Job 38 – 42: The Beginning of Knowledge

Job 38-42: The Beginning of Knowledge

Is your God a “Big God” or a “Little God”? Now Paul tells us in Romans 11: 33: “Oh, the depth of riches of both the wisdom and judgment of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out.”

Categories Job

Job 29 – 37: Learning to Think The Right Way About God

Job 29 – 37: Learning to Think The Right Way About God Job 29:  YESTERDAY- ALL MY TROUBLES SEEMED SO FAR AWAY. “ How I long for the months gone by when God watched over me; when His lamp shone upon my head and by His light I walked through darkness. “ It is natural … Read more

Categories Job

Job 24 – 28: Why, God?

Job  24-28:  Why, God? Do you notice how many questions Job has?  And his questions are directed to God.  Why God? “Why does the Almighty not set times for judgment? Why must those who know Him look in vain for such days? “Job 24: 1, 2 We want answers to life’s questions, especially when life … Read more

Categories Job

Job 20 – 23: Get A Grip!

Job 20-23: Get A Grip! ZOPHAR Job cannot change these men’s minds and they will not change the subject. So we continue with more of the same. Zophar is telling Job the following: Wicked do not live long. Pleasures of the wicked are temporal. God’s judgment falls hard on the wicked. This is the whole … Read more

Categories Job

Job 18 & 19: Words

Job 18 & 19:  Words The discussions continue, and the accusations continue in the same vein.  Both Bildad and Job state: ‘how long will you continue with these words…’  Round two is simply more of round one with the heat of the insults and anger and frustration increasing.   They need a “time-out” and I believe … Read more

Categories Job

Job 15 & 16: The Wager

Job 15 & 16:  The Wager Wager is a more formal word for a bet; to gamble, to lay odds on. It is an agreement between two parties in which each party tries to guess what will happen in a certain situation. The person who guesses right wins something; the person who guesses wrong loses … Read more

Job 13 & 14: HOPE FLOATS

Job 13 & 14:  HOPE FLOATS Job continues his reply to his three accusers. Job says: “My eyes haves seen all this, my ears have heard and understood it. What you know, I know also. I am not inferior to you.”   Job says I have understanding of God and I do not need to be … Read more

Categories Job

Job 11: A Rocky Balboa Moment

Job 11:  A Rocky Balboa Moment We all loved the movie: “Rocky” with its inspirational theme, underdog against champion, a modern day, David vs. Goliath story.  We love those stories and are inspired by them. And life comes at us pretty hard sometimes, like Apollo came at Rocky.  But Rocky was determined to get up … Read more

Categories Job

Job 8 – 10: A Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Job 8-10:  A Bridge Over Troubled Waters Are we ever victims of circumstances as God’s children?  The answer is NO.  Believing God to be Sovereign means nothing can occur in our lives as His children without God allowing it or decreeing it.  This is a difficult truth.  We are going to be overwhelmed by life’s … Read more

Job 5 – 7: The Weaver’s Shuttle

Job 5-7: THE WEAVER’S SHUTTLE Sometimes Job’s three friends will state a truth, but we know even the devil can quote scripture and truths mixed with lies. Eliphaz says to Job: “Call if you will, but who will answer you? To which of the holy ones (angels?) will you  turn?”  Here is the idea of … Read more

Categories Job

Job 4: Is God Enough?

Job 4: Is God Enough? When Job’s wife admonished him to ‘curse God and die!’ he replied “shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”  (Job 2:10)  Both Job and his wife were under unbelievable suffering from grief and the multiple tragedies which had struck them. Sometimes we say things in those emotional moments … Read more

Categories Job

Job 2 – 3: What In The World Is Going On?

Job 2-3:  What in the World is Going On? Job is a difficult book to teach, not only because of the troubling content, but also because of the way it is laid out.  We will enter a section where Job interacts with three friends who have come to visit him and offer their viewpoint of … Read more

Categories Job

Job 1: Why Study Job?

Job 1:  Why Study Job? I believe Job was a real person. I believe this story really occurred. Yet most people would not choose to study such a book because of the suffering which includes the loss of family, prosperity and health. And I believe the fact we do not want to study and consider … Read more

Categories Job