I Peter 4

I Peter 4: Faithful is He Who Calls You Peter reminds us as he continues in his instructions on how we are to live, that we will find ourselves suffering for doing good if it is God’s will.   The next verse, I Peter 3: 18 reminds us this is exactly what the Lord Jesus did- … Read more

I Peter 5

I Peter 5: Stand Fast! One of my personal verses is I Corinthians 10: 13 which states:  “ No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will provide a way so … Read more

I Peter 1

I Peter: The Test of Faith Peter’s letters to the believers in the five provinces in the Roman Empire are a timely message for us today in the 21st century. The letter is to Christians in that area to encourage and equip the readers for difficult times ahead.  Surely this is a relevant message for … Read more

I Peter 1b

I Peter 1:  It’s About a Simple Message. Peter speaks of God’s design to test our faith that it might be refined by fire as gold. The comparison to gold  is interesting. Gold  is and was the most durable and valuable of precious metals and at one time was the standard for our monetary system.  … Read more

I Peter 2

I Peter 2: There Are No Shortcuts Peter continues in his letter to instruct us in what our duties are and what our responsibilities entail as Christians.  He has told us we are to be ‘holy as God is holy.’ He told us to prepare our minds for action and be self-controlled.  Sanctification is the … Read more

I Peter 2b

I Peter 2: The Living Stones I  like the image as we put these verses together moving from verses 2-3 to the next section where we are described as the living stones and a chosen people, a royal priesthood. Peter says:  “ As you come to Him…” to start this section with these descriptions of … Read more

I Peter 3

I Peter 3: Lost in Space Peter continues in his instructions as how we are to live as Christians in this third chapter where he begins his instructions regarding submission on the part of  a wife in a marriage to an unbeliever.  He starts out : “ Wives , in the same way,…”  which is … Read more