James 5

James 5: Warnings and Exhortations   In the last section of his letter, James warns the rich; exhorts believers to be patient in suffering and speaks of the mystery of the prayer of faith. THE RICH The Bible does not condemn riches or material possessions. One cannot help but notice the language of James in … Read more

James 4B

James 4B: Temptations and Tomorrow We ended our lesson in James 4 after studying the three wars that we wage in our lives: with one another, within ourselves and also a war with God. How do we find this peace, this satisfaction and how do we resist the temptations? Here are the steps as James … Read more

James 4

James 4: The Wars We Wage James asks the question: Who is wise and understanding among you? Notice he links these two attributes together- wisdom and understanding. The he discusses two types of wisdom here in chapter 3, which really are connected to the disorder we see in chapter 4. The type of wisdom that … Read more

James 3

James 3: Taming the Tongue The first verse of James 3 certainly gets my attention as a teacher. The Word of God tells me I will be judged more strictly as a teacher. This judgment is the judgment at the bema of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is the judgment of our works which … Read more

James 2

James 2: Genuine Faith James continues to explain the results of genuine faith. Thus far, James has told us genuine faith endures trials, understands temptation, and is a doer not a hearer only of God’s Word. Hearing God’s Word, reading God’s Word and talking about God’s Word is not a substitute for doing God’s Word. … Read more

James 1C

James 1 C As we come to this next section of James, the KJV connects the preceding verses with ‘wherefore’; the NKJV reads: ‘So then’ and the NIV has an interesting phrase: “Dear Brothers: Take note of this: …” James is getting ready to tell us how to count trials a joy; deal with temptation … Read more

James 1B

James 1 B:  Tests and Temptations Now last week we started the study in James and I read from both the KJV and the NIV.  We notice there are different words used in these two versions for the word –‘temptation.’  The NIV refers to the word ‘temptations’ used in verse 2 in the KJV as … Read more

James 1

James:  Genuine Faith James, the half-brother of the Lord Jesus is the author of this book. It is believed to have been written around 50 AD, and perhaps is the first book written in the New Testament.  We are told the following information regarding Jesus’ earthly family:  “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? (Joseph). Isn’t his … Read more