but you will reap the circumstance.s
So here in this story we see God protect Jacob and his family by causing a supernatural fear of God that fell upon the towns all around  them so that no one pursued them.
Jacob has a time of revival and renewal and God re-affirms His promises to Jacob and re-affirms his new name, Israel.
This does not mean adversity and trouble will not find  its way into our lives. Jesus told us we would have trouble. We are in a battle. Adversity comes to the righteous. In fact the attacks of the enemy can come on the heels of revival and spiritual awakening.  It  is interesting to note in today’s story that the idols were not the only things that got buried.
There will be three funerals: Deborah, Jacob’s childhood nanny; Jacob’s beloved wife, Rachel will die in childbirth; and Isaac, his father will die.
Surely Deborah was an old woman and we are told that Isaac was 180 years and full of years—but Rachel was of child bearing age. It is one thing to lose a loved one who has lived a long and full life but it is entirely different to lose your spouse, especially early in his or her life.
Just as a side note- many will consider the one exception to abortion as when the mother’s life is in danger. But let us be reminded of who this child was- Benjamin. Do you know who is a direct descendant of Benjamin?  The Apostle Paul. Let us leave the matters of life and death in the hands of the God.
That will not be the only sorrow- as Reuben, his oldest son will sleep with Bilhah, Jacob’s concubine.

After this chapter we will see the focus turn to Joseph. So as we  leave this chapter in Jacob’s life, now called Israel, we see him as a sadder but wiser man.
Let me return to the matter of wisdom.

The verses from Ephesians 5:15-16 are our warning for today and all our tomorrows:
“ Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time because the days are evil.”
Making the most of your time means redeeming the time. Time lost is never regained. Add up enough misappropriated time and you will come up with a misappropriated life.
The important areas of life require small deposits all along the way.

Relationships are built on small consistent deposits of time.

Your check book and your calendar reveal what you have spent your time and money on.

Your time is your life. What is the wise thing to do?
Jesus told Martha she was troubled about “ many things. But ONE THING is needed. And Mary had chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.” What one thing had Mary chosen? She had chosen to sit at the feet of  Jesus and hear His Word. You and I can choose to sit at His feet and hear His Word every morning when we wake and all through the day. “ Turn your eyes upon Jesus and look full into His Wonderful Face and the things of the world will grow strangely dim in the light of  His Wonder and Grace!”  The things of the world not only vie for our attention- they take away time from the Lord Jesus. Our Heavenly Father knows what we have need of even before we ask- He knows the ‘things’ we need; but His priority- the One Thing needed is to spend time with Him- to seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness.
This is another thing we all have in common with Jacob- or at least most of us do. We are slow learners.
That is why we need teachers, mentors or coaches.

Isn’t it interesting that the greatest athletes- the ones who become that small group who can compete professionally realize they can never reach or maintain their peak apart from outside input. In other words, they have a coach. They need the wisdom of experience, another set of eyes to help them and judge their performance realistically.
So let me say this- do not make decisions especially big ones without outside input. A wise counselor.
“ The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.” ( Prov. 12:15)
Asking for help is not a reflection of your lack of wisdom- asking for help is evidence of your wisdom.
Wise men sought Jesus- wise men still do.


Genesis 37: The Story of Joseph Begins 


What we are about to observe in this last section of Genesis is two fold: Joseph must be prepared for his role of leadership and this will involve a 13 year journey whose hardships will humble Joseph and clear the path for fellowship with his brothers. These brothers will also have to deal with and come to an understanding of their sins in order to clear their consciences and prepare them to be the leader of Israel’s tribes.
Let us consider the circumstances in which Joseph at age 17 finds himself living.

His father, Jacob has 12 sons from 4 wives. Four of the sons are from the maid servants of Rachel and Leah- Dan& Naphtali( Bilah); Gad and Asher (Zilpah): six sons from Leah- Rueben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulon; and two sons from Rachel- Joseph & Benjamin.  One daughter- Dinah with Leah.
The family was in total disarray. As dysfunctional a family as you will ever see. There was Jacob’s dealings with Esau, his 20 years with Laban, his favoritism for Rachel and Joseph. On top of that was the massacre at Shechem and the death of Rachel and his father Isaac.
Joseph was his favorite because he was the son he had with Rachel. But I believe the descriptions given of Rachel and Joseph tell us that Joseph looked like his mother. He  got her good looks and his father’s business savvy and work habits. Rachel was described as lovely in form and beautiful. Joseph was described as well-built and handsome. Every time Jacob looked at Joseph- he saw his beloved Rachel.
Our story of Joseph begins with Joseph, a young man of seventeen tending the flocks with the four sons of the two handmaidens.  I believe those 4 ( Dan, Naphtali, Gad & Asher) formed a natural team. They were bonded together due to their second class citizenship in the family.
We will see that all the brothers were jealous of  Joseph.

We will observe that Joseph is a picture or foreshadowing of the Lord Jesus.

We do not want to over do this symbolism.

The Holy Spirit’s goal in the life of any believer is conform them to the image of Christ.

From this perspective we see Joseph as an example of how the world will attempt to conform Joseph – just as it attempts to conform us. Paul writes in Romans 12- ‘ be not conformed by the world –but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’
These four sons of the two handmaidens and Joseph were close to each other in age. So let us consider them as 5 teenagers. Joseph is the outsider trying to get along as best he can with his brothers. He is viewed by these four as privileged and the favored son of Jacob.
As we look at these four sons- their names help us understand what they were like. For their names reveal their character and personality traits.

Dan- his name means judge. He had a clever way of making judgments on others. His cutting sarcasm could wound easily. (Dan came up with unflattering nick names, probably the one who first called Joseph- ‘the dreamer’.)

Naphtali’s name means a “hind let loose.” Naphtali was wild, hated restrictions and scorned law and order. (A rebel.)

Gad’s name means ‘troop.’ He liked being part of a gang, bullying people.

Asher’s name infers he liked life’s luxuries, extravagance, life’s riches and pleasures. (Loved $)
Into this group, a natural team, resentful of Joseph’s favored position with their father Jacob- Joseph did not stand a chance. He was alone and unwanted.
If  Joseph wanted to get along with these half-brothers, he would have to go along with them in their actions. Joseph was tempted to conform. Do this and he would be accepted by his half-brothers.
Ever been tempted to conform? Of course we have. Ever noticed your self- holding back saying what should be said for fear you will be criticized? We want to be accepted, especially at this age- those teen age years.  They can be very cruel years- the teen years. The desire to be popular, successful, accepted and one of the group is a very strong temptation to conform.
We have all known and encountered the clever, critical Dan’s with their biting sarcasm.

We have dealt with  the Gads of this world- the bully in phys ed – who took your lunch money. Or caused you to cry on the play ground.
The Lord Jesus was the beloved of His Father and He sent him unto His own- but they received Him not- they rejected Him and despised Him. Even his own brothers were puzzled and somewhat embarrassed by their brother Jesus and believed not in Him.
After spending time with his half-brothers out in the field, tending the flocks Joseph returns with a bad report.   Was Joseph a tattle- tale? What would we have him do? Lie by not telling the truth. Here was the second temptation – the first temptation was to conform. The second temptation was to conceal the truth.  Do you realize that a West Point Cadet takes an honor oath, that he will not only cheat or lie, but will never look the other way when he sees another cheat.
That is what character is about. It is about standing firm in the face of pressure to give in. We must remember that Jesus told us we must be holy as His Father in heaven is holy. I do not want this to sound wrong- but we must practice holiness. We must pursue holiness. We must rehearse in advance our reasons for standing firm. This is what God was teaching Joseph in the fields tending flocks with his brothers.
When you determine in your heart to live holy- to pursue holiness it will not be done accidentally. It will be done on purpose with purpose. We have three enemies who will try to conform us and mold us:  the world, the flesh and the devil.
God was preparing Joseph. Joseph was a natural leader at 17- but he lacked maturity. He could  be perceived in his attitude as prideful, even arrogant as we will see in his telling his family about his dreams. God would humble Joseph and the next 13 years of his life would be a furnace where the dross of pride would be burned away.
You see, Joseph had to learn that God never  exalts a man for the man’s sake but rather to glorify God. Joseph would be elevated to a high position- but he was prepared in a grave-like cistern, on a slave block , as a household servant in a strange land , and as a prisoner before God could trust Joseph with the power and exalted position he would attain.
So at this stage of his life, I doubt that many of us would have liked Joseph if we were his age and in his presence. He was after all, handsome, well-built, smart, intelligent, honest, and favored by his father. Joseph seemed to do everything right. He was the heir apparent even before his older brothers. Joseph was the kind of teenager who was liked by adults but not by his own age group.
Verse 3 tells us Jacob did not help the matter in that he obviously loved Joseph more than his brothers and gave him a coat of many colors. A coat or robe that spoke of authority.
Listen as Joseph tells  his brothers of his dream and they hated him all the more. The first dream described in 5-7 was clearly understood by all:  He told his brothers in the dream of sheaves that they would bow down to him. To which his brothers replied do you think we will ever bow down to you?
In the next dream- he tells of the sun and moon  and eleven stars were bowing down to him. At this dream, even his father rebuked him as the implication was that even Jacob and Leah would bow down to him. But Jacob did not forget this dream- he remembered this dream.
In spite of these conditions and the obvious animosity his brothers had for him, Jacob sends Joseph to check on his brothers once again. As God the Father sent His Only Begotten Son, so did Jacob also send his son Joseph
Joseph discovers his brothers have moved on from Shechem to Dothan. The name Dothan actually means two wells.
As Joseph approaches his brothers they plotted to kill him. ( Verse 18) After all- Levi and Simeon had killed before. Listen to this chilling plan as these cold-hearted brothers plan to kill their own brother.
“ Here comes the dreamer. Come now let us kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say a ferocious animal has devoured him. Then we will see what comes of his dreams.”
Reuben the oldest brother attempts to rescue Joseph and says don’t shed any blood just throw him in the cistern here in the desert. We are told Reuben was planning to come back later and rescue Joseph. Perhaps thinking he could get back in his father’s good graces- or maybe just knowing this was going too far.
Imagine, Joseph, only 17 coming to his brothers after hard travel. Perhaps even a little glad to see them and then they attack him like a pack of wild dogs. They immediately grabbed him and stripped him of his robe then threw him down in this empty well.
Verse 25 records how hard-hearted these men were. They sat down to eat while Joseph must have called out to them to rescue him. Maybe he thought at first this was just a prank- a hazing of the younger brother. But as the sun rose, and he called out each one’s name to come get him out. Joseph must have realized it was not going to happen.
Then something occurs that if we are not careful we will miss the sovereignty of God. It was not by accident that at the same time God sent a caravan of Ishmaelites on their way to Egypt coming from Gilead. Look at their cargo and see if it rings a bell. They were loaded with spices and balm and myrrh on their way to sell their goods in Egypt.
Jeremiah would ask this question in Jeremiah 8:  “ Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? Then in Jeremiah 30, we read: “ but I will restore you to health and heal your wound, declares the Lord.”  For as we know of the many names for our Lord one is “ the Balm of Gilead.”
Joseph will learn of the healing balm of Gilead as the Lord becomes His Physician.
Judah comes up with the plan. What will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his blood? Come let us sell him and not have his blood on our hands. So they sell him to this caravan for 20 shekels of silver. Less than two pieces of silver apiece. They will come to loathe money as we will see later on. But we cannot  help but see a picture of  the betrayal of our Lord sold for 30 pieces of silver- that Judas came to loathe.
Now Rueben, the oldest brother, returns to the group to discover they have sold Joseph to a passing caravan. Reuben tears his clothes in sorrow- as he must have realized what this would do to their father.
Now watch this eerily familiar deception. Using a robe and the blood of a goat, the brothers prepare the deception. Remember what  Jacob and his mother did to deceive his blind father, Isaac? They killed a goat and prepared it to taste like venison and Jacob dressed in Esau’s robe to complete the masquerade. Now Jacob would be deceived by the blood of a goat and the robe of his beloved son.
I don’t believe these sons, as hard-hearted as they  might be were prepared for the depth of grief and sorrow this would cause their father.
Can you see the pain on their faces as they cannot look their father in the eye as they hear him all through the camp crying and wailing in his sorrow and mourning. They tried to comfort  him but they could not.  Jacob said I will go to my grave mourning  Joseph.
How their consciences must have convicted them as we see a Sovereign God begin His work through the evil acts of men in order to save many.

What we are about to see in the story of Joseph and his brothers is the truth of Romans 8:28 portrayed in great detail. This verse known by many proclaims : “ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
God did not force these brothers to act against their will in order to accomplish God’s sovereign purpose, rather God brings about His plan through the willing choices of men, for which they are accountable.
In a way we cannot understand, for God’s ways are higher than our ways; God causes man to make willing choices to do what  they do.
Example :  Acts 2: 23: ( Peter speaking: “ this Jesus delivered up according to a definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hand of lawless men.”
This is what Joseph will come to understand as he looks back on the journey of his life and  says to his brothers: ‘You meant it for evil, but God intended it for good, to accomplish what is now being done- the saving of many lives.’
Do you understand how the Trinity works in the life of a believer?

  1. God the Father determines the agenda of our lives- orders our steps.
  2. God the Son communicates the Father’s agenda to us through His Word, and His life. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
  3. God the Holy Spirit’s task is implementation. He works in us a desire and the power to do God’s will.


“ Faithful is He who calls you who will also do it.” ( I Thess. 5:24)

Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 31-33

Genesis 31:  A New Beginning 


In verses1-3:  we see that Jacob perceives the resentment and change in attitude of Laban’s sons and Laban himself toward Jacob. Word has come to Jacob that Laban’s sons were complaining and bitter over Jacob’s prosperity and that the wealth Jacob had gained- rightfully belonged to their father Laban. Then in verse 3, God tells Jacob it is time to go back- to leave this place.

Did you ever ask your parents to get you something for Christmas or your birthday and that you would be so content you would never ask them for anything else again?
Did you ever want to a job, a position, to earn a certain amount of money and think if I only had that kind of job making that kind of money it would be all I would ever need?
Let me ask you- once you got those things, once you achieved those goals were you content?  Or did the pride of ownership, did the excitement of the new position, the feeling of accomplishment soon not satisfy you as you thought it would?
Of course we have all had those experiences. Let me be clear- there is nothing wrong with having goals, desires and ambition. Remember this: a goal is simply what we do to accomplish an objective in a period of time. Purpose is why we do what we do. In other words, the goals are the ‘what we do” ; the purpose is the “ why we do it.” Purpose is by nature long term. Goals are what we do to achieve our purpose.
Jacob had two goals soon after he arrived at Laban’s home.

  1. Marry Rachel.
  2. Get Rich.


Now after 20 years he has it all and then some. He not only has Rachel, he has Leah and two concubines, 12 children, (11 sons and daughter) plus the last 6 years he has gained great wealth. You see Jacob had two goals- which he achieved but unless the goals are part of the accomplishment of the purpose- they will not satisfy for long.
Do you know what is the purpose of man according to God?  What is the chief end of man? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Here in what is called the Westminster Catechism we find God’s  eternal purpose: to enjoy Him forever and His earthly purpose: to glorify Him. Jesus told us how to do this and not get caught up in the world’s value system. He told us to” seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the thing we need would be given to us. ( matthew 6:33)
Is Jacob happy? Fulfilled? No. His life has become miserable. God has allowed Jacob to become wealthy- but now God allows the world  and its riches to turn sour for Jacob. They are not the lasting fulfillment Jacob thought they would be.
When God allows the things of the world which attracted us to become sour, even bitter and unfulfilling it is actually a blessing. For now we are willing to listen to God and what God has to say to our souls. The deceitfulness of sin is that a little sin is good for you, fun, fulfilling and not harmful. But we discover sin is not only deceptive- it is a cruel taskmaster. The wine that sparkled in the cup- stings like an adder in the end.
After God instructs Jacob to leave, Jacob calls Leah and Rachel to come out to the fields where he can tell them of the plans God has for them. This is the wise thing to do. Jacob needs for his wives to understand what they are about to do. Marriage has its difficulties because both husband and wife come with parents to whom they are loyal. Many problems in a marriage have come from the parents of the husband and wife. But Rachel and Leah exhibit where their loyalty and allegiance must be- with their husband.
In verses 5 – 13 Jacob tells  Rachel and Leah exactly what is going on. He tells them of the change in attitude of their father and brothers. The threat is real that they would come and take away what Jacob has worked for and what God has provided. He tells them about the dream that God gave him regarding how to increase his flocks, Jacob recalls how their father has changed his wages 10 times.
In verse 13: We notice Jacob in looking back sees how it has always been God who was at work in his life. God in the dream reminded Jacob that He was the God of Bethel. He reminded Jacob of his vow to God at Bethel.
God reminding Jacob of  his Bethel experience is important. When we, like Jacob get caught up in the rat race of life in pursuit of happiness and those things of the world we believe will make us happy, we can get off course can’t we?  Like Jacob – when we lose our way- we need to turn around and go back to where we got off the path and made the wrong turn.
Let’s go back to Jacob’s Bethel experience and remember that as Christians – Paul tells us in Galatians 3- “ if you belong to Christ,  then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.”
Listen carefully to this promise made to Jacob by God at Bethel, for this spiritual promise is also ours- we can claim this according to scripture. God tells Jacob and you and me: “ I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go and I will bring you back to this land(home). I will not leave you until I have done what I promised you. “  Jacob responded with a vow- which God reminds Jacob of his vow- that if God did those things- God would be his God and I will give you a tenth of everything- meaning I will recognize that all I have gained comes from you.
So Jacob begins the race that God would have Jacob run. Just as we begin the race that God would have us to run after we got saved.  Then something happens.  We get caught up in the ‘rat race’, the routine of setting goals, making lists and checking them off. But the goals of achievement the world recognizes and rewards can distract us from the race God had laid before us.  Listen to this verse from Galatians 5:7:  “ You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?”
What Jacob wanted and what we want, I can describe in three words:  The Good Life.
Here in lies the dilemma: who gets to decide what is the good life? Confusion exists about how to achieve the good life. It is not that we should not want to improve our standard of living and as Jacob declared to his father-in-law- I have nothing for my household. Jacob wanted something to call his own- and God not only did not condemn Jacob for wanting something for his household- God also helped Jacob get it.
You see the world has a definition of the good life and what it entails and what it looks like. And God has a definition of the good life and what it entails and what it looks like. And we get caught in the confusion of this rat race and the tension between living the Christian life and life in the 21st century. In other words, will we live the good life according to God’s view or the world’s view?  Or like a lot of us we come up with a hybrid good life that combines the two. We are constantly bombarded by messages, seemingly innocent messages that if we have this type of car or live in this neighborhood or belong to this club- we are living the good life.
Jacob had been caught up in a rat race for 20 years. After an encounter with God at Bethel twenty years before, Jacob pledged his allegiance to God and begin a personal relationship with him. But in the years that followed, Jacob got caught up in the pursuit of the good life.
What  God is going to have to do with Jacob- He will have to do with us. When we get caught up in the rat race and let the world and its desires cut in on us and keep us from obeying the truth, God will get our attention. He will have to tell us it is time to go back to where we got out of the race and get back in it. And He will allow circumstances often adverse ones to direct us and steer us and get our attention.
The choice between the Christian life view and the world’s secular life view is the difference between God’s race and the rat race.
What do we need to do? We need to ‘ throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and run with perseverance the race marked out for us.’ ( Hebrew 12:1)

So at this point in his life Jacob will do what we most often do as God intervenes in our lives…we must, like Jacob, make a New Beginning.
Jacob’s wives are in agreement with Jacob regarding their father, Laban, and his mistreatment of Jacob and so plans to leave immediately begin. In fact Rachel and Leah both tell  Jacob do whatever God has told you to do.
Should Jacob have left the way he did? Not sure. But they left soon thereafter. But Rachel does something that at first glance confused me. Why did Rachel go steal the household idols?  Did she still believe in them?  Or did she do this out of spite because of her father’s behavior?
Can we identify with Rachel as an immature believer?  She believed  Jacob’s God, she trusted Him. But she was also reluctant to completely give up some of her previous beliefs, superstitions and ways of life. Rachel like all of us had been conformed by the world, her beliefs had been shaped over years by the world in which she lived. Rachel’s attitude is little different from that of many a new Christian today, happy to know the Lord but not yet willing to enter a life of separation from the world.
In verse 22, we read it was not until the third day Jacob had fled that Laban discovers he has left- with his wives, children and flocks. Laban and his sons take off in hot pursuit. Even though Jacob has a three day head start, he has large flocks and herds and women and children – so his travel is slowed.
In seven days of hard travel, Laban overtakes Jacob and his entourage in the hill country of Gilead. Laban spends the night and will confront Jacob and his family in the morning. But as so often happens in the Bible we read this phrase.. “ Then God…” Then God came to Laban, a pagan in a dream and warns him not to do anything to harm Jacob.
Interesting that Laban did not know God in a personal way, but knew enough about God to know he had better do what God says. James says you believe there is one God..Good! Demons believe that and tremble. ( James 2)
In verses 20-27 we see Jacob accused of being a deceiver three times. Surely he lives up to his name.  As Jacob was counting all the offenses of Laban against him over the last 20 years, he seemed to not be bothered by any of the offenses he had committed against Esau.
In verse 26, Laban  reveals his hypocrisy as he tells Jacob he left and did not even give him the opportunity to tell his daughters and grandchildren good bye and throw them a going away party.
But then Laban  asks a question that catches Jacob completely by surprise for he does not know what Rachel has done when Laban says why did you steal my household gods?
Rachel must have started to get very nervous and begin rehearsing her lie.
Jacob tells Laban he left the way he did out of fear  that Laban would take  his daughters away from him After all, Laban had used his two daughters to get 14 years of work out of Jacob. But Jacob is indignant that Laban would accuse him of stealing his household gods. Jacob says if you find anyone who has your gods, I will execute them. Rachel’s heart rate must have zoomed to over 180!
Laban and his sons begin a search of Jacob’s camp. Rachel has hidden the gods in her camel’s saddle. She had evidently brought the saddle into her tent and was sitting on the saddle like it was a piece of furniture.  She refuses to stand when her father approaches her and explains she is having her period. So Laban’s search ends without uncovering the stolen gods.
Just a thought—why would anyone want to worship a god( small g) who can be stolen.?
Having been cleared of any wrongdoing- in fact it speaks to Jacob’s integrity they found nothing belonging to Laban in Jacob’s possession, Jacob vents 20 years worth of being mistreated.
You might say this is one exit survey – his former employer had rather not have heard.
Jacob begins to talk about what he had done for  Laban and how he born the loss for animals killed or damaged by  paying for them himself. Jacob recounted how for 20 years through heat and cold and sleepless night he had been a faithful, productive employee. And how in return, Laban had changed his wages 10 times.
Then Jacob talks about how God had been with him and protected him and provided for him and even rebuked Laban. The names he uses to describe God are interesting- the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac.
Fear of Isaac- the only time this name is used to describe God. But think about Isaac and what Jacob must have known about his father, Isaac’s relationship with God.
Fear here does not mean a physical fear- like being afraid of  a snake. It refers to a holy fear , a reverence of an awesome God. Isaac first learned about God from his father Abraham.  A day he would remember forever was the day his father took him as a young man to Mount Moriah. There Isaac was  bound and lay on the altar where Abraham appeared to have every intention of killing him. When Isaac asks his father where was the lamb- his father replied God would provide. It was on that day I believe that Isaac intimately in a few moments knew both the terror of a God who would instruct his father to sacrifice him and in the same moments come to reverence for the rest of his days the One would save him.
Jacob used this name, the Fear of Isaac, to remind Laban that God was not to be taken lightly.
Laban then proposes a covenant with Jacob.

God desires for us to be reconciled to Him.

God desires for us to forgive others who have sinned against us.

But sometimes the best way to get along with someone is to separate yourself  from them.

Sometimes two people need God to stand between them who can’t seem to keep from doing harm to one another. Perhaps one person is unreasonable and refuses to give in or neither party seems to be able to reach a compromise.  We are told to make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

Sometimes I believe it is in the best interests of two parties to let God send them to opposite corners of the ring- like a referee in a boxing match.
Laban and Jacob offer us a prime example of restoration in terms of forgiveness and good  will but not togetherness. There is a restoration and forgiveness without togetherness.
I remember once when we were driving in the car for a long period of time- probably from a vacation. Something occurred that upset one of our children. He was probably 8-10 years of age – but already exhibited a strong will, a quick mind and a way with words. Upset, he began to say he was leaving home- and moving to ‘Fun Town’. There he said you could do anything you wanted, and he made a list of things that little boys like him would like. It was funny and he got caught up in describing Fun Town and we all had a good laugh.
But in those ‘little boy terms’- he really described what is at the heart of  our desires-to live the good life- to live in Fun Town.
Have you ever heard this statement:  “If at first you don’t succeed – change goals.”  It was meant to be facetious – but there is actually a truth hidden there.
You see- we have succeeded in accomplishing some goals in our life- only to find they did not please us- did not give us the lasting satisfaction we thought they would . Fun Town wasn’t that much fun after a while. So having gained some wisdom we change our goals in pursuit of contentment.
We are told the secret of contentment by the Apostle Paul. “ I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” ( Philippians 4:11-13)
The Lord is our source of contentment. The Holy Spirit is given to each and every believer. If we will allow the Holy Spirit to control and direct our lives we will find contentment. There in lies the problem- are you daily seeking His guidance? His Strength? His Wisdom?  Or you still in the rat race trying to get to Fun Town?

I Timothy 6: 6-10. “ But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing out of this world. But if we have food and clothing we will be content with that. People  who want to get rich fall into temptations and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men  into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many

griefs.”    So much for living in “Fun Town!
If our purpose is to glorify God- then our goals must be toward that end. Decisions then become clear- will this action, words or thoughts glorify God. If not- change your goals.


Genesis 32:  Jacob’s Return. Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!


Having left Laban behind, Jacob’s journey and thoughts turn toward his return to Canaan and meeting with Esau – face to face.
As it was at Bethel, Jacob is met in some fashion by the angels of God. Consider the following:  Jacob was greeted by angels when he was fleeing from Esau 20 years ago and going to meet Laban; now he is greeted by angels as he is fleeing from Laban and going to meet Esau.  A reminder from God that He, God, is with Jacob coming and going.
But also a reminder that after 20 years, Jacob still finds himself either running from someone or something – only to run into someone or something. We cannot run from God and we cannot run away from who we are.
Jacob’s story is such a rich source of illustrations and  examples. It seems Jacob turns to God only in troubling times, in adversity and desperation. Surely the Bible tells us:  “What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee.” ( Psalms 56:3)   But can we come to a place in our walk with the Lord where the following would be true:  “ Behold God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid.” ( Isaiah 12: 2)   Or “ The Lord is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?” ( Psalms 27:1-2)
But we can see by the actions that Jacob takes- he is imagining the worst. Esau, his big brother, may have always been someone Jacob feared physically. For we will see in this story Jacob is terrified and dreads this meeting with Esau. I believe his actions also reveal that Jacob realizes what he did to Esau and how he did it was wrong. But before Jacob faces Esau- he must, as we all must, honestly face God.
I wonder- do you and I have someone or something in our lives- we dread facing? If you are facing a struggle or battle in your life- your real struggle may be with the Lord. And although you may go for some years without facing that something or someone-  God  will not leave this issue unresolved, but will in Him timing see that we deal with it- as we are about to see in the story today.
In verse 3, after seeing the angels, Jacob begins to make preparatory actions for this long dreaded face-to-face meeting with Esau. In verses 3-5, Jacob sends messengers ahead with carefully worded greetings. The messengers were instructed by Jacob to call Esau, Master, and refer to Jacob as ‘your servant’.  The meaning behind those words were evident- Jacob is telling Esau, I come with no political agenda to exert control or authority over you. Then there is a brief explanation of where he has been for the last 20 years- with Laban. He also lets Esau know he has cattle, donkeys, sheep, goats, menservants and maid servants- in other words, I have substantial possessions- so I am not coming to take anything away from you  by right of the blessing. Jacob says through his message to Esau- I have come to find favor in your eyes. Jacob wants to set the stage for peaceful negotiations.
In verse 6, the messengers we return to inform Jacob – ‘ your brother Esau is now coming to meet you with 400 men.’.
In verses 7& 8, Jacob is thinking the same thing you and I are thinking—this does not sound good. Jacob reacts with fear and distress. His imagination goes immediately to the worst-case scenario- Esau is coming to attack us. He divides his people into two groups. His thinking is if Esau attacks one group- the other group can have an opportunity to escape.
But in verse 9, we see that Jacob’s fear and distress drive him to his knees in prayer. Let us carefully review and observe this prayer of Jacob’s. God has shown us in the story of Jacob, what an imperfect sinful, manipulative man Jacob is. If Jacob can pray effectively, the surely there is hope for us. Remember Paul said these were written to teach us. For if Jacob can get his prayers answered, it is of great encouragement to us. For God is the same today as He was in the day of Jacob. If God is faithful to answer the prayers of a schemer like Jacob- there is great hope for schemers like you and me.
Jacob, like us, has some clear promises from God, in other words Jacob has the Word of God. Already we have seen that Jacob is fearful, because he ‘ imagines’ the worst. Fear is the companion of doubt and uncertainty. They are attacks of the enemy- they are at the root of the spiritual battle we wage.  We are told in 2 Corinthians 10- “ the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension( imagination) that sets it self  up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive the thoughts to make it obedient to Christ.” ( 2 Cor. 10:4-5)  Remember every action we take began first as a thought; that is why it is a battle for the mind.
Do you see that we have access to the same mighty weapons that Jacob used to pull down this stronghold? Let us understand what a stronghold is. A stronghold is an area of sin that becomes a part of our lifestyle. It may be a harmful habit involving drugs, pornography, or sexual sins. This stronghold may be an attitude of  loneliness, inferiority, pride, worry or doubt. These strongholds use a whole arsenal of rationalizations to support these positions. But the knowledge and reasoning on which these habits or attitudes are built directly oppose the truth of God’s Word. We have prayer and the Word of God-these are our mighty weapons to pull these strongholds down. It is in prayer that battles are won and lost. We can ask God in faith to tear down these strongholds and He will do it. Then we must renew that part of our minds with the truth of God’s Word or we will be subject to those lies again. Therefore it is essential that we learn to pray.
Jacob is outnumbered- he is weak, Esau is strong. Esau is many, he is few- at least in the eyes of the world. Jacob has done everything he knows to do physically and in his own strength. Now realizing he is no match, that he is powerless – he calls upon the Lord.
The Prayer or Jacob: Verses 9-12.
First notice the prayer of Jacob is very specific. Protect us from the hand of my brother.

It is also the prayer of a desperate man- who realizes the outcome does not depend on him but on God. Let us carefully consider this prayer:

First Jacob states the purpose of God. Jacob says to God- it is You, God, who said to me to go back to your country and your relatives and I will make you to prosper.  Jacob is saying back to God what God has said to Him. This is the essence of praying back to the God the Word of God. Jacob is saying to God I am where I am- because I am following your directions. Remember this- where God guides He provides.
Notice also,  how Jacob is humble. God gives grace to the humble. Jacob confesses he is not worthy of all God’s kindness and faithfulness that God has shown to him.  Having observed Jacob’s life, his deceitfulness and manipulating ways, we would certainly agree he is not worthy. ( For me this is a great encouragement- for like Jacob I consider myself unworthy of God’s kindness- but that is what Grace is and why we call it Amazing. )
Jacob then does something, we need to do. Look back and see what God has done. Jacob declares as he looks back, I left home with a staff and now I have returned 20 years later with all of this, You have given me.
The Jacob pleads with God as a desperate, fearful man to protect him and his family from the violence of Esau.
Then Jacob boldly reminds God of God’s promises to him, Jacob. That is always a potent argument with God to take Him back to His promises.
( Verse13-21)Now Jacob arises from this prayer and prepares a gift for his brother Esau. He arranges for his servants to bring these gifts of herds in sections- so that Esau with each gift will hear the same message: this is a gift from your servant Jacob sent to my lord, Esau. Were these gifts meant as a bribe or as a gift of goodwill?  Not sure. But I believe Jacob arose from prayer more confident and having succeeded in convincing himself as he recalled the promises of God. These promises of God reminded Jacob not of who he was- but WHOSE he was.  For at Bethel, Jacob had experienced a personal relationship with God. He became a believer. Now Jacob will be broken.  We need to realize the two go together. For when we are weak, when we realize we are powerless- then we become strong in the Lord.
(Vs. 22)After sending the flocks Jacob remains behind with his family to await the arrival of Esau in the morning. He takes his two wives , his two maid servants and all of his children and crossed the stream, Jabbok. Then Jacob was left alone- evidently to spend the night in prayer and we are told of a strange occurrence- a wrestling match until daylight.
Sometimes we wrestle with something in the dark that we cannot clearly see until the light of day. Those problems that keep us awake at night- might not really be the problem we are wrestling with- only a symptom of the deeper root of the problem.
Some think the wrestling match is a spiritual allegory- but that does not explain Jacob’s dislocated hip which was physical. Since the Pre-Incarnate Lord had met with Abraham in the desert and eaten lunch and two angels appeared as men in Sodom and Gomorrah- we know this physical encounter can be taken literally.
Jacob wrestles with this unseen, unknown man through the night until daybreak.

Verse 25 tells us “ when the ‘man’ saw that he could not overpower him(Jacob), he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man.”  If this is the Pre-Incarnate Lord, or even a mighty angel of the Lord, how could a mere man not be overcome by the mighty angel or the Lord Himself?  Simple answer is God allowed Jacob to struggle with Him. But clearly by touching his hip and dislocating it, God shows He was in control all the time. Jacob would never walk the same again- he would always walk with a limp a reminder of this night.
In doing so, God teaches us that perseverance  in prayer is an important and necessary element.
When this ‘man’ tells  Jacob to let  him go- Jacob refuses  to give up until this man blesses him.

Then the Lord ( I believe this is who this man is) asks Jacob his name.  Jacob answers- I am Jacob.  What does the name Jacob mean?  Heel grabber- supplanter, deceiver, a cheat and a liar.  Jacob has confessed who he is. For the last time he was asked his name by his father, Isaac, he lied he was Esau.
Now that he has admitted who he is and was. This was all God wanted. God simply wanted Jacob to be broken in His Presence and see himself as he really was. A natural born sinner born with a name that described his nature- a cheat and a liar.
His name was changed that early morning by the brook Jabbok, from Jacob to Israel. This new name marked a new beginning and Jacob, now Israel, would never walk the same.
There seems to be a pattern in our walk with the Lord. There is salvation which occurs at once and forever. But then begins the ongoing process of sanctification- the molding and conforming in the image of God’s son. Our walk begins and it should be different than it was before. For the Lord delights to order our steps.
It is clear that God has shared with us in His Word prayers of biblical characters. By searching the scriptures and these prayers we can find those real people in real situation like ours and see how they prayed effectively.  Remember these things were written to teach us.
Let us summarize what we see in this story are the elements of effective prayer and how they relate to us in our situations.

  1. A right relationship. Jacob’s right relationship began with God at Bethel, where the God of his fathers became Jacob’s God. Can you look back to your own Bethel experience?
  2. Knowing God’s thoughts. God had revealed His will for Jacob in dreams, visions or in some way the spoken word. He has revealed His thoughts to us in His Word with the Holy Spirit to teach us and even pray for us. Saturate your mind with God’s word and you will begin to think like God.
  3. Pure heart. We must confess all known sins. Sin means divided loyalty. God will not trust His Power and Authority to anyone not completely yielded. Jacob surrendered to the Lord- he gave up at Jabbok.
  4. Pure motive The true desire to know God’s will in any given situation. We can make our requests and petitions known to God –  but realize the point of prayer is not to have God do our will- but for us to have our will aligned with His. Not my will- but Thy will, Father, prayed Jesus in the Garden.
  5. Persistent confidence in the faithfulness of God. Pray until we receive an answer. Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened. These instructions speak of a persistence.


If you are a believer you have the right relationship with God- you can call on Him as your Heavenly Father.

You and I are commanded to study to show ourselves approved- spending time in the Word and saturating your mind with the word of God. By studying His Word we will come to know what God’s will is.
Then confess your sins- now with a clean heart you will have a clear mind and a clear mind will produce the right motives.
Let’s think about something for a minute- if Jacob had the promises of God that He, God was with Jacob and would watch over him wherever he went and bring him back to this land  and prosper him- why was he afraid and in distress?  Because the enemy, satan had a stronghold in Jacob’s mind. The stronghold was based on a lie- that Jacob’s situation was unchangeable- he would be defeated and destroyed by his brother Esau. But this was contradictory to the will and promise of God.
Remember the battle is the Lord’s.
So let us remember the following truths:
Remember your position in Christ. We have been raised from the dead with Christ and are seated with Him in heavenly places. ( Eph. 2:6) We are to therefore set our minds on things above, not on things on earth. (Col 3: 1-2) He(Christ) is head over all rule and authority.( Col 2:9-10)  I am in Christ and Christ has authority and rule over satan. The enemy will retreat before the authority that comes from Christ. You and I can bind the enemy on the basis of our position in Christ.
Rely on God’s provision. His provision is His Grace. I am not talking about saving grace but the grace, the unmerited, undeserved favor of God that gives us power we need to live victorious lives.  James 4: 6 states: “But He gives us MORE GRACE. That is why Scripture says: God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” In other words the grace that God gives you to tear down the strongholds is far greater than the power that set up those strongholds.
Obviously we want to know- how do we obtain this grace that is greater?  And the word of God tells us:  Submit yourselves therefore  to God. ( James 4:7) Surrender to the Lord. Completely yield to His power – quit trying to do it in your own strength- it hasn’t worked and it never will. That is why as a 32 year-old man- I had to confess I was powerless over alcohol.
How do we plug into this power?  We disconnect from what had not worked- self effort and plug into Christ’s power. “Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.” ( James 4:8) Drawing near results from spending time in God’s presence in prayer, worship and study of His Word.
Repent of our sins.  James 4: 8-9 says: “ Wash your hands you sinners and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve mourn and  wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.”  We need to get serious about our sin.. confession is cleansing and Godly sorrow leads to repentance. God’s word is telling us- sin is no laughing matter.
Then having done these things we can resist the devil. We can resist only by knowing and using the Word of God. (Matthew 4)
For example when the enemy comes with the lie that you will never be able to change – your rebuttal is ; I am a new creature in Christ. When the enemy tells you that you will never be free- tell him it is written, if Christ sets you free – you are free indeed.
It is time to claim your new identity.

It is time to draw on the inexhaustible provisions that God has provided.

It is time to send the enemy packing and tear down the strongholds.
You wrestle not with flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ( Ephesians 6)
Let’s get ready to rumble!


Genesis 33:  A New Name – a New Walk?


Jacob has a new name- Israel- he has also acquired a pronounced  limp. A reminder of his encounter with the Living God.  He is , as we continue to see, a flawed man who has a tendency to fall into old patterns of behavior.
Verse 1: Jacob looks up and there was Esau coming with his 400 men. What is Jacob’s reaction?  He divided his family among his wives- placing the maidservants and children in front, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph in the rear.
He could not have been more obvious in his favoritism and where each member stood in their importance to Jacob. Jacob cannot seem to refrain from leaning to his own understanding. His old nature – a schemer, a manipulator is still at work. Jacob has been broken and he has been blessed. He has a new name and a new walk- but the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.  Jacob’s dependence upon the Lord does not seem to be complete, he is cautious in his approach to Esau. He is fearful and suspicious of Esau’s intention, thus he puts Rachel and Joseph his favorites in the rear. Like Peter when he stepped out of the boat, showed great faith- but a rising wind and waves, caused Peter a fisherman to become fearful and he begin to sink. Jacob’s new found faith, name and new walk were halting at best, when the winds of adversity blew- Jacob’s faith seemed to falter. He had to learn to trust the Lord with all his heart. To trust in the Lord with all your heart is a difficult lesson to learn.
When God teaches us a new truth about Himself or about ourselves or both- we can then expect an opportunity to apply the new truth in obedience. Let’s give Jacob/Israel credit- he did put himself first. Are we not slow learners like Jacob?
I imagine, Peter’s steps out of the boat were cautious ones, don’t you? He was cautious but courageous. Walking by faith is sometimes a scary proposition. Jacob’s walk of faith had taken a new turn- but his steps were cautious- yet courageous.
Verse 3, does tells us Jacob puts himself in the front ahead of all of his family. A true shepherd always goes in front. The Lord Jesus, Our Good Shepherd, went ahead and told us to follow him. Jacob also bows down seven times in his approach to Esau.
Verse 4- a reunion and a relief.  Esau upon seeing his brother runs to meet him. Can you see the picture- Jacob, now Israel is limping and bowing- Esau is running full speed. Do you get it?  Jacob, the chosen of God is limping- in pain. His limp is as noticeable as our walk with the Lord should also be. It is made even more evident by Esau’s running. Esau’s last 20 years have been good to him, as we hear of his family and wealth later on- while Jacob’s last 20 years have been seemingly one struggle after another. We see the two brothers embrace-Esau threw his arms around him and they embraced and they wept. I like to believe for  several minutes they did nothing but hold each other and weep. Tears of joy perhaps mixed with laughter as they looked at each other and how they had changed. Ever have one of those types of reunion?   For a few minutes words are not necessary. Then the words tumble out in a torrent of questions and answers.
Several scriptures and  observations come to mind.

