Judges 13 – 16

Judges 13-16: The Story of Samson Today we will look at the life of Samson as recorded in these four chapters. He is the last judge of Israel during this period. We will quickly realize Samson is also the most flawed judge of those God had given to the nation of Israel. The phrase, ‘ … Read more

Judges 11

Judges 11: We are going to meet the next leader that God raises up for His nation, Israel. Desperation leads people to seek help, doesn’t it? Ever notice how many desperate people showed up in the presence of Jesus: the blind, the lepers, the woman with an issue of blood, Jarius, whose daughter was dying, … Read more

Judges 19 – 21

Judges 19-21: A Terrible End The last three chapters of Judges reveal an episode which will shock you. It is repulsive. It is a repeat of Sodom and Gomorrah with even greater wickedness. The account includes: wife abuse, rape, murder, dismemberment, kidnapping and civil war. This episode in Israel shows the depth of depravity that … Read more

Judges 17 & 18

Judges 17&18: Focus on the Family The last chapters of Judges are not in chronological order, but are similar to an appendix or footnotes, where the author shares episodes in Israel’s history that illustrate her corruption. I have entitled this lesson- ‘ focus on the family’ for two reasons: (1.) We will focus on one … Read more

Judges 6

Judges 6: A Man Named Gideon Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and for seven years He gave them into the hands of the Midianties.”  What we must realize in this cycle that continues to repeat itself with periodic regularity- the problem is created by the  Israelites . At some … Read more

Judges 7

Judges 7: Faith Is the Victory! Did I not tell you that if you believed , you would see the glory of God?” ( Jesus speaking to Martha at the tomb of Lazarus, John 11) This is the opposite of the world view of ‘ I will believe it when I see it.’  See- cannot … Read more

Judges 8

Judges 8: To understand the background of this passage and interaction between Gideon and the Ephraimites , we must go back to Genesis 48.  The old patriarch, Jacob, has been reunited with his beloved son, Joseph. Joseph’s story is well known from how he rose from a slave and a prisoner to become the 2nd … Read more

Judges 8b

Judges 8: Part 2 We noted the changes in Gideon in last week’s lesson, these changes will continue to be obvious. Gideon is no longer the least of his family, nor is his family the weakest clan among the weakest tribe of Manasseh. He is becoming quite Ephraim-like in his pride. Pride demands we be … Read more

Judges 9b

Judges 9: By now we see a clear pattern that continues to repeat itself in the same recurring cycles:  beginning with the phrase-‘they did evil in the eyes of the Lord’; followed by’ He handed them over to…’  So we read these accounts of apostasy followed by oppression which God allows which then leads to … Read more

Judges Intro

Preface to Study of Judges: As we begin this study of Judges- I want to start with an introduction that brings the application of what happened during this time in Israel and bring it alongside  what is occurring in our country today. Judges takes place in a time after Joshua’s death and before the time … Read more

Judges 3

Judges 3: On the Other Hand In this chapter we will meet our first three judges, Othniel, Ehud, and Shamgar.   Most of us by now have learned life can be difficult at times. Hardships, trials, tears, pain, even death, and adversity come to all of us. The lessons we must learn are endurance and whole-hearted … Read more

Judges 4 & 5

Judges 4 & 5: Deborah, the Judge Ehud, the left-handed Benjamite leads Israel into 80 years of peace and prosperity.  Then once again we see when their leader dies, Israel backslides again and does evil in the sight of the Lord. And once again the Lord sold them into the hands of Jabin, the king … Read more

Judges 1

Judges 1: The book of Judges starts with this ominous note recording the death of their last leader appointed by God : “ After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the Lord,” Who will be the first to go up and fight for us against the Canaanites? “ Last week we looked back to  … Read more

Judges 10

Judges 10: The Small “g” gods This book has been difficult because it holds up such a mirror that reflects the state of the church and our beloved country in the 21st century.   It continues to reveal the continuous fascination the nation of Israel has with its surrounding culture and society. A culture and … Read more

Judges 2

Judges 2: Sleeping with the Enemy The angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal…” begins chapter 2 of Judges. In the Old Testament, sometimes the ‘angel of the Lord’ is believed by many theologians to be a visit of the pre-incarnate Lord Jesus, God the Son.  One thing is for sure- the message is … Read more