Jonah 4

Jonah 4: For God So Loved Nineveh! This is just my opinion- but Jonah would have looked a lot better, been remembered more positively if this fourth chapter had never been recorded. But God wanted this part of the story told also. In chapter 1, Jonah is like the Prodigal Son. He insists on going … Read more

Jonah 3

Jonah: The Second Time Around “Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.” The second time around. There is one other mention of Jonah in the Old Testament. He is mentioned in II Kings 14 … Read more

Jonah 2

Jonah 2: The Role of a Waiter Jonah begins to pray. He admits why he has now chosen to pray- he is in distress. This is a prayer many of us have prayed- HELP! His prayer is not a theologically structured prayer of praise and adoration based on scripture, Jonah skips right to his request, … Read more

Jonah 1

Jonah: The Story of a Place and a Person The nation of Assyria is represented by Nineveh in this story of the minor prophet, Jonah. It is story well known for an event in Jonah’s life which resulted in him being swallowed by a great fish and spending three days and nights in the belly … Read more