First: Proverbs 16:7- “ When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies at peace with him.” God had prepared the heart of Esau to welcome his brother and forgive him. You will see in a minute how this reunion and Esau’s forgiveness remind Jacob of his encounter with God.
Second:  As far as the struggles and adversity and painful limp of Jacob, we are reminded of what the Apostle Paul told us: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” ( 2 Cor. 4:17)
When I think of the Esau’s of this world running, while God’s chosen saints are limping it brings to mind the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:Listen to what Abraham says to the rich man who has found himself in Hades:   “But Abraham replied , “ Son remember in this life you received your good things and Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.”   Want to trade places with this rich man who in this world  had it made? If I interpret this parable told by the Lord Jesus literally- the lost in Hades have memory of the past. Can you imagine that? Want to exchange your future for the future that awaits the Esau’s of this world?
Sometimes God chooses to wound us, His own children in order to make us walk differently while the unbeliever seems to run with confidence and enjoy the successes of this world. But what does it profit a man if he gain the world- but loses his soul?
Keep these scriptures in mind as you deal with life’s seeming inequities and realize that in the end God will balance the scales and will reward accordingly and punish with sure justice.
“ We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting  away,yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary,but what is unseen is eternal.” ( 2 Corinthians 4)   In other words, things are not what they seem. (Keep in mind- those who are serving the Lord in ministries that are impacting the world and walking by faith are more vulnerable to attack- and the attacks can be devastating.) We are told in the early days of the church: “ the apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name of Jesus. ( Acts 5)
I love the words of this song we often sing: “ No guilt in life, no fear in death. That’s the power of Christ in me.” Oh, that our walk with the Lord could give us this as the song of our heart. A walk that keeps us in the light, as He is in the light that keeps us continually and immediately confessing our sins- so there is no guilt in life and no fear in death for  that is the power of Christ in us.
Was Jacob afraid?  Yes, of course he was. And even though the ways of his old nature would still cause him to act according to the flesh sometimes- there he is, Jacob, the limping liar who is learning how to walk by faith- out in front facing his problem and his past.
We have all experienced fear and will experience it again. That is why the one of the most often repeated commandments of the Lord Jesus is  “ Fear Not.”  Many times our fear comes from a lack of  confidence, or being called to leave our comfort zone. Apparently this was the situation the Apostle Paul was addressing in his young protégé, Timothy’s life.
In 2 Timothy 1:7, we read: “ For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” I love this verse for it reminds me I serve a Triune God who has given me three weapons to overcome the spirit of fear.

  1. God has enabled us with His Power- the Holy Spirit.
  2. God has enriched us with His Love. ( How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we shall be called children of God. I John 3:1)
  3. God has enlightened our minds  with His Truth. (If you continue in my words you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8)


Judge Jacob at your own risk…I, for one, will not make judgment. The Lord Jesus said: “ Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” Jesus goes on to say we are hypocrites who need to take the plank out of our own eyes first then we can see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Verse 5: After several moments of what has to be one of the most tender moments in the book of Genesis, Esau looks up and saw the women and children. “ Who are these with you?” he asked.
Jacob replies they are the children God has graciously given your servant. Then each maid servant and children approach, then Leah and her children and finally Rachel and Joseph. I am sure Jacob must have introduced each one and  said something about them. Esau is looking for the first time at nephews and a niece he has never seen. You can imagine Esau- hugging and laughing at this brood. What a reunion- what a relief as the tension went away like the air out of a balloon.
Vs. 8: Then Esau asked Jacob what he meant by sending all those flocks as a gift.

Jacob replies – to find favor in your eyes.
In verse 9-11; I want us to look carefully at what each person says and to do that means we must understand the meaning of the original Hebrew words.
There are two different words used in the original Hebrew that reflect the difference. The KJV says Esau responded to Jacob’s gift by saying “ I have enough.” The original Hebrew word is more closely interpreted as plenty ( NIV) or much.
In Jacob’s response, the KJV again uses the word enough  “ I have enough” But the Hebrew word used originally is closer to the meaning provided in the NIV- “ I have all I need.”
Jacob also mentioned God’s graciousness as the source of his supply.

Esau says I have much…Jacob says I have all I need. Do you see the difference? Jacob realizes he has a supply that cannot be exhausted because God is the source. God is the supplier of all his needs. Esau has accumulated much- but he does not state that he has all he needs.  In his pride, Esau wants to let his little brother know he doesn’t need anything from Jacob. Esau is proud of his accomplishments- he is a self-made man- who is saying to Jacob- look what I have become.
Jacob insists Esau accept this gift if he has found favor in Esau’s eyes. Then Jacob makes a statement in verse 10:  “For to see your face is like seeing the face of God, now that you have received me favorably.”
Remember after wrestling with the Lord all night at Jabbok, Jacob named the place Peniel, which means I have seen the face of God.
How is it that Jacob could see in the face of this profane pagan, Esau, the face of God? When Jacob looked at the tear-stained smiling face of his twin it triggered his spiritual memory. He remembered his experience at Bethel, God’s protection from Laban, angels sent both coming and going, and the answer to his specific prayer for God to save him from his brother was standing right there in front of him. As physical an answer to a prayer as ever one could hope to see.  Esau’s forgiveness  was to Jacob a reminder of God’s forgiveness and favor.
Jacob has humbled himself before his brother  and made amends. We must note to NOT humble ourselves and make amends to those we have offended can keep us from our promised lands and from the greater works Jesus said we would do. Remember “ that he who loveth God loveth his brother also.” (I John 4:21)
Following this Esau says to Jacob come on with me and my men- I will accompany you. Jacob says you go ahead, we are a slow moving group- I will see you in Seir.
Esau, being a gracious host, says let me leave some of my men with you. Jacob says don’t do that – we are fine. Esau gets the message and leaves.
VS. 17:  Next we see Jacob going to Succoth where he would stay for some years. Now you have to have knowledge of  the geography of that day and if you look on a map, you will see Jacob and his family did not enter Canaan, but stayed for some years on the other side of the Jordan River. In other words, Jacob stopped  short of entering the Promised Land, which God had told him to return to. He also builds a house. That he will be there for some years is evident for Dinah, the baby sister will grow up to be a young woman.
After spending those years in Succoth, Jacob crosses over the Jordan River to an area near the city of Shechem. The Word of God tells us he camped within sight of the city. Remind you of anyone?  Lot pitched his tents toward Sodom.  Jacob buys land from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem. This tells us the city is named for Hamor’s son. Hamor is like the ruler of that area and his son, Shechem would be like a prince, and heir to his father’s rule.

Now we will soon discover that Jacob’s children are an unruly, undisciplined group. This will soon become evident in the events in chapter 34.
VS.20: Notice as this chapter ends, we find mention for the first time of Jacob building an altar. When did this occur?  AFTER his business dealings  with Hamor’s sons. Did Jacob sense that something was amiss?  Or was this the old Jacob trying to get God’s approval after the fact rather than before?
Have you ever made an important decision without consulting the Lord?  Have you then, like Jacob, asked God to bless it after you had done it?  Did you see what Jacob named the altar?  El-Elohe-Israel.  The God of Israel- the new name God gave him at Jabbok.
Ever try living as close to the world as possible without actually living in the world? It is a dangerous place to live. And what about Jacob’s children? Children watch what their parents do- more than what they say, especially when there is a difference between the two.
Forbidden fruit is always tempting, isn’t it?  Did you ever stop to think, that Eve was standing next to the tree of good and evil when she was tempted by the serpent, the old devil himself?  Young people especially- like the forbidden fruit.  Sin appeals to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Sin is pleasurable for a season- but that is its deception.
Jacob has led his family into a dangerous place.

He has chosen a land and a place to live without consulting the Lord.

Like Lot, he has appeared to have chosen for himself.

There was obviously good pasture land.

There was a city nearby- so there was commerce and trade.

The principle of drifting is we not only drift from something- we drift toward something.
There was an old radio show called  “ The Shadow”. It started out with this statement:  “ Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of man?”  God knows and God will reveal the evil in our hearts if we ask Him to search our hearts..
But we must learn as the Apostle Paul tells us—good and evil travel on a parallel path. The path of evil is broad- the gate is wide and many enter through it. But small is the gate and  narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it. Have you found the Way?

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father except by Him.
No Guilt in life;

No Fear in death-

That’s the power of Christ in me.
Do you ever wake up afraid?

Is there something in your life that is a stronghold- that is producing guilt?

Ask the Lord to open the eyes of your heart- the eyes of faith, so that you might see the unseen.

Ask the Lord to enlighten your heart that you might see the hope to which you are called, the glorious inheritance of the saints and the exceedingly great power in us who believe.


Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 28-30

Genesis 28:  Jacob’s Journey

Isaac seems to have been shocked out of his carnal lethargy and now realizes what was almost a huge mistake in blessing Esau rather than Jacob. So now in the clear light of God’s will, he will bless Jacob again with the convenant blessing.  Notice the name of God Isaac uses- God Almighty, El Shaddai.

He is sending Jacob away with some very good instructions for Jacob’s future – marry a believer and walk with God. A wife who is a believer is a suitable helper. And Isaac and Rebekah wanted for their sons what every believing parent wants for their children- a walk with Lord and a suitable help mate. Also- as we will see God has to separate us in order to set us apart.

That is why even though we are to honor our parents, there comes a time to leave your parents. Jacob’s life was dominated by his mother’s constant instruction as long as he lived at home. It would be necessary for God to remove some things from Jacob’s life so that He could work some things into Jacob’s life. For it is God who works in us both the desire and will to do His Good purpose. ( Phil 2: 13)

So Isaac sends  Jacob on his way, alone to travel hundreds of miles to the land of his mother’s family. Isaac blesses him and instructs him- the role a father is to play in preparing his son(s) to go out on their own walking in the light as God is in the light.

In verse 6, we notice a disappointed Esau taking all this in. He notices how important it is to his father and mother, that Jacob not marry a Canannite woman and remembers how grieved they were he married two of them. Putting one and one together- Esau comes to believe the reason for their displeasure and thus the reason for not blessing him was his choice of wives.

So we see Esau, desperate to be reconciled with his parents and maybe with the possibility of having the blessing restored to him, goes to the family of his Uncle Ishmael and takes a wife. But Esau continues to show what his problem is- it is his attitude of spiritual indifference.  His actions show he will put on whatever outward appearance to gain favor with his parents- but in his heart  he cares nothing for the things of God. Esau would be the type of person who joins a church today- in order to appear  religious while using his membership to further his personal and business agenda.

Jacob’s journey begins and I cannot help but wondering what was going through his mind. The next 8 chapters will be devoted to the process that Jacob will go through as God prepares him and changes him in the process of salvation. I believe Jacob did not yet have a personal relationship with God. He knew about God, he had heard the stories of his grandfather Abraham and his own father, Isaac. He knew  about the God of Abraham and Isaac but God was not yet the God of Jacob.

Jacob had been under his mother’s rule. She had him tied to her apron strings. She went before him and covered his back and  made the all important decisions for her son, Jacob.

God would have to separate Jacob from his mother and separate him unto Himself. He would have to cut those apron strings- so that Jacob would learn to depend on Him, God, rather than his mother. God is the Potter- we are the clay. God shapes us to become the vessel He would have us to be. He does this in order to shape us to serve in the unique position He would have us serve. This process initiated by God requires time, pressure and complete yielding to the potter’s hand. That is why in Jeremiah 18, God tells Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house so He, God, might teach Jeremiah a lesson.  Paul writes in Romans 9- ‘ But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it- why did you make me like this? Does not the potter have the right to make out of the clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?”

Jacob is about to shaped on the potter’s wheel.

Jacob is to be shaped and strengthened in order to establish the tribes of Israel.

He must first learn to depend on God alone.

It will take time. It will take trials. It will require pressure for that is how a clay vessel is shaped.

This is a process that begins with a personal relationship with God. Jacob knew a lot about God- but he did not personally know God.

The beginning point is about to happen- Jacob had to be separated from his mother and his dependence upon her.That dependence on her must be replaced by a dependence on God.

Each person is different. Some have a dependence on others- while others are dependent on their own abilities and strengths- like a Samson or Peter. But God knows what must be worked out- in order for Him to work in both the desire and the will to do His purpose.

Jacob’s process is about to begin- and we will observe this process for the next 8 chapters which will represent the next 20 years of his life. When we come to Joseph’s story, we will see the process in his life required 14 years- but they were 14 very difficult years. But they were necessary in both cases to prepare the ‘vessels for their purpose.’.

Here is an overview of the process:

1. Knowing God personally. This is what Paul considered to be the primary goal of his life.

2. Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and body. The more we know Him, the more we will love Him. Knowing God personally is a pre-requisite for the process.

3. Obeying God. If you love me, you will keep my commandments, Jesus said . (John 15) Obedience comes out of love- which come from knowing Him.

4. Abiding. If we love Him and obey him, we will maintain a living communion with Jesus- surrendered to His will. “Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can you, except you abide in me.” (John15:5)

5. Finally the fruit bearing then comes as a natural process of abiding. This not only pleases God- it brings the sense of fulfilling one’s purpose in their life.

Do you see what had to happen in Jacob’s life?  He had to be separated, cut off from his domineering mother ( good as her intentions might have been) and grafted into the vine- if he were to be able to bear fruit. We can observe the fruit that Jacob was bearing as long as he was abiding in his mother’s will- look at his deeds:  selfish ambition, lies, deception, and envy. Here is what James says will be the results of such actions: “ For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and every evil practice.” ( James 3: 16)  This came from the worldly wisdom that his mother, Rebekah dispatched and the result was a dysfunctional family.

But James goes on to explain what happens when we obey and are instructed with wisdom from heaven:  “ but the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”  ( James 3:17)

Jacob was in the process of being cut off from his mother and engrafted into the True Vine. He was beginning a  personal relationship with the God he knew a lot about- but did not know personally.

I would imagine, having abruptly left his family, his domineering mother, and all that was familiar to him was an uncomfortable if not terrifying situation. We do love our comfort zones- our cozy, familiar nest. There was also the threat of his brother Esau to kill him. Maybe Jacob kept looking over his shoulder as he left home. Then there was the unfamiliar that lay ahead. He and his mother were a team who worked diligently to control all the situations they confronted. Now he was alone- on his own- separated from the familiarity of a place that had always been home. Jacob was right where God wanted him to be.


Jacob stops at Bethel and at sunset and lies down to sleep. Jacob then has a life changing dream.  Now you might wonder why God chose a dream to speak to Jacob, but the Bible tells us in Hebrews 1:1: “ God spoke at sundry times in divers(various) manners in times past unto the fathers by the prophets.”

The dominant feature of Jacob’s dream was a ladder resting on earth with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of  God were ascending and descending on it. There above it stood the Lord and He said, I am the Lord , the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you  and your descendants the land on which you are lying. Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, and to the north and to the south. All peoples of the earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

Simple question:  what is the purpose of a ladder?  To reach somewhere one cannot reach on their own. Notice where the ladder is resting-on earth. And notice where its top reaches- heaven.

What did Jacob see ascending and descending on the ladder?  Angels of God.

Some Biblical facts regarding angels:

*They cannot be  numbered- thousands upon thousands ( Hebrews 12:22)

*They are invisible- but can take on human form. ( Sodom and Gomorrah; also Hebrews 13:2)

* Angels are ministering spirits sent forth to serve those who will inherit salvation. ( Hebrews 1:14)

*They are mighty beings excelling in strength that do God’s commandments hearkening unto the voice of His Word. ( Psalms 103:20)

* They rejoice at the salvation of sinners. ( Luke 15)

* They protect us- guard us. “ For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” ( Psalms 91:11)

Then in the dream, Jacob hears for the first time the voice of God.  Do you remember the first time you experienced God personally speaking to you?  When His word seemed to come alive in a way you had not experienced before?

That night the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac became the God of Jacob.

That night Jacob learned there was a place called heaven.

It not only was a real place.

It was an attainable place. It was possible for man to go up to heaven. But man could not get there by his own ways, he could not reach it. That is the purpose of a ladder – to reach somewhere one cannot reach on his own.

Two thousand years after Jacob’s dream there came down from heaven the only one who could make a way for us to go to heaven.  He was God the Son, the pre-existent Son of God who had always been and would always be. The Lord Jesus came down from heaven to earth via the miraculous virgin birth  to establish a link, a bridge  – a ladder in order to make a way for sinful man to reach heaven and be in the presence of a Holy God.

In the Gospel of John, chapter 1- Phillip tells a dear friend of his, Nathaniel about this Jesus of Nazareth. Upon meeting Jesus, Nathaniel was skeptical at first, but Jesus convinced him telling him things about himself which Jesus could only have known supernaturally. Then Jesus told  Nathaniel- “ here after you shall see heaven open and angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” ( John 1: 51)

In other words, Jesus said I am the Ladder in Jacob’s dream. I am the only way, The Way, by which one can go from earth to heaven.

Jacob not only had begun a personal relationship with God, but also had received a truth centered in Christ. It was a saving truth.

When Jacob awoke – his first thoughts were : Surely God is in this place and I was not aware of it.

Do you have a conscious awareness of God at all times?  It is a prayer my mother taught me to pray- a prayer that I believe is centered in the will of God and therefore a  prayer that God will answer.  Did God not tell Jacob I am with you, and will watch you wherever you go and will bring you back home. I will  not leave you until I have done what I promised.

These promises are ours as God’s children. “We are all God’s children through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who are baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ. If you belong to Christ then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” ( Galatians 3: 26, 29)   Any physical promises to the seed of Abraham, such as land to be occupied are for the physical descendants of Abraham. But the spiritual promises are for Abraham’s spiritual seed- which as believers in Christ we are.

These are our promises personally from God.

God is promising us- He will never leave us- always be with us.

God is promising us- Always keep us.

God is promising us- He will bring us home.

We can be confident, that He who has begun a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. ( Phil 1: 6)

God was telling Jacob- you can depend on me now- not your mother or your abilities. Thus the journey with God begins for Jacob. He had to be separated from his mother and the comfort of his home.

He would have to learn to trust God not his own abilities and lessons he had learned  from his mother.

Trust is a learned response. Jacob was entering the school of faith, where he would learn how to trust the Lord with all his heart and not lean to his own understanding. It is the most difficult lesson we must learn.

Jacob had in  theological terms been justified. Now the process of sanctification would begin.

The next morning upon awakening we see Jacob’s spiritual nature begin to change. It was here, he first realized  that God was in more than one place. He remarked- surely God is in this place. A new awareness of the presence of God was beginning in Jacob’s life because Jacob in New Testament terminology was a new creature.

He poured oil on the stone he had used for a pillow and set it up as a pillar. Jacob called this place Bethel- which means House of God, even though the city used to be called Luz. Luz means ‘separation.

So the names here with their meaning tell us the story of salvation. Jacob was separated from God by his sin but now was brought near to the very house of God. Jacob has not only made an altar- he is responding to an ‘altar call’ and making a public profession of faith.

It appears as we read his profession of faith, Jacob is making a conditional vow to God. Jacob is a new creature, but old things have not yet passed away. Jacob’s vow is the vow of a new believer, not yet mature, who treats this relationship with God as a business deal. He vows he will do his part if God does his part.

But the real change is evident, as Jacob, always one interested in getting- now vows to give to God 1/10th of all that God shall give him.  Jacob was a changed man, just like Zacchaeus, the tax collector. Zacchaeus  said to the Lord, today I will give half of my possessions to the poor and to anyone I have cheated, I will return four times the amount. ( Luke 19) To which the Lord replied, ‘ Today salvation has come to this house.”

Zacchaeus  was not saved because he gave, he  gave because he was saved. The same is true of  Jacob.

Remember:  the just shall live by faith. Faith is God’s way of living. Jacob’s mother, Rebekah, did not understand that living by faith was living without scheming.

Reason is man’s way of living- for there is a way that seems right to man, but the way ends in death.

Without faith, it is impossible to please God, and those whom come to Him must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. ( Hebrew 11: 6)

Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God. ( Romans 10:7)

Jacob’s sins were forgiven- he was justified by faith, just as his grandfather Abraham was.

However, over the next 20 years, Jacob would have a difficult life at times. For although God in His Grace forgives us of our sins- the spiritual principle of reaping what we sow will be administered in Jacob’s life with God using Laban to do the administering.

These familiar Bible characters are real people with real problems- many of their problems are of their own making.

But through it all we see God’s hand at work- the hands of the Potter shaping His vessels for use.

We see family problems making life miserable.

We see how to make new beginnings when you fail.

We will see a dreamer’s dream turn into a nightmare- only to reveal it was all part of God’s plan.

We see how to bloom where you are planted.

Genesis 29: Jacob Arrives at His Uncle Laban’s House

The next three chapters of Genesis record the 20 years Jacob spent in the employment of his Uncle Laban.

Jacob left Bethel a different man from what he was when he left his home. In New Testament terminology, Jacob was saved at Bethel. Now would begin the journey of sanctification. Jacob had a spring in his step. The phrase ‘ Jacob went on his journey’ can be rendered Jacob lifted up his feet.

Jacob had experienced a dream in which the God of Abraham and Isaac spoke to him. God gave Jacob the promises of assurance of  what He, God would do for Jacob. You might be thinking- I would walk with a spring in my step if I had such an encounter with God as Jacob did.  But think about it…Jacob had the memory of a dream and God’s promises. But we have even more- we have God’s promises to us in writing- so we can check them as often as we want to for assurance. We also have the Holy Spirit deposited in us guaranteeing what is to come. Should we not walk with a spring in our step?

In verse 2, Jacob comes upon a well in a field. This was probably the same well that Abraham’s servant came upon when he went on his mission to find a bride for Isaac. The scene is described exactly as Jacob saw it that fateful day- a well in the field with three flocks of sheep lying by it with their shepherds and a great stone covering the well.

Verse 3 explains what was obviously the custom for watering the sheep. The stone was probably there to protect the water from dust and debris. It would not be rolled away until all the flocks were gathered, then perhaps it was on a first come- first served basis. This may explain why the flocks and their shepherds were gathered   We will soon see the following traits of Jacob and note that he is not shy- but personable. Jacob certainly is not lazy, he is industrious. He possesses substantial physical strength and yet is an emotional man. Jacob is clever in business, shrewd in a deal, has an eye for what needs to be done in order to be more efficient and has amazing abilities as a herdsmen. He was a man with all of the skills to be successful- but in order for God to use him, the potter must flatten the clay on the wheel in order to shape the vessel for His use. We will note that Jacob started this journey with a spring in his step but there will come a time when the Lord will slow down his step and Jacob will walk with a limp and a cane.It will be such a significant change in Jacob’s life, God will give Jacob a new name.

Jesse Ventura, the former governor of Minnesota is quite a controversial figure. He is a former Navy Seal, a professional body builder, wrestler, talk radio host, author, governor and professor.  Once asked his opinion of Christianity- he remarked ; “ it is a crutch for the weak.”  At first many Christians were shocked and outraged- but actually it is perhaps closer to the truth- for unless we realize we can do nothing apart from Him that we must truly learn to lean on Him not our own understanding. So from that perspective- we realize there is much truth in Jesse’s statement- that we must realize we are weak.

Jacob is about to enter a period in his life when he must be subdued by the Lord. He must be broken in order to be made  whole. Behold as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, Jacob…the Lord God is about to begin to shape Jacob’s life.

In verse 4- Jacob, never a shy person greets the shepherds with the flocks- ‘my brothers- where are you from?  And they said Haran. Jacob’s excitement builds as he realizes he has arrived at his journey’s end.

In verse 5 Jacob inquires do you know Laban, the son of Nahor? To which they replied- we know him.  Laban would have been well known for his family and his flocks were substantial in that area.  As we will also observe Laban and his methods of dealing, he was probably known for being the type of person you had to watch closely in a business deal. There may have been some sarcasm in the shepherds’ reply – we know him. Laban may have been the type of business man Dickens described Scrooge as- hard and sharp as flint.

The encounter continues as Jacob inquires if his uncle is well. To which the shepherds reply he is well and here comes his daughter Rachel with their flocks.

(verse7) Now Jacob cannot help himself- he is used to telling people what to do and how to do it, having grown up in a privileged home with influential father and grandfather. He observes it is early in day, why don’t they water the flocks and put them out to pasture in stead of sitting around. Jacob would be successful because he was a man of energy who saw what needed to be done and he did it. He was a hard worker and he could not understand why they were sitting around.

The reply of the shepherds was  we cannot roll away the stone until all the flocks are gathered. In other words, they told Jacob ‘ this is the way we have always done it.’.(vs.8)

Here is the scene, Jacob, the stranger is talking with the shepherds. He obviously could converse with them in a language he was familiar with- perhaps having learned it from his grandfather, Abraham. But also he could talk about a subject they both had in common, being herdsman. But when Rachel arrives, Jacob forgets about the shepherds, forgets about their custom of watering. Eager to impress, perhaps taken by her beauty and what may have been love at first sight, Jacob rolls away the stone by himself. This display  of physical strength was not unlike the actions of a teenage boy wishing to catch the eye of a pretty girl.

The next verse tells us Jacob is not only a man of strength but also of emotions. Think about what has happened to Jacob over the past few weeks- there was the deception he and his mother had entered into in order to get the blessing instead of Esau. There was the threat of Esau to kill him.  The official blessing of his father and being sent off a long journey to take for himself a wife. The encounter with God at Bethel. The long nights and days of the journey which had been physically and emotionally difficult. So when Jacob sees the beautiful young woman, who is family, who is beautiful, and perhaps his future  wife, Jacob kisses her and weeps as he tells her who he is. He was overcome with emotions.

In verse 12, we see Rachel’s reaction, she ran to tell her father Laban.

In verse 13, Laban runs to meet Jacob, his nephew. I am sure he was glad to see the son of his sister Rebekah. But he also remembered the gifts, the gold and the wealth that had accompanied the servant of Abraham all those years ago when his sister Rebekah left to marry Isaac, the son of Abraham.

Their first meeting and Laban greets his nephew Jacob as bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.  Surely they were related and alike in more ways than just physically. The first month passes and obviously, Jacob being the type of person he is does not sit around the house.

By the end of the month the following is obvious – as Jacob begins to work  Laban cannot help but notice his nephew Jacob can outwork any two of his sons. It is also obvious Jacob is head over heels  in love with Rachel.

In verse 15, Laban  decides I cannot afford to lose someone this valuable, with his skills and his family wealth. So Laban goes to Jacob and says I cannot let you work for nothing- tell me what shall your wages be?  Here is our first indication of how clever at a deal is Laban. Rather than making an offer- he first sees how much Jacob thinks he should be paid. Laban  let Jacob name his terms anticipating because of his desire for Rachel he would get a better bargain this way.

Jacob had been doing some figuring himself. And he probably had been putting in extra effort at work to show Laban what a valuable asset he was. It will  be interesting to watch these two men, so much alike, try to outsmart one another in their dealings. Jacob has a ready answer for what his wages should be…I will work for you for seven years for Rachel. ( Now we are told Laban had two daughters the older daughter, Leah, described as being ‘ tender-eyed’ and Rachel the younger daughter described as beautiful and well favoured.. In other words Rachel was a knock out and Leah was not. How sad that we see judging others on outward appearance has always been the way of the world. The world has always placed a high premium on physical attractiveness. When we know that physical beauty is not an indication of a person’s value.  Yet the forbidden fruit in the garden was pleasant to look at and Satan, formerly known as the angel Lucifer was grand in his appearance.

Surely Leah knew she was not as attractive as Rachel and perhaps there was some envy there and perhaps some resentment. But remember it is God who made us the way we are and He did so for a reason. But we wonder, did this lack of physical attractiveness and the obvious value that society placed on good looks in any way make Leah feel inferior?

Verse 20 tells us a lot about the love Jacob had for Rachel. This verse tells us Jacob served seven years but they just seemed like a few days, because his love for Rachel was so great.

But next we will see what the con artists would call ‘ the switch.’ In the seven years he worked for his uncle, his uncle had time to formulate his plan.

Laban’s plan is a cunning one. I wonder if during the seven years, Jacob told the story of what he and his mother, Laban’s sister, had done to deceive his blind father, Isaac. Laban would have been impressed with such a cunning plan and it might very well have planted the seed for the deception he is about to carry out on Jacob.

Jacob had disguised himself like his older brother Esau in order to deceive Isaac, his father and receive the blessing. Now Laban would disguise his oldest daughter Leah to pass her off as her younger sister Rachel.  His plan to switch brides would be tricky. The wedding would take place at night so under the cover of darkness, heavy veils and perhaps wine at the feast  the switch could take place. Rachel was either in on the plot being told by her father she would get to marry Jacob, but he needed to do this for Leah.

Laban’s plan was based on Jacob’s character and his love for Rachel. He knew having consummated the marriage to Leah physically, Jacob would not desert her. But Laban also knew with his love for Rachel, he could get Jacob for another seven years.

The plan worked and Jacob did not discover until the next morning in the light of day, he had been deceived.  I believe you could hear the roar that came from that wedding tent all through the camp.

Angry, deceived and feeling he had been greatly wronged and cheated, Jacob demands of Laban why have you done this to me? Why have you deceive me?

Laban, cool as a cucumber replies- it is our custom the older daughter must be married first- not the younger.  Stay with Leah and fulfill the wedding week feast, the next seven days then I will give you Rachel also for another seven years of service.

Jacob was defeated. He agreed. Surely he could not help but notice- what he had done to Esau had now been done to him.  Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Now Jacob understood how Esau felt. He understood what he and his mother had done in a way he could not have understood before.

We also will take note of some other information : Leah was given a handmaid to serve her named Zilpah; and Rachel when she weds Jacob will given a handmaid, Bilhah. Both will play roles in the building of the nation of Israel.

I would caution you as we read about God’s chosen people and see the polygamy involved, that God does not support polygamy, we are just being told the facts. In fact God’s  word is clear- God’s plan for marriage is one man and one woman—the two shall be one…not three or four be one. We will also see that polygamy never works and causes all types of discord and jealousy .

Now verses 30 and 31 give us an insight into the household of Jacob, Leah and Rachel. Verse 30 tells us Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah.  And verse 31 tells us  the Lord who sees all – saw that Leah was hated and He opened her womb, but Rachel was barren.

Elvis Presley was once asked in an interview what made him happy. Elvis thought for a minute and gave an answer that I believe revealed a lonesome and in some ways sad man. Elvis said, “ I need someone to love, someone to love me and something to look forward to.”

As  human beings, God created us with a desire to be loved and  to love. And we all want something to look forward to- the next vacation, the next trip, the next – whatever. For Elvis Presley it was concerts- where thousands of nameless people expressed their love and appreciation for him-though neither he nor his audience knew one another. For the space of that hour- Elvis felt loved.  And for the space of that hour some fans who loved a man they did not know and maybe obsessed about him felt somehow fulfilled. But when the concert was over- they were left empty.

People who are not loved- but love someone else and their love is not returned can become desperate and obsessive.  We all can remember or know of someone who became desperate and obsessive- we see extremes of this obsession in the news where someone will kill that person they love and then commit suicide. John Hinkley shot President Regan to get actress Jodie Foster to notice him.

Leah became desperate for Jacob to love her. She was miserable. She evidently cried out to the Lord to do something.

The Lord opened her womb and in quick succession Leah has four sons. Her names for her sons reflect the desperation she felt in her attempts to have her husband, Jacob love her. Reuben, her first born son, name literally means ‘ God has seen.’ Leah’s comment reveals her heart- ‘surely the Lord has heard me and looked upon my misery and now my husband will love me.   So we see the brief period of hope- hope that Jacob would now love her because she had given him the son that Rachel could not.

But the very next verse, verse 33 tells us this did not solve her dilemma so pregnant for the second time, Leah remarks because the Lord has heard I am hated He has given me a son.

I believe the unreturned love of Jacob causes Leah to become obsessed with having children. Beth Moore says the troubled child of desperation is obsession; but the healthy child of desperation is devotion.  But know for sure- desperation will bring about something in your life- what will it be?  Obsession or devotion.

I believe based on personal experience and stories shared in the Word of God that our Lord has a special place in his heart for people in desperate situations.

I am sure by now- you have experienced the difference between a situation that concerned you and a crisis that brought desperation. As a 31 year old man, desperate to become sober- I cried out to the Lord. A cry of desperation and He heard me-He rescued me and saved me.

Can you not see the young man, we know as the prodigal son, desperate for food, for fellowship and for love coming to his senses?  What brought him back to his father- desperation.

Do you see the woman who had – had it . She could not take it anymore. Her life was miserable, she had dealt with the issue of blood for 12 years. She had been to specialist after specialists for healing- her life was controlled by this disorder- and she was obsessed with healing. She was desperate and in her desperation she reached out to the Lord. At the same time a man called Jarius had come to Jesus- desperate for Him to come to his house for his 12 year old daughter was dying.

Can you not see the long line of people outside the home of Simon Peter who have come to be healed—the Bible tells us in Mark 1:  “and at evening, when the sun went down, they brought all  that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils and all the city were gathered together at his door. And He healed many that were sick of various diseases, and cast out demons…”  All the desperate people drawn to the Lord. And He turned none away.

I could go on an on with stories …but you get the point   Read Psalms 107 and you will see even in their disobedience that brought them into their desperate situations the Lord responded to their cries. “ Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and He saves them out of their distress.”

Let’s observe Leah’s journey from the desperation of being unloved to the obsession with having children as a way to make Jacob love her to finally a devotion to the Lord. Reuben, her first born causes Leah to say God has seen my desperation (misery, affliction) and now my husband will love me. Next came Simeon and  she remarked the Lord has heard I am not loved and gave  me another son. Then came Levi and she remarked surely my husband will become attached to me. On her fourth son, we see a change from obsession and attempts to find love in her husband Jacob turn to devotion to the Lord. This time I will praise the Lord and she named him Judah. And she stopped having children.

Leah had found an outlet for her love in the Lord. She no longer had to obsess about whether Jacob loved her as much or more than Rachel. Her joy was the Lord and she was devoted to Him now and found what she had been searching for. The emptiness was filled and the desperation was gone.

“ Now once I was downhearted, disappointment was my best friend. But then you came and it departed and has not shown his face again. Your love keeps lifting me higher, than I ‘ve ever been lifted before. So keep it up and quench my desire.”  ( Higher and Higher, Jackie Wilson).

Genesis 30:  “ Let’s Make a Deal

This chapter sees Jacob’s family increase, another encounter with his father-in-law and a series of deals not only with Laban but also with Leah and Rachel.

Jacob sometimes seems to be the man who is always trying to please all those around him.

In verse 1, Rachel has a mini- breakdown. Frustrated at her inability to conceive while Leah, her sister bears one after another, Rachel is jealous or as the KJV states envied her sister. Envy is the offspring of jealousy and is defined as “resentful awareness of another’s advantage.”  Matthew Henry states that envy is grieving at the good of another. Jealousy means you want what someone else has- envy means you not only want it- you also want it taken from the other. Rachel is so upset she says to Jacob “ give me children or I shall die.’.  Remember both of these wives are aware of the covenant of God with Abraham and now with Jacob and the blessing to come through his offspring. How can Rachel the favored wife become part of this – if she has no children?

Verse 2, Jacob becomes angry with Rachel and says: Am I God? And then further implies there must be something wrong in her life and God has kept her from bearing children. We know Jacob loves Rachel and she- him; but in real life there are arguments and quarrels among a husband and wife who love each other.  There is also friction from these multiple marriages and it will grow even worse.

In verse 3 comes the first of several deals in this chapter of Jacob’s life. Taking the same route Sarah did with Hagar and Abraham, Rachel requests that Jacob take her handmaid, Bilhah and sleep with her and the offspring will be legally considered Rachel’s child.

In verses 4-8 we see Jacob father two sons by Bilhah named Dan and Naphtali respectively. Their names express Rachels’ emotions: the name Dan means – God has vindicated me and  given me a son; the name Naphtali means ‘wrestling’ as Rachel viewed this as having wrestled with her sister and won.

Remember at the end of chapter 29, when Leah gave birth to Judah, we were told she stopped having children. Now in verses 9-12, Leah responds to the challenge of Rachel by convincing Jacob to take her maid, Zilpah, as a concubine or secondary wife and Jacob fathers two more sons in quick succession named Gad and Asher. Their names meaning ‘ fortunate’ and ‘happy’ respectively.

But there seems to be no end to this contest of conception, it fact the competition escalates and Jacob seems to be a willing pawn giving into his wives demands as a way of keeping peace. But also probably delighted with the birth of so many sons- for they were considered to be a great asset to any man.   But there will be trouble as we will see among these sons for the Word of God tells us clearly- ‘unless the Lord build a house, they labor in vain who build it.” (Psalms 127:1)

Obviously there are  things about the culture of Jacob’s time that are so different they are difficult for us to comprehend. But we also must realize that Rachel and Leah are the products of their upbringing- they were raised in a family of idolaters. We will later see that after all these years, those household idols were still important to these sisters. We will also see they had come to accept as truth- certain superstitions or what we might today call ‘ wive’s tales’. One such belief was that a rare fruit called mandrakes was an aid to fertility.

For this reason we find Rachel making a deal with Leah for some mandrakes that her son Reuben had found and brought home.  In verses 14 and 15 we see the bitterness between these two sisters as Rachel asks Leah to give her some of her mandrakes . Leah’s angry response is “ wasn’t it enough you took away my husband and now want to take my son’s mandrakes?”

Rachel says- I will make you a deal…give me your son’s mandrakes and I will tell Jacob to sleep with you tonight.  But as we will see the deal backfires on Rachel.

In verse 16- Jacob coming in from the fields from a days’ work is met by Leah who tells  Jacob – you must sleep with me tonight, I have hired you for the night with my son’s mandrakes.  Jacob was truly a hired hand… it makes you wonder sometimes what was going on in his mind and in his walk with the Lord. Jacob seems to drift along sometimes with his only interest being in producing more offspring, increasing flocks and just the day to day business of life and family. We have all had times like that in our spiritual lives, where we seem to be more caught up with the business of everyday life than our spiritual walk with the Lord. If we are not careful – we will drift away.

There is a time and season for everything. The Lord understands we need work and the ability to make a living. Jesus told us our Heavenly Father knows what we have need of before we ask.  But our priority is to seek first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness- that is His rule and His will must be foremost in our lives .When this is so  He will give us the things we need. We will see as Jacob begins to turn his heart toward God and back home- to seek first His kingdom and His will- God will provide all his needs. Where God guides – He provides.

But underneath this story with its real, ordinary people and strange customs we must not lose sight that God is at work. For as Jesus told us, my Father is always at work. We are about to see how God directs us in our walk with Him as we observe how He directs Jacob in his walk.

The method God uses to direct Jacob will reveal the method He uses to direct us:

  1. An inner witness of the heart. A desire of the heart- a longing . Now one must be cautious for as we are told the heart can be deceitful. But if we delight ourselves in the Lord – He will give us the desires of our heart. The Lord first begins to put a desire in your heart. We may be caught up as Jacob was caught up for a period in our lives where our children are being born and raised and where we are establishing our careers. But God will get our attention first with a desire – a longing.
  2. Next will come outward circumstances of life. These circumstances will confirm our direction. Adversity will often be used to steer us in the right direction.
  3. Then comes the confirmation of the truth of God’s Word. Jacob will develop a longing to return home. Circumstances will steer him in that direction and God’s word to him will confirm it.

We will observe these not only in Jacob’s situation- but God will also reveal the same truths and steps in the life of Joseph.

It is also wise to consult those closest to us who will also be affected by our decisions. Jacob will consult with Leah and Rachel.

Back to our story- Jacob sleeps with Leah  and verses 17-18 tell us Rachel’s Mandrake Deal backfired on her and rather than making her fertile- God allows Leah to become pregnant again and  another son is born, named Issachar. ( Meaning reward.) This is the fifth son, Jacob has fathered by Leah.

Verse 19 reveals Jacob must have decided to spend more time with Leah for she gives him a sixth son, Zebulon. The name means dwelling…for now she felt her husband would dwell with her.

Evidently Jacob did continue to spend more time with her, for next she bears what is recorded as the first daughter, named Dinah. This baby sister would be much loved by her brothers as we will see later on.

Finally, in verse 22 we are told that God remembered Rachel and she has a son, named Joseph. Although Judah will the line through which the Messiah, the Lord Jesus would come, Joseph was destined for greatness in his day. But his greatness would come as result of great adversity and patience.

So at this time- close to 14 years with Laban, Jacob has 12 children- 11 sons and one daughter. Leah has produced 6 sons and 1 daughter, Zilpah- 2 sons, Bilhah- 2 sons and Rachel -1 son. Rachel will later give birth to Benjamin the 12th son and baby of the family. We will see the divisions in the family and the favoring of one wife and one son by Jacob create a very divided family. Surely, the four sons of the two maids would form a natural alliance as their status of secondary sons was obvious, then there would be the natural rivalry between the sons of Leah and the sons of Rachel. Yet in all of this God was at work as we are about to see.

Verse 25 tells us after Rachel gave birth to Joseph, Jacob begins to have a desire to return home. God has awakened in Jacob a longing to do what God has willed him to do. For as we will see it is God who works in us a desire and power to do His good purpose. So begins the next phase of the story of God’s dealing with Jacob. Jacob has an inner witness of the heart- a strong desire a longing to return to his homeland. Perhaps by now knowing his mother has died but his father and Esau are still alive.

Verse 26- Jacob says to his father in law Laban- it is time for me to return. I have worked my full 14 years paying for your two daughters. I have worked faithfully for you and done much good for you.  In other words, Jacob says, I have fulfilled my end of the bargain and then some. All I am asking for is my wives and children.

Laban says to Jacob, please stay. I know your God has blessed me because of you, name your wages ( Laban’s favorite ploy) and I will pay them.

Let me make a comment about Laban. By now Jacob knows Laban is not a reasonable man. Laban is an unreasonable man. Laban is also a dishonest man.

Unreasonable people are the most difficult people  to deal with. They can certainly be the sandpaper God uses to refine us- for they do wear us down physically and emotionally. The problem is not that unreasonable  people do not understand- they refuse to understand, they will not understand.

Their refusal is their method of control.

This type of person is not ever going to be “ fair.”

The only type of agreement they will agree to is an arrangement that is grossly in their favor.
Jacob has learned this lesson and knows  how Laban operates. As we will see not only has God given Jacob a desire, God will give Jacob the plan that Laban an unreasonable man will agree to.
First Jacob states what he knows Laban already knows. Jacob has increased Laban’s flocks greatly. Jacob also is careful to give the Lord credit- for Jacob knows the Lord has blessed Laban through Jacob.  ( Joseph would be a chip off the old block as his efforts were blessed by God wherever he ended up and clearly helped Potiphar, the prison warden, and the later the Pharoah.)

Next we will see the deal Jacob offers Laban and Laban takes him up on. It was a deal Laban could not refuse.

It was Laban’s kind of deal- a deal that weighed heavily in his favor….or so he thought.

Let’s make a deal continues with Jacob fashioning a deal that Laban could not refuse. We discover later in Chapter 31, Jacob tells Rachel and Leah that God gave him the plan in  a dream.  Here was the deal:  Jacob said to Laban I have worked hard for you and prospered you- but I have nothing of my own for my household. Remember God knows what we have need of before we ask Him.

So Jacob proposes to Laban a deal that seems to grossly favor Laban.

First Jacob proposes to continue to tend Laban’s flocks and herds. This would immediately please Laban.

Second, Jacob proposes to remove from the flocks all spotted, speckled goat and dark sheep. Keep in mind that the predominant color of goats in that part of the country was black and that eastern sheep were predominantly white. The speckled, spotted goats and the brown sheep would be removed from the herds and flocks and taken three days journey away from the flocks. Jacob would continue to tend the remaining flocks for Laban which would be all white sheep and all black goats.

