I John 5: 14-21

Praying Boldly- I John 5: 14-21 I remember  those days following  9-11.  Wednesday prayer meeting looked like Easter Sunday. Gina and I were living in Florida at the time, attending Indian Rocks Baptist Church. Our pastor, Charlie Martin, made this statement:  in times of tragedy, people want someone to pray, call on God for help … Read more

I John 1-5

I John 1: 1-5    Life with Father Before we begin this study, I want us to see John as a young, impetuous man before we read the words of the older mature John. John would write not only the gospel of John, but his three epistles here and the book of Revelation. Only Luke and Paul … Read more

I John 2

John 2: 1-4 The Footsteps of Jesus My little children, I write this to you so that you will not sin.” John has a pastor’s heart and it shows in his affectionate term for his flock- my little children. This is a family letter- written to members of the family of God. Notice John does … Read more

I John 5: 1-13

I John 5 1-13:  Blessed Assurance I write these things to you who believe in the NAME of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal  life.” ( I John 5:13) {There is something about that NAME  isn’t there?} As  we near the end of our study of John’s first … Read more

I John 3

I John 3. “TAKE THIS JOB- AND LOVE IT!” Verse1:  Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God, therefore the world knows us not, because it knew Him not. (KJV)   NIV states- How great is the love the Father has lavished on … Read more

I John 4:1-6

I John 4. The Tests for the ‘Real Thing.” Do you remember  the ‘cola wars’?  The advertising campaign was based on a taste test to see if you could identify the real Coca-Cola.  Consumers overwhelmingly picked Coca-Cola as the ‘real thing’.  And the tag line became- Coca-Cola- The Real Thing. In Psalms 34- the scriptures … Read more

I John 4:7-21

I John 4: Part 2.  “ What the World Needs Now…” ‘What the world needs now- is love, sweet love; it’s the only thing that there is just too little of” Burt Baccarach, circa 1960’s song. “When I fall in love- it will be forever. In a restless world like this is- love is over … Read more