Nehemiah 5

Nehemiah 5: Selfishness Throughout the study of Nehemiah we are seeing the problems and obstacles that arise when we begin to rebuild what has fallen into disrepair. The enemy will begin to launch his attack and the Word of God tells us to be on guard for our enemy seeks to devour us. Our Lord … Read more

Nehemiah 6

Nehemiah 6: A Place Called ONO. As we study the historical account of the reconstruction of the war-ravished Jerusalem, we see similarities to where we are in our Christian journey 2500 years later.  God’s people, the Jews had been taken captive during Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed Solomon’s temple and left Jerusalem in a state … Read more

Nehemiah 7

Nehemiah 7: With God – A Setback is a Set Up for a Comeback. In chapter 7 we see a list of names and a specific count because God wants us see something about Himself. He spends 64 verses counting and naming these people. It is clear from this repeated list that God wants us … Read more

Nehemiah 8

Nehemiah 8:  The Word of God on New Year’s Day Israel was a nation that was given the Word of God and founded on the Word of God. They were a people and a nation of the Word. In many of the same ways the Word of God made us, America, a people and a … Read more

Nehemiah 9

Nehemiah 9: A History Lesson Let’s link back to Chapter 8 for a quick review to understand what is taking place in Chapter 9. In Chapter 8, we saw the people assemble before the Water Gate and there Ezra read from the Book of the Law of Moses to the assembly. We also noted the … Read more

Nehemiah 3

Nehemiah 3:  The Gates In the study of Nehemiah we see the steps to putting lives back together that have fallen into some state of ruin. We see the importance of gates. For gates in Scripture represent a means of access and egress. This can represent ways of entering into other people’s lives and also … Read more

Nehemiah 4

Nehemiah 4:  Be On Guard Nehemiah 4: 1 : “When Sanballat heard the Jews were rebuilding the wall- he became angry and greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews..” Why was he angry?  If Sanballat represents the enemy of the Jews, God’s people, he represents, spiritually the enemy our soul that wants to keep us weak … Read more

Nehemiah 1

Nehemiah:  Rebuilding the Walls I recently read a book by Thomas Friedman entitled:  “ That Used to Be Us: How American Invented the World and then Fell Behind and How it Can Get Back”.  The author is an editorial writer for the NY Times.  I would consider his politics different from mine. I would disagree … Read more

Nehemiah 10

Nehemiah 10: God’s Blueprint for Living We have so far seen in Nehemiah a process of restoring what has fallen into ruin.  We have observed a pattern which begins with concern that leads to construction done by a volunteer work force. With a single purpose and goal under the leadership of God , the work … Read more

Nehemiah 11 & 12

Nehemiah 11/12: Where are All the People? Did you ever play that children’s game with your hands:  Here is the church- here is the steeple, open the door and here’s the people ; or by clasping your hand a certain way- it can be – where are all the people?  This a problem Nehemiah and … Read more

Nehemiah 13

Nehemiah 13: Time to Clean House! Paul writes in I Corinthians 10 –  ‘ now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things they did’.   Paul is warning us believers through the ages  not to be idolaters and test the Lord. He reminds us of the judgment of … Read more

Nehemiah 2

Nehemiah 2:  Be Prepared In chapter 1, Nehemiah is told of the state of disarray that Jerusalem and her people are in by Hanani.  Saddened by the news, Nehemiah is moved to tears and mourning. He then begins to fast and pray and volunteer to be involved in rebuilding what has been broken down. We … Read more