Third, Jacob said what will be my wages will be any speckled, spotted goats or brown sheep born in the future.

Now Jacob was going to work hard as he always did, try a trick or two he had learned but trust God who we discover later is the One who gave Jacob this plan.

I do not understand what Jacob’s actions with the peeled branches accomplished- but we do understand Mendel’s Law- a law of God’s by the way that Mendel discovered. What occurred over the next six years was the work of the Lord. The law of genetics  tells us a scientific fact that some animals have the recessive genes for speckles, spots and brown color. These are called heterozygous and those having only the genes for pure colors without the recessive traits are called homozygous.

Here is the bottom line- God who created all things and controls all things – who can cause a great number of fish to swim into a fisherman’s net; or a fish to bring a coin or a rooster to crow at a particular time; or a raven to bring food- has no problem causing those animals with recessive genes- the heterozygous animals to mate and restrain the homozygous animals from mating. This produced a greater number of speckled, spotted and dark colored offspring.

Jacob then culled these from the herds and allowed them to mate with one another producing even great number of their own kind. For the law of genetics as decreed by God says each will reproduce after its own kind.

Thus as we come to the end of this ‘deal-making’chapter, we see Jacob’s flocks had grown exceedingly prosperous and he came to own large flocks, and maid servants and men servants, and camels and donkeys.

But remember how God directs us:

  1. A desire – a longing in our heart, an inward witness.
  2. Circumstances that direct us- an outward witness. Often adversity is used to steer us.
  3. The Word of God instructs and guides us.

This will be exactly what happens with Jacob.  After the birth of Joseph, Jacob’s heart turned toward God and home. He had a desire a longing, an inner witness.

Where God guides He provides, the next six years, God is able to provide all of Jacob’s needs.

Then we read in the beginning of chapter 31 there comes the outward circumstances and adversity God uses to confirm our direction and steer us. Jacob heard that Laban’s  sons were saying Jacob had stolen their father’s wealth. Laban’s attitude had changed toward Jacob. Circumstances and adversity were about to move Jacob in a different direction.

Then comes the confirming Word of God. The Lord said to Jacob,” Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you.” (Genesis 31:3)

Looking back at your life can you see God’s hand in directing your life?

Can you see how like Jacob, you were introduced to the God of your father, your parents- but you had to personally develop that relationship with God?

Can you look back to a time in your life when you had a ‘Bethel Experience” where like Jacob the God of your parents became your God?

Then can you observe how your life seemed to fall into the same routine of Jacob’s? Look how many years we seem to do the same thing over and over— the getting up, going to work, coming home, eating dinner, watching television to go to bed and get up and do it again.

Somewhere along the way- the Bethel Experience becomes a distant memory- the worship of God becomes as routine as the rest of your life and you wonder sometimes am I missing something?

Then comes an event- ( for Jacob it was the birth of Joseph) that wakes you out of your spiritual slumber and God begins a new, fresh work- there is a longing in your heart, a desire to do God’s will.

Then comes the circumstances- sometimes the adversity that steer us as God re-directs our lives. All of a sudden His Word becomes the source from which we seek guidance and He speaks to us and directs us – for He delights to order our steps.

Then you realize- every day you wake up:

God the Father has a will for your life; He has an agenda.

God the Son communicates the Father’s will and agenda to us through His Word and His life. For the Lord Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

God the Holy Spirit’s task is to implement. His mission is to work in us the desire and power to do God’s will.

You see, the One and Only God Father has made you a deal you dare not refuse: for God so loved the world- you and me- that He sent His only begotten Son, and that who so ever should believe in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life. He has promised if we seek Him first and His righteousness that He will supply all our needs.

Genesis 25-27


Genesis 25:  “ Faith is living without scheming.”  

If you are not familiar with the story of Jacob and Esau- you will soon see why I entitled this lesson- Faith is living without scheming. 

This chapter ends the life of one of the most famous men in the world- Abraham. Revered by Jews, Muslims and Christians, his has been a rich story of the faith walk. Now at 175 it comes to an end and what a peaceful ending it is.  

Abraham got married again- we are not told when. It evidently occurred sometime after Sarah’s death . Sarah died when Abraham was 137 and then Isaac married Rebekah when Abraham was 140. So sometime after that Abraham  married a woman named, Keturah. Her name means – ‘incense’. Surely she added a fragrance to Abraham’s last days. 

He would live to age 175 and father six more sons. We now see the prophecy of God’s that Abraham would the ‘father of nations’. From Isaac thru Jacob would come the 12 tribes of Israel. Ishmael’s offspring would be described as 12 tribal leaders- they would become the Arab nations. Now we see other nations that came as a result of these six sons he fathered via Keturah.  

Before he died, Abraham made sure his estate was in order. He left everything to Isaac, his sole heir. However, he gave gifts to the sons of his concubines. ( If you are wondering why  Keturah is referred to his wife in one place and now we see a reference to concubines ( plural) it is obvious the concubines- refer to Keturah and Hagar. Although why the term – concubine is used- I am not sure.  

Abraham has been walking with the Lord for 100 years when he died. He has followed the Lord from  Mesopotamia to Canaan- as he went out not knowing where he was going. And now the end has come. It is said ‘ then Abraham breathed his last and died at a good old age, an old man full of years and he was gathered to his people.’  

Abraham was called a friend of God and in Hebrews 11, the Faith Hall of Fame- he holds the record with 12 verses recorded regarding his faith. Yet, we see in many ways-Abraham was a man like us- insecure and unsure at times- stumbling- leaning at times on his own understanding rather than the Lords. However– he made it to the finish line. He is probably amazed at the things said about him in the scripture. Like many a military man who served bravely during WWII – who never looked at himself as brave or anything special. Abraham would tell us he was just a sinner saved by grace who plodded along  one step at a time- making his share of mistakes.  

Abraham is often discussed in the New Testament- Jesus tells us- Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing Christ’s day ; he saw it and was glad.’ ( John 8:56)  In Luke 16-  a parable the Lord told regarding life after death- we see Abraham in a place referred to both as Paradise and Abraham’s bosom. A place that Jesus went to the day He died on the cross- for Our Lord told the thief on the cross- ‘today- you will be with me in Paradise.’ 

After this we have an account of Ishmael’s sons who would become the Arab nations- the oil rich nations that follow the religion of Islam or Muslim.  Islam is the third oldest religion in the world after Judaism and Christianity.  

Islam was a religion started by a descendant of Ishmael named Mohammed. Mohammed was born in 570 AD in Mecca. He claims to have been given the true religion by the angel Gabriel. The Koran is the book of the law of the Muslims. This is their holy book which they believe is the word of Allah.  Allah is not the same God as we worship.  

Muslims believe Mohammed was the last true prophet. They believe Jesus is not the son of God but a prophet. They do not believe Jesus died on the cross but they do believe Jesus ascended bodily to heaven and will return in the last days to finish his ministry, die and be buried in Medina where they have an empty tomb awaiting him.  

I find it interesting that the three major religions of the world are linked to Abraham and are looking for the Messiah to return. The Jews believe for the first time, the Muslims believe Jesus is  a prophet returning to finish his ministry then die and the Christians are looking for the return of the Son of God- the resurrected Lord Jesus.  

Now the story returns to Isaac as the remarkable story of redemption continues. I want us to take note of something- for we will see it repeated in the life of Isaac.   Abraham was told he would be the father of many nations- that his name would be made great; and all the people of the earth would be blessed through his seed. He would also receive the land the Lord would show him for Abraham and his offspring.  

Sounds easy, right? God promises- we receive it. Smooth sailing- easy as pie- not on your life. The Lord Jesus warned us- in this world we would have trouble. Peter told us we should not consider it strange to encounter fiery trials.  

Let’s think back:  Abraham is promised a land as an inheritance. However when he arrives he finds the land occupied with by a belligerent people, the Canaanites.If that is not difficult enough- a famine soon comes upon the land. As for ownership, Abraham would spend almost 100 years there but own very little when he dies. In fact- when he dies- he will only own the land he and Sarah are buried on. 

He is promised an heir- but his wife Sarah remains barren. Thinking they must help God complete His work, we have the Hagar and Ishmael debacle. Did you notice how easy it seemed for  Hagar  to get pregnant?  Have you ever prayed for a child for your own children who so desire a child and yet they cannot seem to conceive while others easily conceive only to abort, desert or abuse their own children?   

What we saw in Abraham’s life- his journey is similar to our own walk of faith isn’t it?  We met the true and living God and like Abraham when He called us to follow Him to a place and we started out-  even though we did not know where we were going..  

So look back and you can draw your own map tracing the walk of faith.  I believe  because God saw our last days before the first ever came to be- He can see the finished trip.  So we can look with God at the map and He can show us—‘you are here.’ 

His Word is our road map- it shows the way we are to go It is a lamp upon our path and light unto our feet. The Lord delights to order our steps. . In fact, the Lord Jesus is Our Way. Did you ever look in the back of your Bible at the maps that shows the Apostle’s early travels, Abraham’s journey complete with stops in Haran or the circuitous route of the children of  Israel out of Egypt and into the Promised Land? In the same way- the maps of our lives are being plotted as we journey toward the same thing Abraham and all other believers have journeyed toward – a city whose architect and builder are God.  

How close are we to reaching our destination may not be as important as what will we encounter between here and there. For certainly- there have been times when we wondered just as Abraham wondered—are we headed in the right direction?  Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing?  

But one thing we must know and learn- God does not exempt us from life’s difficulties. In fact they are very much an all important part of the journey that challenge us and prove our faith to be genuine and God to be trustworthy. You cannot enter the Promised Land until you have first been through the wilderness.  

So we should not be taken by surprise that twenty years after marrying – we find Rebekah and Isaac have no children.  Rebekah was for all practical purposes – barren. But they are an all important link in the promise of God, a promise Isaac and Rebekah know.  

What is missing? What is wrong?Is there unconfessed sin? Unbelief? Or simply leaning to their own understanding? Perhaps Isaac thought since this is promised of God- we don’t have to pray about it.   Not sure-although when we think of barren we think of  a fruit bearing plant unable to bear fruit.   Let us not forget- Isaac is a type of Christ. Isaac then intercedes for Rebekah the way the Lord intercedes for us.  

The Lord Jesus told us – the branch cannot bear fruit of itself. However- Jesus told us herein is my Father glorified that you bear much fruit. ( John 15). The Lord goes on later to tells us- ‘you did not choose me, I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit.’  

Even though God the Father knows what we have need of before we ask Him- He still wants us to ask Him. To ask Him shows our dependence upon Him. God sometimes has to bring some barren times in our lives to remind us without Him we can do nothing. That apart from Him we cannot produce any fruit.  We can easily fall into a day to day existence where our needs are met and we don’t expect them to stop or be interrupted- then comes a day or night we awaken and realize we have been leaning to our own understanding or depending on the company we work for, the government or others for our daily bread.  

*True prayer is not about getting our will done in heaven- it is about getting heaven’s will done on earth. (Think of the Lord’s Prayer) 

So Isaac prays- intercedes for his wife and Lord answers his prayer and Rebekah gets pregnant. She is carrying twins- but the children struggled within her.   

Rebekah asks the question- we have all wondered about- Lord if this is you will- ‘ if it be so, why am I thus?  In other words- if this is your will for my life- for our life- then why is this wonderful thing making me so miserable? Rebekah was only being honest with the Lord- she knew of the prophecy the God of Abraham had declared- she believed it and now she was a part of it- so why was this pregnancy so difficult?  

Rebekah has asked the right question to the right person- the Lord.  

The Lord’s answer reveals a spiritual truth for all believers. The Lord answers Rebekah’s inquiry by telling her: “ Two nations are in your womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from your bowels; and the one shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.” This statement reveals a spiritual truth and a prophecy from God to Rebekah as to which son will be the heir of the covenant promises.  

Herein lies the spiritual truth for our personal application. Rebekah’s physical condition of having two separate, opposing natures in her is the same experience of  every born-again believer. We now possess within us- two opposing natures. The old nature and the new nature. (That’s what Paul talked about in Romans 7- the battle of the two natures within.) 

It is interesting to note that line of Jacob will bring Christ into the world while Esau’s descendants, the Edomites, will bring one ruler named Herod into the world.  

We note the difference in these two natures for they reflect the human nature that is controlled by the flesh and the nature controlled by the spirit.  

Esau was the first born of the twins- described as red and hairy , he would be named Esau which means hairy. He was probably a rugged, strong- willed child.  

Jacob was born second, thus the younger of the two. He was born holding onto his brother’s heel, thus he was named Jacob- meaning ‘ the supplanter’ or ‘ heel catcher.’  

As they grew their differences were obvious. Esau was described as a ‘cunning hunter, a  man of the field.’ An  avid hunter and outdoorsmen – Esau was a rugged man- in the John Wayne mold-  perhaps a naturally talented athletic individual. As far as providing venison- which his father, Isaac, enjoyed- his hunting was not to provide meat for the family it was for Esau’s own pleasure and enjoyment. After all they had herds and flocks and Rebekah was able to prepare goat so that Isaac could not tell the difference. No, Esau did not hunt deer because the family needed meat—Esau  loved going to deer camp. Here is your description of Esau, when all is said and done.  Hebrews 12: 16 tells us Esau was a fornicator, profane who for a morsel of meat sold his birthright. The birthright we are referring to is the spiritual inheritance. For Esau cared only for the pleasing of his flesh and disdained the spiritual.  

Jacob is described as plain man  dwelling in the tents. A quiet man, a more  serious nature. The Hebrew word from which ‘ plain’ is interpreted is ‘tam’. This word carries a more complete description of Jacob which means- ‘ one who is complete or mature’. It is similar in meaning to the word God used to describe Job when God referred to Job as a ‘perfect and upright man, one that feared God and eschewed evil.’ ( Job 1:8)  

Jacob knew of the promise of God from his father and mother and grandfather. The twins, Esau and Jacob would have their grandfather Abraham in their lives until they were 15 years old. Only Jacob took these spiritual truths more seriously – while his brother Esau cared only for the here and now – the thrill of hunting- the pleasures of the flesh. I believe the skill that Jacob would exhibit as a successful herdsman would be partially because he spent a lot of time with his grandfather Abraham who taught him of such things and more. 

Herein- as we see these two boys grow into manhood, we see another principle of life- what we cultivate – controls us. If we cultivate a taste for things of the world that satisfy our flesh- we will be controlled by those appetites. If we cultivate a taste for spiritual things we will be controlled by spiritual things. No one ever enjoyed smoking tobacco the first time- we had to cultivate a taste for it. We will see how these appetites affected the decisions made later on.  

These two very different brothers remind me of two earlier brothers in Genesis- Cain and Abel. 

In addition, Rebekah, having been told by God the older would serve the younger, knew Jacob was the heir apparent. She would have told Isaac also.  

But Rebekah and Isaac were not perfect parents were they?  In fact- I do not know of any perfect parents. We see this in the next verse which sums up the problems of  the Isaac household.  Isaac loved Esau and Rebekah loved Jacob.  A dysfunctional family due to parental partiality.  When it says Jacob dwelled in the tents and we see him cooking- I believe Rebekah kept Jacob by her side. Rebekah did not understand one does not have to lie, cheat and steal and scheme to get what God has promised. FAITH IS LIVING WITHOUT SCHEMING.  

We will see later on- that Jacob, although a mama’sboy, was not cowardly or afraid to take action. But he would have to learn one does not have to connive- manipulate or lie in order to get what God promises us. We must trust and obey for there is no other way. The problem is Jacob had an authority figure, his mother, who did not understand this and by example taught him the wrong way to do the right thing. As far as deceitful manipulators, I will put Rebekah right up there with Scarlett O’Hara. 

No one is doing the right thing in this story. Isaac, who knew better, is not. Rebekah, who could not trust God  to do it His way in His time is not and as a result we will see a mess. What is sad- is we will see Jacob leave home and his mother who loved him so much- will never see him again or ever lay eyes on Jacob’s grandchildren. 

But let us finish the rest of the story as Esau will reveal what God knew all along- he cared nothing for the promises of God or his spiritual heritage. He cared nothing for the eternal- but then the old nature never does.  

Remember the verses from Hebrews 12 tell us Esau was profane. Profane is defined as ‘ to treat with irreverence; not concerned with religion; serving to debase what is holy.’In other words- godless and sacrireligious.  

This story tells us how little Esau valued the birthright which included the spiritual blessing and the promises of God through Abraham’s offspring. The heart of the birthright were the covenant promises of God.  Esau thought nothing of it- Jacob thought of little else.  

The fateful scene opens with Esau coming in from one of his hunting trips and is famished.  He said to Jacob who was preparing a red stew- give me some of that red stew- I am famished.  

Jacob replied- first sell me your birthright.

Esau answers he is about to die – what good is his birthright?  

Jacob may have said this in jest- or in disgust with his brother’s behavior  and lack of interest in the things of God- especially the covenant promises of the birthright. But with Esau’s reply- Jacob saw an opportunity and took it.  

Jacob said to Esau to swear to him – to take an oath which would mean this transaction was a legal binding contract. Then he gave Esau his payment in exchange for his birthright- a bowl of stew and a piece of bread.  

No wonder, the chapter concludes with this obvious statement regarding Esau:  

Esau despised his birthright.  

 Waiting on the Lord is difficult sometimes- but we must remember that blessed are those who wait upon the Lord. We will see in the coming chapters- not waiting on the Lord will have its consequences. Because faith is living without scheming.  

Even weak faith in the right object is greater than strong faith in the wrong object.


Genesis 26. Like Father- Like Son

This is the only chapter that is devoted to Isaac. It comes at some time after the sons are grown for we will read of the marriage of Esau in the end of the chapter. Also there is no mention of Esau and Jacob accompanying their parents on their move to Gerar.  

In verse 1 we read there is a famine in the land. A famine is one of those providential tests of the Lord. A faith that cannot be tested cannot be trusted. Each generation faces their own tests as Isaac does here in this part of his story.  

A test always carries with it a temptation. The temptation is to scheme and manipulate to either avoid the test- run away from it or somehow lessen the severity of it. As far as the tests God would have us go through- you can run- but you cannot hide. God will see to it that you learn the lesson He would have you learn from the test He has allowed or shaped for you to face.  

God tests us to bring out the best in us; while Satan tempts us to bring out the worst in us. In one form or another, each new generation of believers must experience the same tests as previous generations. The enemy does not change his mode of operation, human nature does not improve and God is the same today, as yesterday as He will be forever.  

Now we have a promise from God that He will never allow us to be tested above that which you are able to bear,but when tempted He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. ( I Cor. 10:13). As Matthew Henry writes- “He(God) proportions His people’s trials according to their strengths.” 

Isaac faces a famine- a severe time of need when supplies dwindle and his faith in Jehovah Jireh, his  Provider is tested.  The place we want run to – is not a geographic location where we think a better supply is- no; the place we want to run to is the will of God. The will of God will never lead you to a place where His grace cannot provide for us.  

But like his father, Abraham, and like us- Isaac’s faith is not perfect. It never is,is it? Our faith is always a mixture of belief and unbelief.  Like the father of the boy with violent seizures who when being told by the Lord that all things are possible for him who believes- replied: I believe – help my unbelief.  

Want to know if unbelief is your problem when you face a trial – a time of testing?  Here it is:  Unbelief asks: how can I get out of this?   Belief asks: What can I get out of this? 

Isaac went to Gerar to King Abimelech, probably the son of the king Abraham had dealt with.

In verse 2, the Lord appeared to Isaac and told him not to go down to Egypt but live in the land for a while.  

In verses 3- 6- God repeats the promises of the covenant He made with Abraham to Isaac. These are God’s promises to Isaac now. Each generation must lay claim to the promises of God for themselves.  

What we see in God’s promises to Isaac is how important it is in times of trials, tests and temptations to be occupied with the Word of God and the God of the Word.  

In our journey through this world, we will all face times of famine, crisis, tests and temptations- we must learn as every generation of believers must learn- to not take matters into our own hands but to be guided by the Word of God.  

In verses 7-11 we see Isaac resort to lies rather than truth.  We are all natural born liars- you do not have to teach a child to lie- they will lie as soon as they can talk. It comes naturally to our old nature, the flesh, whose father is the devil, the father of lies. Rather than trusting the Lord with all his heart- Isaac leans to his own understanding and trusts his abilities rather than God’s Word.  

We soon learn though, it is almost impossible to tell just one lie, for we soon have to tell another one to support the first one. Soon, Isaac found himself living a lie. His whole life had to be constructed about this lie. ‘ Oh what a web we weave, when first we set out others to deceive..  A web that will trap us sooner or later.  

Isaac is caught in his deception by the King . It is a humiliating experience for Isaac as the king is rightfully angry . The king also reveals to us the other side of the lie- as the king shows how those  lied to and deceived can be potentially harmed if the lie is not revealed and the deception is not uncovered.  

Now the next section of scripture at first reading takes us by surprise. If you are like me you were not expecting God to bless Isaac after this charade he had been living was exposed.  

But here it is: Verses 12-13 tell us:  “Isaac planted crops in that land the same year and reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. The sowing of seed and reaping 100 fold reminds us of the parable the Lord told of the sower and the seed. The seed represented the Word of God and the casting or sowing of the seed represented witnessing to the lost. Could it be Isaac was to begin a ministry? Had his experience of being caught in a lie humbled him? Isaac was forced to get honest wasn’t he? He had to confess he had been living a lie. The carnal life is always a lie for the believer. Now having confessed his sin and repented God can restore and bless him. Thus we read Isaac became rich and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. 

How could God bless a deceiver like Isaac? Because God is faithful to His covenant and keeps His promises even when we are faithless- even when we are not behaving like His children . Aren’t you glad our Heavenly Father is like that? You see, the Lord made a promise to Isaac. He told Isaac not to go down to Egypt and I will bless you. His only condition was not to go down to Egypt, which Isaac did not- so therefore God kept His word and blessed Isaac. Isaac  was also a recipient of God’s blessings because of Abraham’s obedience and faith. Sometimes God blesses a child for the sake of the father, just as He blesses us for the sake of His Son, the Lord Jesus.  

It is not as if Isaac did not suffer consequences for his sin for as we will see the next period of his life is filled with strife, adversity and outright hatred and jealousy by his neighbors.  

The more prosperous Isaac grew, the more jealous,envious and resentful the people around him grew. We are told the Philistines envied him so they filled up his wells. Water in an arid land like they occupied was extremely important. Wells were a matter of life and death and survival.  Envy is a destructive emotion. It resents what another has and not only wants what they have, but wants them to have nothing. In this case it resulted in malice which is the desire to cause pain and suffering in another. It causes one to take foolish actions that in this case resulted in the loss of a water supply they all benefitted from. Such foolish, wasteful behavior. 

As the story of this chapter in Isaac’s life continues we see him reopening his father Abraham’s wells; digging new wells; building an altar and pitching his tent.  

These are significant spiritual truths as we will examine each of these with the names of the wells helping us understand the significance.  

Isaac was the son of a great man, Abraham. He was the father of a son, Jacob, who would become famous as the father of the nation of Israel.

He seemed to be searching for his identity didn’t he?

He was looking for the ministry that God would have for him. If the nations were to be blessed through his actions- what would those actions be?  

It was right there before him. What could he do that would bless others? Reopen the wells his father had dug and dig new wells. We will see the spiritual significance of this- but do not under estimate the practical value and blessing these wells provided. This was a parched and arid land where water was a precious commodity. To provide fresh cool water in an arid land was a blessing in itself that would bless people for centuries to come. You see Isaac started the ministry the Lord had for him. You might call it the “ cold water ministry.’   

Water is the most common substance on the earth. 70% of the earth’s surface is water. 97% of all water is in the oceans and seas. Availability to water is necessary for life. A person can only survive a 5-7 days without water. Water is one of the greatest needs to sustaining life.  

Wells of flowing water, artesian wells, in an arid place like Palestine would be priceless. Water was often the sole reason and purpose for wars, fighting and strife. Those wells would be a source of life and refreshment.  

Wells in the Bible are often a type of work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life. Listen to what Jesus said on two occasions in the gospel of John,

The first incident is at the well near a town in Samaria called Sychar. The well was referred to as ‘Jacob’s Well’.  Which tells us this artesian well had been a supply of water and life for centuries. In John 4: 14 (NIV) :  “ Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of living water welling up to eternal life.”  

And again in John 7, we read:  “ If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. By this he meant the Spirit whom those who believed in Him would later receive.”  

Just as wells of water were essential to sustaining physical life in that dry and parched land, the work of the Holy Spirit is essential to sustaining our spiritual life. If one lacks water they will die physically, if you do not experience the work of the Holy Spirit – you will die spiritually.  

One must drink of Heaven’s well from the water that Jesus provides. It is for this reason why every generation of believers must experience the work of the Holy Spirit – fresh and new in their lives. Like Isaac, we must dig wells for ourselves.  

Because of their envy and jealousy of Isaac, the Philistines stopped up his father’s wells. Spiritually the enemy of our Heavenly Father has been trying to stop up the well of living water ever since the Garden of Eden. King Abimelech tells Isaac he must move away for he had become too powerful, too wealthy.  

But God used their evil intentions and their harmful actions for good- for in this adversity- Isaac discovered his ministry. (* Take note of this principle for what we see all through the Scriptures is prosperity which we seek brings more temptations- while adversity which we want to avoid is really our friend and teacher sent to strengthen us.) Isaac’s ministry may not sound very exciting but it was a great blessing to many for years to come- his ministry he discovered was – well digging. Isaac began to reopen the wells his father, Abraham, had dug that had been stopped up by the Philistines. We will notice the significance of the names of these wells.  

What we are seeing the life of Isaac is he has discovered his ministry. I believe Isaac found great joy in rediscovering the wells his father had dug, just as we can discover for ourselves the truth concerning the Lord Jesus Christ enjoyed by our parents and grandparents and great grandparents, etc. Many had been stopped up by  the enemy, neglect or our own disbelief.  

His ministry was two fold- reopening the closed wells of his father and digging new wells. Isaac fought no battles, he built no cities, erected no monuments, but in his own quiet way he dug wells which means Isaac left behind him a legacy of blessings for years to come.  

Isaac’s three wells are significant because of their names. Their names are significant because they symbolize the response and attitude we can expect from the enemies of our Heavenly Father. For not only did we inherit every spiritual blessing from our Loving Heavenly Father- we also inherited His enemies.  

The first well was called ‘ Esek’.This name, Esek, means contention or strife, arguing, confrontation.  One thing we believe we know  about Isaac, he did not like confrontation. He was a peace-loving man who hated strife. Yet he endured and dug wells in spite of the strife.  

Spiritually what we see is the Holy Spirit who teaches us and  guides us in truth is met by the enemy who says the truth is mine. Just as the Philistines wanted to claim the wells as theirs. The truth belongs to us- says the intellectual atheist and agnostic- they want to stop up our wells of truth. Look around you today- the Muslim says we have the truth and you do not and many want to stop us. Other sects and groups claim their way is the truth. But we believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except by the Son.  

The next well Isaac and his servants dug was called “ Sitnah.’  A word that is interpreted as contempt or hatred. The name Satan comes from the same root word. The enemy of our Heavenly Father and His Son who holds in contempt every thing that comes from God and whose bitter envy and jealousy leads him to attack us and rage against anything that Christ has to offer the thirsty soul. If we dig wells in the enemies territory we can expect opposition.  

Then we see the next well that Isaac digs and no one quarreled over it. Isaac called the well- Rehoboth, saying the Lord has given us room and we will flourish. Rehoboth which mean enlargement is place where we can grow and flourish. But did you notice when this well was found?  It was only found after the difficulties, the adversity the conflicts at the previous two wells. It is through difficulties God enlarges us for the larger places. God grows our faith in times of trouble. Perhaps this is the truth James learned when he said ‘ count it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trial of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith  develops patience and patience must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete lacking nothing.  No pain- no gain.  

From Rehoboth, Isaac went up to Beersheba, where the Lord appeared to Isaac. The Lord assures Isaac and encourages him by telling to fear not for He is with him and will bless him and increase him.  

Isaac’s response is to build an altar to worship the Lord.

He pitches his tent which serves as a reminder he is a pilgrim looking for a city whose builder and architect is God. He also digs another well. Well of Gods’ Oath.

So like Isaac, we must reopen the old wells of spiritual truths dug by our spiritual forefathers.

They have been closed, stopped up by the enemies of God who arise in each generation to stop up the wells of truth with their false teachings, intellectual poppycock, indifference and sin. Talk to our missionaries, like the Bufords, and they will tell you how common it is to see the false teachings of a religion  be what has stopped up the well of God’s truth. Reopening those wells is a labor of love but it always invites the striving of the enemy against those who reopen the wells of God’s truth. 

But  also like Isaac, the believer today, the church in the 21st century must start by reopening the old wells of spiritual truths that are eternal. We do not need to modernize the gospel, we do not need to try and make the Bible more relative to today’s society and thus compromise its integrity.  

Digging new wells did not mean discovering new truths- but by using the same truths of our forefathers we stake out new territory for the generations that follow so they can with the same truths of old keep the truth flowing in generations to come.  

As I stated earlier- quit drinking water and within seven days you will die. Your body will send signals you are desperately low on fluid and dehydration begins to occur with some obvious signs and symptoms.   

Dehydrated souls will also send warning signals- you are low on fluids. Know what they are?  Worry, anxiety, fear, tempers—all are signs of a dehydrated soul. As you began to look in your own life and then in our society- you see we are living in a spiritual desert.  

First drink deep of it yourself. What H2O is to the dehydrated body, Jesus is to the dehydrated soul.  

Max Lucado in his book-“ Come Thirsty”  gives us an  acronym for the WELL.  

Drink deep of these eternal truths:  

W = receive Christ’s Work on the Cross.-the power of the Cross  

E =  live in the Energy of the Spirit- for apart from Him we can do nothing.  

L =  recognize His Lordship over your life. Trust and obey. 

L =  His unending, unfailing, unconditional Love 

But do not stop with just yourself…Jesus welcomed into His Kingdom those who gave water to the thirsty. For He said when you did it to the least of these brothers of mine, you did it also for me.


Genesis 27 
The end of chapter 26 tells us Esau was 40 years old when he took to wife Judith a Hittite. We are told this grieved Isaac and Rebekah. It also reveals how little interest Esau really had in the Covenant Promise and blessing and had no interest in God’s Word.  

Isaac should have known then- if he had any doubts before- that Esau was disqualified from receiving the blessing. He well remembered how important it was to Abraham that he not take a wife from any of the Canaanite women.  

This chapter could serve as the screenplay for a soap opera today. We have so many people doing the wrong thing that Esau looks like the most honorable person.  

Isaac should have known better.

Rebekah was trying to do the right thing – but the wrong way.

Jacob proved he was well named- as he was a ‘supplanter’. 

Let’s consider the life of Isaac: a miracle child of promise, he had shown great courage and faith when as a young man he had allowed his father, Abraham, to put him on the altar; he was equally obedient to the wishes of his father regarding a bride; and finally, he had found his ministry and left behind a legacy of reopened wells and new wells that blessed many for centuries to come.  

As we come to the last half of the book of Genesis we will continue to learn lessons. In Isaac we see one start out well in his walk with the Lord but make some wrong turns. We realize if we are not careful we can make a wrong turn and our walk become unspiritual- even to the point of carnality that no longer discerns the spiritual. A carnal believer is like the unbeliever- in that, the carnal believer comes to rely on his/her senses and live by the flesh rather than the spirit. Surely, the story of Isaac clearly demonstrates this truth. Consider Isaac is physically semi-blind- not completely in the dark but his vision dimmed probably by cataracts. We will see that Isaac is also spiritually semi-blind, his vision of God and God’s word dimmed through his carnality. Thus he lives by his senses- taste, touch, smell and hearing. But eye has not seen nor ear heard , neither has entered into the heart of man, the things God has prepared for them that love him.  Isaac’s spiritual antennae was not picking up God’s word- his carnality had blocked the signal.  

The carnal mind grows stale, stagnant and the stubborn. The carnal mind, like the mind of the natural man, is sensual and controlled by its appetite. Let us learn this lesson from the story of Isaac, we will grow carnal or spiritual as we age, we will not stay on the same plateau. A good beginning does not guarantee a good ending. If ever a man was blessed with a great beginning it was Isaac. Yet here we see he has ended his life under a cloud of carnality. Isaac put his interest – his desires above the Lord’s.  

What Paul wrote in Romans 8 is a perfect description of what happened in Isaac’s life: “ For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded in life is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God,neither can it be.” (Romans 8:5-8) 

Isaac should have been acting as his family’s priest seeking a healing in a family that had fallen apart and were at each other’s throats and life in general was miserable. It was a soap opera of deceit, lying, scheming, eavesdropping, spies, sin, and out-of-control appetites . One parent against the other in a feud over their favored child.  A house divided cannot stand- this family was falling apart.  

We are warned often about the sins of the father being passed on to become the sins of the children if not dealt with. A child abused becomes a child abuser. The son of an alcoholic becomes the alcoholic himself. Tiger Woods’ father cheated on his mother, something that Tiger hated about his father’s behavior yet finds himself following the same behavior in an almost uncontrollable manner.  

So it should not seem strange, although sad, that Jacob will make the same mistakes in his family- would allow favoritism to bring a wedge into his family and make life miserable.  

So let us observe this soap opera in the following scenes.

Isaac has grown older and more carnal. His dimmed physical vision is an indicator of his dimmed spiritual vision. We will either put our eyes on things above or things on this earth. We see Isaac now older, perhaps in declining health, although he will live several more years- his vision has now made him less physically active.  

Here is the young man who once allowed his father to tie him to an altar, who meditated in the fields, prayed for his wife to conceive and dug wells to bring life- giving, life –sustaining water to many around him- now only interested in the things that appeal to his flesh. Isaac has put his desires ahead of God’s will and God’s desires. He has known since it was revealed to Rebekah she was pregnant with twins, the younger would be the one chosen by God to receive the covenant promise.  

We will note how he depends on his senses- smell, taste, touch and hearing.

May our prayer be that we end our lives well- having fought the good fight having finished the race. May we look in the mirror of God’s word and realize we can start out strong- but we must endure to the end. The enemy will not let up in his attack on us or our family.

Notice the division in the family: Isaac does not share his plans for this all important blessing with his wife. Why was he trying to sneak this blessing by her? Because Isaac knew she would not stand for it and because Isaac knew as Rebekah did this was not the will of God.  

Isaac had reached a stage in his carnality where he lived by the natural rather than the supernatural and trusted his senses rather than trusting the Word of God.  

The repeated phrases in the KJV speak Isaac’s carnality: we read of the ‘savoury meat’-the reference and dependence on smell, taste and touch tell us this is about  the decline of faith and  the rise of self. In the KJV, savoury meat is mentioned six times, venison seven times and eating eight times. Here was a carnal man controlled by his carnal appetite.  

The first scene closes with an excited and expectant Esau leaving his father with bow and arrow in hand to go kill and prepare a deer and then receive his blessing.  

The drama comes next in the scheme of deception engineered by Rebekah. Rebekah was  a remarkable woman. I believe she loved Isaac from the moment she saw him. Was at times proud of his accomplishments- but as he grew more carnal and more placid and mild- she grew more assertive and controlling. She was truly a strong woman- but instead of using her strength to encourage her husband and minister strength to him- she took matters into her own hands and set about to fulfill God’s  will in her own way- the world’s way.  As we watch and observe the next scenes as ‘ the world turns.. 

We will see Rebekah eavesdropping on the conversation between Isaac and Esau. A habit she formed because she and Isaac did not communicate openly. And later being told of Esau’s plan to murder his son, once his father died, reveals she also had her spies in the household. Eavesdropping, spies, schemes- a favorite past time in today’s soap operas.   

What happened to the husband and wife who used to share their concerns and pray together?  Truly the family that prays together stays together.

Where is the altar that Isaac had built where he called upon the name of the Lord? What were they thinking?

What would have happened if upon hearing Isaac’s plan and seeing Esau go out with his bow, if she had entered the tent and said Isaac- we have to talk to one another and to the Lord before you make this decision?  We need to look to the Word of God to lead us in His will.  But we know Rebekah did not do this— she had not learned that living by faith is living without scheming.  

It seems she almost had this plan already prepared so quickly did she come up with it. If we looked in Rebekah’s kitchen – she might have a plaque or sign or saying on her refrigerator that said: “ If you want something done right- you have to do it yourself.!” For as we will see this recipe for deceit is literally cooked up in her kitchen.   

In the next scene, Rebekah brings Jacob into the plot to play his role of the deceiver.. She tells him what they will do. Jacob immediately sees a potentially fatal flaw in her plan. His father, though near-blind, would be able to tell he was not Esau when he reached out and touched his smooth skin rather than Esau’s hairy arms or neck. Jacob whose great interest is the covenant promise of his grandfather, Abraham, is fearful he will be detected then cursed rather than blessed.  

His mother said to him, “ my son, let the curse fall on me. Just do what I say.” Truer words were never spoken… a prophetic statement by Rebekah. For when Jacob leaves soon after this affair- she will never see her  beloved son again; never lay eyes upon any of his children her grandchildren. 

The next scene is the one played out with perfect timing by a couple of conniving con artists. Jacob brings a young goat, a kid for his mother to prepare. Rebekah dresses Jacob in Esau’s clothes so Jacob will smell like his brother- then cleverly covers his hands and the smooth part of his neck with goat hair. At the same time we see Esau, perhaps, drawing back an arrow in his bow to kill the deer he will prepare for this all important meal for his father.  

Meanwhile,  we see Rebecca preparing the young goat carefully, seasoned to taste like venison. Jacob then went to his father in his disguise carrying the prepared meal. Let’s listen to this exchange and note the ease with which Jacob lies. Remember  how we watched Isaac live a lie in Gerar and noted it is difficult for one to tell just one lie- but must continue to tell other lies to support the first lie?  Let us count the lies that come from the mouth of Jacob:  

Jacob enters into his father’s presence with the meal.

Isaac asks ‘ who is it?’ 

I am Esau. ( Lie #1)

Your first born. ( Lie #2.)

I have done as you told me. ( Lie#3)

Please sit up and eat some of my game.( Lie#4)  

Isaac then asks how he had found and prepared the game so quickly?

Jacob then replies with his most audacious lie- The Lord your God gave me success. (Lie#5)  

Isaac suspects something is wrong- he wants to touch his son and  verify this is really Esau. The goat skin convinces him it is Esau, although he remarks the voice sounds like Jacob. Isaac asks one more time- are you really my son, Esau? And again with his sixth lie in less than 60 seconds- Jacob says I AM.

Then Isaac blesses Jacob.

You can imagine a nervous Rebekah scanning the horizon for the appearance of Esau, biting her nails and thinking what is taking Jacob so long?  Finally Jacob comes out of the tent- and none too soon.

No sooner had Jacob left his father’s presence when Esau comes in with his prepared venison.  Jacob had narrowly escaped being caught as it were- ‘red-handed’ in his deceit.  

When Esau enters into his father’s tent the two of them would quickly figure out what had just happened. Isaac responded  to the discovery with great trembling. Why did he tremble so?  I am not sure- but perhaps for Isaac it was a moment of spiritual awakening. For Isaac would not revoke the blessing in spite of Esau’s pleading.

Esau’s response reflects the response of the unbeliever. There will be great remorse at the great white throne judgment- there will be the arguments they have prepared to present to defend their actions and place the blame on others- but not themselves.The unbelievers will be judged from the books of their works, what they did in the flesh. They, themselves will have their mouths stopped. We are told they will ‘ be without excuse.’ God has revealed Himself to man. The truth is all of mankind has had some light revealed to them. There are two witnesses that witness to the truth of God’s existence. Creation and the Conscience. ( Romans 1&2) 

When the light that is revealed is refused, rejected- darkness increases. These will suppress the truth in wickedness. Light obeyed increases light. And as you live up to the light you have received, you will be given more light. God will judge us by the light we have REJECTED. Romans 2:5  states: “ But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when  His righteous judgment will be revealed.” Also we read in Romans 2:11.12: “ For God does not show favoritism. All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.”  

No one is righteous- no one can keep the law. For this reason, God has made a righteousness apart from the Law that comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. It was available to Esau- it is available to all for God sent His son in the world not to condemn the world, but that through Him the world might be saved.  

There will be sorrow at the Great White Throne- but it will not be godly sorrow that would have led to repentance- it will be selfish sorrow that having exchanged the truth for a lie- they now would suffer the consequences of their decisions. You see there is really a ‘ pay day- someday’. And Esau’s pay- day had come. He as will the unbelievers at the Great White Throne discover that their sins took them further than they wanted to go and kept them longer than they wanted to stay and cost them more than they wanted to pay. It had cost them eternally.  

Be not deceived- God is not mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction, the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. ( Galatians 6)  

Esau pleads and begs and weeps for his father to bless him. But remorse alone cannot obtain the spiritual blessing- it takes repentance and we see in Esau’s reaction there is none of that.  

Had Esau learned anything regarding God’s sovereignty?  No. As matter of fact, he still believes there is a way to take control and because of his hatred, he vows he will murder Jacob as soon as his father dies.  
One of Rebekah’s household spies tells her of Esau’s plans to murder his brother. So Rebekah, in best “ Scarlet O’Hara fashion”  goes to Isaac and says she will just die if Jacob marries a Hittite woman, knowing Isaac will agree to send him to the land of her family and her brother Laban to obtain a wife.  

As we will see as the story continues- God will deal with Jacob and Rebekah. They will both reap what they have sown.  Jacob himself will be cheated by his father in-law and be deceived by a goat. He will bring the same family dissension through his favoritism for Joseph that his father, Isaac, had with Esau. Rebekah who believes she has cleverly worked everything out- will go to her death never seeing her beloved son, Jacob again. 




Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Genesis 22

Genesis 22: Mount Moriah- An Unusual Christmas Story

The word ‘moriah’ means  “ forseen of Jehovah” We are told in Revelation before the foundation of the earth, the Lamb was slain. This means man’s sin was foreseen by God. Therefore God built into the plan of creation- the plan of salvation. Consider the watchmaker who realizes a watch will stop telling time and therefore builds into the watch the mechanism where it can be reset. This allows the watch to be restored to perform the purpose for which it was designed rather than be discarded as useless. In much the same way, God who has all knowledge, including foreknowledge foresaw the fall of man. For this reason the Lamb was slain before the foundation. In other words,  The Fall was foreseen and provided for in councils of Triune God in eternity past. God Provided a way. He made a way – where there was no way. In fact- the Lord Jesus would become ‘ the Way.’

Mount Moriah is the very place where in later years King David bought the threshing floor of Ornan as a place for the site of the temple.( I Chronicles 21:18)  And it was on that very place where Abraham offered Isaac, the temple of Solomon was built, ( 2 Chronicles 3:1).

Today the Moslem mosque, the Dome of the Rock is built over the great rock that formed the altar upon which Abraham offered Isaac. It is from this rock that Muslims believe Ishmael was offered and from this rock they believe Mohammed and his horse ascended into heaven.   So this is a place this is very historic to three religions.

This account of Abraham offering Isaac is a remarkable foreshadowing in the OT of the work of Christ in the NT- with Gethsemane, Calvary and the Resurrection  all clearly in view.

But also this account gives us not only an account of Abraham’s greatest test- it gives us an insight and picture of the deep love that God the Father has for His Son.  In this story of  Abraham and Isaac we sense the great love and joy that Abraham has for his only son, Isaac.  We can empathize and comprehend this love Abraham had for his son and in doing so- we get a glimpse of the great love that God the Father had for His Son. We shudder when we think of how great this sacrifice was for not just the Lord Jesus- but for our Heavenly Father. Jesus told us- if you earthly fathers being evil give good gifts to your children- how much more will your Heavenly Father give good gifts to them who ask Him.  The Lord Jesus was providing a hint to the greatest gift ever given- the most expensive gift ever given- His precious blood and if that was not enough He also gave us the Holy Spirit.

As we have studied the book of Genesis  I have referred to what theologians refer to as ‘ the principle of first mention.’  This principle points out when a word is used for the first time in the Bible, the context in which it occurs sets the pattern for its primary usage and development through the rest of Scripture.

Did you know in this verse, Genesis 22:2- the word  ‘love’ appears for the first time?  Isn’t it interesting the first time it is used is not in connection with a man’s love for his wife or a mother for her children or brotherly love, or love of country or even love for God. Instead it is used of the love of a father for his son.

That Isaac is a type of Christ is confirmed by  Galatians 3:16. The experience of Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah is a type of offering of Christ at Calvary is confirmed by Hebrews 11:17-19. So in this account of Abraham and Isaac we see and can more fully comprehend and appreciate the sacrifice that God the Father endured in heaven when His Son climbed that other mount and was laid upon the wooden cross. For God the Father did not spare His own Son- but delivered Him up for us all.

You see- this love of God the Father for God the Son existed in eternity past- long before the world was created. Therefore we can conclude this love is the foundation for all other types of love. And what a love it is— sacrificial, unconditional- withholding nothing- a love that risks all and is for all who would receive it.

God proclaims this deep love for His Son in the NT . Let’s look at the first occurrence of the word- ‘love’ in the NT.

Matthew 3:17- (at His baptism) “ And a voice from heaven said, “ this is my Son , whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.”

Mark 1:11  and Luke 3:22 record similar statements; at Jesus’ baptism.

Then in John 3:16: we see the first mention of the word love in that Gospel. But here God’s son tells us God the Father loves US so much He was willing to sacrifice His only beloved Son that we might be saved.

I John 4:9-11 :  “This is how God showed His love among  us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live  through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

So with this information as a backdrop- let’s look at this account – this test of Abraham’s faith with all of this perspective. In doing so- we will find a most unusual Christmas story.

Genesis 22:1-2:  Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, ‘Abraham – and he said ‘ here am I.’. Then God said take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love ( First mention of the word “love” in Bible) and go to the region of Moriah; and offer(KJV) him there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.”

I purposely used the word ‘offer’ from the KJV because of the meaning of the word offer. Offer means ‘ to present for acceptance.’.  God did not actually ask Abraham to kill his son- nothing is said about slaying Isaac, although this is the natural conclusion that Abraham jumps to as most of us reading this also concur.   Offer= present for acceptance. Same word used when Paul writes in Romans 12—‘present your bodies a living sacrifice.’ That Abraham would be willing to ‘offer’ his son was the test- God, of course would not accept the sacrifice- He wanted to test the heart and love of Abraham. Remember the first and greatest commandment is ‘ to love the Lord thy God with ALL your heart, mind, soul and body’.

Notice the scene is set chronologically  by telling us this is ‘ some time later’. From this we infer Isaac is a young man, capable of carrying a load of wood. Probably in his early 20’s.   The KJV uses the word ‘ tempts’- the NIV interprets the Hebrew word used here  ‘nacha’ as ‘tests’. This interpretation better describes the meaning which is defined in Hebrew and Chaldee  dictionary as ‘ assay, prove or try.’   God does not tempt – He test the heart – He tries it.

Satan tempts with the purpose of seeing us  fail. God tests us in order to confirm our faith.

We do not want to lose sight of the fact that Abraham’s story is a story of faith. In fact Abraham’s story is recorded in such a way that he becomes our sample man of faith. What we have observed so far is a man on a 50 year journey of faith.

God has tested his faith and in doing so- Abraham has learned to recognize God’s voice.

He has learned that sometimes he is asked to go out to a place that he does not know where he is going – but trusts the God who is directing him to that place.

In learning to follow God and walk the walk of faith- Abraham  learns following God means sometimes leaving behind things our old nature loved.

Think about what Abraham has left :

Mesopotamia and his comfort zone.

Tehran, his father in Haran.

First choice of land- yielded first choice to Lot.

The rewards of the king of Sodom- which were great.

Ishmael, his first son. The representative of the old nature- the flesh.

But in each incident, as Abraham looked back over his life of faith, he realized how God had been faithful

I believe in these tests and with his sending away of Ishmael and Hagar we realize a very important spiritual truth and principle*.

*God will not take away your Ishmael until you have received your Isaac*.

We are not told what Abraham thought- but we can certainly imagine the night before he left and the 3 days journey- there was nothing else on his mind but what lay ahead. The sense of dread and fear and reluctance must have been on his mind and heart constantly.

But verse 3 tells us ‘ early the next morning he took off with Isaac and two servants. He had a load of wood, and other needs for making a sacrifice.  We read they ‘ set out for the place God has told them about..’  A place that surely was dreaded- not unlike our Lord Jesus and His Father dreaded another place called Calvary.

In verse 4- we read on the third day they  ‘saw the place’  In Luke 22: 33, we are told, “ And when they had come to the PLACE which is called Calvary, there they crucified Him.”   One place surely foreshadowed the other place. For three days- Abraham must have thought of nothing but the death of his only beloved son. But something happened in that three day journey.

What Abraham does next reveals something happened to Abraham’s faith in those three days. A faith that had been 50 years in developing.

Verse 5:  “ He(Abraham) said to his servants, “ Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship the Lord and then WE will come back.”  You see the statement of faith- WE will come back.  Do you find it strange that Abraham referred to what he was about to do as ‘ worship’?  The literal and original meaning of the word- worship has lost its true meaning. We think of worship as a worship service- preaching, singing hymns, fellowship…but the original  Hebrew word – a verb- ‘Shachah- means to bow down- to prostrate ones self as an act of respect before a superior being. It was a way to show submission. To worship  God, as Abraham spoke of here was to bow down to His will. Recognizing He is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. And because we believe that we submit to His revealed will, even if we do not understand it.

What happened to Abraham in those three days of travel?  Hebrews 11: 17-19 tells us the rest of the story:

“ By faith Abraham when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned. Abraham reasoned ( reckoned- accounted) that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death.” (Romans 6- Paul tells of powerful truths we should know and ‘reckon’ to be true.)

Do you understand what Abraham did – he reckoned, reasoned and calculated that God had said it was through Isaac all the nations of the earth will be blessed. Isaac is necessary to the fulfillment. Furthermore, Isaac was not married yet and had no offspring. So if Abraham had to go through with this dreadful act- there could only be one explanation- God would raise Isaac from the dead, even from the ashes. That is why Abraham said without hesitation to the two servants- WE will return. Abraham had come to believe that God was who He said He was and could do what He said He would do.

Abraham said to the two servants – I and the boy go over there and worship. The place they had come to- was a place where only the Father and the Son could go—they went up together.  Twice it is mentioned- the father and the son went up together.

For the Lord Jesus there came a point where He went forward alone( a stone’s throw) in the Garden to be with His Father. He was going to a place only He and His Father could go- as they prepared to go up to Calvary together- a place the disciples could not go.

Now let us carefully consider these next verses:

Verse 6-8

“Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac( a picture of the cross laid upon our Lord’s shoulders) and he himself  carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went up together, Isaac spoke up and said to Abraham, – Father.  Yes my son, Abraham replied. The fire and wood are here, said Isaac, but where is the lamb?”

“Abraham answered, God Himself will provide the lamb FOR the burnt offering my son. And the two of them went on together.”

Do you see the foreshadowing of Gethsemane here?  We see the Lord Jesus in the garden, sweating great drops of blood, and  asking His Father- Abba- Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will but what you will. The Lord Jesus was in anguish we are told.  But now consider what  must have been the heart of God the Father as we consider what this agonizing question from Isaac – (where is the lamb, Father?)must  have done to Abraham’s heart.

We can visualize the scene- an old man with a son in his 20’s climbing a mountain with a container of fire- a knife and a load of wood laid upon the young man’s back. The young  man’s question – where is the lamb?- would not be answered for centuries. Then a  prophet came out of the desert named John the Baptist. His mission was to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord – the Messiah.  In John 1:29, John the Baptist proclaimed as he saw Jesus the day after baptizing Him- “ Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” The Lamb of God had arrived!

In verse 9, we see Abraham and Isaac, father and son, reach the place. Abraham built the altar and lay the wood upon it. He bound his son Isaac  and laid him upon the altar. We realize at this time, that Isaac knows what is happening and has submitted to the will of his father. He could have easily overcome his father physically- but he submitted like a lamb led to the slaughter. Again we see the cross of Mount Calvary  in plain view. God the Father did not force His Son to die on the cross. Listen to what Jesus said in John 10_ 17-18:  “ the reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life – only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.”

It was the Father’s will- but the Son willingly obeyed. Praise God our Father who with His Son went together to that place, Calvary, and because they did, because God spared not His Only Son- lost sinners can be forgiven and receive eternal life. He gave us the greatest gift ever- He gave us His Son to take our place on the cross.

Abraham did not have to take the life of his son, Isaac. God never intended for him to do so- God wanted Abraham’s heart.

So in a dramatic ending- the knife is stopped and a ram whose horns are caught in the thorns is provided by God as a sacrifice instead of Isaac.

Here is your Christmas message : You see you cannot truly celebrate Christmas- without celebrating Calvary.

Look not just to the ‘Babe in Bethlehem” – but look at the Son of God on the cross and see the crown of thorns. For this reason the Lord came to earth- for this purpose was the Babe in Bethlehem born.  It is the Lamb, God has provided- his horns caught in the thorns. That crown of thorns that encircled our Lord’s brow is our Christmas wreath. The cross on which He was laid is our Christmas  Tree.

God provided a sacrifice in the place of Isaac that day and Abraham named the location- Jehovah-jireh meaning God will Provide.

You see Christmas is for giving- for God gave us His Only Begotten Son. The Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world. For Christmas reminds us why Christ came into the world: “ Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burn offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. Then said I: here I am it is written about me in the scroll – I have come to do your will, O God. ( Hebrews 10:5-7)

You cannot celebrate Christmas without celebrating Calvary. Christmas is for giving and Christmas is about forgiving. For God so loved the world He gave His Only Begotten son that whosoever should believe in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life..

On the day He was born in Bethlehem, Our Lord Jesus and His Father began a journey to that place- Mount Calvary. It was a journey planned long ago in eternity past. You cannot celebrate Christmas without celebrating Calvary – because the purpose of Christmas was to go to Calvary.

So open your gifts from your Heavenly Father:

If you knew the gift of God…

Wait for the gift my Father has promised..

And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

But the gift of God is eternal life..

Each man has his own gift from God..

This (salvation) is the gift of God – not of works..

Genesis 23-. The Death of Sarah

Genesis 23:1-4- Sarah lived to be a hundred and twenty-seven years old. She died at Hebron in the land of Canaan, and Abraham went to mourn for Sarah and to weep over her. Then Abraham rose from beside his dead wife and spoke to the Hittites. He said ‘ I am a alien and stranger among you. Sell me some property for a burial site here so I can bury my dead.”

Notice where they are living – in Hebron- the place of fellowship. It has been 37 years since Isaac was born and probably 34 years since the departure of Ishmael and Hagar. We can believe these have been good years.

I suspect Sarah’s death was sudden and perhaps unexpected because the reading of these verses indicates Abraham was away from her when she died and went to mourn and weep for his beloved bride.  There is nothing wrong with grieving over the loss of a loved one. We are told not to grieve like those  who have no hope in 1 Thess. 4. In fact, Paul refers to the death of believers as falling asleep.  However,  it is a time of sorrow for those of us left behind.

In verse 3, we see Abraham rose from beside his dead wife. Sarah was probably lying in the tent they shared. Abraham lay beside her and held her one last time.

What Abraham said when he rose up reveals Abraham has reminded himself of who he is: a foreigner to this world- just traveling through looking for a city whose architect and builder is God. A place where his bride has now departed for. Abraham’s longing for this place will be greater than ever before- for now not only is this where the Lord is but also where his beloved bride is.

When Ruth Graham was near death, her family gathered about her to be with her in her last days. They played her favorite hymns and prayed for her and with her as her life on earth was ending. On the last day in the last moments they gathered with her pastor and read Psalms 23.

“Then with my father holding her hand, she slipped quietly into heaven. With tears filling our eyes, we stood around her and sang the doxology. It was a sweet family time. The familiar words and the act of worship brought comfort. The presence of death does not mean the absence of God.” ( Fear Not Tomorrow by Ruth Graham). This is the daughter Ruth not the mother. There is peace in the valley of the shadow of death.

We must be cautious in concluding something is not good solely because it does not feel good.

It is interesting that the Graham family read Psalms 23 as Ruth was nearing death. It seems this Psalms written by David is most often read or shared with those near death; whereas, John 14 is used frequently at funerals for the family of the deceased.

Even though Psalms 23 was not written yet, it would be a message that Abraham who was a herdsman and a shepherd would have clearly understood.

So before we move into what is the longest chapter in Genesis – the 24th chapter that brings us the details of the story of Abraham sending his servant to find a bride for his son- let’s take a look at Psalms 23.

Psalms 23 was written by David during a time when he was fleeing from King Saul. He had been wandering from place to place. He was an exile from his own people and constantly living among strangers, even enemies. His life was continually being threatened. Psalms 23 is an outpouring of David’s confidence in the Lord and the trust in His care for every moment in his life even to the point of death.

The first line of this Psalm reminds us as it reminded David of a  most powerful truth. When the Lord is our shepherd- we shall not want.

Let’s look at that Psalms together.


“ The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He leadeth me  beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”

Abraham could have easily identified with these truths, couldn’t he? I believe this is the saddest day of Abraham’s life- nowhere before are we told Abraham wept and mourned until now. The Lord had certainly blessed Abraham and led him and supplied his needs. And now as Abraham had to walk through this difficult time – through the valley of the shadow of death- the Lord would comfort him. The Lord had also prepared a table before his enemies who respected- if not feared- Abraham.

Like David and Abraham we are His sheep aren’t we? He is our Great Shepherd. We know and recognize His voice. “ Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His, we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.” ( Psalms 100:3)

Did you know sheep are very nearsighted? They also have very poor depth perception. Yet their peripheral vision is so great a sheep can actually see behind its self without turning their heads.  If not watched carefully, a sheep will wander carelessly right off the edge of a cliff. Have you ever found yourself in a mess because you were careless? Sheep are also dumb, as in not being very intelligent and they are  one of the most defenseless animals in all of creation.

Sheep are not raised for meat- they are raised for their wool. Their wool belongs to the shepherd. Guess when wool grows the thickest and fastest?  When the sheep is resting, well-fed, calm and free from pests. Sheep are cud-chewing animals. They graze in the morning and later are made to lie down to ruminate or digest the intake of grass. A sheep has four compartments in their stomachs the largest compartment is capable of holding 5-10 gallons.

A sheep will drink only clean water- no scum or algae. They flock together- become stressed with separated and have a strong lead-follow tendency. Sheep are capable of recognizing voices and individual humans and have long memories.

Notice there is a personal relationship- the Lord is MY shepherd. Because of this relationship- the Bible tells us we shall not want. My God shall supply all my needs in Christ Jesus, the Apostle Paul tells us.  Have you ever noticed how the Lord our Good Shepherd provides? The cup isn’t half full is it?  It runs over. The calf is always fattened, the robe is the very best; the joy is unspeakable, the gifts- indescribable- His grace all sufficient, abounding in every good work and His compassion is new and fresh ever morning. You see the Good Shepherd came that we would not only have life- but have it more abundantly.  When He bids us to come to the dinner table – to the feast- it is not a hodgepodge ‘bring-a-dish’ – No everything is finished, everything is provided.

The Shepherd makes me to lie down in green pastures  and leads me besides still waters. Did you know sheep are afraid of running water? Their fear is instinctive because of their wool; if they get caught in deep moving water, their wool will soon become so water soaked they will sink and surely drown. Notice the shepherd makes us to lie down in green pastures, he leads us besides still waters. The shepherd’s role is to guide, guard and give. He leads, we follow. We are easily distracted -our attention span seems to cause us to wander. Lord will get us to lie down one way or the other. If the green grass and the water are the sheep’s nourishment- then remember lying down, ruminating and resting are when the growth comes. This is a picture of our feeding upon the word. There is the intake of the word but then comes the act of meditation on the word whereby the word is engrafted into our soul. Meditating on the word is like ruminating or cud-chewing. We take in the word – I believe it is best early in the morning. Then we can ‘chew on it’ during the day.   That is when the growth occurs.

To engraft the word in our souls is a process: We must: hear the word , read the word, study the word, memorize the word, then meditate upon it. When we do- the word is engrafted into our soul. Our souls are restored.(restore-‘put back into use’) The Lord even gave us our own personal guide to the green pastures of His Word- the Holy Spirit.

Now with His word engrafted in my soul- the Lord can use our restored souls to guide us in the paths of righteousness- His word a light upon my path, a lamp unto my feet.

Now watch what a change has come into the life of the ever-fearful sheep. “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil- thy rod and thy staff comfort me.”

With His word restoring my soul, and His rod which represents His authority and His staff which represents His support- I am no longer fearful even in the valley of the shadow of death. The key word here is ‘shadow’. Do you know how a shadow is formed? By light. Without light there is no shadow- there is only darkness.  The Lord Jesus is the light of the world – in Him was life and life was the light of the world. So even here in the darkest of times- there is light in the life of the believer and because there is light – death is only a shadow we pass through. Now if you turn your back to the light in bitterness or unbelief- you have created your own shadow and you will not pass through it because you continue to turn away from the light rather than toward it.

But if you walk in the light as He is in the light you will experience the sweet fellowship of  His love which casts out fear gives you a courageous heart. You will fear no evil- you will pass through the shadow.

“ You prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over.” Did you notice how God had caused the natural enemies of Abraham to respect him? For the sheep one  of the most worrisome distractions are a pests known as ‘ nose flies’.  To give the sheep protection from these worrisome pests- the shepherd would anoint their heads with an oil that protected them from these pests.

“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Do you see how we gain the experience of hindsight that our past gives us hope for our future? “yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope; because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3)

These are covenant promises which I trust the Lord to keep.

Often in the Bible- we are exhorted by our Lord to “ fear not- I am with you.”.  Do you see what God’s antidote for our fear is- His Presence- Himself.  He has promised us He will never leave us or desert us.

Do you remember the parable in Luke 15? It is most commonly called the parable of the Prodigal Son. It is a story  I closely identify with.  I know exactly how the prodigal son felt when he found himself in the pig sty. That parable had three parts- the first being the lost sheep;then the lost coin and finally the lost son.

Do you remember what it was like to be lost?  Since I got saved as a adult- (almost 32 years old) I have a vivid memory of what it was like to be lost- to be without God and thus to be without hope. Hopelessness is the most devastating place to be. All is dark- there is no light.- no hope- no future- no end it seems to the situation you are in .

All is lost. Your dreams have long since turned into nightmares.

You wander aimlessly. Fear is your constant companion… you are scared, there is no peace. Like  the sheep separated from his the prodigal son away from the authority of his father.

But God the Father who is known as the Great Shepherd, sent His Son who is the Good Shepherd after the lost sheep.

He came to find me. He came to seek and save the lost.

He did not give up on me.

He rescued me as I was about to go over the edge of the cliff.

And now today I have a conscious awareness of the Good Shepherd all the time. He is my Ever Present Help.

It was that awareness that kept Abraham going even in such a time as this- for Abraham was not without hope.

Remember the sheep is by nature –nearsighted. The shepherd sees things that sheep never dream of. We see only the grass before us.  Abraham saw things that were not, as though they were. But it was not Abraham’s vision, his physical sight, that gave him eternal vision- it was his faith

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. ( Hebrews 11:1)


Genesis 24: Here Comes the Bride 

This story of a bride for Isaac is rich in type and symbolism. It has three dimensions which we will explore. It is the longest chapter in Genesis- containing 67 verses. Part of the length is due to the repetition of the story by the servant to Rebekah and her family.

The three dimensions are as follows:

  • A historic account of Abraham sending his servant to find a bride for Isaac among his own people.
  • A picture of the God the Father sending the Holy Spirit into the world to acquire a bride, the Church, for God the Son. ( Abraham, the servant and Isaac = God the Father, Holy Spirit and God the Son.)
  • The third dimension is actually two-fold as we can view ourselves as the bride( the individual members of the Church) but also as the servants of God allowing the Holy Spirit to work thru us to tell others about the Son who awaits them.

At the close of chapter 22, Abraham received news from home regarding his kin and their offspring. In Genesis 22:23 we read-“ Bethuel became the father of Rebekah.” Jesus would later tell us – Your Father knows what you have need of even before you ask Him. For surely He has provided us all things we need.

The Story of Abraham, Isaac, the servant and Rebekah.

**What is interesting is who the central character of this story is: for it is not Abraham, Isaac or even Rebekah- it is the unnamed servant.

Genesis 24:1-21.

The instructions of Abraham to the unnamed but chief servant:

Abraham insists he take an oath to NOT take a wife for his son from among the Canaanite women. (Note who the oath is taken to: Lord of Heaven and Earth)

Go to Mesopotamia- Abraham’s homeland and get a wife from among Abraham’s relatives.

The servant asked questions to clarify his mission:

*What if the woman is unwilling to come back with me to this land?

*Shall I take you son back to the country you came from?

Abraham’s reply:

*Make sure you do NOT take my son back there. Abraham explains why- this land was given to my offspring by the Lord of Heaven.

* This same Lord of Heaven will send an angel before you so you can get a wife.

*If the woman is unwilling to come back- you will be released from your oath- but Abraham repeats for emphasis- do not take my son back there.

We can see from Abraham’s remarks concerning an angel sent before his servant there is a confident expectation of the outcome.

Following expectation is : Preparation for the journey:

*Loads ten camels with all kinds of good things from his master.

*Accompanied by an entourage of men – necessary for this small caravan and also for protection. The journey will require several days of travel.

Following his master’s directions- the servant arrives at the location of Nahor to a well outside the town. Arriving in the evening at a time the women of the town come out to draw water.

The servant is looking for some type of confirmation. First the servant goes forth with expectation- second preparation then third- a confirmation. Confirmation is for the purpose to verify and provide confidence that he has made the right choice.

The servant makes this his prayer request- ‘may it be when I say to the girl give me a drink, she will also volunteer to draw water for my camels.’ The servant wants to do the will of his master.  We are told ‘ this is the confidence we have in Him that if we ask anything according to His will – He hears us and grants our request.’

God has promised Abraham that through his offspring, Isaac, he would bless the nations and his descendants would be more numerous than the stars.

The servant’s prayer is an example of specific, believing prayer that has as its object to do the will of the master. Such prayer will be answered.

No sooner had the servant finished his prayer that Rebekah shows up at the well with a jar on her shoulder to draw water. She is described as very beautiful and a virgin.

The servant ask her for a drink. Rebekah gives him a drink then volunteers to draw water for his ten camels…no small task. Revealing Rebekah to be not only a beautiful virgin, but also a hard working, courteous young woman.

After the camels were through drinking, the servant gives Rebekah a gold nose ring and two costly gold bracelets. He then asked two questions: whose daughter are you? Please  tell me  is there room in your father’s house to spend the night?   Rebekah answers she is Bethuels daughter ( Isaac’s second cousin) and there is plenty of room  in their home plus hay for his camels.

The servant immediately bows down and thanks the Lord God of his master Abraham who has led me on this journey to my master’s relatives. At the mention of Abraham’s name, Rebekah  runs to tell her mother’s household about these things. They knew of their relative Abraham and probably of his wealth and success.

Another character is introduced that we will get to know better in the story of Jacob- he is Laban, brother of Rebekah.   But in our first meeting we see what is of great interest to Laban. “ As soon as he had seen the nose ring and the bracelets on his sister’s arms, and heard her tell what the man had said he hurried out to meet him.”  The riches attracted Laban.

The story continues as the servant is taken into the home, camels unloaded and provisions made and food set before the servant and his men. But the servant wants to tell them why he has come even before they eat.

Expectation led to preparation followed by confirmation which then  leads to  the all important  presentation.

In verses 34-49, the servant presents the story in full before Rebekah and her family concluding with praise to God for directing him to the granddaughter of Abraham’s brother as a potential bride for his son.  And now his one question is:  will you let me know your answer so I may know which way to go.

In verse 50- Laban and Bethuel answer ‘ this is from the Lord- here is Rebekah take her and go and let her become the wife of your master’s son as the Lord has directed.

Then Abraham’s servant brings out costly gifts for Rebekah and her family.

The next morning the servant and his entourage are ready to start back. Rebekah’s family do not want her to leave so soon and want them to stay another 10 days.

The servant insists they leave immediately.

The final decision is up to Rebekah.

Here comes the invitation – which is the conclusion to the preceding steps of : expectation, preparation, confirmation, and presentation.

The invitation : Will you go with this man?  The answer:  I will go.

Then the journey back to the bridegroom begins. The servant is there to guard, guide and answer what we imagine had to be a lot of questions about  Isaac by Rebekah.

Finally they arrive. Then it is the traditional – boy meets girl story. And it appears to be love at first sight. Isaac brings her into the tent of  his mother Sarah and they get married and we are told Isaac loved her and was comforted after his mother’s death.

A beautiful, historic account of the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah.

So now let us look at the other all-important dimensions of this story:

  • A picture of God the Father sending the Holy Spirit into the world to acquire a bride, the Church, for God the Son.

Abraham is a picture of God the Father, Isaac a picture and type of Christ , the unnamed servant- a type of the Holy Spirit and of course, Rebekah- a picture of the Church made up of individual believers who have said I will go with this man.

It is interesting to note we have not heard from or seen in the story of Genesis, the son, Isaac since Mount Moriah. In other words, we have not seen Isaac since the place of sacrifice. Just as we have not seen the Lord Jesus since Calvary. He is heaven, eagerly awaiting His bride to come to Him.

Also we note the initiative to acquire a bride for the son begins with the father, Abraham. It is God the Father who sends the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to begin the task of acquiring a bride.

The servant is unnamed. Frequently in the Bible an unnamed man is used as a type of the Holy Spirit, whose delight is to draw attention to the Son rather than to Himself.  In God’s purposes the execution of the divine will in the world is entrusted to the Spirit. It was He who came at Pentecost to begin the work of seeking out for Christ- His blood-bought bride, the church.

In this story in Genesis 24, the servant always acted in accordance with the will of Abraham and with Isaac’s best interest in mind.

The Holy Spirit’s role is to make much of the Son and to tell of the Father and His wondrous ways- just as the servant told of his master, Abraham’s greatness and his son who was heir to it all. We also note the courtesy of the servant and that he does not violate the will of  Rebekah just as the Holy Spirit never forces or violates the human will.

In those days it was the custom for the bridegroom to pay a price for the bride. The ten camels the servant brought represented part of the bride price. In the case of the Lord Jesus and the church- he paid the ultimate price  and gave Himself for us with His shed blood described as more precious than silver or gold.

Once the decision is made to go with this man- there must be no delay. Jesus told the parables of the excuses made by those invited to the wedding feast- one had bought oxen and had to go try them out, another said he had just bought a field and another said he just got married. The flesh will always try to impede one from following the Lord- that is why obedience must be immediate.

Now as the journey back to Isaac, the anxiously awaiting bridegroom, begins, we are reminded of who the Holy Spirit is.  Like the servant, the Holy Spirit is the One who comes along side ( paraclete) who teaches us, guides us, and guards us. He also tells us everything about our bridegroom who awaits us. Can you imagine all the questions Rebekah had as they traveled back to the home of Isaac?  How old is he? What does he look like? Is he handsome? What colors are his eyes? What does he like to do? Does he work with his Father? Question after question- which the servant was only to glad to tell her about His Master’s son.

Then finally they were there- and she saw him for the first time – and she put on a veil. Probably a gift given to her by  her husband to be.  Similarly we are clothed in His righteousness.  I believe it was not only  love at first sight for Isaac and Rebekah- I believe Rebekah  was falling love with Isaac before she laid eyes on him because of what all the servant had told her about Isaac on the journey to his home. At last they meet and oh what a moment!  Can you imagine what it will be like when we meet Him in the air?!

And finally, let’s look at the other spiritual dimension of this story which is two-fold. For clearly we are the bride of Christ, as believers we were wooed and told about the Son of the Master by the Holy Spirit.. God the Father initiated it and  He did so with expectations, for He is not willing that any should perish but all come to repentance.

The Holy Spirit came to do the will of the Father to invite us to become the bride of the Master’s Son who is heir to all things. Notice He invites- He does not force or violate our free will. Will you go with this man, He asks? He came bearing gifts and to all those who accepted –who believed and received He gave the right to become the children of God and as such joint heirs with Jesus His Son. ( In essence we not only married into the family, God went the extra step to legally make us His children by adoption- thus becoming legal heirs.)

Thus after acceptance and professing we will go with this man- we are officially engaged or betrothed. We then begin the journey through the wilderness to the place where our bride groom awaits having prepared a place for us.

The journey back is difficult at times and that is the reason the Holy Spirit is called the paraclete – which means to come along side to make sure our safe arrival. Listen to the words of our anxiously Awaiting Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus: “ And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever, the Spirit of  Truth. He will teach you all things. He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what He hears and He will tell you what is yet to come.” ( John 14 & 16)

But there is even yet more to be gleaned from this story. For we are not only to see ourselves as the bride of Christ- but as the servant of the Father.

God has given us the responsibility and privilege of being His servants to call His Bride out of the world.  In other words personal evangelism.

Remember- the Lord Jesus left the earth to go back home to heaven after a 3 ½ year ministry leaving the 11 men He had called, taught and trained to carry on the work. Of course He did not leave them powerless He gave them the Holy Spirit to indwell and empower each one to do the work of the ministry. His last words- ‘but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth”

You see this remarkable story illustrates these truths. Abraham told the servant you cannot take my son back there. The Lord Jesus is in His Glory in heaven- He is not coming back physically and visibly to win the church. When He comes again He will come first to meet us ( His Bride in the air- the rapture) a picture of Isaac awaiting outside his home in the field.  When He comes to earth again it will be at the end of the tribulation to set up His earthly kingdom. But God will not send His Son back again physically to earth – instead it is His plan to send the Spirit to reside in our hearts and give us the desire to seek and save the lost and tell them of the wondrous ways of the Master.

In this story we see and observe how we are to do it:

First we must go forward with confident expectations. Abraham sent forth his servant but because of  his faith in God’s promises, he sent forth his servant expecting him to succeed. He told the servant the Lord will send an angel before you.  In other words, the servant was not alone in his efforts- God Almighty was going to help. Our expectation should be if God is for us- who or what can be against us? (Phil>1:6) (Phil.2;13)  ( I Thess. 5:24)

Second the servant prepared. He made sure he was equipped. We are to study to show ourselves approved rightly dividing the word of God. All Scripture is God-given and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness that the man of God maybe thoroughly equipped for every good work. Be Prepared- to make your presentation.

Confirmation. We noted the servant prayed a specific prayer for confirmation- a validation giving us confidence we are making the right choice.  Two passages come to mind- first of all the attitude of the servant is all about doing the will of his master. “This is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears our requests and grants our petition.” ( I John 5:14,15)  Also – “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding and He will direct your path.” ( Proverbs 3) If you pray for the Lord to bring into your path those to whom He would have you witness- you can be confident He will do so- be sure you are prepared and ready to obey.

Presentation- now having gone forth with a spirit of expectation based on the Father’s will; prepared and equipped to make our presentation; receiving confirmation that our steps are directed by the Lord; we make our case. Just as the servant did before Rebekah.

Then comes the invitation- Will you go with this man?

Can you now see the servant with the task accomplished reporting back to Abraham?  What do you think Abraham might have said and done?

Well done thy good and faithful servant. I will put you in charge of many things. Come in and share your master’s happiness.

What a remarkable story- only God’s word can provide such rich context that we can not only enjoy and learn from the actual historic account- but is written in such a way we can see ourselves as the bride and the servant also.

No wonder the Apostle Paul when he took up his pen to write those wonderful letters said this of the Old Testament:  “ For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.: ( Romans 15: 4)

Genesis 18-20

Genesis 18

“ Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

The story of the Good Samaritan. ( Luke 10)

This is a remarkable story about our Remarkable God. It tells of a visit by the Lord soon after the covenant has been confirmed, the circumcisions have taken place and Abraham has God’s sure word that he and Sarah will have a child.

The first verse of this chapter permits us the readers to know this is the Lord appearing in human form and as we will see later He is accompanied by two angels in disguise also.

18:1- “ The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he(Abraham) was sitting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day.”  Noon in this part of the country means temperatures over 100 degrees. I do not believe Abraham recognizes him yet as the Lord.

Let’s consider some other scriptures before we get into this story fully.

Hebrews 13: 2-“ Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.”

Matthew 18: 20- “ For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”

Matthew 25: 35- “ For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…”

Revelation 3:20: “ Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with Me.”

There is a parable by theologian, Soren  Kierkegaard, entitled –“ The King and the Maiden.”

Let me paraphrase it so you get the meaning:  A powerful king fell in love with a simple maiden. If he declared his love for her as king and brought her to his palace and crowned her with jewels and royal robes – she first of all would not be able to resist the king’s orders to be his wife. And certainly she would be impressed with his wealth and power and grandeur. But- would she love him for who he really was? So he devised a plan that instead of riding to her forest cottage in his royal carriage with an armed escort and royal banners flying- he would disguise himself as a beggar and went alone into the woods to knock on her door and win her heart.

In a movie called Sweet Home Alabama we see a similar story line. A young couple who wed in their teens separate and she goes to NYC to become a famous designer and fall in love with a wealthy, handsome young man. He proposes to her and she accepts his proposal- but knows she must first divorce her first husband, her high school boyfriend. Who was in her opinion a good ole boy- but a ne’er do well. What she did not know, is he also had become successful and wealthy. But he did not reveal that to her- for he wanted her to love him- not his wealth.

Is this not what the Lord Jesus did?  Is this not the greatest love story ever told?  He could have come in all His glory from  heaven with a host of angels in fiery chariots- who would not have bowed down to Him. But He wanted us to love Him because He first loved us- not because of what He could do for us.

God does not want us to seek Him for the rewards He can give us- He wants us to seek Him because He first loved us. Remember the miracle of the five loaves of bread and the two fish the young boy had that Jesus used to feed the thousands. The crowd came looking for Jesus the next day and asked Him- ‘what miraculous sign will you give that we may see it and believe you?’ In fact at the outset of His ministry we are told –“ Now while at Jerusalem at the Passover, many people saw the miraculous signs He was doing and believed in His name. But Jesus would not entrust Himself to them for he knew what was in the hearts of men.” ( John 2)

So He came in disguise the first time- disguised  in human flesh- a baby born in a stable, his earthly parents were nobodies. So as a young boy, God in the flesh, grew up in the house of a poor but honest carpenter where He spent his first 30 years.

Jeremiah 24:7 reveals His plan:  “ I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people and I will be their God ( their King) for they will return to me with all their hearts.”

Now keep in mind as we continue this story that Abraham does not know this is the Lord  initially. Abraham is a man who has undergone the circumcision of the flesh- but has his heart of hearts been circumcised?  You see- it is obvious from the Scriptures I quoted earlier- we do not always recognize the Lord when He appears in our midst- in our daily walk, in our circumstances both good and not so good/

You do realize don’t you- that every thing that comes into your life as His child, He has permitted. There is nothing you can do apart from Him- if you think you can- then go get your own dirt!

Have we passed Him by as the priest and the Levite did in the story of the Good Samaritan. Did we step over his body as he lay in the gutter?  Did we refuse to give him food or water or take him in?

The Lord will test us- as He tests Abraham in a test as simple as how we treat strangers or those different from us.

Let’s continue with the story to see how Abraham did on this test. Let’s put ourselves in his place- it is the middle of the day- it is 100 degrees. Abraham is nearly 100 years old. He has a lot of servants who can take care of these inconvenient visitors. Watch how Abraham, a man like us, responds.

Verse 2&3:  “Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of the tent to meet them and bow low to the ground. He (Abraham) said, ‘ if I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by.”  There is no indication from this greeting that Abraham recognizes the Lord. In the NIV, the word lord is not capitalized for it is simply the common language of courtesy in Abraham’s day and time. Abraham is being a courteous, thoughtful host in welcoming these strangers.

From these verses I conclude the Lord may test us in the ordinary day-to-day activities and circumstances. Are we ready to take the time to meet the needs of a neighbor, a stranger in need, or do we sometimes choose not to answer the phone when we recognize the name on caller ID and don’t want to miss the end of our television show?

Yet Paul encourages us to ‘ present our bodies a living sacrifice.’ He didn’t say present your bodies as living sacrifices when it was convenient or when we felt like it or were not too busy.  Did you notice that Abraham, who was probably one of the richest and most powerful men in the area- addressed the stranger as lord and referred to himself as ‘ your servant’.  What an attitude – what humility. Think of the Lord Jesus washing the dirty feet of  His disciples.

Let’s see how Abraham does on his test. So far so good- he hurried to greet the visitors. Now Abraham has many servants upon which he can call to tend to these visitors- but notice he does this himself.

He hurries- obedience in doing the will of God is to be done promptly- not reluctantly or partially.

He hurries into tell Sarah to prepare three measure of fine flour and bake some bread.

Then Abraham ran to the herd to select a choice, tender calf. ( You might say this is the first Outback Steak House). He gives to a servant who has instructions to hurry and prepare it.

Abraham then prepares some refreshments of curds and milk ( appetizers) while the steak is being prepared and bread is being baked…you can almost smell this sweet aroma can’t you? That is what our service to the Lord is- it is a form of worship that comes up to Him as a sweet smelling aroma.   Remember this is the Lord incarnate and two angels in disguise- but Abraham does not yet recognize them. To them they are three strangers he has made welcome in his home

Jesus said I was a stranger and you invited me in ..( Matthew 25)  I wonder was the Lord thinking of that hot day in Mamre when Abraham who was 100 years old invited Him in and fed him a delicious meal.

In fact Jesus tells us whatever you did to the least of these brothers of mine- you did for me.

This is a practical outworking of our faith. These are the good works that God has prepared for us to walk in. In doing so we are doing what He would have us to do- minster to others.

You see the test here?  If the Lord appeared as the Lord of Glory in brilliant light- He would get our complete attention wouldn’t He? Abraham does not know who he is dealing with. As far as Abraham is concerned this could be three nomads who have no money or influence he will never see again. But Abraham treats them royally. He treats them as if they were the Lord.

Is this not Christianity in its simplest form? James says: “ Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.? ( James 1:27)

When Jesus Christ came into our lives, He did not come into our lives to just give us good times and blessings- He came to fulfill His most heart-felt desire to seek and save the lost. We, the believers, are His body and He wants to minister through us.

How ?Feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty. That is both physically and spiritually. There are people in our lives who we come in contact with who hunger and thirst for righteousness- while we talk about the weather, sports, and politics. Invite the stranger in- reach out to the lonely. Clothe those who need clothes- both physically but also to show them how to be clothed in righteousness.  Visit the sick; both the physically sick and sin-sick. And visit those in prison- like Jay and Linda Benthal do- but also visit those held captive by their sins.

What motivated Abraham to do what he did? Abraham had a truly circumcised heart. He is not doing this to impress anyone or receive credit or recognition.

Abraham did this because he had a heart for God. A heart that was really in New Testament language- Christ’s heart. Let this mind be in you that is in Christ Jesus.

This simple test revealed his heart motives. For man looks on the outside- but the Lord looks in our heart.  Your reputation is what you do when everyone is looking, while your character is what you do when no one sees.

We see Abraham running to serve. What do you do when the tests of the heart come in the everyday events of life- where we come across so many opportunities to do good- to help and thus minister the life of Christ? Do you run to serve or do you run and hide?

After all it was the priest who went over to the other side of the road away from the victim in the story of the Good Samaritan- it was the Levite, a religious man who passed by on the other side.

Notice while the Lord and the two angels in disguise enjoy this fresh, tender steak, curds, milk and homemade fresh bread, Abraham stands nearby ready to serve.

Verse 9 is a turning point in our story today. “ Where is your wife Sarah?” Her name has not been mentioned in the narrative- especially her new name Sarah, which she had just received.   Abraham replies : ‘ there in the tent.”

What follows next leads us to believe Sarah had problems believing she would bear a child by Abraham due to their age in spite of what Abraham had told her God had promised. She was weak in her faith. But faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Hebrews 11:11 records this moment in history for us: “ Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive  seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.”

This verse is about this very occurrence in Genesis 18.

Abraham knew at the moment the Lord referred to Sarah who he was talking to. The Lord tells Abraham : “ I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.”

Sarah overhears, as the Lord intended her to overhear and laughs within herself and thought – ‘ after I am worn out and my master is old will now have this pleasure?’ She laughed a cynical laugh to herself and thought  this is impossible.

Reading her thoughts..the Lord surprises Sarah by asking why she laughed and said will I have a child now that I am old?

Here is one of the greatest statements in the bible: ‘ IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD!?’

I believe it was at that moment Sarah judged Him faithful who promised. And through faith – that comes from hearing the word of the Lord she received strength to conceive.

Do you see what happens when we serve the Lord in the ordinary, circumstances of everyday life?  People get saved- people’s lives get changed.

Let me ask you the same question the Lord posed to Sarah: Is anything too hard for the Lord?  Now let me give you the answer Jesus gave in Matthew 19- Nothing is impossible for the Lord.  The one who created the laws of nature and enacted the laws of nature can change laws of nature if He wills.

He is Almighty God who created everything- including the laws of nature which He established and enacted but can also change.

What is amazing is  God has not called upon us to do anything He did not do. We are told to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus. ( Phil 2)

We serve Servant King who puts His subjects before His very own self.

Genesis 19- The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

This is a sad story in this chapter- made even sadder when you realize how much like Sodom and Gomorrah we have become in the United States and indeed in the world.

Twice in Genesis, God has revealed to us there is a ‘ tipping point’ with Him. A critical point in an evolving situation that leads to inevitable judgment by God. We saw it in the flood, when only 8 souls were left who acknowledged God and now in this account of Sodom and Gomorrah.

God does not change- given the same set of circumstances, God acts in the same way He did before. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and escape of Lot in the nick of time illustrate the doom of the world and the escape of the church. God sets a limit to wickedness then there is the tipping point. It is unsuspected by the majority of the world. But as Christians we should recognize the signs.

Let’s look at some other verses that are relevant to this account:

Luke 17: 32,33:  the Lord Jesus speaking  “ remember Lot’s wife. Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it and whoever loses his life will preserve it.”

II Peter 2:6  “ ..He condemned  Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly.”

II Peter 2: 7&8:  “ And if He rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed (vexed) by the filthy lives of lawless men ( for that  righteous man) living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard..”

I Cor. 3: 13-15:  It (our works) will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he had built survives, he will be receive his reward. If it is burned up, he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through fire.”

Romans 1: 16-32:

Notice the truth is suppressed by wickedness – unrighteousness.

God has revealed Himself through the witness of creation. His invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature being CLEARLY SEEN, being UNDERSTOOD from what has been made, so that men are WITHOUT EXCUSE. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God or gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

The witness of creation described here and in Psalms 19 and  the witness of conscience discussed in Romans 2 tell us everyone knows there is a God. They have a two fold witness- creation which declares His Glory (an external witness) and the conscience which bears witness to right and wrong.(an internal witness)- for the law has been written in their hearts.

Here is what we see over and over: degenerate, sinful and lawless behavior begins with  a rejection of God as Creator and Sovereign.  You may think evolution and science are intelligent approaches- but if they deny God as Creator and Sovereign it will lead to a depraved society.

Jesus said this is the verdict- light has come into the world but men preferred darkness. In other words they suppress the truth in wickedness- in sin.

Paul goes on to tell us in Romans 1- that for these reasons- God gives them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They have exchanged the truth for a lie and worshipped and served created things (creation) rather than the Creator who is forever praised. Amen. A tipping point has been reached… when you look at America as a Christian with the truth of the Scripture what do you think God is thinking?  Should we not take to the streets as Jonah did and say judgment is coming?  Should we not imitate John the Baptist and tell people to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand?  What was the text of Jesus’ first sermon? “From that time on, Jesus began to preach :Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand?

As we study this story- look at in the context of today and  based on the fact of an unchanging God who responds the same way when a tipping point is reached tell me where you think we are headed.

In regard to God’s world and environment, we should take care of God’s creation- being good stewards. However- when a society has been given over in their sinful desires- they get out of balance- more concerned about the environment’s purity while sin is rotting our society- more concerned for the life of animals and their young, to the point of making it against the law to destroy the egg of a bald eagle, while destroying the unborn baby ( a human life) in the womb is a constitutional right rather than a crime.

Paul goes on to describe the result of their shameful lusts: men and women abandoning the natural relations to commit indecent acts with one another. These acts of homosexuality  are called by God- sinful, perversion, wickedness, evil, and depraved. These words are considered ‘ hate crimes’ and are punishable under the laws of many nations. Can you imagine- the world is accusing God who is Love of committing crimes of hate by telling us the truth.

But listen to the outcome of this unchecked and accepted behavior:  : “Although they knew God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do those very things but also approve of those who practice them” Romans 1:32.  A description of  an out-of-control society. It was true in Paul’s day in the Roman Empire, it was true in Noah’s day and it was true in Lot’s day.  And sadly it is true in our country today where homosexuals take to the streets in parades in celebration of Gay Pride week.  They have no shame- they are proud of their sin. Now you may be thinking – but those people were born that way. We all were born with sinful natures- with proclivities for certain sins- strong urges- but that does not make them right.

Here we read of the extreme of sin- when a society applauds sin rather than regrets sin or judges sin.  They call darkness – light and light – darkness. A society that tolerates and recognizes this type of behavior as acceptable and admirable is a society – according to God’s Word, that  is a totally abandoned society. If it will not take action- God will.

The men of Sodom and Gomorrah marched in the streets and demanded the right to practice their sin and for their lifestyle to be recognized as an accepted and appreciated life style. Certainly not to be criticized or told their acts were criminal.  No- we demand the right to live and behave the way we want to- the original Sodomites claimed.  Gay pride marches are as old as Sodom and Gomorrah.

What we have seen in the last few decades is a successful campaign for homosexuality to be not only accepted in our society but applauded.   Jesus said ‘ as it was in the days of Sodom-so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.

Let’s review what we know about nephew Lot.  He was taken into the home of Abraham and Sarah after his father died and treated like a son.  He left Haran with Abraham to go to Canaan. He went with Abraham down into Egypt, where both became even wealthier.

Then problems arose with arguments between Lot’s herdsmen and Abraham’s herdsmen. Abraham, as you recall , let Lot choose where he would go with his flocks. We read that Lot looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and noticed these things about the area- it was well watered like the garden of the Lord; and it was like the land of Egypt. In other words Lot saw an opportunity to increase his wealth because of the business opportunities. We are told –“ Lot chose for himself.”

There is an important principle for believers:  it is stated clearly in Matthew 6:33: “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you also.”  Did Lot seek first the kingdom of God?  No- he sought first what would make him the most money. There was no mention of prayer, an altar or seeking the advice of his more spiritually mature Uncle Abraham.

The  Bible tells us though that Lot was a righteous man. The verses II Peter describes Lot as righteous. But we will see as the story unfolds- he was also carnal. And because he was carnal, the verses in II Peter tells us his life was one of distress, he was vexed and tormented. So it is always with the carnal Christian. And Lot is , if nothing else, the Poster Boy for carnality.

We are told Lot first pitched his tent toward Sodom and Gomorrah. Next we read when Lot was captured in battle of the kings he had already moved into Sodom and Gomorrah. And in chapter 19, we read Lot has a house and is a member of the city council in Sodom and Gomorrah. Sounds like a success story, right? Wrong- he lived a life of distress and torment. The only kind of life a carnal believer can live- as they try to serve two masters. Compromising principles and rationalizing their life until their words pertaining to God’s judgment and righteousness are a joke.

19:1 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city.  ( This denotes in that time and culture, Lot holds a position of authority in the city- like an alderman or city council member. This position tells us Lot  has learned to go along in order to get along. He obviously knows the lifestyle is wrong- but has rationalized  he is not going  against the status quo in order to be accepted and thus successful. He has not committed these sins, but has by his actions and silence condoned them.)  When Lot saw the two men, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground.

Vs.2 :  “My lords, he said , please turn aside to your servant’s house.You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning. No they answered, we will spend the night in the square.” ( Interesting-these two angels who readily accepted the similar invitation of Abraham- at first reject Lot’s invitation.)

Vs. 3:  Lot may have had enough spiritual insight to recognize these were not ordinary men. He insists strongly , urges them to go with him and they enter into his house. Lot knew what took place at night in the Sodom in the streets and that it was not safe.

Vs. 4 &5:  before they go to bed, all the men from every part of Sodom- both young and old- surrounded the house . They called to Lot’ “ Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” ( KJV uses the phrase know them- the same words used when Adam knew his wife, referring to having sexual intercourse with  her.)  See the demands of the people in a society out of control – they want their own way. Lot was a representative of the local government- so in some ways they were demanding their representative of their government give into their demands.  You might think of them as lobbyists – lobbying their representative to give them what they wanted.

Vs. 6-8:  Lot confronts the mob and addresses them:  No my friend don’t do this wicked thing. In KJV, Lot addresses them as ‘ brothers.’. But he only inflames them more when he calls their proposed actions- wicked.  I confess I do not understand why Lot would offer his two daughters to this crowd except that in his panic to do the right thing- he, as a carnal, double-minded man is not thinking clearly. Needless to say it did not satisfy the appetites of these Sodomites.

Vs.9:  Lot learns a truth- although he has lived there for years and achieved a position of leadership- he is still considered an outsider. So it will always be with the carnal Christian- out of fellowship with the Lord but never really accepted by the world. Truly wandering in the wilderness-

Vs 10-11 :  These two angels recue Lot  and struck the mob with blindness. Take note of how judgment always works:  first they are warned, often repeatedly ; they harden their hearts and suppress the truth in unrighteousness; then a tipping point is reached and they are blinded and come to believe a lie. Can you see how so many of our population in this country have come to believe the lies of the enemy ? Abortion is a constitutional right, homosexuality is an accepted alternative lifestyle to be not only tolerated, but appreciated and taught to our children and grandchildren as normal. To call it sinful, indecent, wicked, perverted and depraved behavior will not be tolerated.  We have become a nation that more closely resembles Sodom and Gomorrah and Christians who seem to have taken Lot as a role model rather than the One who died for our sins.

As a result of the life Lot has lived- of the danger of compromise- Lot’s  witness is a joke. Told of the impending destruction by the angels, Lot rushes into the streets to tell his two son-in-laws- who laugh at him and mock him. As it was in the days of Sodom so will it be at the coming of the Son of God.

Finally the two angels urged Lot , his wife and two daughter to flee or be swept up in the destruction to come.

They are so hesitant, the angels actually grab hold of them and lead them safely out of the city. ( vs. 16)

Next the angels warn Lot and family:  flee to the mountains- don’t look back or you will be consumed.  Do you see that Lot was saved as one through flames. He lost everything, although he, himself was saved as one scorched by fire.

The danger of becoming a carnal Christian is revealed here in Lot’s attitude and thinking:

He was reluctant to leave Sodom and now is ready to stop and once again choose for himself. He did not want to go to the mountains- he wanted to go to a city. God intervenes to save Lot from the total destruction- but once Lot is out of harm’s way, he wants to return to living life the way he wants to live it.

The angels agree to allow Lot and his family to travel to Zoar, a small town in the area. As the sun comes up, the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah from the Lord out of the heavens.  Note: where God’s wrath against unrighteousness is revealed- from the heavens against all godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.

Remember Lot’s wife, the Lord said… and we see why He told us to remember her:  She looked back perhaps for one more glance at the house that she had lovingly decorated with great care- but she had been warned and she was turned into a pillar of salt.

In his book of Antiquities, Josephus wrote some 2000 years ago, that this pillar of salt remained in his day and he had seen it.

There is a brief interlude in this story as verse 27 tells us early the next morning Abraham go up and returned to the place where he had stood with Lord  to look toward Sodom and Gomorrah and see the smoke rising from the cities like a furnace.

But God remembered Abraham and saved Lot and his family.    Lot had lost everything- Abraham had not even lost a night’s sleep. What a contrast between two believers.

The last verses of this story- do not get any better for Lot and his two daughters. It is hard to understand how they could have fallen into such a condition- but clearly Lot was a man no longer of making good decisions. His daughters’ behavior – the incest that followed – I cannot fully comprehend or explain.

Evidently his daughters had observed and absorbed how their father compromised and chose for himself the way to live his life. Children do not just listen to what parents say- they watch how they behave, how they live and how they make decisions.  Lot chose for himself- we never do read of Lot building an altar and calling on the Lord. In fact when instructed by angels where to go and what to do and not do- Lot chose for himself…and sadly so did his daughters.

Genesis 20:  The Old Nature

The incident recorded in this chapter regarding Abraham’s action is somewhat of a shock. Here is Abraham doing the same thing he did 30 years ago. We would have thought Abraham had reached a point of spiritual maturity that he would not commit such a sin as he had done before. In other words we thought he had learned his lesson.

But the truth of the matter is when it comes to our ‘old natures’- old natures never die. Have you not noticed in your own life there is a familiar pattern to temptation and sin? I have no doubt that Abraham loves the Lord and wants more than anything to do what is right.   Just like the Apostle Paul who loved the Lord and yet confessed- ‘ I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do- I do not do; but what I hate – I do.’(Romans 7) The Apostle Paul goes on to explain something we need to remember- I know nothing good lives in me, that is in my sinful nature- his old nature. Paul describes how he feels when he gives into his old nature’s demands – wretched.

It is a constant battle in the Christian life- this internal battle between our new nature and the old nature. Let’s notice and learn from this relapse in Abraham’s life how to better guard against such occurrences.

Notice first when this ‘relapse’ occurs. Abraham, after 30 years of walking with the Lord, finds himself in a place of favor with God. He is a friend of God. That have enjoyed great fellowship- his prayer life has become effective and fervent, God is now at the point of fulfilling His promise to Abraham and Sarah to have the promised son of their own. God has chosen to share His secrets with Abraham.  You might be thinking- if I were experiencing this kind of closeness with God- there is no way I would commit such a sin, especially since I had done this before and reaped the disappointment and sorrow that came as a result of such behavior.

That type of thinking is the first warning sign—for if you think you are standing firm- be careful that you do not fall. Pride goes before a fall.

Genesis 20:1 – We see Abraham traveling toward Egypt- stopping in an area known as Gerar. This is sea coast country on the southwest side of Palestine above the Gulf of Suez. The people who lived there were later known as Philistines- the same people from which Goliath came. The king of this group of people is King Abimelech.  Why is Abraham on the move?  We are not told and can only speculate- but perhaps the destruction of the Sodom and Gomorrah had created some type of financial and economic crisis- those cities were definitely cities with consumer demands which Abraham had probably been providing some of.

Vs. 2:  Regardless of the reason for his travels, we see Abraham resort to a pattern of lying as he did 30 years before- when he feared for his life. This was a deception that Abraham and Sarah had deployed in Egypt ( see Gen. 12) with disastrous results and now he has resorted to using this lie once again. We often find ourselves drifting into the old patterns of sin- that had made deep ruts of habit in our old lives. Once we enter into the rut- we usually fall into the old behavior patterns. It seems we have vulnerable areas in our spiritual armor. This deception will put Sarah in harm’s way.

Abraham has drifted into enemy territory. We must remember that good and evil travel on a parallel path. Whenever we want to do good-evil is always present. We can easily get off the way God intended for us to take, quite often by taking what seems to be a better direction- a short cut. By doing so we may drift into enemy territory. It can be any number of shortcuts that seem perfectly reasonable- for there is a way that seems right to man- but it ends in destruction. Caution – you are entering dangerous territory.

Abraham had placed himself in a position to be tempted. Listen to what James says: “When tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone; but each one  is tempted when by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed..Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full grown give birth to death.”  (James 1: 14-15)   Remember this:  God tests- Satan tempts.

Our old nature or flesh has a heart that is always bent on doing what it wants to do- it is deceitful above all things. That is why we must guard our hearts with all diligence for out it come the issues of life. We must be diligent and on guard- for our adversary goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy. Watch and pray, said the Lord, lest you fall into temptation.  Your old nature will steer you wrong. Your mind is a steering wheel,and where you aim your thoughts is where you usually end up.  That is why we are instructed to not let our thinking be conformed by the world- but transformed by the Word of God.

Remember the rules of war – whoever controls the high ground- controls the battle. Our high ground is our mind.

If we are not careful, we find ourselves in the same situation Abraham found himself. Having reached a point in our spiritual journey- we think we are way past giving into such obvious temptation and sin. The lesson today- is simple- if it can happen to Abraham a friend of God, a man whose faith is spoken of in the Faith Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11, a man that God chose , befriended and shared His secrets with- it can happen to you and me. Then all of a sudden- we find ourselves doing what we thought we would never do again and shocked with our lapse and behavior we say to ourselves, ‘ what was I thinking?’  The problem is we were not thinking- we were not on guard. Thinking we were standing firm- we were headed for a fall. And quite often it can come after a spiritual high point.

In fact, the last time we saw Abraham with the Lord they were together on a high point overlooking the valley of the Dead Sea and the cities, Sodom and Gomorrah on the plain.

This is not all that is going on in this  passage. Things are not what they seem. We are in a spiritual battle and we must remember that. The enemy is at work here trying to prevent the birth of the promised seed to Sarah and Abraham. But God acted in the way He did, as we will see as the story unfolds, in order to protect Sarah.

When Abraham lied and told the king Sarah was his sister, the king took Sarah into his harem.

In verse 3- God appears to Abimelech in a dream- and tells him he is a dead man because the woman he has taken (Sarah) is a married woman.

In verses 4-5 : Abimelech who has not gone near Sarah yet, protests to the Lord that he is innocent and would the Lord destroy an innocent nation?  Abimelech tells the Lord, Abraham told me she was his sister.  I have a clear conscience and clean hands.

In verse 6– God says I know you have a clear conscience – for I have kept you from sinning against me.  NOTE: God restrains evil. He, through His Holy Spirit, restrains evil and is at work in the world restraining human evil. But there is a day coming when the One who restrains evil will be taken out of the way. ( II Thess. 2:7)   That is why, God explains, I have kept you from sinning against me and did not let you touch her. But, God says, if you do not return the man’s wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her- you may be sure that you and all of yours will die.  God does not make idle threats. We will never know this side of heaven how many times God has intervened on our behalf to restrain evil.

Verses 8-10:  Abimelech calls in Abraham the next morning and asked him; What have you done to us? How have I wronged you that you would have brought such great guilt upon me and my kingdom? You have done things to me that should not be done. What were you thinking? ( what were your reasons?)

Verses 11-13:  we get an insight into Abraham’s thinking:  I said to myself (not  to the Lord) there is no fear of  God in this place-they will kill me because of my wife…Here what we see is this man of faith has an area where he leans to his own understanding and does not trust the Lord with all his heart. It is an area of weakness- an area of vulnerability . We all have one of those areas, you know.  An area we cannot seem to trust the Lord in. For Abraham this has been a habit and an action that he has taken in certain situations. Notice :  first of all the half-truth that she is his half-sister. Abraham had convinced himself this deception was not really a complete lie- but what Abraham must realize is- he has not trusted the Lord to keep His promises in the area of protecting Sarah and him. . Verse 13 reveals this has long been the deception that Abraham and Sarah had used when in areas of danger.

This chapter ends with King Abimlech looking the more noble and honest of the two.

Notice the sarcasm in verse 16  where he says to Sarah – I am giving your BROTHER a thousand shekels.

Abraham, the prophet, prays for God to heal Abimlech and his household and so ends a chapter in the life of the man of faith- Abraham.

The story of Abraham is a story of faith. Of a man like us- with fears and doubts who is learning to walk by faith and trust the Lord. Like us- sometimes he gets it right and sometimes he gets it wrong.

Was God pleased with Abraham’s actions? No. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Let’s close today’s lesson by considering what we have learned about faith and what we know about faith.

Faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 “ Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

Faith is being sure of something and certain of something- but what is the ‘something’? What is the object of their faith?

When we read Hebrews 11- we see the faith of men and women spoken of in this chapter is in the ‘ promises of God.” Remember the story in Luke 8- storm on the sea and Jesus asleep in the stern of the boat?  He had one question to the disciples after He stilled the storm- where is your faith? Jesus was asking what is your confidence in?

Faith is confidence in the promises of God; confidence that God will do what He has promised. ( I John 5:14- “ This is the confidence we have IN HIM..”)

To live by faith is to live as if we believe,(trust in- have confidence) that God will keep His Promises. Do you not believe the Lord is a Promise Keeper?

The starting point is found in Hebrews 11: 6: “ Without faith it is impossible to please God and those who come to Him must believe that He is and a rewarder of those  who diligently seek Him.”

Do you see the starting point of faith?  It is believing that God is who He says He is and the ending point is believing He can do what He says He will do. In between those two points- starting and ending points we are instructed to diligently seek Him.

So you know what we should be doing? Diligently Seeking Him!!  Becoming so familiar with God’s promises to us, as believers, that we can review those promises on a daily basis and renew our faith.

“ For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”

Genesis 12-14

Genesis 12- The Story of Abraham

The descendants of Shem are noted beginning in Genesis 11:11 and we take note as God would have us take note with the birth of a man named Terah. We see the mention of three sons born to Terah- Abram, Nahor & Haran.  Abram’s two brothers’ children and grandchildren will play important roles in the life of Abram and the nation of Israel.

Nahor would become the grandfather of Rebekah and Laban, two people who will play a significant role in the history of Abraham and his son Isaac. Laban will have two daughters- Rachel and Leah who will figure in the history of Jacob and the future of Israel.

Haran- Abram’s other brother would die before his father, Terah, and Abram became the guardian of his nephew Lot.

How important is the story of Abraham?  God would devote 25% of the book of Genesis to Abraham’s story and journey of faith. Abraham would become a revered man by the three major religions of the world:  Judaism, Muslim & Christianity.

What we will also see reflected in this story of Abraham’s journey of faith is our own journey of faith.

The journey of faith begins, as it did with Abraham with a call from God- a call of separation. Separation is necessary for preparation. ( my own life- when I got saved- called by God – I quit the job I was currently in to take a job with my in-laws. I would stay there for 3 years- a time of preparation.)

Second we see in the story of Abraham a call to a mission. The mission God calls us to does not come with a detailed map- God teaches us to follow Him. This will be to the good works He has ordained ( and equipped) us to walk in.

We see in the life of Abraham, as in our own lives, Abraham  sometimes stumbles and  gets off the path God would have him to walk in. But praise be to God, although we stumble we will not be utterly cast down for He holds us with His right hand. One can no more learn to walk by faith without falls, that a child can learn to walk with out falling.

God also called Abraham to a covenant without compromise. Obey and we will blessed- disobey and there will be consequences. The law and principle of sowing and reaping.

We will also see in the life of Abraham that there will always be adversity, storms, famine and enemies. The Lord Jesus warned us in the world we would have trouble and Peter told us not to consider fiery trials strange.  Sometimes it seems God leads us to deserts- to prepare us for His destinations.

But what we will also see is that God is patient with Abram who is young(not in years-but in his faith) and immature in his faith. Abraham has much to learn as we all do when we first respond to God’s command to come out.

Now I need to take you the first part of the first verse of Genesis 12 and the go back to Chapter 11 so we can understand the proper chronology of these events.

Genesis 12:1a : “  The Lord HAD said to Abram, “ Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to a land I will show you.” Based on this command from God, Abram left the Ur of Chaldeans- to go to Canaan but when we go back to chapter 11- we see they did not get there right away. In addition in Acts 7, Stephen in his testimony to the High Priest confirms Abram was called by God while still in Ur.

A word about Ur of Chaldees where Abram lived prior to this move. It was an important city in Babylonia. It was the center of culture, wealth and intellect- boasting a university and a library which modern day archaeology uncovered. It also was the center of worship for the Moon goddess. Abram and his family were idolaters.

However, when we go back to Genesis 11:31-32 we note the journey of faith got sidetracked in the very beginning:  “ Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot, son of Haran and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram and together the set out from the Ur of Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when the came to Haran, they settle there. Terah lived 205 years and he died in Haran.”  (Haran was a flourishing caravan city  ruled by the Amorites. We see when Abram leaves here he will have much in flocks, possessions and servants. Abram was an excellent and prosperous businessman whose trade was in livestock. Perhaps his motives for stopping were economic- having depended up until this time in his life on his own skills and abilities. It was natural for Abram to trust his abilities and instincts as a businessman.  Trust is a learned response. And Abram was learning to trust the Lord to be His Provider. We will see this journey for the next 12 chapters- the good and the bad..the failures and the successes.)

When we look on the map- we see Haran is about ½ way to Canaan.  That is where a lot of us make a first detour…having started out by faith to Canaan which represents not heaven- but the Spirit filled life- we stop at a place that seems to offer the things we need. But God says I know the plans I have for you- plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future and not calamity. But you must seek me  with all your heart. Half-hearted efforts result in getting halfway there.  It was faith that brought the nation of Israel out of Egypt – but it was fear that kept them from entering the promised land of Canaan.  Paul would remind the Galatians and us : ‘ after beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goals by human effort?

Have we not all spent time in the wilderness? Have we not all stopped for a season in Haran? Having come out of the old life to enter the new- then spend that miserable time in the wilderness- living the carnal life. A life of partial obedience, a place of half ways- which is God’s eyes is not obedience at all.

The story of Abraham begins with a call from God. The initiative was God’s. In the seventh chapter of Acts, Stephen answering to charges before the high priest tells the story of Abraham. Stephen tells us ‘ the God of Glory appeared to our father, Abraham, while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran. Leave your country and go to the land I will show you.  So he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. After the death of his father, God sent him to this land where we are now living.’

In Hebrews 11:8 – we read-“ By faith Abraham when called to go to a place he would later received as an inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”  Now we know the rest of the story- that Abraham did not complete this journey without interruption. The walk of faith is not completed in a single journey- it is a continuous trip- with stops and starts and detours.

Now when God called Abram-God makes the following statements and promises:

He will show Abram where to go- He will guide him, just as He will guide us when we begin the journey of faith.

He will make Abram a great nation. As we have seen – nations come out of families and families are the backbone of any nation.

He will bless Abraham- just as he blesses us, for we are the spiritual descendants of Abraham.

God will promise to make Abraham’s name great ( 3 major religions).

God promises to bless those who bless Abraham and curse those  who curse Abraham. He has certainly blessed Israel. And God blesses each of us, with every spiritual blessing in heaven. Whatever concerns us- concerns God.

And God promised to bless all the nations of the world through you- through His seed, the Lord Jesus.

So Abraham’s journey begins as does our spiritual journey with God coming into our lives with an invitation to join Him.

There is a revelation from God that calls for a response to God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  Abraham’s journey begins as does all of our journeys with a vision and a hope for a better life. Abraham was looking for a city whose builder and architect was God.

God called Abram to leave his country, his kindred, and his father’s household. What does this mean to us? Leave our country- our place of residence? Well- where did we live before we were saved?  We lived in the world, we were conformed by the world, the world was our master and held us enslaved as surely as the Egyptians held the Israelites in bondage.  God calls us to leave the world.

He calls for us to leave our kindred- we are to embrace a new family- the family of God which we are born into with new brothers and sisters.

God also calls for us to leave our father’s house- who is our father- biblically speaking- Adam. Our old nature comes from our Adamic nature we inherited from Adam. We must leave the old man- in fact he is crucified with Christ- buried with Christ.

But just like Abraham- we make detours and stops because our old nature longs for the familiar and the known- not the unfamiliar and the unknown.  We long for the diet the old nature enjoyed- for the familiar routine.  Habits long in developing must be replaced by new habits. We must no longer be conformed- shaped by the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind.

In this new journey, like Abraham we must learn to walk by faith – not by sight. As we will see in the life of Abram- we don’t  always get it right.

But we realize- we cannot go and stay at the same time.

Certainly, Abram must have had second thoughts was he doing what was right? Was he headed in the right direction? And we see in Abram’s life- what we experience in our own spiritual journey. Stops and starts. One moment filled with confidence- the next moment covered with confusion. Rising to moments of fearless faith- to moments of fear that cast out faith.

In verses 4 & 5 of Genesis 12- Abram loads up the moving van. Surely some of his neighbors and business acquaintances ask Abram where he was going- to which he replied to a place I know not- but God will show me. Many would consider such a move foolish.  But already Abram has determined he would be willing to be a fool for Christ’s sake.

In verse 6- the second phase of Abram’s life journey of faith begins. He travels through the land as far as the great tree of Moreh at Schemen.  Why are these two places mentioned by name? Because their names have meaning.  Moreh is the Hebrew word for instruction.  Schemen comes from the word for ‘shoulder’ which was a symbol of strength.  As believers we are instructed in the Word of God by the Spirit of God that we might gain strength to live the Christian life and walk the walk of faith.

The last part of verse 6 tells us when Abram and his caravan arrived and guess what? The Canaanites, a corrupt and evil people, were in the land.  Certainly this must have created some confusion in the mind of Abram if he was in the right place.  God affirms Abram is in the right place as God appears to Abram and reassures him with this statement: “ To your offsping I will give this land.”  In response Abram builds an altar.

God will allow disappointments and adversity to occur on our Christian journey and in our new life so we can learn the principles of the life of faith and emerge stronger for  the experience.

Watch carefully what happens next in verse 9&10:  “ From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord. Then Abram set out and continued toward the Negev.”  If you look on a map- Abram is drifting south toward Egypt. Do you notice what is missing? God did not direct Abram in this direction. Abram has chosen a way that seems right to him.

Bethel means the ‘house of God.’  Ai means ‘ heap of ruins.’

There were two things awaiting Abram in his walk of faith- he had not expected. First the land God sent him to was occupied by the corrupt and cantankerous Canaanites. Second- a famine came on the land.

But do you see when the famine came?  When Abram moved away from Bethel, the House of God. Moving away from God’s house will always produce a famine in the soul.

Walking in the flesh now- Abram pushes the panic button and takes off for Egypt. Egypt is a picture of the world. Abram was looking to the world for a solution to his problems and need and not to God.  It happens to all of us. And like Abram, we find we invariably get in more trouble as we will see Abram did.  What Egypt was to Abram, the world is to us. It can look very attractive at times and appear to have the solutions to our problems. Abram had a wife, a nephew, employees, servants and flocks that required food and attention. He was just trying to do what he thought was best. But again we do not see Abram consulting God – asking for directions.

But let us observe what happens when we  depart from faith. Abram became fearful..for when faith is not present- fear will rush in and control our actions and reactions.

Having acted on his own- not waiting on the Word of God which is a lamp unto our feet and a light upon our path- Abram is experiencing some dark moments of fear.

In England during WWII- they experienced some dark moments  of fear. King George VI would speak to the people of England over the radio  over BBC. After Dunkirk, when their armies were in complete disarray and the Battle of Britain lay ahead, King George VI who was a truly saved Christian and Godly man read a poem that encouraged the people during these dark times.

“ And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:

Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown!

And he replied –‘ go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God.

That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.

So I went forth, and finding the hand of God, trod gladly into the night.

And He led me toward the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.

Abram had headed south west. His back was to the breaking day. His face was toward Egypt- the world, not Canaan- the land of God’s promises. No wonder everything seemed so dark.

Fear strikes Abram as he is about to enter Egypt. Abram says to his wife Sarai- I know that you are a beautiful woman and when the Egyptians see you they will say- this is his wife- let’s  kill him and take her for the king’s household.  So they tell a half-lie- half-truth which is like being a little bit pregnant – you either are or you aren’t. Abram was deceiving himself that this was not a lie- because technically Sarai was his half sister. But she was his wife and it was a lie by omission of the truth.

The Pharaoh took her into his household and treated Abram favorably because of her. Abram acquires more livestock and servants both menservants and maid servants- ill-gotten gains – which we will take note of later.

God had told Abram He would bless the nations through Abram- but here in this case in his disobedience God had no choice but to bring a plague upon the Pharaoh’s household in order to protect Sarai. So much for blessing …

Abram blew it… his witness was destroyed. Have you ever blown it?  Of course, we all have. We must guard our testimony- our witness that we never by word or deed behave in such a way as to misrepresent our Lord in the world.

But aren’t we glad that we serve a God of second chances?  We will see in Chapter 13- Abram goes back to where he made a wrong turn. When you decide to take a short cut and get lost and get in a mess- the best thing you can do is turn back around and go back to where you got off. That is the essence of repentance.  Abram would go back to Bethel- the House of God where his tent had been at the beginning.

When we walk by faith- we walk in the light as He is in the light and we enjoy fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sins.

If we are to follow Him- we must keep our eyes on Him.

Genesis 13: Letting God Choose.

Having failed miserably in going to Egypt, Abram turns back to Bethel, a sadder and a wiser man. This is the way of repentance- turning back. Going back to where we got out of the will of God. Confessing – agreeing with God we have sinned- God cleanses us of all unrighteousness as we come to the altar.

Gen. 13:1-4- “ So Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev with his wife and everything he had, and Lot went with him. Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold. From Negev he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his tent had been earlier and where he had built an altar. There Abram called on the name of the Lord.”

First let’s make some observations about Abram and his walk of faith. In NT terms, Abram is a saved man. Saved by grace through faith. It was as a saved man, Abram drifted into Egypt- the world. It was as a saved man- Abram looked to the world for a solution to his problem rather than to the Lord. It was as a saved man- Abram lied and deceived. It was as a saved man- Abram’s witness was compromised to not only the Pharaoh and the Egyptians but to his nephew Lot.

But Abram has done the only thing we can do when we mess up.. when we mess up- we have to ‘fess up’.  We have to turn around from the direction we were headed in and go back to Bethel- the House of God.

This a part of the spiritual journey of the Christian. We make wrong decisions- we disobey God, we sin- we lean to our own understanding and not trust the Lord with all our heart and in all of our ways acknowledge Him. But we serve a  God who is most often described as our Heavenly Father. A Father who has all knowledge- so He is truly the Father who knows best. One of the characteristics I love the most about Our Father is this one:  He is able to work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to HIS purpose. And His Purpose is to conform us to the image of His Son. We have been justified- we are on our way to being glorified – but in between we  are in the process of being sanctified.

Abram went down into Egypt as a saved man. Now he has emerged a spiritual man. God will use this humiliating experience for good to conform Abram. Abram will become not only a saved man – but a spiritual man.  There are three things that characterize a spiritual person.

  1. Separation:  If Egypt is a picture of the world, and Abram had drifted into the world- he must separate himself from the world. Thus Abram went up out of Egypt. As Christians we are to be separated from the world- the godless society and culture that lures us and wants to conform us. A spiritual person is in the world but not of the world. This is biblical separation. We cannot go and stay at the same time. Abram’s view of the world is symbolized by the fact he never lived in anything but a tent.
  2. Sanctification.  The second characteristic of a spiritual person. Sanctification is the other side of the coin of separation. We are to be separated from the world- but separated or set apart for God. We will soon witness how these changes affect the way Abram resolves problems, and makes choices.
  3. The third mark of the spiritual person is sacrifice. Notice when Abram came back to Bethel not only did he pitch his tent- which symbolized his separation from the world, he built an altar where sacrifices are made. His tent said I am not looking to settle down in this world, his altar said I am looking to the next world – to a city whose builder and architect is God. Also by confessing his sins- Abram was keeping the communication lines with God open.

So now having been given this information and Abram, no doubt, promising himself (as we all do) that he would never cross that line again- that he would never get out of the will of God again- let’s see how Abram reacts and responds to the next test. Because having learned a truth and principle- God will always bring into our lives a test to see if we learned the truth and principle and can apply it by faith.

Watch what happens next as we bring the focus of the story back on Lot. Lot represents the carnal man- Abram represents the spiritual man.

Lot is a picture of a carnal believer who depends upon the faith of those around them, in Lot’s case it was Uncle Abram. Remember what happened on 911?  Churches were filled on Wednesday night prayer service like it was Easter Sunday. On television- you were seeing national broadcasters asking Franklin Graham to pray for the nation and asking questions about God. Fearful circumstances led carnal believers to depend on those who were perceived as strong in faith to call upon God for help.  As soon as the urgency and panic of the situation left- the world returned to normal. God was put back behind the glass cage- that we, as a nation and a people could break again in case of emergency.

Lot did not lean on the Lord- he leaned on Abram who was learning to lean on the Lord.  But as we have just read- leaning on anyone beside the Lord will sooner or later lead to a fall- because only the Lord will never fail us. Humans- no matter how mature and strong in their faith, will fail.

Lot leaned on Abram in business.  Let’s see what happens next as their joint partnership begins to grow.

In verse 6 &7- we read their possessions grew so  great they were not able to stay together. And quarrelling arose between Abram’s herdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot. The Canaanites and the Perizzites were also living in the land.

These verses reveal some important information:  Notice as their possessions grew as their wealth grew- they were unable to stay together.  Have you not seen and heard of marriages that fell apart as their wealth and possessions grew?  Huge, luxury homes a sign of wealth are up for sale sometimes represent a family no longer able to stay together under one roof.  Brothers and sisters divided- not speaking and suing one another over the division of wealth and property of  parents. It happens all the time.

Here is a partnership and a family business. When it was smaller- we read of no strife. As they become larger- there is arguments and strife over pasture land more than likely.  Conventional wisdom has always said the most difficult ship to keep afloat is a partner- ship.

As Christians we should avoid being yoked in a business with a non-believer for the obvious reason we see the purpose of business from two different perspectives. But equally valid is the danger of a spiritual person in partnership with a carnal person- for they will have two different views.

Abram as the more spiritual-the stronger in faith has a different reason for being in business- it is to bring Glory to God and to advance His work.

Not so with Lot. Success and prosperity mean raising his standard of living- a bigger house- no tents for him; nicer things for the wife and daughters.

One other important piece of information in this account- ‘ the Canaanites and Perizzites were living in the land also. Where ever strife looms  between believers- the enemies of the Lord are ready to take advantage.

And who is our greatest enemy, next to Satan?  Our flesh- or old nature. Some of the most bitter fights are between Christians in the same church. Jealousy, envy, unforgiving spirits, bitterness and strife cause friendships to end- churches to split and it breaks the heart of God- not to mention how it weakens the fellowship and witness of the church.

Here we see the more mature, spiritual believer- Abram takes the initiative. He takes action for two reasons- one is implied- we have enemies present and watching who will take advantage of our division and strife.  Secondly- let us not argue and fight between your herdsmen and mine- because we are family, kinsmen, brothers. What hurts one- hurts the other. We are a part of the same body. How can a house divided against itself stand?

Abram also knows the power of a soft answer to turn away wrath. As the older of the two- as the one who has cared for Lot- Abram should have had first choice. But Abram surrenders his rights- he does not demand his rights. Like the Lord Jesus in the Garden- not my will but Thy Will Father.

Abram says to Lot – you choose. If you go to the left- I will go to the right. And visa-versa.  In doing so- Abram is in essence letting God choose for him.  When we are willing to yield our rights- when we are willing to go last instead of first- the Lord tells us in the end the last will be first. Abram had learned how to sacrifice. Spurgeon said-“ It takes more grace than I can tell, to play the second fiddle well.”

The world would think Abram had the right as the senior of the two- he was probably more the reason for their success than Lot. But Abram was not thinking like the world- he was a tent dwelling- altar building man of God who was separated from the world and unto God.

Observe and learn from Lot’s decision making process what NOT to do:  Lot looked up and saw the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt toward Zoar. Lot looks at the physical- the visual and makes a decision not on faith but by appearances. And even more telling – he likes the look of Sodom because it reminds him of Egypt, the world, which held great lure to Lot, the carnal man. What appeals to a carnal person?  Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life.

Something else we observe in the life of Lot that is absent.  Abram had a tent – but he also had an altar. We read- ‘Now, Lot who was moving about with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents.’ No altar. No sacrifice, no devotion, no quiet time, no period of waiting and no record of Lot calling on the name of the Lord for anything, much less an important decision.

We know from what we will read later on- Lot has a family- a wife and daughters. Does he consider in his choice – is this a good place to raise children?  His only considerations were wordly- it is well watered and it is like Egypt. Lot enjoyed his journey into the world.

When you and I are weak in our devotions and time spent on our knees – we will end up worldly in our desires. And when we are both weak in our devotions and worldly in our desires – the result is going to be wrong decisions.

Now here is the verse that is the most telling .

“So Lot chose for himself and the two men parted company.”  He pitched his tent toward Sodom…sliding toward Sodom a place that represents the epitome of sin.

Neither Abram nor Lot knew what was going to happen to Sodom and Gomorrah- but because Abram was keeping in touch with God – he was divinely kept from making the wrong decision.   Many is the time – when we do not know what to do – we wait on the Lord and in doing so we let God choose for us.

Abram lived on the plains in the land of Canaan and Lot lived among the cities of the plain.  Abram maintains his simple life style away from the world- Lot moves right into the middle of it.

Not only did God divinely restrain Abram from making a wrong choice; God reassures Abram that he has made the right choice.

Whereas, Lot lifted his eyes and looked upon the lures of the world and chose for himself. As a carnal man, Lot had not learned that things are not what they seem. The things that are seen are temporary- but those things unseen are eternal. We are to put our eyes on the eternal and unseen- not the seen and temporary.  Now God lifts Abram’s eyes up and tells him to look to the north, the south, the east and the west. God tells Abram all he sees will be his and his offsprings’. Then God tells Abram to go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.  Good things come to those who wait on the Lord.

Remember- symbolically the land of Canaan is the land of God’s promises. It represents the spirit filled life. God is telling Abram and us- that all of the spirit filled life is there for us by faith when we walk in the Spirit. This is the abundant life that Jesus spoke of in John 10:10.

Paul prayed in Ephesians 3- that we could grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know(experience) this love that surpasses knowledge that we might be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. ( note the word – fullness)

Abram moved his tents to a place near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron. Do you know what Mamre means?  Fatness. A soul that is filled full with the fullness of God. The fullness of His supply and provision that His Son, the Lord Jesus came to give us- life and life more abundantly.

Hebron means fellowship. It is in fellowship with God where we experience fullness. An altar of sacrifice and obedience is always a part of the fellowship.


Our lesson today in the journey of faith involves making right decisions. Learning how to depend of God- Jehovah Jireh, who has promised to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. How do we choose right?  Often the choice is black and white…we know right from wrong. Lying, adultery, stealing, murder, etc.  Shouldn’t be a question there- what about other areas that are not as clear- are not as black and white? How can I go about making right decisions? We can base our decisions on the Word of God, on His promises, principles and truths.

First you must be familiar with them- study to show thyself approved. Let me give you some scripture and a question you can ask yourself that will help guide you in your decision making process.

Ephesians 5: 15-17 tells us:  “Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of God is.”

So here is the question to ask :   What is the wise thing to do?

What is the wise thing to do in light of my past experience?

What is the wise thing to do in light of my present circumstances?

What is the wise thing to do in light of my future goals?

Look what Abram did- based on his past experience- leaning to his own understanding he had compromised his witness and ended up in a mess. In light of his present circumstances- trouble between Lot and himself which could further compromise his witness and in light of his future goal- which was to trust God to provide- he waited on the Lord and put Lot’s interest before his own.   ( My experience 1977.)

The questions we sometimes ask when making choices are not ‘what is the wise thing’ but more of a variety of – is there anything wrong with this?’  Kind of like asking how far can I go before it is officially sin or illegal.

You might be thinking I am not under the law,right?  All my sins, past, present and future are forgiven right?  This reasoning usually leads to rationalization I can do this- because of my forgiven state and the grace of God. However, we know there are consequences to sin- even though those sins are forgiven.

If anyone understood grace and forgiveness and the law it was the Apostle Paul. Listen to his approach- but first understand what is meant by the law in the Bible.

There are three areas of Law mentioned in the OT

Ceremonial law- done away and fulfilled in the sacrifice of Lord Jesus. Not under ceremonial law which dealt with temple sacrifices, diet and special days.

Civil law- the law that governs men in their actions toward one another. Usually finds its basis in the Ten Commandments. Enforced by government. Subject to change as man changes his value system to reflect an increasingly godless society.(Abortion.) ( Eagle’s egg) Break the civil law and you risk penalties imposed by the government.

Moral law- Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, mind with all your being and love your neighbor as yourself. On this all the commandments ( 10 Commandments are based)

Moral laws were given by God to guide our behavior to show us how we ought to live. But none can gain salvation by keeping the moral laws- because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. They serve as a measuring stick to show we are unable to attain salvation by keeping the law. The Lord Jesus is the only one who lived without sin- and became sin for us. By faith in His Finished Work at Calvary- God imputes His righteousness to all who believe.

One other area to discuss- is some of the laws we read in the OT seem harsh- they condone stoning of adulterers, etc. What are we to make of those?  These are difficult to understand- but these are the laws of Theocratic Government. A theocracy ( a word coined by Josephus) is a government whose head is God. A perfect God who has all wisdom and is just can administer that type of punishment- but we are not under a theocracy- we are not a nation under the law of God. Israel rejected the rule of God’s law and asked for a king to rule over them. Then when Jesus came and presented himself as the Messiah-he was rejected by Israel- thus the laws under a theocracy cannot be enforced by man only by a just God- which we see in the Millenium- the Lord Jesus will rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and he will reign with a rod of iron- justice and judgment will be swift and sure.

So here is what Paul writes:

“ Everything is permissible for me- but not everything is beneficial.” (I Cor.6:12) As a forgiven sinner- I can sin and not lose my salvation.  But is it beneficial ?there will be negative consequences ( sowing and reaping principle); will it become habit forming?- is it harmful to your body?- will it damage your witness? will it cause a weaker brother to fall? Is it constructive? Will it become my master?

Many a person have robbed themselves of their preferred future by unwise decisions made in the present or past- when they did not consider what is the wise thing to do in light of :

My past experiences.

My present circumstances

My future goals.

Have you not noticed something? You don’t have to sit around looking for reasons to do the right thing, do you?  It is the bad decisions that require creative reasoning.

Genesis 14

Before we begin chapter 14, let’s review a spiritual truth revealed in the previous chapter 13.  Remember that Abram had allowed Lot to choose where he and his flocks and household would reside and Abram would take what was left. In doing so – Abram was trusting God to choose for him.

God then reassures Abram of what He is giving to Abram and his descendants. Abram is told to look to the North, South, East and West. All that you see is yours and your descendants. God then instructs Abram to walk in it – “for I am giving it to you.”  This is your possession, God is saying- you must lay claim to it by going and walking in it. The next action we see Abram take is moving his tents- moving out by faith to take hold of that which God has promised him.

Now Paul reminds us in Galatians as believers, we are spiritual descendants of Abraham.  Canaan is a picture of the Spirit-filled life- the abundant life that Jesus came to give us. Canaan is called the Promised Land- because the God promised this land to Abram and his descendants. And God who is a Promise Keeper and cannot lie gave the physical land to Abram and his descendants. Today they inhabit only a small portion of what God has given them- but in the Millenium they will occupy its entirety.

Spiritually- what God is saying to us as the spiritual descendants of Abram is look at the promises and blessings He has given us. Lay claim to them by faith and walk in them. God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ.( Ephesians 1). Paul then prays ‘  the eyes of our heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of his glorious INHERITANCE in the saints and His incomparable great power for us who believe.( did you see that word ‘inheritance’.?)

When you and I were born- God in His genius deposited in us the ability to walk, talk, write, ride a bike, drive a car, do math, throw a ball, etc. We could not do all of those things right away- for we had to grow up- to mature and in some cases learn how to do those things. But the abilities to do so- were built in us from the beginning. The same is true when we were born again- God gave us all of these spiritual blessings available to us as we grew up and matured as Christians and laid hold of those blessings- those things we had inherited – by faith. As earthly parents we all want our children to grow up and enjoy and utilize the wonders God has built into us- how much more our Heavenly Father wants us to grow up  and not stay a  ‘babe in Christ’, to mature and reach the potential that God has for us.

What a shame to leave untold spiritual gifts unopened- unused and forfeited. We can live our whole life wandering in the wilderness where God provides us with the necessities, the basics food and water but never experiencing the abundant life in the promised land. It happened to the Israelites because they did not believe God’s word and His promises to them and it happens to us also. On many occasions there would be those who needed to be healed who came to Jesus and Jesus would ask them what would they have Him do?  They asked to be healed- Jesus told them to go and be healed – your faith had made you whole. Faith combined with obedience is the key that unlocks the storeroom of blessings. This is a Key Truth.

The carnal man and the unbeliever desire and work and scheme diligently to obtain all that the world has to offer.  As Christians we should earnestly desire to obtain all that heaven has for us and that our Heavenly Father has promised us in His Son.
Now as we begin chapter 14- remember a truth regarding first occurrences. When we encounter a first occurrence in Bible- we are being shown by God what this word and this occurrence mean and stand for and will always stand for in the Bible.

We saw the first occurrence of the shedding of blood had to do with providing cover or atonement for sin. For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.

In chapter 14 we will see the following first occurrences:  the first mention of the numbers 12 &13; the first mention of war; kings; priest; bread & wine; and tithes.

14: 1-4:

In these verse we read of a list of 4 kings and 5 kings.  It is often called the War of the 4 kings against the 5 kings.  Evidently the five kings had been subject to King Kedorlaomer for 12 years.  Paying taxes and living under his rule. In the 13th year the five kings rebelled against the four kings and the government which had exerted control over them.  This was a caravan trade route and as most wars are- it was more than likely fought over money, land, resources and power.

The first occurrence of the numbers 12 and 13 let us know how these numbers will be used in Scripture.  The number 12 = the number of government.  The number 13 = the number of rebellion.

We read of this battle in verse 5-10 and discover the 4 kings defeat the 5 kings- which included the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah.  We read that some of the armies of the 5 kings were trapped in the tar pits, although later in the passage we discover the King of Sodom escaped. ( Tar speaks of the presence of oil reserves.)

At this point, if one is not familiar with the story- we are wondering what this has to do with the story of Abram. But in verses 11&12- we discover the reason for this account.

“ The four kings seized all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their food; then they went away. They also carried off Abram’s nephew Lot and his possessions since he was living in Sodom.”

Now we know why this event is recorded for us- so let us carefully consider what has happened.

Notice first of all the information given us regarding Lot. He was living in Sodom. When we last read about Lot- he pitched his tent near Sodom. Remember the process- Lot looked toward Sodom; Lot pitched his tent near Sodom; finally he dwelt in Sodom. We must be careful what we look at and thus what we allow to tempt us or we will be drawn in by what started as a look. Then there is the inevitable moving closer to that which we looked at and then the trap springs and we are ensnared.  Notice also he was captured with all his possessions. Perhaps there was an opportunity for Lot to have escaped- if he was willing to leave behind his possessions.

Word comes to Abram of Lot’s situation.  Abram now shows us what it means to be in the world but not of the world.  First of all Abram could have said- well, this is what Lot chose to do…it serves him right.  He chose to fellowship with those ungodly people and now he is reaping the consequences of his decision.

Besides, I am a conscientious objector. I am separated from the world. I am a farmer not a fighter…there was an endless list of excuses Abram could have come up with for not taking any action. Just as easily as we can come up with excuses not to be involved with what is going on in the world.

Or Abram could have taken another course of action- he knew what these men were interested in:  money. Their intentions were probably to sell these captives as slaves- that was what usually occurred. Abram was rich- he could negotiate the release of Lot and his family and pay a ransom to those who held him captive. It seems Abram knew you cannot negotiate with terrorists and kidnappers- you will only encourage them to do more of the same. You give the devil an inch and he will take a foot.

Because Abram was a man who kept the communication lines open with God- he continues to make the right decisions as he is directed by the unseen hand of the Lord. That God approves of Abrams’ actions is confirmed in the words of the mysterious king-priest Melchizedek who states: “ And blessed be the God Most High who delivered your enemies into your hand.”

The fellow who stands outside of churches including ours with signs against war- must not realize that God delivers your enemies into your hand in just wars.  And that we must not be afraid to enter just wars nor are we to stand on the sidelines of life and say we are Christians who desire nothing but peace. The Bible speaks of how God has shown His favor for His people in battles to which He directs them time after time in the OT and certainly the ultimate battle which He Himself will wage and destroy His enemies with the sword ( the Word of God) that proceeds from His mouth. So the first occurrence of war in the Bible- shows there is a time for war and a time for peace.
So Abram upon hearing of the capture of Lot and his household moves into action. He takes his trained servants born in his own household three hundred and eighteen and pursued them to Dan.  318 trained servants born in his household! An indication of the size of Abram’s wealth. Notice these were born into his household- not counting men servants and maid servants he has acquired in Egypt- we can estimate that Abram may have up to 1000 people on his payroll. He was a wealthy man- yet he lived in a tent on the plains.

Verse 15 offers a brief account of the rescue and battle. Abram divided his group and attacked by night and smote them, and pursued them into Hobah which is on the left hand of Damascus.   A military strategists would look at this and say this was a brilliant tactic to follow when facing superior numbers- attack from two different directions at night- so the enemy cannot see how few you are. The sudden attack in the dark of night shook the armies of the four kings- who had also probably begun to celebrate their victory.  But for the man who keeps the communication lines open with God- whose God goes before him in battle- Abram knows this incredible victory has been given to him by the Lord. God was with him all the way.

As a result, in verse 16- we see Lot and his women and his people and his goods rescued by Uncle Abram. Evidently we will see other captives were also recovered.

In verse 17 we are shown that the King of Sodom has survived and is on his way to meet Abram and make him an offer. However, God saw to it that Abram was prepared for the temptation by arranging for Abram to meet the mysterious King-Priest, Melchizedek before the King of Sodom came.

In verse 18 we read Melchizedek is king of Salem- which is an early name for Jerusalem. This word is also the word from which comes shalom or peace. He is described as both a king and priest. We are being show here one of the great types of Christ in the Old Testament. Some have suggested this was actually the Lord Jesus in a pre-incarnate visit. Others speculate this could be Shem who was still alive at this time. We are not told who Melchizedek is- but we read more about him in Hebrews.

Look at Hebrews 5 & 7 and we read of a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.  And in Hebrews 6: 20 & 7:1-3  listen to this description:  “ whither the forerunner, even Jesus, made a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abram returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him. To whom Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is King of Peace, without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest forever.”

So all of a sudden the appearance of this mysterious King-Priest- no mention of father, mother, descendants- nor record of birth- (pre-existent) no record of death( eternal) –  what a great picture of the Lord Jesus.  I am not saying this meeting did not take place- it is a historical fact- but clearly the scripture in Hebrews tells us it also highly typical of the Lord Jesus.

We read for the first time- first occurrence of the bread and wine mentioned together. It is mentioned with this king’s position as priest of the Most High God- El Elyon- the possessor of heaven and earth. The bread and wine are symbols we recognize as the body and blood of the Lord Jesus offered on Calvary. Abram is moved by this significant symbol and is in doing so looking forward to the Calvary. It is the same Most High God who has delivered Abram’s enemies into his hand.   ( Read Psalms 91)

Abram’s action and response was immediate and spiritual. He gave a tithe ( first mention) a 1/10th of all that he had acquired  as an act of worship. You see- giving is a form of worship and thanksgiving- but it also a recognition that the Most High God is the possessor of heaven and earth.

Now just as the king of Salem is a type of Christ- next comes the king of Sodom who is a type of satan.

The king of Sodom’s offer is a very subtle temptation. He says to Abram- give me the people- the souls and I will give you the spoils- the goods, the material possessions.  Satan certainly knows which buttons to push- that is why Paul warns us regarding the love of money which is the root of all evil which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Abram lifts up his hand to heaven and proclaims to the king of Sodom- I will not take anything from you- lest you say later on I have made Abram rich. In other words – Abram knew there would be strings attached to this gift that would be pulled later on.

I believe Abram was learning to trust God and he was also learning from his mistakes. He had learned  in Egypt what happens when the world enriches a man.

Abram had just experienced victories over the world, the flesh and the devil. He was walking by faith and trusting the Lord with all his heart and leaning not to his own understanding.

We will see in the next chapter God can now entrust Abram with more direction and more blessings as God begins to fill in the blanks.  Remember : “By faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out not knowing where he was going.”

God is now about to show Abraham where he is going as God does not show us the next steps- until we have caught with Him in obedience to take the steps He has already ordered us to take. God will also not reveal certain truths to us until we have acted upon the truths He has already shown us.


As we observe the decisions in the life of Abram, we see the growth of his faith. Remember faith accompanied by obedience is the key that unlocks the storehouse of blessings. Paul says through the eyes of faith we see the hope to which we are called, the glorious inheritance of the saints and the incomparable power that if for us who believe.

Jesus said faith was the answer to our fears and troubles. The Lord Jesus said ‘ let not your hearts be troubled- you believe in God , believe also in me.  In those familiar verses in John 14 on the night of his arrest, Jesus was dealing with troubled disciples. You want to know how to deal with trouble?  Believe in Jesus- a faith that results in obedience that takes action.

We are put our trust, our faith in the person of Jesus Christ and like His mother said to the servant- ‘whatever He tells you to do- do it.

Jesus also told us that night He was preparing a place for us. Remember what Abraham was looking for- a city whose builder and architect was God. Jesus the carpenter is preparing a place for us to reside in eternity in heaven. It is a prepared place for prepared people. This is our home- and we are just passing through this world- living in these earthly tents.

We put our trust, our faith in not only a person but a place- just as Abraham did.

But our Lord went even further to assure us- He gave us His word that He was coming back. I have and you have the promise of the Lord Jesus’ sure return. It was by believing the Word of God- the promise of God that Abraham was counted righteous. We can be confident He can keep His Promise. Nothing is impossible for Him.

We put our trust, our faith not only in a person and a place, but also in a promise.

And last but not least- Jesus gave us a plan. He said I am the way, the truth and the life- no man comes to the Father but by me. That is the plan. The way is narrow but leads to eternal life.

Like Abraham- we have put our faith- we have a believed in a person, who is preparing a place; who has promised to return and take us there and He is the way, the plan. Faith calls for action. It is to be accompanied- followed by obedience that results in actions. The story is told of an Indian tribe in Oklahoma where oil was discovered on their reservation. The oil company made a deal with the tribe and they were awarded a large amount of money. The chief of the tribe was sold a custom made Cadillac convertible by an enterprising car salesman. But not understanding how to properly use the 250 horsepower engine under the hood- the chief hitched a team of horses to his new car which pulled him around the reservation. Told of this development, the car salesman went out to the reservation and showed the chief how to turn on the engine and put the full force of horsepower into use by turning on the ignition and putting it in gear. Faith is the key and obedience turns the key that results in action.
When Jesus told His disciples and us these truths in John 14,He added : “ If it were not so, I would have told you.”

Genesis 1-5

Genesis 1

The word Genesis means ‘ beginning’; which is a very apt word for the title of this book. It is not only the first book- it is a book of firsts.  The creation account is given by God Himself to Moses.  It contains details and information that Moses could not have possibly known- for they were not known by science for centuries. There are many examples of this scientific knowledge in the Scriptures, i.e., in Job 26:7, (one of the oldest books in the Bible. A book estimated to be written approximately 2000-1800 BC.  Yet in Job 26:7, centuries before science figured it out, this verse accurately describes earth:  “ He (God) spreads out the northern skies over empty space; He suspends earth over nothing.” If we had been told there the earth was flat-then the later scientific discoveries would have rendered the Bible as false and not the work of an all knowing God.

The Book of Genesis is a book of ‘ firsts’ we will want to note – for first mentions of great truths that are taught all thru the Bible have their beginning here..  For example we will come to understand the ‘law of faith’. The Law of Faith says a Sovereign God has limited Himself in His relationship with us- despite  His Omnipotence. He will never violate the sovereignty of your will nor deprive you of the right to choose. We see that clearly in the story of Adam and Eve.
1:1-  “ In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  In ten English words ( only 7 in Hebrew) we have the opening statement of the Bible. This statement has been called both the most profound statement ever made and the most debated.

There are four  fundamental questions regarding creation that mankind has tried to answer.  (1.) What is all this- meaning the universe- the purpose of it – its reason for existence? (2.) How did it begin? (3.) When did it begin? (4.) Who or what is behind it?
First of all realize the Holy Spirit who inspires its human authors to record God’s Word simply deems certain truths to be self evident, the first and foremost being that God is.  One of the fundamentals of science is to observe and classify nature. Here we see the first broad categories- heavens and earth. The Bible is not intended to be a book of science- it is a book of redemption. It does not explain the mysteries of the heavens- it tells us how to go to heaven.
However, the material, physical world is designed to produce parallels to the spiritual world so we can understand spiritual laws. Such as the law of sowing and reaping. (Creation is our teacher. Teaches us about: God and His ways, His creative genius- His desire for us to live with us, His rules-
We will also see from the creation account, that God is not man. He operates quite differently from man. But it is His intention that man should share in His life and live as He lives. Obviously we must learn a whole different way of living..for His thoughts are not our thoughts – His ways are higher than our ways, for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.  ( Isaiah 55:8-9)
So one of the purposes and subject of the Bibles is to teach us how to live on a different plane- a higher plane. The level on which God planned for us to live. What does the universe mean-that is what is the purpose of the universe- why does it exist? I believe it is a testimony and an expression of God’s love. He created the world and people as an expression of His character, His omnipotence, His Sovereignty- but most of all- His love. He created all of this and us to be a means of showing His love for us- and He wants and desires more than anything for us to love Him back.  In fact, we love Him because He first loved us. And here is Genesis He is showing us how He first loved us. It is the book of Firsts.
Second question- ‘how did it begin?’  The mystery is settled for us who believe the Word of God.  God created the heavens and the earth. How did Darwin explain the creation of life? Darwin’s theory of evolution is the most prevailing alternative explanation. A theory is defined as:  ‘plausible or acceptable scientific explanation; judgment, guess or opinion.’ His theory of evolution said everything evolved from a single cell existing in primordial ooze which, by a process of division and mutation ultimately resulted in many different groups and forms of life we find existing today.
Third question- When did all this happen?  Answer: In the beginning.  This is all the Bible says- it does not say it was 5000 years ago or 2 billion years ago. As we read further we see the Bible tells us the earth was without form and in darkness. Then God continued a creative process.  But here is what Jesus says about time and this is our answer- in Acts 1: 7b- He said; “ It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father has fixed by His own authority.” (can’t fix the time)
Fourth question:  Who is behind all this?  Bible has a one word answer:  God. Mankind has always wanted to worship- it is inherent in his nature. And by observing nature and the heavens – man knows, because God has revealed it to him there is a creator. But mankind today wants to still worship something but not the God of this Ancient Book, – so many worship science and man’s intellect to use science to prove things. The more scientists discover- the more they realize how much they have not discovered. So they ignorantly worship science as the answer to man’s questions.  They are not unlike those great thinkers that Paul encountered on Mars Hill in Acts 17…where they had all these idols including one to the unknown god. Paul could have just as easily been addressing a group of unbelieving scientists who worship scientific knowledge and stated:  Read Acts 17: 22-31.

You see because I believe- I know not only who created the heavens and the earth; when He did it and how- I know His Name. He is the Lord Jesus Christ. All things were created by Him and through Him. Without Him was not anything made that was made.   All things were made by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.  One day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Creator of All Things!
Verse 2:  “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” (KJV)  ‘Now the earth was formless and empty and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God  was hovering over the waters.’ (NIV)  From this verse and the verses that follow, we have a description of earth in the beginning, which guess what?, scientists agree with the Bible.  The earth was at one time a planet, covered by water and in darkness.  It is after this they disagree that there was a God moving.  It tells  us the earth was without form- shapeless- not yet a clearly intended purpose, but the Great Potter was just beginning His shaping work- it was void- empty of any life and in darkness.  But we are told the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
We often forget this fact, don’t we?  The fact is:  God is moving and has been moving all across human history from the beginning- He has been at work since the beginning, Jesus told us His Father is always at work; all events in the past, the present and the future occur as a direct result of God moving in the history of mankind. God’s ways with men are such it seems as though deliverance will never come- you plod along and come to a place where disappointments  have brought you to discover it is what God has appointed. Man’s disappoinments=God’s appointments.
Genesis is a book of beginnings of origins. Science knows nothing of origins. Science is concerned with how things work, how they go on- laws and principles that govern how the material universe operates- but it cannot explain how the whole process started.  Science can come along and measure laws like gravity. But like a man who  comes upon a swinging pendulum and accurately measures  the swing of a pendulum- he cannot state who started the pendulum swinging in the first place.
When it comes to understanding how the universe was created, man and science cannot discover or obtain this information by reason- it is only understood by revelation. (I Cor. 2)
In verse 3: “ God said let there be light and there was light. God saw the light was good, and He separated light from darkness . God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning – the first day. So here in verse 3 another great mystery of the universe and creation- light. Night and day also means the earth begin to rotate and  revolve around the sun. These verses, by the way, tell the story of my life and yours.  In the beginning- God created us- gave us life. But I was born in darkness- ( spiritual) and was without form- void- empty- did not understand the purpose for my existence. As a result my life was in chaos.  But the Spirit of God hovered over me and wanted me to come out of darkness into light.  Paul explains this creative work in a believer’s life this way:  “ God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.( 2 Cor. 4:6) And as a result of this creative work, my life began to rotate and revolve around the Son of God.
But you say- then why is not everyone walking in the light?  Jesus answers the question in John 3:  “ This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be plainly seen that what has been done has been done through God.”  Remember- God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world, but that thru Him the world might be saved.
We note here how God’s process works as we observe three stages. In the first chapter of Genesis, the statement “ and God said” occurs ten times. These statements are Gods’ commandments – His first set of commandments to nature and creation , have never been broken- unlike this second set of commandments ( the Ten Commandments) of which none have been kept.

Let’s observe in the next few verses how God deals with: darkness, disorder and death- the absence of life.
In verses 3-5: God deals with darkness. He commanded there to be light and there was- He speaks and it is done. Light is one of the greatest mysteries in the universe. We know what it does- but not what it is. Einstein gave us his formula: E=mc2.  ( Energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.) This formula ushered in the atomic age.  Einstein came to a point in his career later and said I will study and contemplate nothing but light and its mystery for the rest of my life. Many claim Einstein was an atheist. This irritated him and he is quoted and wrote: “ in the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I , with my limited human mind, am unable to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views.” (Quotes of Einstein, Princeton Press.) Light travels at 186, 272 miles per second, which means in the snap of your fingers it has circled the earth 7.5 times. Light is necessary for life.   God spoke it into existence. His Words are not only law- He also speaks and they are executed. The Lord Jesus as God in flesh exhibited this same quality. He could  speak to the wind or the seas and tell them to be still and they obeyed.  Light dispels darkness and it was the light of the knowledge of God that dispelled the darkness in my heart and the heart of every believer.
In verses 6-9, God deals with disorder: He raised the clouds.  In terms of mechanical engineering- this raising of the clouds is one of the astounding events of creation and reveals the power of God’s spoken Word. The amount of vapor contained in the clouds above us is estimated to be 54 trillion, 460 billion tons of water- which is 773 times heavier than air. Can you imagine the power needed to not only lift that but to keep it suspended above us. Annual rain fall on the world is approximately three feet. But the supply of water is kept suspended  above us by evaporation- the constant lifting of water from  the earth into the atmosphere by the power of the sun. Amazing! Yet the fool has said in his heart there is no God! When I think of the disorder in my life before the Lord I realize I was literally walking in a dense fog.
Next God raised the continents up from the seas, creating dry ground which He called Land.  Let me repeat- when God speaks – it is done. He also set the boundaries of the seas. Twice every day, since the third day of creation, the tides of the earth have obeyed the sovereignty of God.  Certainly He lifted me out and set me on solid ground.
Then God goes on in verse 11 to let the land produce vegetation, seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it according to its various kinds. And it was so. In verse 12- the land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit in it according to its own kind. And God saw that it was good and there was evening and morning and it was the third day. The earth which had been void and in darkness was now in light and alive with vegetation and plant life and trees. We also see a first commandment and basic commandment that God created all living things with the ability to reproduce after their own kind. God has decreed there be no change within a given kind. There may be mutation and change within any given kind- but no change from one kind to another kind. Herein lies the principles of genetics that states the fact that inherited life characteristics are implanted in the genes. A person may move to Florida and their skin become more tan and their hair bleached- but those are changes caused by the environment and they will not be passed on to children.  It is not in the genes. Sometimes a gene will be latent and show up- but it was there . I am not left handed, neither is my wife- but our daughter Carrie is very left handed. But I had a recessive trait for left handed because my father was left handed.
These first thirteen verses in Genesis 1 are referred to as the forming days- the first three days of creation. In days 4-6, we will see the ‘filling days’.
Verses 14-19:  Next God said ‘Let there be lights, in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night. And let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on earth. And it was so. And God made two great lights- the greater light to govern the day and the lesser to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning- the fourth day.’   Question :  how could Moses know the moon was smaller than the sun? Ordinary observation in the time of Moses led many to believe the moon was larger than the sun from physical appearance alone.   But also note the use of the word  – greater- rather than greatest. Moses had no idea the size of the stars in the sky. However today, we know today there are many stars larger by far than our sun. The star Antares for example is so large if it were a hollow ball it could contain 64 million suns the size of our sun. If the Bible had said the sun was the Greatest light- meaning the largest star in the universe- the later discoveries by scientists and astronomers would have proved the Bible did not know what is was talking about if it called the sun of our solar system the greatest light- the largest star.
Further more, when God described the creation of stars He uses only five word…  “ He made the stars also.”  Yet God uses some fifty chapters to discuss the construction of a temporary sanctuary- the Tabernacle.  Why?  Because the Tabernacle is a picture of redemption- and that is the purpose of the Word of God. You see to create stars, God had only to speak them into existence. But in order to save my soul, it required the life of His Only Begotten Son. Redemption required great suffering on God’s part. That is why to Him one soul is worth more than all the stars and in fact all of creation…for what does it profit  a man to gain the world if he loses his soul. God is infinitely more interested in souls than He is in stars and  space and planets. God is a people person.
In verses 20-24, on the fifth day: God creates the fish and  creatures of the seas and birds of the air. God blesses them and commands them to be fruitful and increase in number after their own kind and fill the seas and the airs  and increase in numbers. God also said let the land produce living creatures according to their own kinds; livestock, creatures that move along the ground and wild animals.
How much we learn from God’s creative process… Let’s summarize the process so far:

  1. He brings light into darkness.
  2. He then in the light can bring order out of disorder.
  3. Next He can now bring new life, fruitfulness & fellowship as we walk in the light as He is in the light and experience the abundant life. With the Lord Jesus as our vine and the Father as our Constant Gardener.

But also – what seems ( remember things are not what they seem) to be our disappointments brought us to God’s appointments. The Lord Jesus our High Priest understands our frustration, sorrow and confusion with these disappointments- for He Himself was a man of sorrows. In the Garden on the night of His arrest, we are told Jesus was sorrowful and troubled- overwhelmed to the point of death. Asking His Father was there another way to go… but wanting only to go the way of the Father’s will.
So we see- our disappointments lead to God’s appointments. For He is Able to work ALL THINGS together for good for those who love the Lord and have been called according to His purpose.
Now this will bring us to the sixth day- the creation of man which we will look at next week.

Chapter 2

The Anatomy of Sin- Genesis 3.

Before we look at the ‘anatomy of sin’ in chapter 3 of Genesis, let’s take note of some information in chapter 2.
2:4- These are the generations… this phrase will be used 14 times in Genesis as it describes the family history of early mankind. In Matthew, we see the genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ. As believers our names are recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life, which is our family history.
2:5-6- describe the unique way in which God watered the earth in the beginning. There was no rain and the earth was watered by a mist. It reminds one of an underground sprinkler system that comes on automatically to water a yard and flowers. This information leads us to believe there were fountains of water underneath the surface, later confirmed in the flood in Genesis 7 when we are told ‘ the fountains of the great deep were opened up’. Some believe there was no rain until the flood.
In verse 7 Adam’s creation is given more detail that we previously covered. However, note what Adam’s body was formed from- the dust of the ground. Later after the fall- Adam is told in death, his body will return to dust. So as a farmer, a gardener, every day he worked in the soil – Adam was reminded of the fate that awaited him- death and return to dust. A constant reminder of the wages of sin.
In verses 8-14, we are given some specifics regarding the garden in Eden. We read of two special trees among all the variety of trees – the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We also read of the rivers that run thru the garden and Eden- including two of the oldest rivers in the world- Tigris and Euphrates. These rivers lead one to place the location of this once lush paradise in the Mid-East, probably in Iraq.  Today the only reminder of this once dense vegetation, lush gardens, fruit bearing trees and animals is the large pools of  oil buried underneath the surface. These large pools of oil were formed from the remains of this once lush paradise filled with vegetation and animal life.
In verse 15, Adam is given a specific task to be both gardener and guardian of the garden in Eden.
God also gives Adam, who is still alone, very specific instructions regarding his diet: he may eat of every tree in the garden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If he eats from that tree he will surely die. God made it clear to Adam what he wanted him to do and not do.
In verse 18- God said it is not good for man to be alone. I will make him a help meet. We were created for relationships. Adam needs someone to love and someone to love him- to share his life with and be a companion. Relationships are of great importance to God – that is why the two greatest commandments are all about relationships- to love the Lord thy God and to love they neighbor as yourself.
In verses 19& 20: God brings all the animals He has created before Adam to be named. This was not only an intellectual exercise and a confirmation of Adam’s dominion over the earth- it was also to allow Adam to see there was a mate for every animal- but none suitable for Adam. It also creates a desire in Adam for an acceptable mate.
In this we see a principle of God’s actions:  He never awakes a desire in us, that He will not fulfill in His own way in His own time.
What takes place next as we end chapter two of Genesis is the first surgery, the first use of anesthesia, the first transplant and the first marriage.

We see in this first marriage, exactly what God wants marriage, an institution He created to be:  one man and one woman. The bride of Adam was taken from his side- showing she was co-equal; she was taken from near his heart for she was his beloved and from under his arm for he was to protect her.
The Lord Jesus, who is also known as the last Adam- had his bride taken from His side at Calvary. From His side torn open by a Roman spear, came blood and water we are told. It is  that very blood whereby my sins are covered. When a person accepts  by faith  the promise of God that the Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world- he/she is saved by grace thru faith. He died as an innocent substitute for my sins. He died to save me from the power and penalty of sin. He is our Protector, He is our Propiation. As the angel proclaimed –‘ His name is Jesus and He shall save his people from their sins.  I came from under His arm the place of protection and from near His heart for I am loved deeply by Him.
Now we will look at the anatomy of sin- the fall of man and see how the enemy operates.
Here it is- the question that changed the course of world history.
Genesis 3: 1-  Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, “ Yea hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Many will claim this account is a myth, an allegory at best, to explain sin and evil in the world. At the surface, it seems strange to us, if not impossible for a snake to speak. The word that is translated serpent comes from a Hebrew word- Nachash which means to whisper a magic spell. Remember the devil can appear as an angel of light. However as a believer, we know there is a spiritual world and a physical world- the seen and the unseen. Satan is of the spiritual world. He has no visible body, as a created spirit being, we are told Lucifer before the fall was created as the most beautiful, the most brilliant of all the angels and was full of wisdom.  But in only what can be described as the mystery of iniquity, sin, in the form of pride entered into his heart and he attempted to overthrow God and declare himself god. He failed and was banished from his place and position in heaven. He took 1/3rd of the angels with him in this rebellion.
We are also told, that hell is a place prepared for the devil, satan, and his fallen angels. Furthermore, we know that these invisible spiritual creatures can posses an unsaved person. By the use of the word possess we mean control. Think about it- we believe  the Holy Spirit can control us if we yield to Him- indwelling and sealing us- able to communicate to us. In fact we told ‘ we are not our own, we have been bought with a price- so we are possessed. In the account in Gospels of the Gadarene demoniac, we see the Lord Jesus approach a man who was possessed by many demons. They were cast out by the Lord and at their insistence, not wanting to be cast into the Abyss, they were cast into the swine by Jesus.
So to not believe Satan could enter into the body of a serpent is not to believe this eyewitness account recorded in the Gospels.  He first appeared as a ‘shining one’ in the garden of Eden- but we will see he left crawling on his belly like the snake that he is the ancient serpent. ( As a side note- certain animals after the fall have been used to describe certain behavior. A wolf is considered ravenous- a lion seeks to devour- a lamb represents innocence and a snake- evil.)
We also observe an important principle:  our enemy is able to make evil and sin appear innocent. He is a master at deception.  He can appear as an angel of light.
Before we further explore this question that changed the course of world history- let us think why he approached Eve rather than Adam with this question.  As we read in Genesis 2- Adam was alone when God gave him the instructions forbidding him to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. To approach Adam with the suggestion that God did not say this- would have quickly met with a resound YES- God did say it because Adam heard it himself personally from God. Eve, as far as we know did not receive this commandment directly from God.  In addition, the enemy would use Eve to recruit Adam.
Now let’s look at this question- for in one sentence, this evil genius, this spiritual being with great wisdom has launched a three fold attack on the Word of God:


  • Authorship- did God really say this- continues to be one of the enemy’s main attacks; is this God’s word or man’s word. Is it true or is it myth and fable?
  • Accuracy- if it is God’s word- but you did not personally hear it how can you be sure you have an accurate translation.
  • Acceptability- God’s word and its demands for obedience often conflict with the desires of our flesh. You can be secure and sound in faith on the question of authorship and accuracy & yet be disobedient because some demand of God’s word is contrary to the desires of your flesh.

In this one question the whole temptation in the garden hinged on the matter of belief in God’s word. Who would Eve believe- God or the serpent?
Let’s observe Eve’s reply:

Genesis 3: 2-3-  And the woman said to the serpent, ‘ we may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden: but of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, let you die.’
Eve did two things here that caused the enemy to have the boldness to call God a liar. She handled the word of God carelessly- adding to it. She also did not call the tree by the name God had given it- she referred to it as the tree in the midst of the garden not the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Mankind still does not like to call sin- sin or evil. It is a bad habit, it is a white lie, it is an alternative life style. Mankind has also since the fall wanted to decide for himself what is good and evil- not let God dictate what is good and evil. Call homosexuality or fornication sin- and the unbelieving world will shout that is your opinion- no, it is not my opinion- it is what the Word of God says it is.
Satan, who is described as our adversary, who goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour is about to pounce on the woman.

Genesis 3: 4-5:  In these following verses we will see the pattern for all temptations- we will see the first marketing and advertising campaign for sin.  We will also see the enemy’s use of deception to create doubt.

“ And the serpent said unto the woman – you shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day you eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods, knowing good from evil.”
Verse 6: And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her; and he also did eat.
The woman, who will later be named Eve, was no match for a brilliant, full of wisdom, deceiver like Satan on her own. She did however possess two things that would have been sufficient to resist this temptation.  She had the Word of God and a conscience. We know Adam and Eve had a conscience because after the fall, after disobeying God they felt shame, guilt and fear- all actions of the conscience which is located in the mind.  The conscience is God’s alarm clock to warn us of right and wrong.  As believers we know we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and ‘ greater is He who is in us and the he who is in the world.’
Paul writes about the conscience and its role in Romans 2:14&15- where he describes the actions of the Gentiles- ‘ when the Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required in the law, they are a law unto themselves, since they show the requirements of the law are written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts now accusing and now even defending them.’
A conscience that can be depended on must be transformed by the renewing of your mind with the Word of God. The world will also attempt to conform your mind and thus your conscience.  Eve could have listened to her conscience which had the Word of God and simply said to the serpent- Thus saith the Lord… and ended it.  God’s commandments to NOT do something are not to prohibit us from enjoyment but to protect us from fulfilling a God-given desire in the wrong way. Eve by listening to the enemy was beginning to have doubts about God’s motives.
Satan cannot force anyone to do anything- he must deceive them into believing that God’s word is not God’s word, is not accurate or acceptable. Once he creates doubt then he can proceed with the deception.
Satan must not only use this three prong attack on God’s word (authorship, accuracy & acceptability) he also launches a three prong attack using the – lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. All of these are evident here in this first temptation and first sin.
The battle is for the mind. The heart or soul of man is divided into three compartments: mind, will and emotion.  The mind is the thinker, the will is the chooser and the emotion is the feeler.  Satan appeals to the emotion thru the three prong attack of lust of eyes, lust of flesh and pride of life. If he can get the feeler to overrule the thinker, the decider will choose to sin.  Satan has to get our ‘ want-to’ to overrule our ‘ should not’. That is why our faith must be in the facts, the truth of God’s word  and not in our emotions. We are to walk by faith not by sight.
Watch this battle unfold as we see all the classic moves of the first ever sales, marketing and advertising campaign.
First of all- advertising can be used for education about a product or service- but the essence of advertising is to make you discontent with what you have and desire that which is being advertised.
Once the enemy had the woman thinking of God in a different way- that is not a loving God- a giver of good gifts but a demanding dictator who was withholding something good – he could proceed with the desire. In fact James describes this process perfectly- but every man/woman is tempted when he/she is drawn away of his own lust(desire) and enticed. Then when lust/desire has conceived, it brings forth sin; and sin when it is finished brings forth death. It begins with doubt- followed by desire- which is entertained – and thus conceived and then born in to full blown- acted upon sin.
Marketing’s role is to minimize the risk in order to maximize the interest.  Notice this is what the enemy does immediately. He takes away the risk- you will surely not die.  There will be no consequences.. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
This is the deception of sin- there are no consequences. Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man seweth that shall he also reap.
Next after minimizing the risk- he moves to maximize the interest by offering features, advantages and benefits that sound too good to be true.  It is the emotional appeal that overrules the rational logic.  You will be wise- you will be like gods.
Cleverly, the enemy has turned a desire into a decision.
Promises that will never be delivered.  False advertising.
In verse 7, part of what the devil said comes true, for as a master of deception and the father of all lies- the devil cleverly mixes truth with lies. Their eyes are opened but not to what they expected.

“ And the eyes of them both were opened and they KNEW they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.”

Look back at Genesis 2:25- and they both were naked , the man and the woman, and they were not ashamed.

Shame comes from a guilty conscience convicting us what we have done is wrong. Prior to disobeying God, prior to sin- Adam and Eve possessed a completely innocent conscience. Like a baby or a 2 year-old- who is not ashamed to be naked in front of a room full of people- completely innocent with no knowledge of sin.
The sewing of the fig leaves represent the first attempt of man to cover up his sin, to provide himself with a covering to cloak his guilt and shame.  These aprons of fig leaves represent every effort made by man to do something to make himself fit for the presence of God. Fig leaves might be good enough to fool one another- but you cannot fool God. White robes might fool other people- but not the Lord.
In verse 8- we will see the response of Adam and the woman after the fall to God’s presence.  They heard his voice, heard Him walking in the garden in the cool of the day, the time they always shared together. Their response, their reaction to what had used to be the highlight of their day?  They hid themselves.
In verse 9- we see God’s question- a question He still is asking individuals today- where art thou?  Where are you?  God does not ask a question because He needs information. He asks this question to get one to look at the situation they find themselves in and think about how they got there…how they feel…how this decision to not obey God’s commandments is working out???

God ever ask you that question?  He has me…
Next week – we will see the consequences of sin. But let’s close today by thinking about what we have learned about the enemy and his modus operandi- for his m.o. has not changed. How do we deal with sin and temptation:


  • Avoid judging what God says.
  • Do not question God’s goodness. (John 10:10)
  • Do not doubt or ignore God’s word.
  • Do not forget the consequences of sin.
  • Do not throw away your confidence in the Lord.
  • Remember your defense system. (Ephesians 6)
  • Renew your mind- take captive wrong thoughts.Battle for the mind. (2 Cor 10)
  • Watch and pray.
  • Remember your enemy can disguise himself.
  • Don’t argue with the enemy. ( Jesus’ example in Matthew 4)
  • Remember good and evil travel on a parallel path.

“One thing is needed..”  this is what Jesus told Martha in Luke 10. Martha was busy with many things in the kitchen and complained she was doing all the work while her sister Mary sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what Jesus said.
Martha, Martha- you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.
Personal devotion time is a choice.

It is a time when we sit at the feet of the Lord and listen to Him.

Personal devotion time is a source of spiritual growth and you cannot grow spiritually without a personal devotion time.

This one thing is needed.
You will never have consistent victory over sin and temptation if you do not spend time in personal devotion.

The Consequences of Sin- Genesis 3


In the early part of chapter 3 we saw how the enemy, Satan, operates in order to deceive man and draw him/her into sin. The enemy has not varied his pattern- for it works so well. Now let us see how the Lord deals with sin and observe how He operates  and leads to repentance.

Verse 8 &9 reveal Adam and Eve hid from God in the garden. Hiding is an instinctive reaction to guilt. It reveals  the fact of guilt. It also brings with it fear. Notice  it is  the Lord who comes to man- He is seeking Adam and Eve. He is a seeking God.  The Lord Jesus, God the Son who became flesh, revealed God to us how God operates. He told Phillip, if he had seen him – he had seen the Father. May I remind you Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

In John 4- Jesus told the woman at the well that God was a ‘ seeking God’ who sought those who worship in Him in spirit and truth. Again in John 6- the Lord Jesus tells us ‘ no man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him;’. And the Apostle Peter adds- God is not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance.  Repentance is a key.

Christianity is most unique among all religions- in that all other religions begin with man seeking God. Only the Bible starts with God seeking after man.

The first question in Genesis that God asks is ‘ where are you?’.  The first question in Matthew 2:2 : “ Where is the One who has been born the King of the Jews?”  Jesus’ first question to His first two disciples ( John and Andrew) : What are you seeking?  The wise men had been drawn by the star and the prophecy- John and Andrew drawn by their search for the Messiah and directed by John the Baptist.

Suppose a friend who is coming to visit you who has not been there before calls and says he is lost and cannot find your home- what will be your first question:  Where are you now? This person can you give you some answers that indicate where he is and you can then direct him to get to where he needs to be. The key is the person recognizes they are not where they need to be.

God’s first question is designed to make Adam think.   Adam replies in verse 10: he heard the Lord walking in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid.

The Lord responds with two questions:  Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat?

Let’s link this series of questions together to get the full significance of this all important conversation and see how it is God deals with sin.

First God asks Adam- where he is.  There is only one correct answer- I am not where I should be- I am lost.

Who told you that you were naked? From what source, God is asking, did you get this information. The answer is – no one. The devil did not tell him- Eve did not- the correct answer that God wanted Adam to find was – it came from within. Sin caused a change in Adam and instinctively he knows something he did not know before. An evil knowledge from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil has now become part of Adams’ knowledge. This is what God wants Adam to see- the consequences of his disobedience – the consequences of his sin.

Genesis 3: 11-13: God’s third question is as direct as it can be- Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?  Adam’s reply- the woman You gave me- you put here with me- she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it. Then the Lord God said to the woman what is this you have done? The woman said the serpent deceived me and I ate.

Both Adam and Eve blame someone else- in fact Adam indirectly blames God for it was God who put the woman with him. But finally- a confession comes forth from both- I ate. I did that which you told me not to do.  I John tells  us : If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and  cleanse us from all unrighteousness. These verses indicate the Lord God is faithful and just. It tells us of God’s response toward all who confess their sins will be in accordance with His nature and gracious commitment to us. He will forgive us and restore the communion with Him that had been interrupted by sin. Or in the case of a lost person- confessing he is a sinner and needs cleansing and forgiveness and ask the Lord to save him, He will do so immediately.

This same principle is taught to us by the Lord Jesus in what we call the Lord’s Prayer.  ‘forgive us our sins-debts as we forgive our debtors.

This confession is what God was seeking to lead Adam and Eve to with His questions.  Remember – God in His foreknowledge knew this would happen. We are told the Lamb of God was slain before the foundation of the earth. In other words the plan of salvation was already in place since an All Knowing Triune God knew man created with free will could not obtain salvation through perfection and works even placed in the most perfect environment.Salvation would require the work of Calvary and the death of His Son. It was the perfect plan that would yield the most good for the most people.

God wanted Adam and Eve and all of us to see the following:


  • We are not where we should be. We are lost.
  • It is because of something we did- we disobeyed – sinned – rebelled.
  • We need to agree with God ( confess means) that we have sinned against Him.

Confessing we are lost, confessing we have sinned, disobeyed God is as far as man can ever go in correcting evil. He can never do more than that. But as we see in this account of the first sin and consequences of sin- it provides the grounds for God to act.

This is where God constantly seeks to bring us- to a place  where we confess and acknowledge  we  are wrong. It is with this confession God can begin to work.

This is how God operates in dealing with sin. He finds us in our failures, our estrangement, our guilt, our sense of nakedness and loss, and immediately moves to bring us to repentance. God is not willing that any should perish, but all would come to repentance.(2Peter 3)  Does God sound angry and vengeful here in this dialogue?

Do not misunderstand God’s moving. He is not dragging you in front of some tribunal to punish you- He is simply trying to get us to face facts. When we confess our sins, the One who is described as faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

Now God will next deal with the serpent, the woman and the man- as we see the consequences for those involved. However, I want to link verse 21 with God’s actions after Adam and Eve’s confession. Then we will come back and look at verses 14-19.

Verse 21 ;: Unto Adam and also to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them.

Here is the beginning of animal sacrifices- the shedding of innocent blood in order to make a covering for their sins. This is but a picture, as all animal sacrifices are but pictures- a kindergarten of grace in order to teach us the great truth that God keeps attempting to communicate to us as men and women. That if we confess our sins- he has made a way to cover our sins. All sacrifices and rite and ceremonies God gave the people of Israel throughout the law in the OT were to point them toward the ultimate sacrifice- the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. In fact it is God who ultimately bears the pain, hurt and agony for our sins. John the Baptist identified Jesus as – ‘the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.’

Paul tells us in Ephesians – ‘we are accepted in the beloved.’  Ray Stedman, pastor, teacher and author who has gone on to be with the Lord gives this insightful story to illustrate this truth.

Ray grew up in Montana in a sheep farming area. Spring is traditional lambing season. Spring in Montana can bring violent snow storms and freezing weather, a threat to the newborn lambs and the ewes.  When the storms strike during lambing seasons- the sheep farmers would lose newborns as well as ewes. So they ended up with ewes whose lambs had died and lambs whose mother had died. Attempts to but an orphan lamb with a ewe who lost her newborn were rejected by the ewes- who took one smell and butted the newborns away. To solve the problems- the sheep farmers took the mother’s own dead lamb and skinned it- and tied the skin of the mother’s dead lamb to the other little lamb, the orphan lamb. Sheep who are notoriously nearsighted depend on their sense of smell- when the ewe smelled her newborn she allowed  the orphan to nurse as if it were her own. The orphan had been accepted in the beloved one’s place.

There came a time when the Lamb of God lay dead on our behalf and God took us in as orphans, adopted us. He clothed us in the Lamb of God’s righteousness and drew us to Himself where He could supply all our needs as we were accepted in the Beloved.

This is where repentance bring us- to acceptance in the beloved one. But confession and repentance are not only the beginning of the Christian life. It is the way we start and  the way we continue. We come to a God who has been seeking you like the hound of heaven to get you to see what is wrong. When you confess and repent – we see His response. Immediately God tells us- I have taken care of your sins. My Lamb has died for you and your sins are covered and you are accepted in the Beloved. This is not only how we began our Christian life and journey it is how we live it. Confession and repentance are the basis upon which the Christian life is built. We must continue to repent of those areas where we fail or fall back into a way of living which God has told us is not right. Don’t’ let sin abide- it will only get worse- take you further, keep you longer and cost you more. Confess and repent immediately.

What God is going to show Adam and Eve and thus show us- He is on our side. He is against the enemy. He will do His part if we allow Him to do it in our lives.  If God be for us- who can be against us?

So as God led Adam and Eve through an examination of their situation to confess their disobedience.  This is what God does with each of us.

What followed next was Adam and Eve saw immediately that God was their defender. ( If one does sin, we have an advocate, a defender with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.I John 2)  IMPORTANT:  As long as we try to defend ourselves, His defense is of no avail to us, but when we are ready to stop defending ourselves, we have a perfect defender. He is the friend of sinners.

God’s first words are to the Tempter and they are words of scorching judgment.

Genesis 3:14-15:  “ Because thou has done this, thou are cursed above all  cattle above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shall thou eat all the days of your life.And I will put enmity between you and the woman- between your seed and her seed; her seed shall bruise thy head and you shall bruise his heel.”

In these two verses are the clearest promise, appearing in the Bible of the coming Redeemer. This is the first prophecy and the first presentation of the Gospel, the Good News.

If Adam and Eve were standing there with their heads bowed in shame and guilt when they heard this I believe they may very well have looked up and listened with fresh hope to this very first promise and very first prophecy. Certainly they rejoiced this deceiving serpent would be dealt with accordingly. But this prophecy deals with both comings of the Lord as well as His virgin birth.

First we see for the first time there will from this time on be two classes of people on earth- the seed of the devil and the seed of the woman- which is Christ and believers of Christ are in Christ. Either God is your Father or your Father is the devil- you are of his seed if you have not been born again.  These two groups will always be at war, in fact within our own being the flesh will always be at war with the Spirit. The reference to the ‘ seed of the woman’ is a remarkable prophecy of the virgin birth of the Lord. The prophecy deals with both comings of the Lord Jesus – in the first coming the serpent will bruise the heel at calvary; in the second coming, the Lord Jesus will crush the serpent’s head.
Now God deals with Adam and Eve. Remember whom the Lord loves – He chastens. Just as our earthly fathers disciplined us out of love for our own good, so does our Heavenly Father. In dealing with Adam and Eve we will see the entrance of pain, subjection, toil and death. But if we give close examination – we will see that it is for their own good.

I am reminded of Paul writing a letter to the church in Phillipi from prison. He had been imprisoned by Nero- one of the most evil wicked emperors of Rome. Do you know how God used Nero?  Nero hand picked the finest of his guards to watch over Paul. They spent six hours per shift chained to this man of God. Do you remember what he wrote?  “ These things that have happened to me have really served to advance the gospel.” How well did he succeed?  He closes that letter with this message- ‘ all the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar’s household”. In another 2 centuries- Christianity would be the recognized religion of the Roman Empire. Nero didn’t know it – but God used this wicked man to start a GROW program inside his empire and household.

God speaks to the woman in verse 16: To the woman He said, I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain(sorrow) thou shall bring forth children; and your desire shall be for your husband who will rule over you.

There would be and is pain in childbearing- and sorrow in raising children. When their children hurt-mothers hurt, especially mothers. What they feel she feels- what they experience she experiences more than the father and the reason is because God decreed it to be that way. It is not punishment- it is the result of sin and sinful rebellious natures children are born with. A mother becomes so involved in the life of her children- if they fail; she fails- she is brokenhearted. It is what makes this both a fulfilling role and a painful role.  Only a mother can fully understand this. This desire for her children to do well – serves to remind her how much the Lord desires we do well.  The Lord Jesus even said- like a mother hen would gather her chicks – he had desired to gather the Jewish leader who opposed Him – but they would not. Rebellious children break the hearts of a mother – just as rebellious children break the heart of our Lord.
Subject to her husband..he shall rule over you. KJV says your ‘desire’ will be for your husband.

This along with the scripture in Ephesians which says women are submit yourselves to your own husbands in everything as unto the Lord- has become controversial in recent years of Womens’ Liberation.

But we must remember God made woman from man to be his help mate- you cannot have two presidents of the USA- nor more than you can have two people try to drive the same car. One must be head. The Lord chose man- but knew man needed a help mate. The two then become as one. And the key is mutual submission- for the man is commanded to love his wife as Christ loved the church. It is not a license to become a tyrant or dictator- but to take care of your wife. The way God intended this relationship to be- one of mutual submission. The husband wanting the best for his wife and acting in accordance with that and the wife wanting the same for the husband- and both wanting it for their children.

But I think you can see how women’s liberation—and I believe women should be paid equal pay for equal work. But certainly when we look at the divorce rate- the terrible breakdown in marriages and thus in families…we realize we have strayed away from God’s plan for marriage and the traditional roles of husband and wife- man and woman.

Next God speaks to Adam.

“And to Adam, God said- Because you have listened to the voice of your wife have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat, cursed is the ground for your sake; in sorrow shall thou eat of it all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shall eat of the plants of the field; in the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou return to the ground for out if you were taken and dust thou art and to dust thou returneth.

Do you see the sin of Adam here in this passage?  He listened to the voice of his wife. That in itself is not bad- in fact you need to listen to your wife. But Adam listened to the voice of his wife when it was different than the voice of God, instead of the voice of God. Do not listen or heed any voice  that contradicts the voice of God.

Then Adam is told- dust thou art to dust returneth. You come into the world with nothing- you leave the world with nothing.

On your headstone- will be the date of your birth a dash- and the date of your death. That dash represents your life- the human race.

Were these things that occurred to Adam and Eve punishment? No- they are the disciplines of grace- the work of an all wise- all loving Heavenly Father who chastens those He loves. He said it is for your sake I have done this. These things are given to bring all of us into subjection – to humble us, to break our dependence on our own abilities, skills, and education- until you depend completely on the God who made you and who is able to supply all that you need.

Paul experienced a thorn in the flesh which he asked God to remove three times. He obviously felt like this thorn- this infirmity affected his performance negatively. God reminded Paul the thorn was given to keep him humble and dependent upon the Lord. He told Paul His grace was sufficient. Then God said something that opened Paul’s eyes- God told Paul and us this great truth and principle…my strength( God’s strength) is made perfect in weakness. When Paul grasped this truth- it opened the way for the most powerful ministry of the Church age. Paul realized when I am weak – then I am strong.  That is why he said, most gladly will I rather glory in my weakness that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

The power of powerlessness!

Next week we will see the final exit from Eden and the first family and unfortunately – the first murder.

Genesis 4.  The First Family- the first murder


At the end of Genesis 3- we see God evict Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Let’s look carefully at God’s reason for doing this:  “ The man has now become like  one of us, knowing good and evil. He  must  not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever. So God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. After He drove the man out, He placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
Guard the way to the tree of life. Cut off now from the way to the tree of life which provided eternal life. Eternal life in a state of sin would mean forever living in the cycle of sin- hiding- guilt- shame and fear. What a miserable existence.   But God did not leave man without access to the Tree of life- but man could not come into the presence of Holy God the same way he had before he sinned.. That is why Christ came to open up a new way into the presence of a Holy God. Jesus would become the  Way.
God did not drive Adam and Eve away to keep them from coming to the Tree of Life. He did it to guard the way to the Tree of Life, so that men would come the right way to the tree of life. The right way- the only way being His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. ( Revelation 2 & 22- reference to Tree of Life)
When we come the right Way- we are born again. We receive a new spirit and a new nature housed in our old bodies. We have been freed from the old nature and the word of God tells us- we were crucified with Christ in order that the sinful body might be put to death. There is no other remedy for sin but death.This is what God is clearly teaching us from the 3rd chapter of Genesis all the way thru the Bible. We are to reckon or count this to be true. Sin no longer has power over us- we are no longer its slaves- we have a new owner and now are slaves to righteousness. All our sins are forgiven- but we will still battle sin and temptation while living in our earthly bodies.
Then at our physical death our spirit which was sealed goes to be with the Lord- absent from the body present with the Lord. Our bodies to the grave. Upon resurrection- we receive a new body to house our spirit and those who are alive at the coming of the Lord will be raptured and receive new bodies that are changed in a twinkling of the eye. Paul tells us – I am fully persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day. Now in resurrected, glorified bodies we can live in the presence of Holy God for we are perfect as Adam and Eve before sin. Now we can eat from the Tree of Life by the Rivers of Living water for we have come the way God has prescribed for us to come after the fall. In fact it is the only way.
In the meanwhile, Paul has told us how we are to live.  “ I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
Now Adam and Eve begin life outside the Garden of Eden. In Chapter 4 we see the birth of Cain and Abel.
4:1- Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. ( this was an expression of her faith in the promise of God to send  a seed that would crush the head of the serpent.)

Verse 2 tells us she again bare his brother Abel. ( some conjecture- Abel and Cain may have been twins- with Cain the first born.) Next we read of their occupations: Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.   A farmer and a shepherd.
4:3- In the process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord.

4:4- And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering.
We are not given details of these two boys growing up- however we can deduct from these two verses they were taught by their father, Adam, about God. They knew there was a God. They knew sin was an offense to Him. They knew God must be approached  with an offering. They had been told of the animal God had killed in order to make  skins to cover their parents’ sin.
We are then told – in the course of time Cain brought some fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord – but  Abel brought fat portions from the firstborn of his flock.
Hebrews 11 tells us by faith Abel made a more excellent sacrifice. He is in fact, the  first person mentioned in the Faith Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11.

Principles and truths in the Bible do not change- faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
It is obvious Cain and Able were not left to their own ideas on how to approach God and what kind of sacrifice was needed.  They had both been taught and heard that the shedding of blood was necessary for atonement. The killing of an innocent lamb was repulsive- it was awful- but that is exactly what God wanted mankind to see- the awfulness of sin.
The important lesson God wants to teach Cain and us is this lesson:  without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. He is teaching us sin cannot be taken lightly. In fact, God is showing us sin is only solved by death.
Abel believed and obeyed. He came the way God had instructed them to come.
Cain, on the other hand, came his own way. He came a way that seemed right to him. He probably even thought his way was better- he had worked harder to grow the fruit and harvest it and bring it in a beautiful arrangement to God.
In Genesis 4: 4b-5- we are told. “ The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering… but on Cain and his offering He did not look with favor.”
Cain’s reaction was instantaneous- he could not hide the feelings of anger at God and hatred and jealousy of Abel. In fact, Cain was upset that his hard work had not been accepted, admired and approved by God. Here is a clear indication of a rebellious spirit- one that believes God is not fair and does not conform to his/her own thinking of how God should act.
In verse 6, the Lord said to Cain, “ Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast?”  The Lord uses the word ‘ why’ because He wants Cain to look at his actions- to be introspective as to why he is so upset?  What are his motives?

In verse 7, the Lord tells Cain what he must do to remedy the problem- … ‘ but if you do what is right, will you not be accepted? ( Cain has been told what is right- Cain and Abel were taught what God expected and demanded as an appropriate offering. All Cain has to do is – do what is right- do what God has commanded.  But, the Lord says, if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door it desires to have you – but you must master it.
The choice was clear- you can do it the way I have commanded- said the Lord and it will be accepted or you cannot do it and you will be mastered by sin.
What we are about to see is another first in the book of Genesis, the book of firsts. The first false religion.
You are also witnessing the first reaction of those who follow false religions. Like Cain the founder of the world’s first false religion- they are infuriated when they are told there is only one way and their way is wrong.  False religion is always based on human works and efforts. At the heart of every false religion is the notion that good works merit salvation. These false religions were from the very start based on human reasoning, not divine revelation. Its basis of philosophy regarding- salvation was salvation could be earned and merited by hard work, effort and toil.
True salvation rests on three focal points: the Word of God, the Work of Christ and the Witness of the Spirit.  Cain’s religion and all false religions substitute for all three.
It is not the Word of God but the intelligent reasoning of man.

It is not the Work of Christ at Calvary- it is one’s own good works, religious rituals, and social works. In other words human sacrifice and effort. (Ted Turner)

It is not the witness of the Spirit. God approved Abel’s sacrifice but did not approve Cain’s. But Cain was self satisfied with his offering- believing it to be more worthy than Abel’s.  He did not seek Gods’ approval- he was satisfied with his own works.
In other words, the God of the Bible, was not conforming to Cain’s philosophy and way of thinking. He was angry with God- thought Him unfair and he was furious with jealousy at Abel- who Cain considered an inferior individual compared to him in every way. And as far as Cain was concerned- anyone could see his offering was vastly superior in every way compared to Abel’s offering. Except for one thing- it was not what God commanded. It did not involve blood and death. You cannot get blood out of a turnip!
There is a way that seems right to man- that leads to death. The man who is indifferent to God’s way lives life by his own philosophy- characterized by stubborn self-will, fierce pride and dependence on his own talents, intelligence and ability.
The man or woman who will not be satisfied with God will continue on a restless search for the satisfaction in the things of the world. But we are warned – not to love the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world- the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and boasting of what he has and does- comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.( I John 2: 15-17)
When the love of the Father is not in a person- that person will invariably attempt to fill the void with the things of the world.
The first murder is about to occur. As we can see- it first began as a thought process. As a man thinketh in his heart – so is he. Jesus linked murder to anger with ones brother in His sermon on the mount. Abel’s murder is premeditated. It would be considered first degree murder. It also involved deceit as Cain approached his brother with a seemingly innocent invitation – let’s go out to the field.
If we will be honest- we probably think Adam’s sin of eating the forbidden fruit seemed but a little sin. Not really that bad. But look what it opened the door to.
We also see- the seed of the serpent against the seed of the woman. Let’s review this first murder- the taking of another life. It is especially horrible for the following reasons:

  1. Abel was Cain’s brother. ( Even today police know the first suspects in murder are relatives or those close to the victim.)
  2. Abel was Cain’s younger brother whom he ought to have protected.
  3. Abel was a good man- a saint. As we read this account- he did nothing to provoke his brother except obey God.
  4. God Himself had told Cain what would come of his anger and disappointment if he did not deal with it.
  5. He covered the murder with an act of friendship.
  6. He committed this murder because his works were not accepted by God and Abel’s offering was.
  7. Cain directly struck at God Himself for Cain hated Abel because God loved Abel.


In verse 9-12- we see the first trial and condemnation.

Here is the arraignment:  God questions the accused, Cain. Where is Abel your brother?   God asks Cain that He might draw from Cain a confession of his crime. If we are to be justified by God, we must confess we are guilty.
Cain, in effect, pleads not guilty. He covers with a lie. I don’t know where he is. Am I my brother’s keeper? You think Cain is not the seed of the devil- he is a liar and murderer.
Notice in this first trial we have the first forensic evidence- blood evidence. ‘ What have you done? Your brother’s blood cries from the ground.’ Interesting to note that the blood of Abel is mentioned in Hebrews 12: 24.  “ Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.”  The blood of Abel cried out for justice and retribution- but the blood of Jesus shed on the cross speaks of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Now comes the sentencing phase for Cain.

“ Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground which opened  its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you work the ground it will not longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on earth.”

Paul writes in Galatians 3: 10 – Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the law.  ( That includes all of us- b/c none of us are able to keep the law.)  But Paul adds in verse 13- Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming the curse for us at Calvary.
The punishment was designed to fit the crime and the criminal. What did Cain take great pride in?  His ability as a farmer, a tiller of the soil to grow crops. Now what he took pride and enjoyment in has become a curse to him.  Also as a prideful man he will now be a condemned criminal marked in some way by God that everyone will know who he is and what he has done. His sin will ever be on his mind. His guilty conscience a constant reminder of what he has done and what it has cost him.
Yet in His punishment God shows that He is long-suffering not willing that any should perish but all would come to repentance.
What is Cain’s reaction?  “ My punishment is greater than I can bear. Today you are  driving me from the land and I will be hidden from your presence. I will be a restless wanderer on the earth and whoever finds me will kill me.”
Now remember- Cain is the founder of the first false religion. Look at his response and you will see the response of Cain’s false religion that is common to all man-made false religions.

There is no repentance- no confession of wrong doing.

There is no remorse- only resentment.

Cain thought God was unfair when God accepted Abels’ offering and rejected his and he thinks God is unfair in his punishment.
In fact we are seeing another first—the First Pity Party.
God assures Cain that He will  protect him from harm and gives Cain some type of distinguishing mark.
KJV tells us in Genesis 4:16 17- “ And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived and bare Enoch; and he built a city, and called the name of the city after his son, Enoch.”
Cain went out from the presence of the Lord. He would be restless for the remainder of his life- because there is no rest outside of a right relationship with the Lord.  I John 2 tells us: But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in darkness. He does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him.
The fact that Cain feared retribution by others lets us know there was by this time considerable population in that part of the world. The origin of Cain’s wife has perplexed many people. Where did he get his wife?  In the land of Nod, east of Eden. In Genesis 5: – we are told Adam lived  to be 930 years old and he begat sons and daughters. So Cain married what had to be a sister or relative of some type.
So we see the first murder, first trial and subsequent punishment.

We also see the first city built by a convicted murderer.
I believe Cain built this city to create an artificial paradise filled with good things that he might find satisfaction and peace in those things. He never would.
Today we live in cities with all the things we can imagine and then some.

We have larger houses but smaller families.

We have more devices to create convenience- but have less time.

We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values.

We have taller buildings- but shorter tempers.

We have more knowledge that is doubling at a rate of  every 900 days- ever learning but sadly for many never coming to the truth.

As Solomon said – there is nothing new under the sun.

Genesis 5- Adam’s Descendants.


As we read in Genesis 4- the godless line of Cain begins with Enoch.  To Enoch was born Irad and we are told of their offspring without any detail until we come to Lamech.
Lamech, we are told, is the first polygamist taking two wives. So we see sexual excess- sexual promiscuity being legitimized . He is also a boastful, violent man.
His sons continued in a way that seemed right to them…Jabal developed the business of producing livestock- he developed a way of systematically producing goods. His brother Jubal  was in the music industry – providing entertainment. As a man grew indifferent to God and His Ways they searched for ways to entertain themselves- find pleasure in entertainment in order to fill the void only God could really fill. Another brother, Tubal-Cain was the inventor of metals introducing the first metals and the means to produce them. This would also mean the production of the first weapons.
If they had had a newspaper or a television station- it would have been reported and editorials written that man – thru his own intelligence and will power was developing a civilization that had everything. It was good economic times- they had music, culture, sexual freedom, art and commerce. They also had weapons for protection. They had no need of God and His rules. Let’s kick God out of our society-let’s get rid of Him and His restrictive laws and lists of do’s and don’ts. We can decide for ourselves what is right and wrong.
Then Lamech kills a man who wounds him. Evidently he believed in self-defense.  Those who follow the false religion of Cain always can justify their own behavior and find reason to excuse rather than accuse their behavior.
He boasted if Cain could kill his brother, Abel in cold blood and is avenged seven times- then I will be avenged seventy times seven.
Now note how this chapter closes- Adam and Eve have another son- Seth. Eve says God has granted (appointed) me another child(seed) in the place of Abel. Seth also had a son named Enosh.
“ At that time men began to call on the name of the Lord.”  As God clearly told Adam and Eve-there would be two classes of people in the world after the fall. The seed of the devil and the seed of the woman- as we noted this was unbelievers and believers- the lost and the saved. Notice the difference: there are those who are indifferent to sin and evil and those who call on the name of the Lord. Seth would take Abel’s place  as a leader of a line of God’s faithful people.

Now we come to a section in chapter 5 – that if we are not careful we will skip over. What appears to be a generational list of Adam’s descendants traced thru Seth down to Noah and his three sons. But if God had Moses carefully record this- there is something here He wants us to learn.
First let’s take note of God reminding us He created Adam in the likeness of God. However- when Adam’s son, Seth, was born- we read ‘ he had a son in his own likeness; in his own image.’  Remember God had said each species would reproduce after its own kind. Adam’s son was born in the likeness and image of Adam- not God. All of mankind would come from Adam- ‘ from one man he made every nation of men.’ ( Act 17) That also means we would all be born with a sinful nature.
Since we were all born the first time in sin- with inherited sinful natures. No wonder Jesus told Nicodemus- ‘ you must be born again.’
Many people are fascinated with the longevity of these men- and others look at this with disbelief and think how can we believe such things.  I choose to believe it –even though I cannot explain it. But then I cannot understand how an I-Phone works. And if someone had described this phone to me – years ago-I would have thought – no way.  Impossible- a product of imagination and fiction.
Interesting side note – due to longevity, Adam and Methuselah were contemporaries. Adam was still alive when Methuselah was born and in fact did not die for another 243 years. It most likely that Methuselah knew Adam- his great-great-great etc. granddaddy.  And here is what is interesting- Methuselah was Noah’s grandfather. So on the other side of the flood- there was a connection all the way back to Adam via Noah thru his grandfather Methuselah.
I want us to take note- where God gives us additional information about these individuals or their name is especially significant. Each name has a meaning as we will see…but God pauses to share important details regarding Enoch. The name Enoch comes a root word meaning – ‘ teaching’. Enoch’s life has something God wants to teach us.
Let’s look at Enoch. “ When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether Enoch lived 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.”
Notice the information God has given us about Enoch.

He became the father of Methuselah at age 65. It was a turning point in his life. His walk with God began after the birth of his son. Fatherhood often changes a man. He is faced with responsibility. He begins to think of others besides himself. But something else happened and to understand what occurred we must understand the meaning of the name of Methuselah. In the Bible – names had significance, as we will see.
Methuselah- the name actually means –‘when he dies, it shall come,’; or ‘his death shall bring.’ The giving of this name to his son by Enoch brings us another first in the book of Genesis. Enoch was the first prophet. God had spoken to Enoch- had touched his life and Enoch’s life was clearly marked with a before and after. Before the birth of his son- Enoch did not walk with God- afterwards he did. Listen to this commentary on Enoch’s life found in Hebrews 11.  “ By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not  experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before  he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He is and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” ( Did you realize this famous verse- Hebrews 11:6 flowed out of the life Enoch lived?)
To walk with God means to live by faith and walk by faith. To walk with God, means to walk in the same direction as God. In order to be headed in the same direction as God, one must know where God is headed. If we have learned anything about God in these first few chapters of Genesis- it is this- God hates sin. He does not want it to rule and reign in the life of man- as per God’s comments to Cain that sin would ‘master him’ if Cain did not do what was right. God demands obedience- in fact more than sacrifice.
To walk with God means to keep in step with Him. “ Except two be in agreement, how can they walk together.” ( Amos 3:3)

We are told to ‘ walk in the light as He is in the light’.

We are told to walk by faith and not by sight.

Enoch walked with God, which means he walked with God by faith. And as Hebrews tells us without faith it is impossible to please God.  Is your walk pleasing to God?
This chapter of the generations of Adam ends with the birth of Noah and the subsequent birth of his three sons when Noah was 500 years old.
Before we move on the chapter six- let’s take a look at the names that God had Moses record.
We understand in the Bible, names have significant meaning. Theologians studying the origins and roots of names have given us the following meanings for these names:

Seth- Appointed.

Enosh- Mortal

Kenan- Sorrow.

Mahalalel- The Blessed God.

Jared- Came Down.

Enoch- Teaching.

Methuselah – His Death Shall Bring

Lamech- Strength.

Noah- Comfort.
Now put it all together:  God has appointed mortal man shall sorrow, but the Blessed God came down teaching that his death shall bring strength and comfort.
As we turn to the story of Noah and the flood- we see a world that has become so godless there are only 8 souls who will survive the flood.
We walk and live in an ever increasing godless generation. To walk by faith, means we must learn to trust God- take Him at His word- Trust and Obey.
For as we are ever aware of whether the Lord is coming soon or we are going to be with Him by passing through the door of death- time is of the essence.

“ Only one life – will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.’
Now let us look at one of the most interesting stories in the Bible- the story of Noah, the ark and the  flood.
Genesis 6- The Flood:

Importance of this story today. “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also be the coming of the Son of man.”  Jesus in Matthew 24- telling us signs we can observe that indicate the 2nd coming is near.
1: When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,(2) the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married any of them they chose.

“Then the Lord said, ‘ My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal his days will be 120 years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days- and also afterward- when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them . They were the heroes of old, men of renown.  ( vs. 4)
The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth and his heart was filled with pain. So the Lord said ‘ I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth- men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground and birds of the air- for I am grieved that I have made them.
BUT Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.  ( verses 5-8)
A population explosion has taken place on earth. In verse 2- let’s seek to understand exactly who these ‘sons of God’ were  or what is meant by the daughters of men. There are two schools of thought I will share with you:  the term- ‘sons of God’ has been interpreted to mean either – angels or human beings. If the former is true and it refers to angels – it would obviously be fallen angels.

Can a fallen angel reproduce?  According to the Lord Jesus in Matthew 22 he says when we get to heaven we will be ‘like the angels in heaven- neither marry or are given in marriage.’ Given that angels ( good or bad) are spiritual immortal beings- we would conclude they are unable to reproduce.? Others looking at the Old Testament  references to ‘ sons of God’ – point out this reference is only used to describe angels. In the book of Job we read:  “ Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself  before the Lord.”
The other school of thought says the ‘sons of God’ are those who have followed the way of Seth- believers who follow the way of God.
The daughters of men is interpreted two ways- these are the daughter of men- referring to those sinful unbelievers who follow the way of Cain. Thus an intermarrying of believers with unbelievers.  Or these are the daughters of men who have been seduced and married these demonic sons of God.
Now Jesus’ reference to angels in Matthew 22 implies they are sexless. But there is a qualifier- these are angels in heaven as opposed to fallen angels who are not in heaven. Jude tells us these fallen angels  have left  “their proper dwelling.” I believe this is an important clue. In the New Testament- the human body is referred to as both a vessel and a dwelling place. Many cases of demonic possession are recorded in the New Testament. Based on these truths- I believe one can conclude on good Scriptural evidence the following: evil spirits- fallen angels possessed the bodies of men- (dwelling place) and these demon-possessed men married women and produced a race and offspring referred to as Nephilim.  The word giant comes from the Hebrew word- nephilim. Nephilim comes from the verb naphal meaning ‘to fall’.  Thus these were ‘ fallen ones’ who also were of great stature. So what we can conclude is: men indwelt- possessed by demons are marrying and producing offspring – a race of immoral, violent sinful humans to form a wicked,  Godless society where anything goes.
The Lord looking down upon His creation and this invasion of evil makes a decision. God has the right to do anything- He is the potter we are the clay. And He always does what is right. (God is Sovereign, All-Knowing and Just).
God says: ‘ My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh and yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.  This is not the length of life man will have- for we will see after the flood longevity of life. This is the amount of time God marked off before the flood- a 120 years, which would be the time when Noah would be permitted to preach the grace of God and extend an invitation to the people of his day to turn from their wicked ways and accept the promise of salvation.  Don’t ever get upset with a preacher who extends the invitation to sing another verse – he is only exercising the long suffering of God who does not want any to perish but for all to come to repentance. For 120 years, while building the ark, Noah was a preacher of righteousness- but sadly he saw no one walk the aisle- no one come to be saved. They would not listen.
Verse 5 tells  us the results :  And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Wickedness is the absence of the life of God at work in human society. It is opposed to the things of God. It is present in the life of the unbeliever- the flesh is enmity with God.

Look at the works of the flesh as described in Galatians 5 : Now the works of the flesh are plain:  sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like.   And also in Romans :  God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. Shameful lusts- unnatural relationships- homosexual.
It is interesting to note in every listing of wickedness you will find sexual sins listed prominently. Here in Genesis 6- this sexual immorality and perversity was widespread. Note- this is a sign of the collapse and breakdown of a society.  It is not local it was wide spread- it was not sporadic it was continuous.
Notice the second part of verse 5- ‘every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.’ This outward wickedness was a result of inward corruption. As a man thinketh in his heart – so is he. What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. It constantly drove man to search for sexual sin that was even more exciting – more satisfying- leading men and women as Paul said to seek the unnatural relationships as they were inflamed with lust and filled with every kind of wickedness.
Do you realize what the people of this age did?  They made sin, sexual sin- fashionable. The conformed the society in their time so thoroughly- so molded their thinking that 120 years of preaching did not result in one single conversion.
Look at our society today:  pornography is everywhere- thanks to the computer and the internet- with every kind of sexual perversion you can imagine; homosexuality is openly accepted and fashionable; all types off sexual sin abounds and is the norm; abortion is the law of the land and a right of any woman. Guilt is something alien to this conscience seared society.
What did Jesus say would be a sign of His coming…as it was in the days of Noah so will it be in His second coming.
We want to look carefully at the next verses at God’s decision to destroy mankind except for 8 souls and to understand what is meant by God’s grieving.  We will want to understand as fully as we can as finite beings- the love of God which compels Him to take such drastic actions.
Do you know the name that is being given to the changes in our economy by the experts?  The Re-Set Economy.  In other words- we are in computer language- shutting down and re-booting. We are starting over. God will do the same thing here and He is showing us that like a watchmaker who knew beforehand- his watch would stop telling time- he built into his watch the means to re-set the watch. God knew this was coming and that is why He developed the plan of salvation before the earth was created. To ‘re-set’ us who were all born with sinful natures we had to be born again because what is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of spirit is spirit.
God’s plan of salvation- to save us from ourselves and from the power and penalty of sin always required the shedding of blood- death. For the wages of sin is death. So God provided Himself with a lamb that could take away the sin of the world. The Lamb of God is His Son. And since God the Father and God the Son are one and the same- God gave us Himself. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ ( 1Thess 5:9) Faithful is He who calls you – who will also do it.( 1 Thess 5:24)  So Revelation 13: 8 tells us of  “ the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth.” 2 Timothy 1: 9 tells us : “ This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.”
An all knowing, loving God devised a plan. For He knows- a failure to plan is a plan to fail. He is not willing that any should perish but all come to repentance. God does not want us to fail…He has a plan!! We will see in our next study- His plan- a plan based on His great Love and Mercy.

Genesis 18 – Abraham’s Prayer

Abraham’s Prayer- Genesis 18

In today’s lesson we see another benefit that occurs when we honor God and delight in His Presence.

Remember- this visit of the Lord and the two angels was a test of Abraham’s heart. To see if Abraham would feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty and take a stranger in. In this practical but humble way God says we reveal the conditions of our heart. In showing hospitality to strangers we fill the two greatest commandments – we show by our actions that we ‘ Love the Lord thy God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and love our neighbor as yourself when we minister to them. The Lord Jesus said when we did it to the least of these – we did it unto Him. ( John13:34- Lord gives us the 11th commandment which expands these two verses-a new commandment I give unto you – to love one another as I HAVE LOVED YOU.)

As a result of Abraham’s acts of hospitality which came from a circumcised heart- Abraham’s actions led to Sarah’s faith being strengthened and judged the Lord who promised faithful. So when we minister to others the love of Christ through us, His body, we see the lives of others changed. This is the outcome of faithful service motivated by our love for the Lord and our love for our neighbor.

But there is also another benefit or outcome- when we delight ourselves in His presence –God reveals His will to us and gives us insight into His character and purpose. He reveals secrets to us-He shows us great and mighty things we know not. What believer would not want to experience this?

What we are about to study is the first example and prototype of intercessory prayer. What Abraham did here as a believer, you and I can also do as believers.  So let us take careful note of this account. George Mueller, a man known for his prayers of faith, said it was this account that taught him the most important secrets of prayer.

Let me say this at the outset:  Prayer is not a way to make God change His mind. When He announces something, He will do it. When He declares He will move in a certain direction, He always moves in that direction and our prayer cannot change it. However, prayer can defer judgment and prayer can speed up blessing. Prayer can affect timing. I will give scriptural examples later.

We will also learn as we observe God that He is not rash, sudden or unfair in His judgment.

In addition we will learn that God is looking for intercessors. His manner of telling Abraham about Sodom and Gomorrah is to encourage Abraham to intercede for the people of those cities. God wants us to be concerned about what He is concerned about- the souls of people- for He is not willing that any should perish but all would come to repentance. But God is also revealing to us what happens if there is no repentance, if there is no change.

Let us learn from this passage how to become intercessors for those  in danger of judgment.

This section of scripture starts in a most unusual way: God shares his thoughts, what He is thinking with us. Let us pay attention to this process.

Genesis 18: 17-19 “ The Lord said , ‘ Shall I  hide from Abraham what I am about to do? Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all the nations on earth will be blessed through him. For I have chosen Abraham, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the  Lord by doing what is right and just, so the Lord will bring about for Abraham what He has promised him.”

God is sharing with us His thought process as to how He decides to share or reveal His will to us.

In these two verses we discover another important fact concerning prayer- it begins with God. True prayer is never a man’s plan which he brings to God to bless. There may be things we want to do or want God to do for us and we can ask Him anything. In these situations prayer is a will alignment. As we will discover- Abraham does not change God’s mind- but Abraham discovers God’s will.

Certainly we ask Him to watch over our families and direct our paths- but these are prayers that find their basis in God’s word. We are told in scripture what concerns us- concerns our Heavenly Father. We are told He delights to order our steps. As far as our requests ,John tells us we can have confidence in Him that if we ask what is according to His will- He hears our requests. And if we know that He hears us- whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of Him.  It is important for us to remember the prayer of faith is acting on a previous knowledge of what God wants. It is always founded on a promise of God.

If we ask anything contrary to the will of God we cannot expect His blessing. If we request something from Him that is not specifically promised- God can choose to give us what we ask out of the goodness of His Heart or not give us what we ask because it is harmful for us; there is unconfessed sin in our lives; we have asked amiss- with wrong motives  or  He has something better. By making your request specific- you can receive a specific answer. A word of caution here for we must be careful and remember the heart is deceitful above all things. Continue in prayer for a season- until either a clear answer comes or you no longer desire what you were praying for.

God loves to answer our prayers. He desires more than anything to bless us- His children. God also loves to share His secrets with us. The Lord’s disciples ask the Lord to teach them to pray in Luke 11. Jesus gave them the guidelines for prayer and then added a parable about persistence and boldness in praying. So let us stop and make the same request:  Lord teach us to pray!

God in talking to Himself in these verse gives us an insight into why He will not keep His will from Abraham. And remember what applies to Abraham – applies to us.

First, God has given Abraham by grace a favored position with Him.

Second, God has chosen Abraham in order that Abraham might charge his children and household to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just. Abraham is being taught  by grace how to walk before God.

For these reasons- God decides to tell Abraham His secrets.

Do you not see the parallel for us today as believers?  Every believer in Jesus Christ stands in the same relationship with God as Abraham did. Abraham was called the ‘ friend of God.’ What did Jesus say to us- ‘ You are my friends, if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead I have called you friends, for everything that I have learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15;14,15)

As believers we stand in a favored position. A position given to us by grace not works. And like Abraham we are being taught how to walk in faith- to walk righteously before Him.

It is not enough to have the favored position. I believe many Christians believe because they have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, all that God has is now open to them. But there must be the walk, the daily appropriation of what and who He is, so that  we learn to walk in righteousness. When we do this- God will share His secrets with us as He did with Abraham. The friendship and revelation of God’s will is based on obedience. “ You are my friends if you do what I command.” If you love me- you will keep my commandments.

In verse 20 God reveals to Abraham what He is about  to do. In doing so, God is enlisting Abraham’s help in intercessory prayer. God does not reveal His game plan to us – to have us sit idle on the side. He has charged us in the Great Commission what we are to do.

Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and because their sin is grievous, I will go down to see whether  they have done altogether according to the outcry which has come to me.”

As Hagar described God as the God Who Sees Me- God sees all. He visits our homes, our cities, our most private thoughts, actions and deeds. Before He judges, God investigates the charges and probes to see the conditions.

He says to Abraham- ‘then I will know’. When Abraham hears the Lord say this- Abraham knows what is happening in Sodom and Gomorrah and what the Lord will find. He also knows the Lord will destroy those wicked cities.

Verse 22 of Genesis 18 tells us the two men with the Lord who are angels in disguise went toward Sodom.

Notice what Abraham does next—“ he(Abraham) draws near to the Lord.”  We are told when we draw near to the Lord- He will draw near to us. In these 10 verses we read a most remarkable account of intercessory prayer.

I wonder what would have been your response to the Lord?  Perhaps many of us, when we think of some of the sinful, godless cities in America- would have said to the Lord—Well it’s about time you destroyed those filthy homosexuals!  Or we could go in the other direction and say- Now Lord- are you going to destroy the whole city? These people are not all bad- there is some really good people down there. Don’t be too hard on them.

First Abraham recognizes the mercy of God. Abraham says to the Lord- suppose there are 50 righteous men in the city. Wouldn’t you spare the whole city for them? Abraham appeals to God’s position of Judge of the Whole Earth. But Abraham is also appealing to God’s nature, specifically God’s love and mercy that He would not destroy the righteous with the unrighteous. The bottom line is Abraham is interceding for the lost, the wicked that God would spare them for the sake of the righteous.  Do you not realize this is what God has been doing for centuries? God has been sparing the wicked and not destroying the earth and the righteous with them for two reasons. God is not willing that any should perish but all would come to repentance so He is patient giving the  lost plenty of  opportunities; secondly , His concern is for His people- His wheat. . He does not uproot the tares lest He damage His wheat. This is His world –His field, His vineyard and His creation and He will always do what is right. (Matthew 13- Parable of wheat & tares).

This is why God permits human history to go on. Because of His mercy, and love for both the righteous and unrighteous He refuses to destroy the earth while we, the righteous are still on it. But after the rapture- when the dead in Christ shall rise first and we, believers, who are alive are caught up- then the Great Tribulation will begin. And finally God will destroy all the unrighteous as He did in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Remember this about Almighty God- He has the right to do anything and He always does what is right. He always does what is the best for the most people for the longest period of time. His decision in Matthew 13 was based on what was best for His wheat and He chose for the wheat and tares to co-exist until the time of harvest.

Note the words of Abraham as he enters the throne room of grace with boldness combined with humility. “ Behold I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, I who am but dust and ashes.”  Who does God give His Grace to ? The humble.

Listen to what James writes:  “ You lust and have not; you kill and desire to have, and cannot obtain; you fight and war, yet you have not; because you ask not. You ask and receive not, because you ask amiss that you may consume it yourself.”

Abraham was called a friend of God. Jesus told us we were His friends if we obeyed Him. In fact He said, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. For sure we cannot be friends with the world and friends with God. We are admonished to love not the things of the world. Lovers of the world are lovers of self and are boastful, covetous, blasphemers,  without natural affections. God resist these proud- but He gives grace to the humble- those who realize they are but dust and ashes.

In Psalms 37 we are told to : “ Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  I read this scripture to mean God will give me the desires of the heart that He, God desires. In this story it is God who is causing Abraham to feel God’s own compassion and to reflect God’s desire for an opportunity to show mercy.

Let’s see if we can understand our position:  Jesus tells us: I(Jesus) am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. (John 14;20)

Now as a believer you were placed in Jesus at His crucifixion- you were crucified with Him.

At His resurrection- He, the Resurrected Lord is in us.

And now we hear Jesus explain that we are both in God the Father.

FACTS: First of all – greater is He who is in us- than he who is in the world.

And  also- you and I need to be persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels or principalities, nor powers nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus Our Lord – who is in us and we are in Him and we both are in God the Father.

So we believe the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of God is indwelling us and sealing us and filling us when we yield to Him. Not only does the Holy Spirit convict us of sin and righteousness ; He also guides us in truth and comforts us.

But listen to this truth:

Romans 8;26-27:  “ like wise the Spirit also helps our infirmities(weakness); for we know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered. And He that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”  Did you get that last phrase- ‘according to the will of God.” What was it John told us in I John 5; 14&15?  “and this is the confidence we have IN HIM, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know  that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions we desired of Him.”

How do we know the will of God?. ( see I Cor.2 : 9-16)  These verses tell us it is the Holy Spirit that  reveals to us God’s will, God’s heart, and God’s mind.  It also underscores man’s greatest need- which is a personal relationship with God for the man without the Spirit cannot understand  the things of God.

God wants us to join Him in His work. He wants us to experience the joy of the partnership of working with Our Heavenly Father.

When my boys were little- they couldn’t’ wait for me to come home to play with them. They came to love football and basket ball because I loved those sports. We watched games together upstairs. And one day they asked me as two team were playing—‘ which team are we for, Daddy?’ They wanted to be for whatever or whoever their Daddy was for.

Is this not what God our Father wants –for us to be for what He is for?

I remember a Chicago Bull player talking about a victory and he boasted- Michael Jordan and I combined to score 65 points and beat the Pistons.  In fact- Jordan scored 62 points and the other player scored 3 points.

Like the father who allows his son to help him build a dog house by hammering some nails- the little boy proudly tells his mother- Daddy and I are building a dog house. The daddy doesn’t need his son’s help- he could do it easier and quicker by himself- but the dad loves to have his son help him and the son loves helping his dad. In doing so they enjoy one another and the son learns from his father.

Prayer is what makes that partnership with Almighty God possible. And our Heavenly Father loves to have us work with him. He could do it easier, better and quicker by Himself – but He delights to have us partner with Him in His work. And we learn from Him – how to do what He is doing.

Prayer also enables us to appropriate the character of God.

This partnership prayer also focuses the power of God on an individual place or person.

Prayer also affects the timing of God as  I mentioned earlier. Prayer does not change or alter the sovereign will of God but aligns our will with His- but prayer can defer judgment or speed up blessing. It affects timing.

Remember Jonah at Nineveh:  “ Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown”. The whole city went to prayer and repented and God delayed, postponed the destruction of Nineveh. But almost 100 years later- the city was finally destroyed

Hezekiah in Judah had a severe illness and Isaiah came to him and announced he would die. ( Isaiah 38) Hezekiah we are told turned his face to the wall and wept and prayed to God to spare his life. God heard and stopped Isaiah who turned around and went back and told Hezekiah God had heard his prayer and given him fifteen more years.

And Peter tells us In 2 Peter 3- we can ‘hasten the day of God’ referring to His second coming by living lives of holiness and godliness.  We are told not to ‘throw away our confidence for the One coming is coming in a little while.

If we are walking before the Lord as Abraham did, and our hearts are available to God to pray through us, and to reflect through us the very passion and desire that is in the heart of God  what a difference we can make in this world.

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul writes: “That God may grant you to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, and Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.” (Eph. 3:16,17)

This without a doubt the most amazing Christian doctrine- that Jesus Christ dwells ,lives in our hearts. Jesus Christ Himself through the Holy Spirit will actually enter our hearts at salvation and settle down and make our heart His home.

God does not dwell in a temple made with human hands. Through the miracle of the outpoured Spirit, God dwells in the human heart. The body of the believer has become the temple of  the living God and our hearts the home of the Lord Jesus Christ.

That is why we can live by the faith OF the Son of God because He indwells us; that is why we can experience the peace OF God- because he resides internally.

True prayer is not just man talking to God- it is God in man talking to God in heaven>

By the way- did you notice how Abraham’s prayer was answered and God’s will accomplished at the same time?  The wicked were destroyed – but the righteous were spared. Abraham’s prayer the righteous be spared was answered and God’s will that the wicked be destroyed was accomplished.

May we become men and women of prayer by understanding these truths. For we know the ‘effective fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman releases the power of God.

Teach us to pray , Lord!

Exodus 9

Exodus 9:  The Hardened Heart

“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” ( Hebrews 3:7)

“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”  ( Hebrews 10:31)

So far in this story, we have seen the following plagues:  Nile turned into blood; the plague of frogs throughout the land, including in the Pharaoh’s bed; the plague of lice; and the plague of flies.  We also observe a pattern of the Pharaoh’s behavior:  a plague- a plea for prayer- a promise of release and then a hardening of the heart and the failure to keep his promise.

Do you see the three-fold purpose of God in these plagues?  First, God is manifesting His power to Pharaoh and his officials and proving to them He, Almighty God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. Second, God is exposing to both the Egyptians and the Hebrews the futility of the many false gods the Egyptians worship. And thirdly, God is showing the Hebrews, His people how He will fight for them and they need not fear or worry.

Here is something else we observe in this story: when God is dealing with a hard heart, if less judgment does not work, He will send greater.  Do not harden your heart when you hear His voice for it is surely a fearful thing to  fall into the hands of the living God.

Do you not realize we are God’s children? Do you not realize  He will fight for us, defend us, protect us?  The Hebrews will be told by God to tell their children and grandchildren what He has done for them. Have you shared with your children, grandchildren and loved ones what God has done for you? How He lifted you out of the miry pits and set you on the solid rock.We have a duty to pass on our story of God’s work in our lives so that the next generations may know God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. We must tell the story of how the Lord redeemed us and delivered us from the slavery of sin. We each have an Exodus story if we have been redeemed.


Once again Moses and Aaron confront  the Pharaoh and repeat the same message:  “ This is what  the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: ‘Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go and continue to hold  them back, the hand of the Lord will bring a terrible plague on your livestock in the field – on your horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep and goats. But the Lord will make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and Egypt, so that no animal belonging to them will die.”

“ Tomorrow the Lord will do it. And the next day, the Lord did it.” In James 4 we read:  “ now listen you who will say, “ Today or tomorrow we will go to this city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.” Only God knows what will happen tomorrow and the next day and the next year and forever. In this instance, God is telling them it will happen tomorrow, so that those Egyptians who feared God would have time to bring their livestock in from the fields and out of danger. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Of course the next day, it happened just as the Lord said it would and the Pharaoh still remained unyielding and his heart grew harder and he would not let the people go.


The next plague appears without warning. Sometimes that is the way trouble strikes- one day there is no problem, the next day it strikes suddenly without warning. The Lord tells Moses and Aaron to take the soot from the furnace ( where bricks were made) and toss it into the air in the presence of the Pharaoh. And the soot from the furnace will become a fine dust settling over the land of Egypt and producing  boils on men and animals.  The furnaces and the soot represented the results of the bondage and affliction of the Hebrews and now God had turned the residue of the furnaces into a plague upon the people who had inflicted this punishment on God’s people. Truly, vengeance is mine, says the Lord. And surely your sins shall find you out- then the sins that you enjoyed will come to be as painful as the boils on these in this story.

Now we are reminded of the sovereignty of God in these next verses. God is going to send His full force of plagues upon Egypt. God could have wiped out the whole nation of Egypt at anytime in a blink of the eye. But God is long suffering and He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked and He wants all to come to repentance.

God tells the Pharaoh in verse 14 (KJV) prior to the seventh plague of hail: “For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart..” Not just his body and the people and the land and livestock but a plague upon the Pharaoh’s heart- a heart that God will harden. “ I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Apart from the sovereign will of God the Pharaoh would not have been ruler of Egypt.  Does this mean whoever we have as president, our leadership and government has been the result of God’s sovereign will?  Let’s see what Scripture says:  “ Everyone must submit himself to governing authorities for  there is NO AUTHORITY EXCEPT THAT WHICH GOD HAS ESTABLISHED. THE AUTHORITIES THAT EXIST HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED BY GOD.” ( Romans 13: 1)   Now just to be clear, when government asks us as Christians to do something God has commanded us not to do- we are to obey God and not man. ( Acts 5)

But what we see in this story is how God has raised up the Pharaoh to resist God’s Word in order that God might show His power and that His Name will be proclaimed in all the earth. The Pharaoh will become an example for all times in history as  to what happens when one does not heed the voice of God and falls into the hands of the Living Almighty God. The Pharaoh is a poster boy for the hardened heart.

Herein lies the question that has been asked for centuries:  was the Pharaoh’s free will and choice in the matter overruled because God predestined the Pharaoh for destruction to reveal His Mighty power?

There is no doubt that God raised up the Pharaoh to show His power for the scripture is clear: “ I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”

Since Paul tells us these things were written to teach us. Let us consider the lesson of the hard heart.

God would later tell Moses in Exodus 33:  “ I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and compassion on whom I will have compassion.” Paul writes in Romans 9: “ Therefore God will have mercy on whom He wants to have mercy, and He hardens whom He wants to harden.” Paul knew this teaching would bring the question: “ Then why does God still blame us? For who resists His will? “  To which Paul replied, what is man to talk back to God? Shall what was formed say to Him who formed it, why did you make me this way? Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use? What if God, choosing to show His wrath and make His power known bore with great patience the objects of His wrath- prepared for destruction?

God sets the terms for whom He will have mercy and compassion on. If one accepts God’s terms He will show mercy and compassion. If they reject His terms they will not experience God’s mercy and compassion. What are His terms? They are not secret “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever should believe in Him , should not perish ( experience his wrath) but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” ( John 3)

The terms are clear, are they not?  Later Paul would write:  “ For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.” ( Romans 1:21)  And “ Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.” ( Romans 1:28)

God’s offer is to replace our hard hearts of stone with a new heart. He repeats this offer all through scripture all through recorded time.  Did He not tell Cain who was angry because God had accepted Abel’s sacrifice but not his:  “ if you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it.”

Has not God shown the Pharaoh time after time through the plagues and miracles that He is God and if Pharaoh will do what God commands him to do- He will not experience His wrath.

The attitude of the stubborn unbeliever is that God is not just, but unjust. And what Paul is saying because God is who He says He is: creator of all things, sustainer of all things, owner of all things, governs all things, He is Lord over all and He dispenses His mercy and judgment in perfect wisdom. Consider that He is able to work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Consider He is in such control, that He determine the time and place in which each of us would be born.

He is infinitely wise and perfect. Paul is moved to praise Him with these words:  “ Oh the depth of the riches of His wisdom and knowledge  of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His Counselor? Who has ever given to God that God should repay him?  For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever! Amen” ( Romans 9)

What moves God to wrath is continuous rejection of His Mercy on His terms. After a period of time and repeated rejections one risks their rejections developing obstinate unbelief that results in a heart of stone- a hardened heart like the Pharaoh.

Let us consider the steps that lead to a hardened heart as this story was written to teach us the danger of following in the footsteps of the Pharaoh.


The Pharaoh was presented with overwhelming evidence that God was who He said He was and could do what He said He could do.  All of us have experienced the stubborn desire to do or have things the way we want them, even when our way is not God’s way. Every time we say no to God’s way, we are following in the footsteps of the Pharaoh and in danger of God having to deal with us a believers with chastening, but with an unbeliever of reaching that ‘ once-too-often” rejection of God’s will for our lives and risk a heart hardened in unbelief.

Let’s look at the story of the Pharaoh for it provides us with a check list of signs of a hard heart.

  1. The first sign is stubbornness. Surely we see the Pharaoh is as stubborn as the proverbial mule. He refuses to obey God. Have you ever done something you knew you shouldn’t do, but did it anyway?  Of course we all have.  Now get honest with yourself: has God confronted you with a truth over and over again and you have failed to respond?  That is a danger signal of a hard heart being developed.  For an unbeliever it can result in not being able to see- blinded to the truth to the end, rejecting God’s terms of mercy and instead receiving His wrath. For a believer- it can mean God will increase the chastening and rebuking and you may be headed for a scourging or a life in the wilderness.
  2. A lack of concern for spiritual things is the second sign of a hardening heart. This means for the believer- Gods’ work is second to their work. You are more concerned about your business than God’s business.
  3. Not recognizing sin and refusing to deal with it. Feeling bad over your sin for a while is not the same as repenting and turning away from your wicked ways.  Godly sorrow results in true repentance.  The heart that is not broken over sin in their  life is a heart that is hard.
  4. Pride is a sign of a hard heart. We pretend to be experts, ‘know-it-alls’, who think we are always right. A hard heart develops an un-teachable spirit.
  5. Another sign of the hard heart is acknowledging sin but making a deal with God rather than turning from sin. We give God the reasons and rationale for our sin. This has been going on since the Garden of Eden. Our sins break the heart of the Lord Jesus. He wept over our sins, as He longed to gather us as a mother hen does her chicks- but we would not . Why? We have hearts  hardened by disobedience.

Now that we defined the hardening heart; recognize its signs and see the results, what must a believer do?  First of all remember this as you grow and mature as a Christian- sin should bother you more, not less.  You understand the enemy of your soul who is the prince of this world and your old nature are in a conspiracy to conform your thinking about sin and thus harden your heart to its reality.  How does this occur? On a daily basis- through television, movies, entertainment, books, until what was once considered immoral, and language that was considered offensive are accepted as entertainment and the new rules of morality are really nothing but old-fashioned sin.

We are called a peculiar people, a royal priesthood.  We are not in this world just for our own pleasure or well-being.  If God chose the time and place I would be born it was for a reason and a purpose. We are to be salt and light. Salt that has lost its savor is of no use- light hidden under a bushel cannot dispel darkness.   These are signs of a hard compromised heart.

What do we need to do?  There is only one absolute answer and solution for the problem of a hard heart- true repentance. Allowing God to change your heart until your heart’s desire is to do the will of God.  Then you will see a change in behavior. We try to change our behavior without changing our heart and it never works for long.  That is why we are told to ‘ guard our hearts with all diligence – for out of the heart comes the issues of life.  As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.

Answer and prescription for a hard heart- true repentance.

“ I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” ( Ezekiel 36)

“Search me,O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” ( Psalm 139)

“ Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions and wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. “ ( Psalm 51:1,2)

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me…..The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” ( Psalm 51: 10, 17) {Notice the steadfast spirit comes as a result of a pure heart}

Surely God in His Mercy and compassion would have forgiven Cain if he did what was right. And surely God showed the Pharaoh, time after time He would not pour out His wrath if the Pharaoh would do what is right.

“ If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and purify us from all unrighteousness. “ ( I John 1:9)

We see what happens to the Pharaoh and his refusal to obey God.

God does nothing that is not infinitely wise and perfectly good. He is God and He has the right to do anything and He always does what is right.

To those of us who are the redeemed, we have no one to thank but God.

To those who have resisted and resisted like the Pharaoh until their hardened hearts are forever set in obstinate unbelief and thereby suffer the destruction of Gods’ wrath-they have no one to blame but themselves. Because what may be known about God was revealed to them, for God Himself revealed it to them. They are without excuse.

Such is the way of the hardened heart- so today if you hear His Voice take heed and do not harden your heart!


Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Exodus 8

Exodus 8: Let’s Make a Deal

We notice a pattern that is developing in these encounters between Moses and the Pharaoh. Moses will tell the Pharaoh the next plague God will send if he refuses to let God’s people go and the plague occurs as Moses said it would.  All of this is to give Pharaoh an opportunity to repent.

The Pharaoh continues to follow a pattern of asking for relief, promising to let the people go, then when the plague has ended- refuses to keep his promise to let the people go. Here is another observation:  in crisis- people want to pray, or want someone to pray; also, they begin to want to make a deal with God for relief.

With each encounter, there is clear evidence of God’s sovereignty. With each encounter, the Pharaoh continues to harden his heart. How can God put up with such behavior and why does He do it?  Psalms 107 tells us : “ Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” His deeds are wonderful, He is long suffering and He is not willing that any should perish but all would come to repentance.

We are all people of habits and patterns aren’t we?  We go to bed about the same time, get up about the same time, and all our activities in-between seldom vary. In fact, we do not like to have our routine upset. Our plans become our patterns. Our patterns become our life. We learn by repetition and we develop our habits by repetition. Paul said in Philippians 3:  “ it is no trouble for me to write to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.” Where there is potential for serious error, there is safety in repetition. ( Measure 2x’s , saw 1x.)

Is planning not good?  We have heard the age-old axioms:  ‘plan your work and work your plan.’ And surely there is wisdom in this statement. Planning is a tool God may cause you to use, even to the point scripture tells us – what man planning to build a tower doesn’t first sit down and plan to see if he has enough money to complete it. ( Luke 14)

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” ( Proverbs 19:21)

“ The Lord foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.” (Psalms 33:10-11)

Why do bad things happen in life?  Is not God Sovereign? Isn’t He in control?  Yes. First of all we live in a fallen world. Bad things happen because people break the laws of God which carry consequences that sometimes affect other people’s lives.  The person who runs a red light  or drives while intoxicated and hits another car- caused problems in someone else’s life because they broke the law. Sometimes bad things happen because God has to resort to discipline for his children, for whom the Lord loves, He chastens. Other times God is using these things to lead unbelievers to repentance. On other occasions God is judging the hardened sinner,as in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and/or the flood. But ultimately, the Sovereignty of God is able through to work all things together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. ( Romans 8:28 ] He does this without violating mankind’s free will to choose.

When we observe the stubbornness of the Pharaoh it is easy for us to see how wrong he is to not listen to God and obey His commands. However, it is not too easy for us to see how we plan our lives and ask God to bless our plans.  Our prayers are usually requests for God to do what we want Him to do. We present a ‘to-do’ list for our Heavenly  Father almost daily, don’t we?  Not that it is wrong to bring our petitions, cares, concerns and worries to Him, but to bring them to Him so He can direct us- not do what we tell Him to do. It is after all,  His Will we are to pray to be done- not our will. Let’s face it, sometimes we ask Him to bless us because we have been good. Aren’t we really trying to make a deal with God? Prayer is a will alignment. An alignment of our will to His will not the other way around. This is not a deal you can negotiate.

FYI:  since most of our prayers are for loved ones here are three scriptural prayers you can pray for those and the issues in their lives. Ephesians 1:17-19; Philippians 1:9-11; Colossians 1:9-12

Here is what we need to understand, as we study this amazing story that has so much for us to learn.  The Pharaoh and Moses were at one time not that different. Both men were given the benefits and privileges their stations in life provided. Moses and the Pharaoh were educated in the wisdom of Egypt and were powerful in speech and action. Both were confident in their abilities and intelligence. But something happened in Moses’ life that changed him forever. He had an encounter with God Almighty and his life was never the same. The same is true of what is happening with Pharaoh, he is experiencing an encounter with God Almighty. These encounters will either cause you to yield your heart to God or harden your heart toward God.

All of us were at one time like the Pharaoh in this way: we lived self-centered lives not God-centered lives.

Here is a check list for the Self-Centered Life: Life focused on self; proud of self and accomplishments; self confident; depend on self and your own abilities; seek to be acceptable and successful according to the world’s standards; look at circumstances from a human perspective and understanding; live selfish lives.

Now compare to a God Centered Life: confidence in God; dependence on God and His Ability and provision; life is focused and centered on God and His Activity; humble before God; DENY SELF; seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; pursue holiness.

Which life best describes you?

So far we have seen the Nile turned to blood; the country filled with frogs and the next plague of lice is enough to convince the magicians – God is Who He says He is and can do what He says He can do.

Once again we observe the pattern:  “ The frogs died in the houses, in the courtyards, and in the fields. They were piled into heaps, and the land reeked of them. But when Pharaoh saw there was relief, he hardened his heart and would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord said.” ( Exodus 8: 13-15)

The next plague involved the turning of the dust in Egypt into lice. The lice infested all the people and the animals.  The magicians could not duplicate this feat and admitted to the Pharaoh-‘ this is the finger of God.’ Sooner or later everyone will realize God is Who He says He is and can do what He says He can do.  In fact, one day every knee shall bow and tongue confess He is Lord.  The Pharaoh continues in the same pattern. After all each time he has agreed to let the people go- the plague has ceased. God’s grace gives the Pharaoh another opportunity to repent, but once the plague is lifted, his conviction changes with the circumstances.

Remember 9/11?  In the days after the attack, the churches were packed like it was Easter Sunday.  Men and women of God were being interviewed on the news and praying in the name of Jesus. Dan Rather cried on air; David Letterman could not find anybody or anything to ridicule and all his clever, witty jokes seemed to not be appropriate.  The men and women of congress, Republican, Democrats and independents did not spend their time arguing with one another- but joined hands and sang ‘ God Bless America.’

But days turned into weeks and weeks into months and everyone returned to the same patterns as before. Church attendance which had swelled, now returned to its normal attendance. The crisis seemed to have passed and so did the need to seek God’s help. We could handle it on our own now. It was as if we could bargain with God, make Him certain promises and He would be good to us.  We behaved like a child who pleaded with his father to just let him have this, or do this and he would never ask for anything again.

Something jars us out of our pattern of self reliance and we realize we can control nothing. Truly apart from Him we can do nothing. But then things return to normal and we fall into the same pattern as before. We began to live self centered lives instead of God centered lives until the next plague, crisis or trouble hits.

Let us continue with the story and learn from Moses, Pharaoh, the Egyptians, Egypt and the Israelites. For surely this is a picture of our lives in this world. Something different occurs in the next plague.  Moses tells the Pharaoh- God will send a swarm of flies on the Pharaoh, his officials, his people and into  your houses.  Note the difference of this plague: God will deal differently with Goshen where His people live; no swarm of flies will be there so that the Pharaoh would know God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do and we are who He says we are- His People. And we can do what He says we can do.

Flies are associated with decay, filth and waste.  The name Beelzebub actually is translated “ Lord of Flies.”

God’s people are called to be  set apart, and God had set them apart in the time of Joseph to have them occupy the land of Goshen, separated from Egypt.  God has called us a peculiar people who are to be set apart from the rest of the world.

Once again the Pharaoh summons Moses and Aaron and tells them to go sacrifice to your God, but do not leave the land, Egypt.  This is a call to compromise.  Whom God has called to be set apart, will often be tempted by the enemy to compromise .

You cannot negotiate the will of God. You cannot be yoked together with unbelievers. Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? ( 2 Cor. 6)  Don’t be polluted by the world. Do not listen to those who would advise you to not be too fanatical, too carried away with this religious stuff.  Keep it in moderation.

That is not what we are told to do:  “You adulterous people, don’t you know friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. (James 4)

How does Moses respond to the Pharaoh’s offer to compromise? “ That would not be right. The sacrifices we offer the Lord would be detestable to the Egyptians. And if we offer sacrifices that are detestable in their eyes, will they not stone us?  We must take a three-day journey into the desert to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God,  AS HE COMMANDS US TO DO.” (Exodus 8:26,27)

Once again we see the same pattern of behavior- crisis over, plague ends, Pharaoh refuses to let them go.  From now on- all plagues will be more costly, and more painful.  In addition, God’s people will not  be subjected to those plagues.

Now earlier, I mentioned Moses and Pharaoh were at one time not that different. Both were self confident, ambitious, accomplished men. Their confidence was self confidence, that is confidence in their training, abilities and education. They were self reliant, resourceful and successful according to the world’s standards in which they lived.

Let us learn how Moses had his life re-oriented, how his direction was changed from self confident to a man of no confidence in his self at all. In the prime of his life at age 40, an accomplished, successful man, God began to work in his life. Moses decided to do something in his own strength to free God’s people. We know the results, Moses killed an Egyptian slave master and had to flee the country as a fugitive.

Wonder what would have happened if Moses would have continued in self effort to war against the Egyptians, in order to free the people. Same thing that happened to me every time I tried to quit drinking in my own strength- absolute failure.

For the next 40 years, God prepared Moses in Midian as a shepherd. He set him apart from the world in which he had been conformed.

If Moses was to come to believe God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. If Moses is to believe he is who God says He is and can do what He says He can do. He must come to realize, as we do, we can do nothing apart from Him. NOTHING?

Can we not do some things? Yes, we can implement our plans even as believers and do what we can do in our own strength.  And I can tell you those works when judged by God at the Bema by fire will go up in smoke they will count for NOTHING.  Because those works done in our own strength can easily be done by unbelievers in their own strength. Just as Jannes and Jambre could duplicate some of the feats- unbelievers can be clever, accomplishing good things according to the world’s standards.  And many people will look at those good works, and say these are good people using their talents and abilities to accomplish good things.  It is a form of self righteousness and a religion of good works, it is as old as the story of Cain and Abel. Cain thought the works of his hands, his strength and creative abilities gave his sacrifice more meaning than Abel’s.

Did you ever in the days before GPS take a wrong turn, go a way that seemed right to you only to find yourself lost?  Did you ever try to take a shortcut to somewhere only to find it took you more time?

Often you had to go back to where you made the wrong turn and make the right turn. Moses had to get turned around.  God took Moses back to a place where he needed to start over. God took Moses to a place where Moses was set apart from the world that had conformed him .

Has God ever taken you back to a place of starting over in your life? Has he ever through God orchestrated circumstances set you apart from the world that was conforming you?

Here is what we must learn:

If we are to know and do God’s will, we must deny self and return to a God-centered life. We must reorient our lives toward God. We must stop, turn around and go back to where we were before we made that wrong turn.

We must focus our lives on God’s purpose and plan- not our purpose and plan. The Lord Jesus told us clearly in Matthew 6- we are to  SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND THESE THINGS WE NEED WILL BE GIVEN TO US.  God has promised us and taken us on as His responsibility to manage our lives if we will give our lives to Him to manage. Jesus said I have come to give  you life, life more abundant.

We must seek to see life and circumstances from God’s perspective rather than our limited human perspective.

We need to be patient and wait on God, who will in His perfect timing direct our paths and show us the way.

You see, like Moses and Pharaoh, we have a tendency to live in a pattern of self reliance. Like the Pharaoh, if we are not careful, we find ourselves negotiating with God regarding His Will. Like Moses will be tempted to compromise. Like thePharaoh will want relief when there is trouble, then once the trouble has passed – fall back into the same pattern that caused God to interrupt our plans before.

Listen to what God says:  “ If my people would but listen to ME, if Israel would follow my ways, how QUICKLY would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes.” ( Psalms 81)

Did you notice that word we all like? QUICKLY. Wondering what is taking God so long to answer a prayer or deal with an issue in your life?  Are you following His Ways?  Or have your followed your own way?  Trying a shortcut?  How is that working?  Beverly Sills, noted opera diva said: There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

And yet even today as we look around us and what is happening. We see the plagues of spiritual locusts that are devouring our land. We see a  spiritual famine where the Word of God, our daily bread has grown stale and is cast aside.

But God…

Has called you and me- His People and given us a conditional promise:

“ If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7: 14.

Do you believe He is who He says He is?

Do you believe He can do what He says He can do?

Do you believe you are who He says you are? ( His people, His children.)

Do you believe you can do what He says you can do? ( You can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU !)

Is the Word of God active and alive in your life? ( It cannot be active and alive if you do not read, study and obey it.)

Jesus wept for those unbelievers in Jerusalem in his day- ‘  how often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but  YOU WERE NOT WILLING.’

How  often has the Lord wanted to gather you in His arms and you were not willing?

How often has He wanted to gather our nation, even the world in His arms and for the most part the world and our nation is not willing?

We will see what happens to Egypt as the plagues continue.  Before God is through with the nation of Egypt- they will be bankrupt.  A place many nations have come to throughout history as they defied God.

God is a Promise Keeper. His covenants are binding agreements.  A covenant is an agreement between two parties.  Herein lies the truth, with God’s covenant, you can accept it or reject it, but you cannot alter it.   In other words, you cannot negotiate a deal with the will and sovereign purpose of God.

Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14

Exodus 7

Exodus 7:Looking for Loopholes

The story is told that in his last days, W.C. Fields was confined to a hospital and not expected to leave. Upon visiting him one day, his wife found W.C. reading a Gideon’s Bible. “ Bill,” she exclaimed, “ I did not know you were religious.” To which W.C remarked in his distinctive voice, “ Just looking for loopholes, my dear.”

As  we study the book of Exodus we see:  the mighty hand of God; how God operates in a relationship with an individual and His people; how God builds our faith. Exodus is a story of faith and denial. And though we have portrayed the Pharaoh as a type of devil, Moses a Redeemer , and Egypt a symbol of the world where the slavemasters are a picture of our old nature, the flesh.  But today I want us to consider these two men- Moses and Pharaoh and see how faith and denial develop and affect a person.

Against this historical account we have also overlaid the elements of what we must come to believe as Christians. We must believe:  God is who He says He is; and as such, God can do what He says He can do; but also- we are who He says we are and can do what He says we can do. In order for this to be true the Word of God must be active and alive in our lives.

But today I want us to look at this story’s two main characters- Moses and the Pharaoh. In Moses we see a man whose is learning to live by faith. Learning to believe God’s Word. On the other hand we see what happens when one does not heed the Word of God, continues to deny the Truth of the Word of God as the Pharaoh does.  Let us consider the following verses regarding faith:  Hebrews 11: 6 tells us: “ Without faith it is impossible to please God and those who come to Him must believe that He is; and He rewards  those who diligently seek Him.”

Furthermore we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. ( Romans 10:17).  We are saved by grace through faith and that not of ourselves, it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. ( Ephesians 2:8,9)  We are saved by grace through faith alone; but not a faith stays alone. A saving faith result in works. For the next verse in Ephesians 2:10 tells us: ‘ we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works that God has ordained us to walk in.’ Perhaps one of the most sobering verses is found in James 2, when James says ‘ as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead.’ Paul tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.  (2 Corinthians 13)

We see all these verses illustrated in the story of the Exodus- how faith and denial work.

After the encounter with Pharaoh in which his magicians were able to duplicate the miracle of turning staffs into snakes, the Pharaoh hardens his heart and will not let the people go.  The enemy is always ready to snatch the seed like the bird in the parable of the seed and the sower found in Luke  8. The seed represents the Word of God and the soil represents the heart of man, those who hear the Word of God.  The Pharaoh hears the Word of God, but because his magicians can duplicate the ‘miracle’ of the staff to serpent trick, he is not convinced the Word of God is to be heeded.  The enemy has snatched away the seed, knowing that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  The method used to snatch away the Word comes in different forms- from intellectual debate that substitutes man’s explanation for God’s truth. It is the age old strategy of exchanging a lie for the truth.  We also can understand the Pharaoh is looking for a reason NOT to believe Gods’ Word, rather than looking for a reason to believe God’s Word.  To believe Gods’ Word will mean a major adjustment in his life and perhaps even the giving up of his throne. So Pharaoh is looking for reason or reasons not to believe God.

The Pharaoh was looking for loopholes.

In the study of the parable of the sower and the seed in Luke 8, Jesus tells us how the enemy steals or takes away the Word:  the seed as it was sown fell along the path where people walked and it was trampled on. The path was the pathway where many walked around the edge of the field it represents  the way of the world. This is broad way that many enter in- they trample on the word of God because it condemns their lifestyle and the way they want to live. Thus the enemy comes and snatches it away. The next condition we read about in Luke 8 is the soil with rock underneath it.  They receive the seed with joy, but not brokenness. The soil must be broken, the hard heart must be removed and a new heart given. God will not despise a broken heart and a contrite(repentant) heart. Therefore in the time of testing they fall away- the seed has not germinated and taken root because it was received without brokenness, godly sorrow over one’s sins.

The other seed fell among the thorns which stands for those who hear,  but as they go on THEIR WAY,  they are choked out by life’s worries, riches and pleasures and they do not mature. Notice they chose to go their way, not the way of the Lord – who is the WAY, THE TRUTH  AND THE LIFE. These wanted to ADD Jesus to their life, but did not want Him to be their life.

For the Pharaoh, Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, meaning they opposed the truth of God’s Word. Today we have  intellectual magicians who oppose the truth of God’ Word and deceive many who end up hardening their hearts rather than heeding the Word of God.   Many who do not heed the Word of God are looking for reasons NOT to believe the Word of God, rather than believe it. Many want salvation and eternal life, but they do not want sacrifice and servanthood. So they look for reasons not to believe it and there will always be the ‘ Jannes and Jambres’ in their lives and in the world who can explain away God’s Word and Actions with their ‘magic.’ Those who are looking for loopholes always seem to find what they are looking for. Are you looking for loopholes or looking for the truth?  Truth is a person. Truth is the Lord Jesus.

The stage is set. The bell has rung. God has spoken and the Pharaoh has hardened his heart.

“ This is what the Lord says: By this will you know that I am the Lord: With the staff that is in my hand I will strike the water of the Nile, and it will be changed into blood. The fish in the Nile will die and the river will stink; the Egyptians will not be able to drink its water.” (Exodus 7:17,18)


Understand the river Nile was treated like a god. Hapi was the god of the Nile and Isis was the goddess of the Nile. The Nile River was the nation’s major source of life-giving water for the people and the crops, so taking away their water supply was a devastating judgment. Even the water in wooden buckets and stone jars turned to blood. There is no water to drink, there is no fishing or bathing. The water stinks and is unfit for anything.  So much for the mighty gods of Egypt.  The people would have to dig around the Nile just to obtain water for drinking.

Again the Egyptian magicians duplicated the water into blood feat, but on a smaller scale. This was enough evidence for the Pharaoh to believe, no matter how small and insignificant the evidence was. He hardens his heart and will not let the people go.

When a person is looking for reasons NOT to believe the Word of God they will believe not only a lie, but the faintest scrap of perceived truth or evidence. They will believe a false gospel,( Galatians 1) and a false form of righteousness, which is self-righteousness,( Romans 10), until finally they will believe a lie. ( Romans 1) And in the end they will believe in a false Christ.

Just a thought, but if I was the Pharaoh I would have wanted my two magicians to turn the blood back into water instead of showing him how they could turn a bucket of water into blood.  But what God has done, man cannot undo.

What does it mean to ‘ harden one’s heart’? It means to see clear evidence of the hand of God at work and still refuse to accept His Word and submit to His Will. It means to resist Him by showing ingratitude and disobedience and not  having any fear of the Lord or His judgments. Hard hearted people are like this Pharaoh: they defy God and say- ‘who is this Lord that I should obey His voice?’

The Pharaoh will harden his own heart against God through the first five plagues, then God will harden the Pharaoh’s heart.  Does this mean God was unfair or unjust to the Pharaoh and thus the Pharaoh should not be held accountable for his actions?  No. God is perfect and in His perfection He is always just. The Pharaoh hardened his own heart- before God did. He had received a flood of light and enough evidence through the plagues to convince him that God was Who He said He was.  And so it goes 3500 years later- just as the sun melts the ice, it also hardens the clay.  It all depends the nature of the material subjected to the light of the sun, or in this case to the Light of the Son, who is the Light of the World. But men preferred darkness.

Many enter into the broad way that leads to destruction. They entered of their own free will and when God spoke to them and many would not heed Him to the very end.  They would not heed Him or His prophets in the Old Testament and they would not heed the Lord Himself in flesh in the New Testament.  They suppressed the truth in their wickedness. The killed the prophets and they crucified the Son of God.

Peter in his great sermon on the Day of Pentecost explains:  “ This man (Jesus) was handed over to you by God’s set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put Him to death by nailing Him to a cross.” ( Acts 2) (Whenever you are tempted to sin and not believe the Word of God there will always be ‘wicked men/women to help you do so.)

Notice the crucifixion was God’s plan, but men did this of their own free will with the help of wicked men. And yet God is willing to forgive even those who crucified Him.  For did not our own sins nail Him to the cross?

Today, Easter Sunday 2012, we celebrate the resurrection of Christ.  He was punished for our sins, striped with a Roman whip, a cat of nine tails, that cut through the flesh of his back to the very bone from the top of his shoulder to his buttocks.  A crown of thorns was placed on his head, the blood streaming down a swollen face beaten by the soldiers, over his beard that had been plucked from his face, a beard covered in spittle from those who dared to spit into the very face of God.

There on a hill called Golgotha a crucifixion team of three experienced Roman soldiers kicked his feet out from under Him and stretched his arms out and nailed him in place to a cross piece of timber. The spikes were approximately 5-7 inches long and driven into the hollow place in the middle of one’s wrist where the spike would hold the Lord fixed to that cross. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. See Him, like the ram caught by his horns in the thicket of thorns that was a substitute provided by God  in place of Isaac. For Abraham had revealed a great truth when he said, God Himself will provide a lamb for the sacrifice.  True to this prophecy, it is God Himself we see on the cross.

Sin is man taking the place of God. Declaring one’s self to be the decider of what is right and wrong , not God deciding.

Salvation is God taking the place of man.  He was the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

“ You see at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” ( Romans 5: 6-8)

The Pharaoh will receive a flood of light to reveal that God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. But the Pharaoh keeps looking for any shred of evidence, theory or hypothesis that will convince him not to believe, because he is looking for evidence that God is not who He says He is.

So let us close today’s lesson by considering the evidence we have. Hebrews 4:3 states this fact: “ For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith.”

Paul said of this very day we celebrate- Easter- ‘ if Christ be not risen, our faith is in vain. But He is risen indeed.

Let’s take the Bible itself, what I believe is the Word of God and consider the flood of evidence and light for this book  being unlike any book in the world. And you will realize why the enemy has been attacking the Word of God since Genesis 3.

Let’s turn on the flood light and consider the following:

*The unity of the Bible. Sixty six(66) books written in 3 different languages over a 1500 year period by 40 human authors used by God.  No book has ever been written in this fashion and had such unity.

* Fulfilled prophecy. There are numerous prophecies made by God that are fulfilled pertaining to the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Lord. 100% accurate.

*The number of eye witnesses. The Resurrected Lord was seen during His 40 day resurrected ministry and ascension into heaven by over 500 witnesses, I Corinthians 15. Many of whom were still living when Paul wrote this.  Now consider how history records as accurate and true, that Napolen Bonaparte surrendered to Wellington at Waterloo yet there were less than 25 eyewitnesses.

*Historical accuracy. All of the accounts in the Scriptures that mention historical people, places and time are accurate as attested to by secular history recorded by such historians, as Josephus, a non-believer.

*Archeological discoveries- numerous discoveries including such finds in the 20th century as the Dead Sea Scrolls. All bear evidence of the accuracy of Scriptures.

* Manuscript evidence- both the amount and the dates.  Julius Caesar’s ‘Gallic Wars’ has remnants of 10 manuscripts of which the earliest is 1,000 years after their occurrence. The New Testament alone has over 25,000 manuscripts; 5600 in original Greek and they date from only 40-60 years after the occurrence of Jesus’ crucifixion.

*Then consider the unique power and authority of God’s Word to transform individual’s lives. Moses through God, turned water into blood; Jesus turned water into wine; and in my life, He turned alcohol into a life filled with joy unspeakable!…a loving wife, a home, a career, children and now grandchildren. ( There have also been: failures, sickness, heartache and adversity- but God is faithful.)

Sir Thomas Arnold, Chair of Modern History at Oxford and the author of the 3 volume history of Rome, which many consider to be the definitive history of Rome and Arnold – one of the greatest historians of modern times said:  “ As a historian who weighs evidence to find the truth, I know of no one fact in the history of mankind which is proven better and more fuller than the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

So here is what I believe and what every Christian should believe:

The Bible is the Word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is alive and powerful.

The Bible :

*Generates life- it is the incorruptible seed. I Peter 1.23

*Creates faith. Romans 10:17

*Produces change- new creature;(2Cor.5) transforms our mind. Romans 12:2

*Frightens the devil- Matthew 4.

*Causes miracles, heals hurts, builds character.

*Infuses hope, imparts joy, transforms circumstances and overcomes adversity.

*Defeats temptation, releases power, and cleanses our minds and brings things into being.

*Guarantees our future forever!!

We must accept its authority. Assimilate its truth. Apply its principles.

How does faith work and what does it enable a believer to do?

Faith realizes God’s presence. ( He is who He says He is)

Faith relies on Gods’ Word. ( He can do what He says He can do_

Faith responds to Gods’ Word in obedience. ( the Word is active and alive in our lives)

Faith receives Gods’ grace, which is always sufficient and  like the manna is daily and also diverse and manifold.

Faith rests in God’s will.

Faith rejoices in Gods’ protection.




Even Jannes and Jambre will have to admit this work is the ‘finger of God.’

But when one hears the Word of God and will not heed it, and continue to deny its validity in the light of what may be known about God, there will come a time when they cannot hear the word of God, their hearts too hardened and their consciences seared.




Copyright © 2010 Linda Benthal
Last modified: 08/12/14